HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso - CC - 070-1953KWM s YAW t a 144, 10/3/5 3/80 A—WOLUTIM i,4o. 70 - 53 DETjTjuMjXjW0 Vh1kjL AaSB,�akd,,1KT5 AND PIROVIDINC AW 13SUVics OF BONDS C 'VUUL,' HAP114 A "T M rr"()VWWT ip�iOJNCT NO b�y t' he ,ity (jounall Of the C.ItY i' Burlin,,�,,-,a., C a I 11. that '7an "A"', said council did on NoI P 1952j, passvember d adopt its esolution of Int*ntlim No. 77-"*,2 relating to the e,01— struetimm or public improve-ments in s"d otty lmder and purst to the provisions of the ',,vAmicipal Improvement Act of 1913s and did therein provide that serial bondr, w-5uld t,* issued ther*mdep )umu,ant to the provisions of the Aasesari*nt Gnd Act of 1935 " wdiftcd in the Muniotpal Improvefue,nt Act or 1913., re.,Loer,#*w to *W -..-itsolution of Intention beln- expres 1 s Y ..Ad* for further �particdata ; +w 1jX--- 0 notice af the retordation of the assessment eLr,,,d W'h f, a of the tLazie within 4 . , asseso.�Aent& rAy be paid In oash, hae beer, duly published anCl aailed In the a*rmer praviftd by law, and the V time SQ provided ror r-,eceivinjg the payv*nt of as3evswents in cash has expired, and on Ootabei# j>, 1953, the 00 1,109irmOr of Wd -,I,ty h" I'lled Frith the city Tx*a&kjr*r a list of 041 *600"Plents which now rozain unpaid; and WMFAA61 the pity Council has duly eonslder*4 s&U list and has deteri-Uned that '.-he S&NO is an &*0Ur*te stat0rlent thereof; triMPAWMi F A IT Is AREBY 0B.MiED,, a.-.. "allowa j. That the *AweaAwionts In. said unpa.1a list which now -i �;xhibit -e-ain unpaid, and the aggr*g&te thereof, are an whown rota 'A" b0r-Oto fttt"h" SM6 OY a part hereor. 2. That Vor a partioular description of the lots bearing the respective assessi3ent rnxiberz and upon which assessments reumaiji tmpaldseverally and i-espeatively, reference ig hereby aiade to the asoesaavnt and to the recorded In the offiee of tChe . , pertinte aierg t of 8-stx ets ol- �,lai,d City aster c nrir-.iat "Loll y said Council, the vera l lots a efj r ease ted by aaid eam-iie t w ber«a being so nuabertd and dee i c-nat ed uponnt said ditgram and assessments ee *cnf ri,,* ¢ and rreei , ae"rally and respec- t1y That the wfso nt of the unpaid asoosammts Is =6,60. and that bonds In than a«-s:4a t of 466,2804.20 shall bo issued a Don tbo seaurity of MW ur;pa.ld asee rs¢ Ants in acc�rdaaee With the provisions of the Refunding sseS - t B01ad. At O '193", modi ied in the ' axni ipal -PVe -apt ,art of 1913 and sander and purzuw�t to t`w provlalon3 of said aesolution of intention a as Vrigej('Aer &Ayy- had and taken; that uaI4 borWs shall a ooventy--five its nu ar, dated Novem1ber , 1953.a wed boar iflt t at the I'ate Of not -j O.�Zoeed i*lve pep frm November 22, 19453< and that denomination a ` said 'ponds with their motive numoera a"awe ) i4aturit Wye a h awn on luall O t " . Said boards shall be lashed iti series, and the axed asaw-gents as shown - said list filed with the Trea sus of said City an4 deteradned by said ev4neii , together with the € ntereot thcr or,, shall rewain and eonati.tut o a trust fwnd 1",:)2' the redemption a Aid a rsearlt of Said bonds and .:� the i rater tr axablY in annual r series c2 rroep lndln n Y. u ,. o t,* number of *at of bow lssued4 and an even annual prt>polrtion of *sob assessrWrt shad. `�ryahle in each year procedIng the gate of maturity ftr mwh f the jai series of bonds lav ed, and such proportion of oaah e4ONVOWnt coming, due in any yea , tij� 6*thor w1th the annual inter at t i;X on, shall In 'turn be VW. able in <hnotalL. *ntr,� ar, t ;-Onez a l taxes o said Aty ,in real rt are Ma Wo and shall 1:400me dsllnq,�xetat at tit aaI"e time in the 0400 PrIoportiemato amounts and bear t * ar,4 v.) . portionate penalties Por delinquen 6aij € on �c shall �i�. �'i3i�d y trie , ayor and Tr aau .^ex:l f said City or near 4'r4eir engraved, printej or llthogMhod sign*- ture, and attested by the City 0"Lork fibiall affix tlheret4 the fi,ci.al seal oe said city* vw Interest 4,j�,;anz thereto ariail z. t 51gned by zald 'ire"wj r ijx� mar "As an raved,, printed or lithographed aignatu ; and such signing " sealing, of said bonds '0Y Said OffiCe-.rs acid Si6r0ing Of as d 00UPOns by Said °measurer akla11 constitute and be a suf iclent and binding e"eu- tin of eaoh and *very one �)f said tkonds and all or ti)e coupons 3et �'orvi in ti-te aor . ndin Assessment end at f 1 35 as o dified jn tkje jAn . i aI improvement ,�vt of 1913-v Said Mayor, Tr*iwurer and city tclork of said is y a �toreoy atAh!Driz and d1re tee a+ ,: {ewe n w4 , ii 1 e tit * The interest aoupou attaehod to ea h -a ` Said bonds and 4'iidencin h Interest to aac sue, -hereon shall, ll, be n`.a iK:Ilered -Ee�'iAW Si >.g i` V•i ,is� awa, !..,e subsiyfi.fi tall--, n the 4.01.1*W4 Coupon No. CITY 00 SWiLINGAME Will pay to bearer hereof on till► 2 ) Jyz- ; Ig at the u i. ' ;ice 40 •,ti J��1435.),..R .A �.#� "l a r.. y � �'i.i4���d. 4,�6�y �6v�as::s R That the City 21erk shall forward a certified ciApy r,f this resolution to the City Treasurer and City Auditor. I hereby certify VAt the f)regotn, reslAutl0v w35 MAY &Dd re.xUjtji ad4po4the twit Cou,61 0-' the 'its oBu ling 0 C&Ufmrritax at a r*&uja4-: j�jeotjn6 torjaz*ot htld on tht day of tIle rQUQwjTj&, vote of .tie wAmbers thereof AUs"s and in 'ravol. uhar*orp ATWATER- BYRD- LOVE-MORGAN-SIMONDS NONE Aw-vun., cm. unallfael, NONE Clerik 4w `. LIST OF UNPAID ASSESSMENTS CHAPIN AVENUE Ase't Assed Valn. Now Description Amount Lan mpvt 3-A Lot B, exc. 19' off Nally end, Block il, Burlingame Land Co. Map No. 2 $5,217.38 $3,635 $13,410 4-A Lot C, exc. 194 off hiv71y end, Block 11, Burlingame Land Co. Map No. 2 3,480.08 3,635 -w��- 5-A Lot D. except 19' off Nally end,Block 110 Burlingame Land Co. Map No. 2 3,297,08 3,635 2,820 6-A Lot E, exc. 19' off Nally end, Block 11, Burlingame Land Co. Map No. 2 3.502.08 3,635 690 8-A Lot 0, exc. 19' off Nally end, Block 11, Burlingame Land Co. Map No. 2 5,319.68 3,600 8,400 9-A Lot H, exc. 192 off Nally end, Block 11, Burlingame Land Co. Map No. 2 3,36o.08 3,600 3,450 12-A SWly 58.5' of Lot 9, exc. 19' off SELy end, Block 10, Burlingame Lane Co.Map 2 301o8.04 4,125 3,180 1.3-A NEly 43.5' of Lot 9, exe. 191 off SEly end,Block 10, Burlingame Lend Co. Map 2 2,800.12 2,775 2,790 14-A Slily 50' of Lot 8, exc. 19$ off SEly end,Block 10, Burlingwne Land Co. Map 2 3,210.07 3,410 1,500 15-A NEZy 50 ft. of Lot 8, exe.19" off SEly end,Block 10, Burlingame Land Co. Map 2 2,967.57 3,525 2,460 17-A Lot 0, exc. 191 off Sely and, Block 10, Burlingame Land Co, Map 2 5,115.07 3,525 3,840 24-A Lot H, exc. 19' off Sely end, Block 100 Burlingame Land Co. Map No. 2 5,315.07 3,710 2,880 25-A Lot 0, exc. 19' off SEly end, Block 10, Burlingame Land Co. Map No. 2 3,215.07 3,710 3,320 27-A Lot E, exc. 19' off SEly end, Block 10, Burlingame Land Co, Map No. 2 5,319.68 3,675 7,410 28-A Lot D. exc. 191 off SEly end, Block 10, Burlingame Lane Co. Map No. 2 11,253.15 9,000 2,910 $66,280.22 $59,195 $59,o6o TX'r'nn "A" Series .w.VAOMWOANIW� Bona 1104k B.&HiBIT B" Derlop-ination 1 11. ,,)ate of 1-,,vaturity 43 1 it ow, 00 a Uly 2, 1955, 2 1,4000*00 July dj 1955 3 1voofo,00 jul� 20 1955 5 418.08 ivly 2* 19,55 6 1$000000 julty 210 I 1954 11000600 IJUIY 2.1 1956 1,1000*00 JUIY 2, 1956 9 It,000,00 JvlY 2, 1956 10 418*68 July 2; 19-',6 11 1,0000,00 July 2, 1957 12 July 2s 1957 13 1.0000,00 JQIV' 21 1957 14 Uly 2, 1957 5, 418*615 July 2, 1957 16 1*000*00 JUIY 24 195.6 IT 14r000*oo July 2, 1956 18 1$000,000 JulY 2, 1958 19 L000*00 July 2.4 58 1958 2-0 418.68 July 20 19 21 10000,00 July at 1959 22 11,000,000 July 20 1959 23 ISOW40 July 2 , 1959 214 IS000*00 July 2s 1"9 25 418*68 July 2t 1959 26 1JOW100 July 2, 1960 27 I't ow 0 00 July 2, 1960 28 1YO00*00 July 21 1960 2� 10000400 July 2, 1960 30 418*69 Jul,. 2, 1g6o 31 100WIOU Ij oly 20 19611 32 10000,00 July 20 1961 3� , s 1 J� 000 * 00 juiy 20 1961 P 10OW100 July 2, 1961 35 4 * 63 J;,Ily 2,;p 1961 36 1,*000000 July 21 1Ak 10000*00 July 22 1"flo"2, 1*000,000 July 24 1§62 39 1,0000*00 July 21 1;.*62 it 10 418*68 July 2." 1962 41 10000*00- July 2p 1963 42 1.4000.00 July gs 1963 it 10000*0c) JuI7 2, 1963 "0000-00 JulY 2t 1963 45 418*&,, Ju1Y 2o 1963 46 is000,-Oo July 2, 1964 l,two*00 JUly 2s 1964 1-40001-00 July 21 1964 49 1, x July 2, 1��64 50 416.68 July 2, 1964 S*rios Donorainst ion D' at* pf �!20�ldnlo 43 51 410000,00 July 20 l9t)'.� 14000#00 ju-1y 21 1965 1 0 ocro 00 ju4 2s 1965 54 1.0 000 1Y-,) July 2,w mks 55 418,68 July 2,0 I 1961�' 56 lof3w.00 july 24 1966 57 ljow'00 JU4 20 1.W, -8 Io aw 4 00 July 2'- 1�66 10000400 ju4 2.o 1966 66 418,68 truly 61 1.0000*00 JUlY 20 1967 62 I-VO00*00 July 2, 1967 03 110m#'00 JAr 2,t 1967 64 IV0001000 juiy 20 1967 65 418,68 July 2* 1W 66 1000400 July 20 1w 6g 1 � -00o * 00 July 2,* 1960 1.7000000 jul:y 2, 168 09 1,. ow - 00 July 2, 1w 70 414HIV 66 July 2-,t 1066 71 10000woo July '21 1969 T2 0 Is 00* 010 July 2,o 1969: T` I't000*oo "j'41f 20 1969 �R it000-00 July 41 1969 715' 418 o, 68 July 2. 1 1 96;1