HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso - CC - 076-1953RESOLUTION NO, 76-53 ACCEPTING THE REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS IN THE MATTER OF INVESTIGATION OF FLOOD CONTROL WITHIN THE CITY WHEREAS, the City Council for sometime past has had bef it the problem of investigating the matter of flood control within the city causod by improvement in the property in the surrounding hills and causing an unusual run-off toward the lower lands of the city and thereby causing flood conditions; and WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works in pursuing the problem and extent thereof has in a communication to the City Council dated October 23, 1953, recommended that special engin- eers familiar with the problems be engaged to make a complete investigation and report thereon of the flood conditions in the city; and WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works has called to the attention of the Council that that Harry N. Jenks and Paul L. Adamson, engineers, capable and competent to make the investiga- tion and report be employed for that purpose. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED and ordered that public necessity and convenience require that a complete investigation of the conditions within the city limits be had to determine the problem surrounding flood control and that such investigation should be made forthwith; IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED and ordered that Harry N. Jenks and Paul L. .Adamson, engineers, be, and they are hereby employed to make an engineering survey and study to develop a plan for adequate drainage and flood control as set forth in a letter from said engineers addressed to the Council and dated October 23, 1953 and that the sum of $4,200.00 now determined to be the compensation to be paid to said engineers for such complete report and plan for such adequate drainage and flood control. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED and ordered that application be made to the State of California for such sum as the State's participation in the development of the aforesaid plan. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED and ordered that the communica- tion of Harry N. Jenks and Paul L. Adamson, addressed to the City Council, dated October 23, 1953 and the communication of the Director of Public Works, addressed to the City Council, addressed October 23, 1953, shall be attached hereto and be made the basis and premises upon which this resolution is founded. Mayor I, Herbert K. White, City Clerk, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council held October 26, 1953, and adopted thereafter by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Atwater -Byrd -Morgan -Simonds NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT COUNCILMEN: Love Herbert K. White City Clerk Member American Society of Civil Engineers Member American Water Works Association HARRY N E V I L L E J E N K S Honorary Member Institute of Sewage Purification (England) Consulting Sanitary Eng ee _ 63 CRESCENT DRIVEr �' JOHN HARRY JENKS, C. E. PAL❑ ALTO, CALIF❑RNI And 11 Paul L. Adamson c Civil Engineer ITY 444 Ramona St., Palo Al 0 To The Honorable Mayor and City Council, Subject: City of Burlingame, Services i3URLINGAME, California. Gentlemen: Investigations and Research Design, Construction and Operation Specialties: Water - Sewage Biofiltration - Industrial Wastes October 23, 1953• n In conformity with our recent discussions with City Engineer, George J. Marr, and in accordance with our understanding of the wishes of your Board, we offer to serve the City of Burlingame as Associate Consulting Engineers on an engineering survey and study to develop a plan for adequate drainage and flood control along the main storm drains and. channels through the City, including the Mills Estate and the proposed Millsdale subdivision within the City of Burlingame. From preliminary consideration of the requirements for the work involved, we propose to proceed as follows: (1) In collaboration with the City Engineer and. his staff, we will make a survey and investigation of the present con- ditions and prepare a map of the City and its watershed suitable for use in the studies. (2) We will collect and. compile pertinent rainfall data from the records of various agencies and from a study of these data and other meteorological data, establish frequency -intensity -duration curves and other design criteria most applicable to the watershed. (3) From the rainfall data, nature of the terrain, present and probable future development of the area, calculate by modern methods the storm run-off and establish design flows in all of the main channels through the area under consideration. (4) Investigate the tidal conditions on the Bay front, convert the same to the City datum, prepare tide curves, and compute backwater curves and effect on the channels for various conditions of tide stage and discharge. (5) Check the capacities of existing channels and structures. (6) Analyze the conditions and requirements and develop a preliminary plan for flood control, protection and drainage works, to elikinate flooding and correct the City's major drainage problems. City of Burlingame, 2. October 23, 1953• We will also attempt to develop measures to effect some immediate, temporary relief, where possible. (7) We will prepare preliminary estimates of cost of the required flood control and drainage works. (8) We will submit to your Board a written report setting forth the findings of the investigation and our recommenda- tions. (9) It is understood that a detailed investigation of your street and minor local drainage conditions and facilities is not contemplated, and that the investigation will be confined to a study of the major waterways. Also, the City will make available to us maps, surveys, profiles, and all other existing pertinent data for our review and analysis. This will include the furnishing by the Engineering Department of incidental further field data that may be necessary. *+r+rw*sa Our fee for the foregoing work will be Forty -Two Hundred Dollars (34,200.00), payable upon completion of the work and sub- mittal of the report. Upon being duly authorized by the City Council, we shall be glad to proceed with the work, and will undertake to complete it and submit our report within six months. In this connection we shall attempt to follow a priority schedule on the work as directed by the City Engineer; and shall endeavor to provide advance data on certain features, as requested. Respectfully submitted, MAI _( Paul L. Adamson Palo Alto, Calif. HNJ:E Thr Litt -o�trXin ntr SAN MATEO COUNTY CALIFORNIA Honorable City Council, City of Burlingame, California. Gentlemen: Re: Storm Drain Survey. October 23, 1953. It is believed by this department that some investigation and study should be initiated to determine the extent and problems involved for relieving our present local flooding conditions during the winter run off. There- fore it is my opinion that this work should be started as soon as possible. In view of the above consideration your Director of Public Works has had several meetings with Mr. Harry N. Jenks and his associate 11r. Paul Adamson in order to arrive at a proposal ror the necessary overall storm drain study. The enclosed proposal from these gentlemen is the result of our discussion along these lines. As you will note, the proposed cost of this study submitted is �4,200.00. The City has remaining in Chapter 47, or the so-called Christmas Tree Fund of the State of California, the amount of ��7,000.00. It is anticipated that when application is made to the State that it will share on a 50% basis the cost of this engineering study through the use of this Chapter 47 fund. Of course, the application will necessarily have to be filed before this is definitely deter- mined. If the City Council wishes to proceed with this recor-mended program, application will be prepared immediately for these funds* I feel that this is a project that should be under- taken immmediately, and while we realize the construction as proposed will have to be outlined in the future, and some ways and means for financing such construction will have to be determined at a later date, this study will be a step in the right direction in initiating such a program to alleviate our present flood conditions. In order to accomplish a study of this nature in the "IN City Council •-2- October 23, 1953. inmediate future it will be necessary to enlist the aid of outside specialists in this line of v.ork. The Cityts present engineering force is not sufficient to accomplish this work, and it is impossible to hire engineers or additional technical help on a full time basis let alone on a temporary situation. Mr. Paul Adamson vias associated with Mr. Jenks on our recent Sewer System Improvement Program m d was respon- sible for the major part of the design and layout for this work. He also has just completed a comprehensive drainage study for the City of Redwood City. During this study for Redivood City he has accumulated considerable data Which would be beneficial to the City of Burlingame for a similar study. It is recommended that your honorable body consider this proposal and authorize the immediate undertaking of this necessary step for the improvement of our storm drainage system. Very truly yours, CI"' T"�GAM G. larr, Director of Public 'Xorks . G311:10