HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso - CC - 064-1954RESOLUTION NO. 64 - 54 RESOLUTION DECLARING INTENTION OF CITY COUNCIL TO MAKE CHANGES IN PROPERTIES PROP(E ED TO BE ACQUIRED FOR PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS DESCRIBED IN ORDINANCE OF INTENTION NO. 560 ADOPTED AUGUST 16, 1954, RELATING TO BROADWAY INDUSTRIAL AREA; AND DIRECTING NOTICE THEREOF. WHEREAS the City Council of the City of Burlingame adopted August 16, 1954, its Ordinance of Intention No. 560) declaring the intention of said City Council to order the improvements therein described, and in that portion of said City known as Broadway Industrial Area, including the opening of a road, seventy-five (75) feet wide, to be a continuation northwesterly of that portion of Rollins Road which extends northwesterly from Broadway approximately 650 feet, said road to be so opened to extend northwesterly approximately 1020 feet from said northwesterly end of said portion of Rollins Road; and said improvement to be in accordance with a Map showing and delineating the same, and the location, extent and width of the several properties to be acquired therefor, which Map was filed with and approved by said City Council, by Resolution No. 50-54 adopted August 2, 1954,and filed with the Clerk of said City Council; and WHEREAS said City Council thereafter duly held a hearing upon said Ordinance of Intention at the time and place therein appointed therefor, and at said hearing heard and considered all protests theretofore filed against the improve- ments described in said Ordinance of Intention, and overruled and denied the same by affirmative vote of four -fifths of the members of said City Council; and WHEREAS the City Engineer and the Engineers of Work for said improvements have recommended that certain changes be made in the alignment of said seventy-five foot wide road so to be opened, as shown on said Map, and that resulting changes be made in the properties proposed to be acquired therefor, and to that end have submitted to said City Council, and filed with the Clerk thereof, separate diagrams showing thereon, respectively, the properties to be acquired for the opening of said road as so realigned, and the location and boundaries of said properties, said properties being designated Parcels 12, 137 14, and 15, respectively7 and except for such boundaries thereof as so shown on said diagrams, corresponding relatively to Parcels 12, 13, 14, and 15 as shown on said Map; and it is the intention of said City Council to make such changes in said properties to be so acquired for the opening of said road as sQ realigned; and WHEREAS said Engineers have also recommended that certain changes be made in the lengths of the north and south boundaries of that parcel of property described and indicated as Parcel 20 on said Map, and to be also acquired for the opening of said road, and have submitted and filed with said Clerk a diagram of said Parcel showing said boundaries as so changed, said changes being made in order to correctly state the lengths of said north and south boundary lines of said parcel, the length of said north line to be 171.05 feet instead of 171.04 feet as shown on said Map, and the length of said south line to be 172.46 feet, instead of 172.45 feet as shown on said Map; and it is the intention of said City Council to make such changes in said boundaries of said Parcel 20, as so recommended by said Engineers; RESOLVED that the Clerk of said City Council is hereby directed to publish Notice of such intention of said City Council to make such changes in said properties, and the boundaries thereof, proposed to be acquired for the open- ing of said road as so realigned, said Notice to be in form as follows: -2- NOTICE BY CITY COUNCIL OF CITY OF BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA, OF INTENTION TO MAKE CHANGES IN PROPERTIES PRO- POSED TO BE ACQUIRED FOR OPENING OF ROAD DESCRIBED IN ORDINANCE OF INTENTION NO. 560 ADOPTED AUGUST 16, 1954, RELATING TO BROADWAY INDUSTRIAL AREA; DESCRIBING SUCH CHANGES AND SPECIFYING TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING OBJECTIONS TIiERETO. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the City Council of the City of Burlingame, in San Mateo County, State of California, that said City Council intends to make changes in the align- ment of the road, seventy-five (75) feet in width, proposed to be opened and described in Ordinance of Intention No. 560 adopted by said City Council August 16, 1954, relating to Broadway Industrial Area in said City, said road to be so opened to be a continuation northwesterly of that portion of Rollins Road in said City which extends northwesterly from Broadway approximately 650 feet, and said road to be so opened to extend northwesterly approximately 1020 feet from said northwesterly end of said portion of Rollins Road. NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN that to accomplish said realignment of said road to be so opened said City Council in- tends to make changes in the properties proposed to be acquired therefor, which changes are more particularly shown on diagrams of said properties, respectively, on file with the Clerk of said City Council. Said changes are in relation to those parcels of property described and indicated as Parcels Nos. 12, 131 14, and 15, respectively, on the Map filed with the Clerk of said City Council in said proceedings, and are as follows: Parcel 12. The property proposed to be acquired, des- cribed and indicated on said Map as Parcel 12, and owned by Person & Wik, a copartnership, to be changed by moving northerly the southerly boun&ary line thereof toward its northwesterly end, so as to exclude from such property to be so acquired so much W-C thereof as includes certain steel columns thereon, all as shown on said diagram thereof, thereby shortening the westerly boundary line of said property, making the same 20.31 feet, instead of 25.14 feet as shown on said Map, and reducing the area of said property to be so acquired to 2818 square feet, more or less, instead of 2962 square feet, more or less, as originally proposed. Parcel 13. The property proposed to be acquired, described and indicated on said Map as Parcel 13, and owned by R. P. Etienne Properties Inc., to be changed by moving northerly the northerly boundary line thereof toward its northwesterly end, as shown on said diagram thereof, thereby lengthening the westerly boundary line of said property, making the same 14.29 feet, instead of 50.20 feet as shown on said Map, and increasing the area of said property to be so acquired to 3603 square feet, more or less, instead of 3358 square feet, more or less, as originally proposed. Parcel 14. The property proposed to be acquired, described and indicated on said Map as Parcel 14, and owned by Three Cities Mosquito Abatement District, to be changed by moving northerly the southerly boundary line thereof toward its northeasterly end, as shown on said diagram thereof, thereby shortening the easterly boundary line of said property, making the same 20.31 feet, instead of 25.14 feet as shown on said Map, and reducing the area of said property to be so acquired to 2303 square feet, more or less, instead of 2500 square feet, more or less, as originally proposed. Parcel 15. The property proposed to be acquired, des- cribed and indicated on said Map as Parcel 15, and formerly owned by Donald G. Roberts and Mildred S. Roberts, to be changed by moving northerly the northerly boundary line thereof toward -4- its northeasterly end, as shown on said diagram thereof, thereby lengthening the easterly boundary line of said property, making the sage 54.29 feet, instead of 50.20 feet as shown on said Map, and increasing the area of said property to be so acquired to 90?3 square feet, more or less, instead of 8786 square feet, more or less, as originally proposed. NOTICE is also hereby given that said City Council intends to make changes in the property described and in- dicated as Parcel 20 on said Map filed with the Clerk of said City Council, and owned by said City of Burlingame, and pro- posed to be acquired for the opening of said road hereinbefore described, said changes to be as shown on a diagram of said Parcel filed with said Clerk, and being so made in order to state correctly the lengths of the north and south boundary lines of said Parcel, the length of said north line to be 171.05 feet, instead of 171.04 feet as shown on said Map, and the length of said south line to be 172.46 feet, instead of 172.45 feet as shown on said Map. i3OTICE is also hereby given that the 15th day of November 1954, at the hour of 8:00 p.m. on said day, and the meeting place of said City Council, in the City Hall in the City of Burlingame, Can Mateo County, California, are fixed as the time and place when and where any and all persons having any objections to said changes or any thereof may appear before said City Council and show cause why said changes should not be made. By order of the City Council of the City of Burlingame, San Mateo County, California. Dated Octob,°r 26 1954. City Clerk of the City Counci of the City of Burlingame -5- Said NOTICE shall be published once in the Burlingame Advance, a newspaper of general circulation published in said City of Burlingame, the same newspaper in which said Ordinance of Intention was published. I, Herbert K. White, City Clerk, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Bur- lingame held on the 26 day of October 1954, by the following vote: AYES: Councilman: Atwater-Byrd-Love-Morgan-Hooth NO: Councilman None ABSENT: Councilman None City Clerk -6 - AG 11Y 102UR-PTMON FM ACQL'_'SIT=OTT PA M-L NO l2 A-oort,'.on of t.ne :,cmdci o`- Paxscn and vi:.a e�; -pai-r:seyc-"r on- Dz0?. tir F. Pnreon and ails lT. Wik, situate in the City of B7=s szoq%,z ., C^tasty of San Mateo, Stata cf California, v'hich portion i:, nore psrticcia^ly° ds ac:^i.bt�d as follow.1- PEGIN4IN3 at tr..e most eQate-rly cornar of lands described in that certain Deed non' e',%7 d. by Irkasonry Co. Inc., a California corpor- ation, to Person rind Wiri, a e-7:artna7,sh:ip cetr,?osed of Oscar F. Person and Nils H. Wik, dated January 1?, _9-.9, and recorded January 15, 1949, in Volume 1613 of Official Records of San Mateo County at page 564, which point is distant Td 33'47`30" E 86.30 feet and IQ 62*12' W 46o.33 feet from an iron pipe mo:rzmeut marking an angle point in the south- erly line of Rollins Road; thence from said point of beginning N 62°12t W 100.00 feet to the southeasterly boundary line of lands described in that certain Deed conveyed by California Pacific Title Insurance Company, a California. corporation, to Three Cities Mosquito Abatement District dated October 11, 1946, and recorded October 11, 1946, in Book 1301 of Official Records of San Mateo County at page 339 (30830-03); thence S 33°47'30" W along said boundary line 20.31 feet; thence southeasterly 42.19 feet along an are of 183.50 feet radius curving to the right from a radial bearing of N 28°36'56" E through a central angle of 13*10128" to a point of tangency with the following course; thence S 48012' E 57.93 feet to the southeasterly boundary line of said lands of Person and Wik, thence N 33°47'30" E along said last named boundary line 39.87 feet to the point of beginning, containing an area of 0.0647 acre, more or less. Irw ,��'•�lOD.00 Ares D,2g gA ti d R=1*3.50 L r c�1 4 � or � `S�Ob o , Q h Ili V 11 ,4cfaisition as re-all9ned /0-4-54 a' P14RCEL NO, /2 L ANDS TO BE ACQUIRED BY BURL IN% AME 1111v "T,R.IAL' ASRE C-MPNT D/"- TR/C T BURL I N6AME CAL / f DRN/A WIL SE Y A,vo 11.41V G. J MAR R DISTRICT ENGINEER CITY ENS/VEER ,SCALE: /"z 30' 1 PLAT DATE: /0-4-54 1 Ch''KD• o4� - `r 1'1^SrnTT?rrTI 0'' AC�%i'fiITT_ON r •:-i, NO, 13 Y Obf -•5 As �M .A Te%"-: for Cr* t*ie nr 1 e �,e rt-12e? nsm Properties T%o.g s3lt�iar3te ii •�.1;: t,�.�.. �y. r.: h d �yi�lU'fYtl�� Jt��i.S.v'..: i lj�a � e !. �,•Vti:�, 1 us ILL C' C'uL:• rll'­. wali�ta YS"1i%.'i..�.►�:'TS .. w.J:.l.'� ,.J:�:. •._.�.�%.-i.�.`�1.J �s:�'S�n,j.'�d�;:..�� <� � � �a�� •p MG7T.gTIT i at, tlza n.. r--4i .. ;- -��-J' cozm1?!' of 1 ,,%,n s 1nse.wr bed In t-ll v certnia `'.',or y 'j. 11 1? J n'? T +• Tn J•%e .3 n < f ..� t „ � CO:'E70i'$t o:l, t.y '.L3 v .,la io"L'_'..T'st; °.t'='TC]¢'.'�� O: il,;^. 1T��i@Ll, 0 Corpora l ionr. - s tit JC �i(if�` ! �n .• �.p nr z ) �+ h i 1.94 in Vol ae, 173:. o_' v�ii�;3 1 Fi.co•_cis Of a 'L�-4eo Co*zn.ty at page 390 (i5942-I)3 Fhich 203Mi: 's lUI- iant T5 ? j"4:'"vG" E $5,30 feet and N 62'l2e W 474,90 fne•t fr^.L wn ^.;oil. ^ ape monument merking an angle poixyl, in the lime of ,�cllirs Road., thence from said point of beginning Pi 62f .'^9 X 77.37- f?et to ►.P solttneasteriy bo Jar;► of lands deaoribed _n need conve?rea by Edenia, I-Csodes Hanna to Donald G. Roberts and Mi?.d[ec3 S. Roberts, his wife, dated April 24, 19 2, paid recorded April 25, 1�52, *11 Vol•rie 2234 of Official Records of San Mateo County st page !rJ2 (J-6 O-X); thence N 320"?7t49" y along said southeasterly boundary of the lands of Roberts 54,29 feet; thence. from a radial bearing of S 32010'05" W southeasterly 43.46 feet along an are of 258,50 feet radius c,,vr:Lng to the right through a central angle of 0903 7 155" to a point of tangency with the following course; thence S 46*121 E 32.08 feet to the northwesterly line of said lands of Coca Cola Bottling Co.; thence S 32"57149" W along said northwest- erly line 39e54 feet to the point of beginning, containing an area of 0,0827 acre, more or leas. v v 0 k 0 v h F j L ar>ds of qf�PEfienhe Pro„certfes, ,�° a = 47-9 7' R=�59.sp� o V f%9R� EL Mo. /3t i9�'eqel, 60.7s ft h ti 0.0$,?&,4cre � I f 75.3/ 12 "W 'e. c , Ac�yistion as re-A/rgner/ /D-4 -5¢ �' P,9RCf L ND. ,i .3 1-ANDS TO BE .4CQU/RED BURL /NGAME CqL /PORN/A W/L sEY allo f1�1/�1 G. cJ. /►'IARh' DISTRICT ENG/VEER CITY EN61NEER M 53.17 -R- 10 - Aii:�i ffi$C_i'I0N 7W ACO?JISITION PArM 170. 114 A *r".iou of the lands of 2"-^ae Cities MOsauito Abatement District Bitua+R '.n ; C t- Af Rt? 1 � e, Coue,�y of San Mateo, S"ate Of Calif - Orni is ^ Y T' 'J 3 T C: ^fi X' i.r. Cie_icr7.bedl as follows: Iy:0aYC1Ct: at a point .po vie most es..,ter?y corner of the lands describe(, in ':het eprt3in DeoJ convoyaLl by California Pacific Title Insurance eo ?any4m a Californt<,.mot° aration, to Three Cities Mosquito Abatement, DisvricU dcte•i 0^.tobor 11, 1(?'=6, aid recorded October 11, 1946, in Book 1301 of Oi icial Re^.ords Of Sr•_ Mateo County at page 337 (30830-0). which point is distant :r 33°47'30" E C5- ? feet and N 620124 W 56o.33 feet from au iron pipe montuviont mark4mg an angle point in the southerly line of Rollins Road; thence from seia point of beginning N 62012' W 100.00 feet along ire nor'�heasterly Sine of said lands to the north- westerly line of said lands; thence S 3304790" W along said north- westerly line 25.14 feet; thence 79.96 feet southeasterly along an arc of 812.72 feet radius curving to the left from a radial bearing of N 27*48' E through a central angle of 05038'10' to a point of reverse curvature; thence 20.70 feet southeasterly along an are of 183.50 feet radius curving to the right through a central angle of 06°27'46" to a point upon the southeasterly line of the lands conveyed by said Deed; thence N 33°47'30" E along said southeasterly line 20.31 feet to the point of beginning, containing an area of 0.0529 acre, more or less. t E0ARCEL No /4��v�dZA L=toac^ v79•. ry d:05°3811¢" ,4-0 �4a",�.`��/ta°� a , 1 /"v s ;� 1 Y , 'N , AG�uisition Qs re-o/iyi�¢d /O-¢-54 ll�' LANDS TO BE fg! C1QU/RED BURL /NGAME CqL /PORN/A A//L SEY 4mo MqM D/.S rRiCT ENGiNffR .Fc.4L E : /"_ RL A r D,9 rE : 7 ,PW/ --54 1 CH KD. G. J MARR C/TY ENGINEER S�/ T3- hqM MAP MscRIPTToN 'Im oR AOQU2:qr-M(V AG:DM A iwIrtIMt of the lsnfts e.. Dnnald I. RRiberts and Mildred S. ltobert'7 +'s it Ta ..:=?.'-:v Lr 4,:A- C.t�y Uf Jl '3F 1fa, v'O1=+y Of San 'lhi.^b.3 yUr:....n Au more P3r t1CV...eS1y desc-- l i6 a BE :MIN s at the most sou' serly corner of the lands described in that curtain D:>cd cUnseved t;* Edenia R:toct=s Hama to Donssld G. Roberts and Mildred S. Roberts, :13.s (di::e, d^i2a �.-rr�1. 4, 1952, and recorded April 25, 1932s In vclv*e 22'i'-s a." Cfff:*xlnl Records of San Mateo County at psga 472 (1640-?rj9 which pcirt i.s distant N 33'47130" E 86.30 feet and N 62iGb W 350.30 feat fror. an iron pipe monument marking an angle point in the soutH.e:ly line of Rollins Road; thence from sa°u peinc of beginning N 6012t W along the southwesterly line of said lands 175.71 feet to tie northdesterly line of said lands; thence N 32057f49' E along said northwesterly line 50.20 feet; thence s 620l21 E 58.53 f^et to a point of tangency with the following curve; thence sotttheaeterly 72..58 feet along an arc of 737.72 feet radius cu :iig to the left through a centreL. angle of 05°38b14" to a point of r_verse curvature; thence southeasterly 45.14 feet along an a.,°c of 258.50 feet radius curving to the right through a central angle of 10*00119" to a point upon the southeasterly line of said lands conveyed to Roberts., thence S 32°57b49" W along said southeasterly line 54.29 feet to the point of beginning, containing an area of 0.208 acre, more or less. 1 c��cy of '001::7,:71 ° G. ,¢ob ar l5- 5 s.G2°i2�E. R_737.7r'a=05°38�14 nL1�45.i.�., RCEL No. /.5rea iN- = 9, 07.i t si. Ft = O. 208 tAcre F!A ' J10 7.S. 71' il! 62Az 't� : '- t io N1 c ,CY t i n L ;? 0 12 AIV .y IN . � v Acquisition as re-a/i�aa�f /D-¢-5¢ C7� P4RCZ-L NO. /5 j L A/VDS TO BE 4CQUIRED j f'Y ASSESSMENT Q/STR/CT j BURL /NGAME CAL /f ORNt q W/L SE Y 4,vo f1A/,1 6. JJ MARK DIJTR/CT EN61Nff1? CITY ENd/NEER IPLAT DATE: 7-27-S4 I Ch(In. r .f' I .. R 53'1'5 - Rev. 10-13-54 AG:DM DFSCI?I.O'1'T_O'.� h'0� tiCaiT.lTSi'!.'IO�i nA4R7.9-.ram NO. 20 A portion ^f the le-nds nr City of Burlingame sit+Yate in the Cloy of lnrlir a*ny, 'Iov Yty of Gan Mateo, State of Cay if.• ornie, r1 ich po ' i )n fs :'mori' '7Exticularly described as follows: BEGUT11T i4'G at e point ;pom the rinst northerly corner of the Lands in th%u csrtai. Deed conmyed by Argcnaut Investn-_nt Cnr•,any, a cc'r oretion,to C-t-r of Burlingame; a TA_Lnicipa'. !/i pf Y`$'v iOn, u'atcd NO,fi.mbev ''G, 1928, and recoraed uar'Iary 22, 1�` c, :i.n :3ook ;88 of Official Records If San Matcv Counts e-t page 4+23 ;26683_B;; thence from said pcint of beginnirg 3 E along the north- easterly line of said lends 171.05 feet to the northwesterly line of lands described in thet certain Deed conveyed by Lloyd B. Bernhard and Hazel Bernhard, his wife, to dames R. Wilson and Margaret B. Wilson, his wife, dated August 8, 1949, and recorded August 11, 1949, in volume 1699 of Official Records of San Mateo County at page 27 (3993-1); thence S 33047'30" W along the common boundary between the lands of City of Burlingame and the lands of Wilson 25.14 feet; thence N 62012, W 172.46 feet to the north- westerly line of said lands of City of Burlingame; thence N 36058' E along said last namod line, being also the southeasterly line of a 50 feet wide drainage easement commonly known as Grove Creek, 25.32 feet to the point of beginning, containing an area of 0.099 acre, more or less.