HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PR - 2013.11.21UNAPPROVED MEETING MINUTES Regular Meeting of the Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission Thursday, November 21, 2013 The regular meeting of the Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order by Chair Baum at 7:00 pm at the Burlingame Recreation Center, 850 Burlingame Ave., Burlingame. 1. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Commissioners Absent: Staff Present: Baum, Eaton, Hesselgren, Baird, Colson Lau, Martin Supervisor Barry, Supervisor Acquisti and Administrative Secretary Helley Others Present: Dave Wisnom, Burlingame Soccer Club; Eric Nuss, BYBA; Hank Sauer, BYBA; Gus Gonzalez, BSC; R. Richart, BSC; Mathew (unreadable), BSC; Kieran Saunders, BSC; Keith Gonslaves, BSC; Lauren Viole, BSC; Alonso Lima, BSC; Tony Giusti, BSC; Jim Baba, BSC; Tony Bruno, BYBA; Bo Parker, BSC; Anthony Azzollini, BSC; Dusko Rosic, BSC; Barbera Kohu, BSC; Hunter Middleton, BSC; Erika Piamim, BSC; Kathy Liu, BSC; Amy Shen, BSC; Cecilia Munoz, BSC; Jorge Medina, BSC 2. MINUTES The Minutes of the October 17, 2013 regular meeting were approved. 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS None 4. OLD BUSINESS a. Field User Fees — Supervisor Barry presented background information to the Commission. In March and April 2013, Commission reviewed possible options to increase the youth sports field fees. Due to the timeframe in which City fees are modified the increase was placed on hold until fall 2013. In order to increase fees, city departments are required to submit any proposed fee increases to be included in the master fee schedule for the upcoming fiscal year in the February of the preceding fiscal year. The current proposed increases included the resident per player fee from $15 to $16 and the non-resident per player fee from $60 to $75 as well as increasing the per hour fee from $1 to $3 for leagues with at least 51% of resident players and $3 to $6 for leagues with less than 51% of resident players. Chair Baum reminded the Commission the goal of the Department was to recover the costs for maintaining the fields for youth sports and stressed that the Commission is committed to finding a fair and equitable allocation of fees. Staff held a special meeting with the user groups to explain the information and answer questions. Supervisor Barry noted the last increase in fees was in 2010 and that the next increase would not be effective until January 2015. Chair Baum opened the Public Comments section. Comments against the fee increase were heard from Dave Wisnom of BSC, Bo Parker and Alonso Lima of BSC. Comments of the reasonable nature of the fee increases were from Hank Sauer of BYBA and Eric Nuss of BYBA. Commission discussion included requesting a working copy from staff of the excel sheet used to compute fees for further exploration of combinations of fees, inquiry of how the increase percentage is relative to the fees the children pay for the programs and how it affects the families vs. the relative cost in percentage to the organization, future increases being on a yearly basis and at a lower increase rate to reduce impact to groups and participants. Chair Baum reminded attendees that the objective is not to push out any organization. The first issue is to cover the cost to maintain the fields and extend a little in anticipation of increased cost in the future. The per player fee will cover the maintenance costs. Evaluation of the fees will be an ongoing process in order to will allow for adjustments for future maintenance expenses. Commission will receive the excel document from staff and will revisit the issue at the December meeting. 5. NEW BUSINESS a. Recognition of Jeffrey Griffith and Norreen Bullotti — Commissioner Baum expressed thanks and appreciation to Jeffrey and Norreen for their service. He also welcomed the new commissioners, Julie Baird and Donna Colson. b. Youth Advisory Committee - Supervisor Acquisti reported the Youth Advisory Committee has revised their Bylaws. The group will present the changes for approval to the Commission at the December meeting. c. Bayside Dog Exercise Park Improvements - Supervisor Acquisti reported on the discussions from the most recent community and Dog Park Task Force meetings. The feedback on improvements included removal of two wooden planter boxes, adding water fountains, shaded areas and a dog wash station. Motion by Eaton (seconded by Hesselgren): Commission approves the list of priorities in the staff report with the addition of a concrete pad at the northeast side to accommodate handicap access. Motion Passed 5-0-2(Lau and Martin absent). d. Chair Rotation — The rotation of chair will take place at the December meeting as Lau is not in attendance. 6. REPORTS/HANDOUTS a. Parks & Recreation Reports 1. Monthly Report — a. Holiday Tree Lighting — Friday, December 6th b. Correspondence — None 2 c. Commissioner Reports — Commissioner Colson — Colson invited those interested to attend the Seminar on Meeting the Challenge of Sea Level Rise in San Mateo County on December 9th at the College of San Mateo. 7. ADJOURNMENT The next meeting of the Parks & Recreation Commission is scheduled to be held on Thursday, December 19, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. at Burlingame Recreation Center. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm. Respectfully submitted, Joleen Helley Recording Secretary 3