HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso - CC - 059-1963F -11 . that R E,S.)LTJTI 55-63 .)RDERIidG TL E VACATI )W )F P )R rI DNS )F LAYS )RE t; IGEWAY, A PUBLIC STREET WITLIV 1UE CI'T�' ')F BURLINGAME, AND RESERVING As4D E'rPTI`yG CERTAIN EASEMENTS RES)LVED, `-}y the City Council of the City of Eurlingame, California, WHEREAS, said ,ity Council did on the 1 th day of July, 1do3, adopt its certain Resolution 24"o. 50-63 declaring its intention to vacate certain portions of the Dayshore -Highway. a public street within the City of Durlinga:ae, which said portions of said street are particularly described in Exhibits A, E, J, D and E attached to, incorporated in and made a part of this resolution b.� reference, and which said portions of said street are hereby identified as Parcels 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, respectively; and tU,?RE'AS, said resolution recited that the following permanent ease- metns shall be reserved and excepted from the proposed vacations: 1. An easement and right in the City of Burlingame, a Municipal Corporation, at any time, or from time to time, to construct, maintain., operate, replace, remove and renew storm drains and appurtenant struc- tures in, upon, over and across that portion of Parcel 2 which is partic-,,_, ularly described in Exhibit B as a reservation and exception. 2. An easement and right at any time, or from time to time to construct. maintain, operate, replace, remove and renew sanitary sewers' storm drains and appurtenant structures in, upon, over and across th.,t portion of Parcel 4 which is particularly described in Exhibit D as c. reservation and exception. l 3. A joint easement in the Pacific Gas and Electric Company, corporation., and the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, a corpora- tion, in, on over and along the real property particularly described in Exhibit F. attached to. incorporated in and made a part of this resolution by reference, to construct, maintain, operate, replace, remove, renew and enlarge lines of pipe, conduits, cables, wires, poles and other convenient structures. for the operation of gaspipe Lines, tele- graphic and telephone lines,, and for the transportation and distribution of electric energy. - 1 - TWPEREAS, said resolution recited that said proceedings were being taken under and pursuant to the STREET VACATI')N ACT )F 1941, and expressed its direction to proceed under said Act; and WEEREAS, said resolution was duly adopted and published in the time, manner and form provided by law, all as appears from an affidavit of publication on file in the office of the City Clerk of said city; and WHEREAS, notices of street vacation were conspicuously posted in the number and at the places and in the manner required by law, which said notices stated the time and place of hearing, and the adoption of said Resolution ;vo. 50-63; and WHEREAS, it appears that all other manner of things required by law were done and performed in the time and in the manner required by law; and WHEREAS, Monday, the 5th day of August, 1963, at 8:00 o'clock p.m. at the Council Chambers of the City Council in the City hall in the City of Burlingame were fixed in said resolution as the time and place for hearing all persons interested in the proposed vacations of said portions of said public street, and also for hearing all persons wishing to object to said proposed vacations; and WHEREAS, after hearing the evidence, the City Council finds from all evidence submitted that the portions of Bayshore highway, a public street, hereinabove described, are unnecessary for present or prospective public street purposes; andf'`'w WHEREAS, the public interest, convenience and necessity require the reservation and exception of the permanent easements hereinabove des cribed from the proposed vacations: M,,l N)W, TFEREF)RE, Ir IS FEREEY )RDERED that those certain portions1 e„ l-A. .. Bayshore Highway, a public street within the City of Burlingame, par#� ularly described in Exhibits A, B, C, D and E attached to, incorpotat in. and made a part of this resolution by reference, and which said ----- -parttms of s r3 k aret y .ideas liied as mar-c_ , , ? r, respectively, be, and they are hereby vacated, reserving and excepting from said vacations: 1. An easement and right in the City of Burlingame, a Municipal Corporation, at any time, or from time to time, to construct, maintain, operate, replace, remove and renew storm drains and appurtenant structures in, upon, over and across that portion of Parcel 2 which is particularly described in Exhibit L as a reservation and exception. - 2 - 2. An easement and right at any time, or frim time to time to con- struct, maintain, operate, replace, remove and renew sanitary sewers, storm drains and appurtenant structures in, upon, over and across that portion of Parcel 4 which is particularly described in 2xhibit D as a reservation and exception. 3. A joint easement in the Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a corporation, and the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, a corporation.. in. on. over and along the real property particularly described in ExhlDit F, attached to, incorporated in and made a part of this resolution by reference, to construct, maintain, operate, replace, remove, renew and enlarge lines of pipe, condu:rs, cables, wires, poles and other convenient structures, for the operation of gaspipe lines, telegraphic and telephone lines, and for the transportation and distribution )f electric energy. MAY )R I, Herbert K. White, City Clerk, do hereby certify that the fore- going resolution was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the day of 1963, and adopted thereafter by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen: Noes: Councilmen: Absent Councilmen: City Clerk - 3 - Y i P cribed MIIBIT A (Parcel 1) All that certain real property situate in the City of Burlingame, County of San Mateo, State of California, more particularly described as follows: B''Gl'rNING a a. point on the northwesterly boundary of th2t-=,!'t.aln r.'ght of way granted by A. M. and L. A. Easton to the , t n - of California by deed dated October 28, 1924, and re +orde,.1 ;ii3 ust 8, 1925, in Book 182 of Official Records of n Nateo County, at page 197 (43041-A), said point being distant along said northwesterly boundary North.35022' East (North 36053° Fast Deed) 49.86 feet from its intersection with the center line des - in said deed; thence from said point of beginning, running parallel with said center line South 22001, vast 190.88 feet; thence leaving said parallel line, along a curve to the left of radius 20.5 feet, tangent to the last preceding course, through a central angle of 900, for an arc length of 32.20 feet to the most southwesterly corner of Lot 1, as said Lot is shown on that certain map entitled "Lkallcomb Industrial Park Burlingame San Mateo County, California'', which map is recorded in Volume 47 of Maps at page 15, official Records of San Mateo County; thence along the Easterly boundary of said right of way North 22001' West 224.50 feet to the most Northerly corner of said right of way; thence along the Northwesterly boundary of said right of way South 350221 'Test (South 36053' West Deed) 24.34 feet to the point of beginning. Nwe BXhIBIT B (Parcel... 2) All that certain real property situate in th-- City of Burlingame. County of San Mateo, State of Californ"a, more particularly described as follows: KSIN NINC3 at a point on, the Easterly boundary of that certain right or way grwated by A. M. and L. dig Easton to the State of Ca.1-41,fc.�rnia by deed dated )ctober 28, 4.924, and recorded -1_1�2,f5q in Book 182 ofC Official Records of San Mateo C-aunty, at page 97 (43041-A), said point being also the most Westerly Corrie4r of Lot 2 as said 1 -ot is shown on that certain map entitled "Smallcomb Indus t.r.1al Park Bu2lingame San Mateo evuntly, Califor ilia", w1l,'Ich map is recorded in Volume 47 of Maps at page 15, Official Records of San Mateo Covxxty; thence from said point of beginning along a curve to the laft o-f radius 20.5 feet from a tangent which bears South '7059' Wa West, through' centnal angle of.6, 900 for an arc length of 32.20'; thence contin- uing parallel with said center line South 220011 East 1366.80 feet; thence lealfing said pa:rallel line along a curve to the left of _._-adius 341.63 feet, tangent to the last preceding coul-se, through a central angle of 19058'57" for an arc length of 119.15 feet to a point on tie easterly I ine of said deed It"rom the Elasto_ns to "he State of California; thence along said Sasterly line along a curve to the right of radius 2637-15 feet from a tangent which bears North 22025'43" West through a central angle oil 0024'4'3" for an 1rc length of 18.96 feet; thence North 22'035.1 West 14815.08 feeit to the po-int of beginning. RESERVING AND EXCEPTING aneasement tuid right in the City of B,111�Iinngame, a Vilunic-ipal Coirporation, at any time� or from time to thief to const-ruct, maintain, operate, eeplace, remove anci renew storm drains auqd app",-trteriant Structures in, upon, over and across the fol"Lowing described portion of the real property desci,ibed above: BEGINXTNI'."T at a point. the Easterly boundary of that L. on th certain night of way granted by A. M. and L. A. Easton to the State of California by deed dated October 28, 1924., and recorded August 8, 1925, in Book 182 of Official Records of Sar,Mateo County, at page 157 �4304!-A), said point being also the most Westerly corner of Lot 1 as said, Lot is show-n on that ceP',tain map entitled "Bearint _11ndustria-1 Park Burlingame San Mateo County, California", which map is filed in Volume 50 of Maps at page 39, Official Records .of San Mateo County,. 'thence from said point of begi*nning South 67059' vest Iest 20.feet-, thence South 22o0lI East 38--79feet-; 'thence along a curve to the left of radius 341.63 feet tangent to the last -Tsceding course through a central angle of 10.15214911 for an arc length of 11.21, feet; the -ace North 67059' East 20.31 feet to a poi on said Easterly boundary.; thence along said Easterly bovndary North 220011 West 50-00 feet to the point of beginning. Er.�!TBI T C ( Parcel 3 )$ All that certain r GLt pl-operty situate in the City of Burl.i.ngame 9 County of Can Mateo j State of California, more Darticularl y described as follows BEGINNING at a point on tiae north,,westerl.y b0i.wdary of that. ca „r —ln r ht of ;gay granted by A. Vi . and 1a . An Easton to the State of California by deed dated. .October 285 192111,°, and recorded. + u ko 1925, in- Book 182 of official Records of Sac. Mateo t n. t along t at e It 7 (11 aC4.l_-A) � said point being di a ,ply boundary South 3502121 Was � (Sou--�h io �3 i� � � Deed) ai:�x�tbe5�,e._ L-4 86 feet from its Intersection ��i.th the center .,L - e dean Y w] ! ia�4sd "n said deed; thence -rom said point of begi�€in�, runn�n� parallel with saj.d center lir,�> South 2.2o�i` East 223r1 5 feet.y thenceeavin said parallel Iine a"? on.g a curve to the right of radius .0 feet, Caner'.' to the last preceding course o e " rror an are iength of 4-3.3�� through a central angle of9 21 d lot feet to the most R aosterly cor-'qe �° of x o � �, E � oc� L, a� :�a:� and bloc�t arW shown on that certain �a.p en ,i.tIed "Bur1way I e San Fia teo Coca, , Ca: .fox° za.a'= 3 �f°hick Industrial. s aria Bxr � � � map is recorded fib Volume 46 at page 21., official Reco�jd� of ® _ as terl Iins of �,ai.d hot San Mateo County; thence the E� t f said deed u" 6m I,Torta 220C1' West ,�to the �►ca�� ������ari�he�ceealor��; tie � from the Eastons to t��e State of Ca.�.:�o��a th 2e Ea4t ' orth � 73 Northwesterl. l g�a e o said, deeo�.ntrof beginning, East Deed) 2°' F, 3 , �. Oe �, 't o F :- . EXE'IBIf E (Parcel 5) A.i.1 of that certain real property situate in the City of Burlingame; County of San Mateo, State of California, more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the easterly line of Bayshore Highway.; as said highway is shown or. that certain map entitled "Bearint Industrial Park Burlingame San Mateo County California", which map is filed in Volume 50 of Maps at page 39, )fficial Records of Sari Mateo County; said point being the southerly point of tangency of an arc of radius 240 feet as shown on said map; thence from said point of beginning along said easterly line along a curve to the right of radius 240 feet from a tangent which bears North 59003' West, through a central angle of 370021. for an arc length of 155.12 feet to a point on the aa.3terly line of the right of way granted by A. M. and L. A. Easton to the State of California by deed dated October 28, 1924, and recorded August 8, 1925, in Book 182 of )fficial Records of San Mateo County, at page 197 (43041-A); thence along said easterly line of said deed South 22D01' East 36.57 feet; thence along a curve to the left of radius 2637.50 feet, tangent to the last preceding course, through a central angle of Oo24'43", for an are length of 18.96 feet; thence leaving said easterly line, and running southeasterly along a curve to the left of radius 341.63 feet from a tangent which bears South 4105957" East, through a central angle of 17o03'03", for an are length of 101.67 feet to the point of beginning. t- All that certain Burlingame, Coutzty of particularly described EXHIBIT F real property situate in the City of San Mateo, State of California. more as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northwesterly boundary of that certain right of way granted by A. M. and L. A. Easton to the State of California by deed dated October 28, 1924. and recorded August 8, 1925, in Book 182 of Official Records of San Mateo County, at page 197 (43041-A),said point being distant along said Northwesterly boundary South 35022' West (South 36053' West Deed) 49.86 feet from its intersection with the center line described in said deed; thence from said point of beginning running parallel with said center line South 22001' East 1696.71 feet; thence along a curve to the left of radius 2742.0 feet, tangent to the last preceding course, through a central angle of 2302,06" for an arc length of 97.39 feet; thence leaving said parallel line North 78303'44" West 25.31 feet to a point on the Westerly boundary of said deed from the Eastons to the State of California; thence along said Westerly boundary along a curve to the right of radius 2762.5 feet, from a tanggent which bears North 23044'36" West, through a central angle of 1)43'36" for an are length of 83.25 feet; thence North 22.)01' West 1683.59 feet to the most Westerly corner of said deed from the Eastons to the State of California; thence along the North- westerly boundary of said deed North 35o22' East (North 36053' East Deed) 24.34 feet to the point of beginning.