HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso - CC - 041-1963RESOLUTION NO. 41-63 RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Burlingame that the contract for advertising and promotion be entered into with the Burlingame Chamber of Commerce, according to the terms and conditions thereof as set forth in the annexed Agreement, made a part hereof and incorporated herein as if the same were fully set forth herein; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized, for and on behalf of the City of Burlingame and the City Council, to execute the said Agreement, and that the same be attested by the City Clerk. The foregoing Resolution was regularly introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Burlingame held on June 3, 1963 , and adopted by the following votes: Ayes: Noes: Abs ent: ATTEST: Councilmen: Crosby -Johnson -Martin Councilmen: None Councilmen: Lorenz CITY LERK. } GENERAL CONTRACT FOR ADVERTISING APPRO- PRIATION ENTERED INTO BY THE BURLINGAME CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WITH THE CITY OF BURLINGAME. THIS AGREEMENT made this day of , 19634 by and between Burlingame Chamber of Commerce, duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the By -Laws of said organization hereinafter sometimes called Advertiser, and the City of Burlingame, a municipal cor- poration, W ITNESSE TH: WHEREAS, Advertiser is a Chamber of Commerce located in the City of Burlingame with special knowledge, experience and facilities for promotion, entertaining and advertising work and for doing the things herein- after agreed to be done by it; and WHEREAS, the City of Burlingame desires to employ or secure the services of said Advertiser to do the things hereinafter agreed to be done by said Advertiser; NOW, THEREFORE, this agreement witnesseth: 1. Said Advertiser herewith and hereby agrees during the term of this contract to receive and entertain public guests for the City of Burlingame, to assist in public celebrations held by the City of Burlingame at large, to aid and carry on the work of inducing immigration to the City of Burlingame, and generally, to advertise or promote the City of Burlingame, all in a manner herein provided. 2. Said Advertiser agrees to use its facilities and its special knowledge and experience in carrying out the terms of this agreement to be performed by it. 3. Whenever the City Council of said City shall desire the performance of any services by said Advertiser under this contract it shall notify said Advertiser and request said Advertiser to prepare and present for the approval of said Council a plan of advertising, entertainment or other suitable proposal and the approximate cost thereof, and when said -1- Advertiser shall be of the opinion that any service of the character herein provided for should be undertaken, it shall make an application at a regular meeting of the City Council and request permission to present a plan or proposal for the consideration of said Council specifying the service to be rendered or work to be done and the approximate cost thereof. Upon approval of any such plan or proposal by said City Council whether presented in response to the direction of said Council or upon the initiative of said Advertiser, said Advertiser shall proceed with the execution of said plan or proposal and shall be entitled to compensation therefor as hereinafter pro- vided. Said Council may modify or alter any such plan or proposal in its entirety or may direct the submission of a new plan or proposal which may be modified, altered or rejected in the same manner. Upon final approval of any such plan or proposal and the execution thereof by said Advertiser, said City shall pay to said Advertiser upon its demand as hereinafter provided, cost of executing said plan or proposal which shall not exceed by more than ten per cent (1016) the estimated cost of such plan or proposal as hereinabove provided. 4. The obligation or obligations of said City and/or the services and/or the work to be done and performed by said Advertiser under this contract shall not exceed the total sum of Six Thousand Dollars ($6, 000. 00). 5. All moneys due said Advertiser under said contract shall be paid upon demands presented and audited, as required by the said City, and shall be supported by a statement of said Advertiser showing the amount expended or liabilities incurred forming the basis of such claim. Said Advertiser shall be entitled to payment only for the expense actually paid or incurred by it in accordance with the purpose of this contract. 6. The effective term of this contract shall be from the first day of July, 1963, to and including the 30th day of June, 1964. -2- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said City has caused this agreement to be executed by its Mayor and attested by its City Clerk pursuant to and authorized by the resolution of the City Council of said City, and said Advertiser has caused said contract to be signed on its behalf by its General Manager thereunto duly authorized, all as of the day and year first above written. ATTEST: City'Clerk APPROVED: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . City Attorney CITY OF BURLINGAME ;V r BURLINGAME CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ............ General Manager -3- BURLINGAME CHAMb-ER OF COMMERCE BURLINGAME C A L I F O R N I A OFFICERS Robert J. MacDonald President Leonard Moskovitz June 1, 1963 Vice -President & Pres. Elect. Alan M. Hedden. M.D. Secretary of the Board Hugh F. Connolly Treasurer William J. Crosby Past -President The Honorable City Council Granville Browning City of Burlingame General Manager 267 Park Road Mrs. Arthur J. Morgan Burlingame, California Executive Secretary 0 Gentlemen: DIRECTORS William J. Blaskovich Robert 0. Candee We are attaching the proposed Contract between the City of George E. Congdon III Burlingame and the Burlingame Chamber of Commerce for Paul Constantino Jack C. Craven, Jr. 1963-1964. The entire Board of Directors sincerely hope Jimmie Dick that the Contract will be renewed as it has been for many Larry Hatleck Fred Hicks years past. John Hubbard Al Kaufmann The Burlingame Chamber of Commerce is delighted to place George N. Keyston, Jr. George J. Laird, M.D. before your Honorable Body some pertinent facts, which the Emil Larson Chamber was instrumental in developing and which will cer- James E. Minto Gilbert Rodli, jr. tainly indicate the effective and most successful operation of Hugo Romani the Chamber. Orin S. Simpson Robert Simpson Carl Snyder We are pleased to announce that the Western Electric Henry t P. R. "BudBud""Taylor Research Engineering Department which moved 400 families Kenneth W. Ward recently to our industrial area, will increase the number by bringing in 200 more families during the summer months. It is also gratifying to report that 25 new buildings are being erected in the industrial area, which will increase the taxable wealth of our city close to $1, 000, 000. Our recent success in establishing a downtown off-street parking district will, according to one of our prominent merchants, increase the business from 1076 to 407o. As you know, this off-street parking project is a valuable asset to the city government because of the fact that it will increase the one -cent sales tax income. We are confident that we will have your support and if there are any questions you may have, please do not hesitate to call on us. Sincerely, �.� �L c� �izC-T.:! c Granville Browning General Manager GB:mb Enc .