HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso - CC - 013-1963RESOLUTION NO. 13-63 A RESOLUTION APPROVING CERTAIN CREDITS, MODIFICATIONS THERETO AND ASSESSMENT CHANGE BURLINGAME AVENUE AREA OFF-STREET PARKING DISTRICT NO. 1 RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Burlingame, California, as follows: 1. Those certain credits, modifications thereto and change in assessment hereto attached and incorporated herein by reference, as recoruiiended by the Engineer of Work, are hereby ordered and approved. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and or•rect copy of a resolution duly passed and adopted by the City .',ouncil of the City of Burlingame, California, at a meeting thereof 'neld on the - 23rd day of January 1963, by the fo-1lowing vote: AYES, and in favor thereof, Councilmen: Crosby, Johnson, Lorenz, Martin, Morgan NOES, Councilmen: None ABSENT, Councilmen: None PROVED: r city -Clerk of the City of Burlingame It is recommended that the parking credit of the William H. Sullivan property as defined, noted and described on page 5 of 12 Exhibit 6 in the Engineer's Report, be changed in accordance with the following figures. This change has been necessitated because of the lease by Montgomery Ward's occupying only the parcels described as assessment No.28 and assessment No.41. The small rectangular property on the easterly side of the Montgomery Ward building (design- ated as assessment parcel 40) is subject to sale and use by anyone of several abutting properties and should not be included in the combined parking credit of the Montgomery Ward facility. The credit should be as follows: Total Land Assessed Valuation $ 20,260 Parking Area Credit (40. 3%) 8,165 Net Land Assessed Valuation $ 12,095 Amendment to Page 5 of 12 Exhibit B I%Ovm/ The Standard tail of California property is designated by the i3urljnStarie Avenue Area Offctreat I•arkins Di-trict So. 106 aLd by the : &.: MBteQ CUtu.ty Aesei;oor's No. 29-201-1. the property is IOC&ted on the SoutU(.a ?terly c 3r_jer of 1 •xlia e Avenue and -. Qat, c2o Rc;el. &I" is present3;,> oce pied by 9 �:�oli.'ie service station. 1 Wkiug facilities Lave been prov' dee: Both 8.Lung the Cwtex.;.y ,,ro_i�:rty 1i;ie &rid a(.ijacer_t to the building., at the sey"herlyr si4e Of the property. Ti,,e ,8rkiizg area surfacing Nras found to be both c:o..crete and a,,�,,tjha7.t in good condition . 20.4% of the proporty area is being utilized for parking which in the f0lloY..Iag crec7.it: Total Laid Assessed Valuation $227,000 Psrking Area Cra " t (20.4%) > , 508 Net Lane? AcscssWcI Valua,-Lion $21,492 ratSe 13 - &J bit s i The 'tandard Oil of California property is designated by the Burliz:gem Av"ue Arr:a Offstrect I'arkirig Diutrict Nos, 235 and 236 and by the San 144teo County &i; esUor's Nos. 29-232-1 and 29.232.2. The property is located on the southerly side of Howard Avenue at its i:ztersecti.on with High3,&id Avenues and is presently occupied by a gaw,olia.ie service station. The southerly portion of the property slmg t;itli a, area along iiijiland Avenue adjacent to the buildings has boon provided for jarkiLg. All parking stalls are a:iequatel,y raked anal, the asphalt surfacing is in good condition. Our ir:veutigation indicated that 52% oi' the property area is baiz3g provided :for parking Via -poses which r4. era .ts in a credit as follo47s: Total land Assessed Valuation Parking Area Creait (52%) Net Land A;sessod Valuation 1 sae 13a 00 $13,392 Exhibit D m The Jeannette L. Dessia property is desigcatod by the 3urlingeme Avenue Area Offstreet Larking District Ido. 64 and oy the Su Mateo County Assessor's No. 29-151 ^_2. The applicants parking area is located in the northerly side of a concrete buildi:u which, is presently occupied by a grocery business. Access to the parking area is from Frirxoce Road and the surfacing is aspi:alt in fair condition with all. stalls Larked. 49.E of the aroperty area is being utilized as parking ,rhich results in a credit as follows: Total Lewd Assessed Valuation $12,750 narking Area Credit (49.8%,) 6,350 Zet Land Assessed Valuation 61400 Pete 14 - Exb.ibit B 0 u 3 The Borden Company property as designated by the Burlingame Avenue Area Offstreet Parking District as No. 240 and by the San Mateo County Assessors No. 25-233-1. The applicant's paved area devoted to vehicular ►movement and storage lies to the east and south of the main building on the corner of California Drive and Howard Avenue. There is access provided on California Drive and from Howard Avenue through gates that are subject to locking; the entire area is fenced. The majority of the paved area within this parcel is devoted to the loading, unloading and general handl- ing of dairy products. There is a considerable number of marked truck stalls provided for the purpose of storing the service trucks. At the head end of each is an electrical outlet for providing elec- tricity to the refrigeration units of the parked truck. The vehi- cular parking area for owner and or employee, and or tenant occupies an area in the central portion of the parcel irv�diately to the east of the California Avenue access gate. There is no apparent, or allowed, customer parking. The percentage parking area of owner, tenant, or employee parking is as denoted below and hereby recom- mended for credit: Total Land Assessed Valuation $ 471 775 Parking Area Credit (n.7°%) 39200 Net Land Assessed Valuation $ 44,575 Page 15 Exhibit Bo OR The &,Q Cow at t acc is deQignated by District No. �'OS) lily r he rear and fro lz of a three stor- ss from a conarete iZvod cdrive mi , f cur five, i ' L7 garaGe paxkii wets pY QPB�"t a Offstreet 'arki .-L lt3 Assessor's :Io. being cor:tiguous :;o the soucxzerl,y een provided both within a �arpurt eovcr. fig area is gi-aded gravel.. proNrty which as Stele Without botiz c:oncrotc l::vest i Gat; ioi, rQsulted La the the 3-L rlin dame Avenue avid )- the sau Nateo frcii t' „*t;1 Li:.g crLth rou. nark Ruad, said property l.i:e. Parking grad a svali krwc Tite surfacinE, of the i" gooc:. cundi L:.c3r. Elad a # iri.ly Lndi,;ateu ti:at 1 %.t of the folloldi lg Qred:i,t: Total Lsnd Assesoe:d Valuation 2,725 Perking Aria Credit (48. %) 1, ^5 Net Lend kzQsoad Vel.ustion $ I"1w00 0 Page 16 - ExJiibit B M The Rainuact & Pauline Nurl.itzer properties consist of six sepa:rWc.c jArcels ulIjch are designated jy -the Burliagame Avenue Area Offstret--t Parking District Nose 241 43, 44, 46, 47 and 93 500 feet of provided paxkLig) respectively and by the 0an Tiateo ,ounty w.sses sor's Nose 29-122-5, 2n-122.24, c'_'J-1� 2•:'S, 29-i 2�' 7, 2>-12,_ -2, aiid 2��-152-23 respectively . The applicants' p&rki.zjg area is locateci entirely iritiiia par©el Bud partially witizin parcels 29-1 '-27, 29-122.25, e:cd 29-91.22-24, The parking area has direct access fror. Chapin, Avenue w-Ld provides pedestralan to busiuiss establishmc3nts fronting oz: Burliz-Lwae Avenue. .,he parkLLg area surfacing, is asphalt in good cmdiion and the parking stalls are imU marked wa.th parking being Z)ar&Utcl j diagoi.al &-,d perpcndlcular. Our investigation indicated, that 31..9% of the total area of the 8.Y©rez:,ezct i oneci parccls is presently bojrg utilized for parking which results in a total credit as follows: `i'otW. bawd .A: sessed Valuation ParkL-Lg Area Cradit (31- • 9 ) �7et Land Ansessed VaL laatioc M Puce 17 28A354 _......__....� 60,531 - i:;::. s J it 13 7 o s ,gra The George S. Reed property is designated by the Burlingww Avenue Area Off street i'arking District F-To. 11 & d by the 'San Mateo County Assessor's No. 29-121-20. Ths open 1.arkiag area frcuits a two story frame building and has access directly from Chapin Avenue. A carport of three vehialc cajAhc:ity is located within this buildiag. The jAirking lot surfsaing is gravel aired wphalt in fair to good condition. 8Y of the property crea is utilized for iwkirig which results in a credit as follows: Total Land Assessed V8LI'aation $ -,675 Parking Area Credit (80%) 2 4 Net Land jLsessed Valuation $ 735 0 page 18 - Exhib it B v The Russell and Evelyn Johnson property is designated by the Burlingame Avenue Area Offstreet Parking District No.215 and by the San Mateo County assessors 41o.29-224-2. The pro- perty is located on the south side of Howard Avenue, 50 feet easterly of Park Road. Access to the paved parking area at the rear of the building on this lot is provided by a concrete drive with an entrance from Howard Avenue and running along the westerly side of said parcel. Investigation of the site and the parking as provided thereon indicated that 41.7% of the total property area is presently being utilized as parking which resulted in a credit as follows; Total land Assessed Valuation $ 41 375 Pari.i ng Area Credit (41 .7%) 19824 Net land Assessed Valuation 2,551 NOTE; It is hereby noted that this particular of Johnson & Johnson was received after of August 31st, 1962 as recited in the Improvement" as prepared and posted for Avenue Area Offstreet Parking District. shown on this application is September application the due date "Notice of the Burlingame The date as 5, 1962. Page 19 Exhibit B �q The Archey Offield property is designated by the Burlingame Avenue Area Offstreet Perking District Nos. 83 and 84 and by the San Mateo County assessors Nos. 29-152-13 and 29-152-14, respectively. The subject property fronts on Burlingame Avenue whereas the parking area is located at the rear of a two story concrete building with access from the adjacent City of Burlingame public parking lot. Parking is provided both on an asphalt surface parking area and within a two car capacity corrugated metal garage. Our investigation indicated that 28.2% of the parking area is being utilized whicl: resulted in the following credit: Total Land Assessed Valuation $18.9925 Parking Area Credit (28.2%) 5,337 Net Land Assessed Valuation 13,588 * NOTE: It is hereby noted that this particular application of Arc -hey Offield was received after the due date of August 31) 1962 as recited in the "Notice cf Improvement", as prepared and posted for the Burlingame Avenue Area Offstreet Parking District. The date as shown on this application is September 17, 1962. Because of the acquisition of a strip of land 20 feet in width contiguous to the southerly line of Curlingane Avenue Area Offstreet Parking District Assessment Parcel No. 27 for ingress and egress purposes, it is recommended that the assessment on this parcel be reduced by 11.3%.