HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PR - 2002.01.17MEETING MINUTES Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission Thursday, January 17, 2002 The regular meeting of the Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Ed Larios at 7:00 p.m. in Council Chambers of Burlingame City Hall. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Dittman, Erickson, Heathcote, Larios, Lawson, Minderman and Youth Commissioners Martindale and Warden Commissioners Absent: Commissioner Kahn and Muller Staff Present: Acting Recreation Superintendent Mutto, Parks & Recreation Dept. Secretary Harvey Guests: Diana Warden Chairman Larios thanked Acting Superintendent Mutto for attending the meeting on Director Schwartz's behalf. MINUTES Minutes of the November 15, 2001 regular meeting of the Commission were approved as submitted. OLD BUSINESS A. Community Recreation Facilities (Copies sent to commissioners with agenda packets — will go to Council on Feb. 4'. Discussion of temporary facility, suggested by Heathcote, is being delayed, at Heathcote's request, until Council can look at long term facility). Chairman Larios stated he is hopeful that the Council will approve the new facility in concept. Commissioner Heathcote added that approval of the concept would allow all the necessary preliminary work to be done. Commissioner Lawson agreed and stated that the land purchase could then get underway. Chairman Larios asked the Commission to let everyone know that the item will be on the February 0 Council agenda and encouraged the Commissioners to attend. B. Youth Advisory Committee AC) Report Commissioner Martindale reported that the scheduled YAC Attack Day was cancelled; gathering is conducted for youth advisories on the Peninsula for sharing ideas. The next event has been scheduled for the Spring of 2003. Commissioner Warden reported that YAC is putting together a Battle of the Bands Concert to be conducted in Washington Park, behind the Recreation Center on April 2761 . The Committee is seeking participation from different bands from the local high schools and Burlingame Intermediate School. Posters, advertising, and guidelines are being developed to promote the event and neighbors adjacent to the park will be notified. L.. Youth Advisory Committee (YAQ Report - (Contd.) - Commissioner Heathcote suggested that if the guidelines were in writing, the participating bands would understand the expectations. Chairman Larios suggested that the band that performs best could be invited to play at one of the "Music in the Park" concerts; that this might help the youth feel that the park is for their enjoyment as well. Commissioners Martindale and Warden reported that the Winter Formal for the middle schools had 270 junior high youth in attendance and that YAC raised $1,400 from the event. Prior to the dance, the Committee sought input from Burlingame Intermediate School students as to the kind of music they wanted for the dance and a dress code was established. The Committee decorated for the dance and had people taking pictures throughout the evening. Acting Superintendent Mutto stated that it was a very successful event; St. Catherine's and Our Lady of Angels Catholic Schools middle school students had been invited as well. Acting Superintendent Mutto reported that 50 young people attended the first "free" open gym at BIS; expects numbers to grow as the word gets out that it's "free". Commissioners Martindale and Warden reported that future YAC events such as family events, movies at the Aquatic Center, and volunteering at the Samaritan House are currently being discussed by the Committee.. "1 Commissioner Heathcote suggested that he would like to see the YAC report "separated out" so that Council, as well as the community, is aware of all the good work this committee is doing. C. Senior Resources Handbook Commissioners Martindale and Warden reported that 5-6 youth assisted with making phone calls for updates to the handbook. D. Recap of Joint Parks & Recreation Commissions Meeting Acting Superintendent Mutto reported that Chairman Larios and Dittman attended as well as Director Schwartz, herself and Councilman Joe Galligan. Noted that it was interesting to see how the different components of the 3 cities crossed over. The Commissions discussed topics of concern, projects, and common issues that Parks & Recreation commissions encounter. Commissioner Dittman commented that the Peninsula Conflict Resolution Center led the group in an exercise that was "great"; adding that commissioners should be required to go through a PCRC presentation. Chairman Larios added that it would be helpful to have a manual for incoming Commissioners explaining the duties of the Commission. Chairman Larios thought the opportunity to share ideas with other Parks & Recreation -� Commissions was very positive and noted that Director Schwartz's Power Point Recap of Joint Parks & Recreation Commissions Meeting - (Contd.) - ~` presentation was excellent. He was impressed that, unlike the other cities, Burlingame's City Council and City Manager provide a capital improvement budget for recreation in the City of Burlingame; this has helped Burlingame to be a leader in recreation and conversely raises the expectations of the community. Commissioner Erickson suggested that, on occasion, the Commission "swap" or send a guest to other city's Parks and Recreation Commission meetings. Chairman Larios suggested that perhaps the Burlingame Parks and Recreation Commission could host a joint meeting with San Mateo, Foster City, and perhaps Belmont, so that ideas can be exchanged with those cities. After a brief discussion, Chairman Larios stated he believed it would be very beneficial to the Commission and asked staff to determine if, when, and where the Burlingame Parks and Recreation Commission could host a joint meeting. PUBLIC COMMENTS - None NEW BUSINESS - None REPORTS — Mutto reported the following: A. Capital Improvement Project Status Trenton Tot Lot was accepted contingent upon correction of minor problems. The project is now in a two -month maintenance period, after which it will be formally `. accepted. Washington Park Ballfield's infield grass is now in place. The Department is out to bid for the second time for outfield lights. The Burlingame High School teams will be able to use the facility, though will need to be careful of the grass for the first few weeks. Staff is currently reviewing 3 bids that were recently submitted for the ballfield lights. The Millbrae Skate Park is now under construction and should be completed this Spring. No further progress has been made on the skate park at Coyote Point. B. Parks Division and Recreation Division Reports — see attached. Commissioners Heathcote Commissioner Heathcote noted that the Burlingame High School Football Field is draining well and is a beautiful facility. Heathcote stated he would like to see the Magnolia trees on Hillside between Cortez and Cabrillo removed and replaced with a different variety because the roots cause tripping hazards for pedestrians attending Our Lady of Angels Catholic Church. Acting Superintendent Mutto responded that his request would be referred to Director Schwartz. (Request was referred to City Arborist, Steve Porter, for review) Erickson Commissioner Erickson stated the BHS Football Field is frequently used now in the Winter. Erickson said he noticed that the top deck of the moored boat (Pataya Princess) out at the bay front is being renovated as well as the surrounding landscaping and parking lot; and that the Bike Trail on the Sanchez lagoon looks nice with the grass and benches. Erickson asked what work was going on between the Golf Range and the Bay. (The current project is a landscaping project, in keeping with a future widening of Airport Blvd.) Erickson commented that the Dog Park is being reseeded. Chairman Larios stated that synthetic grass may be considered at a future date; and commented that many dog parks close when it's wet. Erickson then asked staff if there had been complaints of dogs in Washington Park? Acting Superintendent Mutto responded that there have been no complaints recently. Martindale Commissioner Martindale reported that a teen room is being developed at the Recreation Center. The room will be equipped with a T.V., stereo, and VCR. Acting Superintendent Mutto commented that the room is in the back of the auditorium stage and has a restroom, an office with a phone, and will be carpeted. Room will be used for youth gatherings, YAC meetings, and older youth rec camps and should be completed by the end of February. The Commission briefly discussed YAC officers serving as Park and Recreation Commissioners. Commissioner Martindale reported that the YAC Committee is still discussing this issue and added that, by not allowing youth to serve on both committees at the same time would allow for more youth to participate in leadership positions. Dittman Commissioner Dittman asked if the vacant area next to Laguna Playground could be improved by planting trees and perhaps installing some benches. Acting Superintendent Mutto stated she would refer Dittman's request to Director Schwartz who will report back to the Commission. (Followup from Parks Division Staff indicates that because area is a City right of way for sewer access; access for trucks is required.) Larios Chairmen Larios reported that there have been no "rain outs"on the new BHS field. He noted that recently, the New York Jets had a walk through practice on the field. Chairmen Larios commented, that regardless of the Council's decision on the proposed Community Center, the community will need to have some sort of facility for the teenagers in the immediate future; a transitional facility, so the youth in the community know that their interests are being addressed. '"*N Larios - (,Contd.) - Chairman Larios asked if targets (angled and illuminated at night) could be added at the U golf range at the125-135 foot mark and if there could be a way to get a rec golf card at the golf range by showing a driver's license or something. Acting Superintendent Mutto will refer questions to Director Schwartz who will report back to the Commission. (The Department is getting price quotes on targets, with plans to install them soon.) D. Recreation Division Revenue Report — see attached. NEXT MEETING Thursday, February 21, 2002 - 7:00 pm at Conference Room "A", Cily Hall There being no further business to come before the Commission, Chairman Larios adjourned the meeting at 8:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Karlene Harvey Recording Secretary OM