HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso - CC - 037-1962RESOLUTION NO. 37-62 STATE PERSONNEL BOARD CONTRACT RESOLVED,that the City Council of the City of Burlingame enter into an agreement with the State Personnel Board in per- forming the services incident to preparation and rating of examination material as set forth in the agreement hereto attached, made a part hereof, and incorporated as if the same were fully set forth herein. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor be, and he is hereby authorized, for and on behalf of the City of Burlingame and the City Council to execute the said agreement and that the same be attested by the City Clerk. , MAYOR I, Herbert K. White, City Clerk, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 2nd day of July , 1962, and adopted thereafter by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen: Crosby-Johnson-MartinpMorgan Noes: Councilmen: None Absent Councilmen: Lorenz HERBERT K. WHITE, CITY CLERK COST SERVICE CONTRACT FORM A THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 2rd day of July , 1962 , by and between the STATE PERSONNEL BOARD, through its duly appointed, qualified and acting Executive Officer, party of the first part, hereinafter called the Board, and the City of 3urlin;,ame , party of the second part, hereinafter called the Local Agency. WITNESSETH Section 1. That the parties, for and in consideration of the covenants, conditions, agreements, and stipulations hereinafter expressed, and pursuant to authority contained in Section 18707, Government Code, hereby agree as follows: Section 2. In performing the services incident to the planning, scheduling, preparation, construction and rating of written examinations for classifications to be mutually agreed upon by the Local Agency and the Board, the following provisions shall govern: a. Scheduling of Examinations Whenever, during the term of this agreement, the Local Agency desires the services of the Board in the preparation of a written examination for a job classification, the Local Agency will submit to the Board a request for such services. Upon the recommendation of the Local Agency, the Board shall set exami- nation dates and closing dates for filing applications that will allow sufficient time for examination scheduling and preparation. b. Information to be Furnished by Local Agency The Local Agency shall supply the Board with a written description of the work perforr,sd in the class for which the Local Agency desires an examination prepared, includin." a statement of the minimum and/or desirable qualifications and the salary of the class. -1- Cost A c. Notification of Number of Competitors Immediately after the closing date for filing applications, the Local Agency will notify the Board of the total number of competitors in each classification. d. Preparation of Test Materials The Board shall construct an appropriate written examination for each job classification for which an examination has been requested by the Local Agency and agreed upon by the Board. e. Transmittal of Test Materials The Board shall transmit to the Local Agency sufficient examination booklets, instructions for administering the examination and such other material as the Board may deem necessary. f. Administration of Test and Return of Test Materials The Local Agency shall administer the examination in accordance with in- structions provided by the Board and immediately following the exami- nation will return to the Board all used and unused examination booklets, keyed booklets, scoring keys, instructions, and any other materials furnished by the Board and not consumed (except as may be provided in paragraphs 2h, 21 and 21 herein). Re -use of such examination material without prior written permission of the Board is not allowed. g. Scoring of Tests The Board will score the booklets and report the results, together with a recommended qualifying score, to the Local Agency within ten working days after the booklets are returned to the Board, provided that in unusual circumstances involving large numbers of competitors or unforeseen difficulties in administration of the test, the parties may agree mutually to extend the period for receipt of results. h. Test Papers Inspection Under Local Agency Policy If the Local Agency has an officially adopted rule or established policy regarding candidates' privilege of inspecting a keyed copy of an Cost A -2- examination booklet or answer booklet following the examination, and this rule or policy has been submitted in writing to the Board at least ten days prior to the first examination scheduled under this Agreement for which such inspection is desired, the Board will comply with the inspection privileges as officially recognized by the Local Agency, except that no inspection shall be allowed of standardized or copyrighted tests, or tests preduplicated as Form Tests, or of questions not scored by an absolute standard. No candidate is to be allowed to take away with him any notes regarding a test question. Upon request of the Local Agency and when submitted in writing by a candidate who participated in the examination, the Board will analyze protests resulting from such review and recommend the action to be taken by the Local Agency. i. Test Papers Inspection Under Board Policy If the Local Agency has no officially adopted rule or established policy regarding candidates' privilege of inspecting a keyed copy of an examination booklet or answer booklet following the examination and wishes to allow such an inspection privilege, the following policy of the Board shall govern: (1) Key Inspection Inspection of a keyed copy of the examination question booklet, which is for the purpose of requesting a review of such items as the candidate may believe are incorrectly or improperly keyed, will be allowed for the five working days immediately following an examination, providing this has been requested by the Local Agency at least ten days prior to the examination. The inspection time allowed a candidate will not exceed one-half the amount of time originally allowed to answer the questions during the administration -3- Cost A of the examination. During key inspection a representative of the personnel or administrative office of the Local Agency will be present to assure that the candidate takes no notes of any kind regarding any test materials. Upon request of the Local Agency and when submitted in writing by a candidate who participated in the examination, the Board will analyze protests resulting from such review and recommend the action to be taken by the Local Agency. (2) Answer Booklet Inspection Inspection of a candidate's answer booklet, which is for the purpose of detecting whether any clerical or other error has been made in the scoring of the booklet, shall be allowed for a thirty -calendar -day period immediately following the notification to the candidate of examination results. Upon request, the Board will return the candidate's answer booklet after scoring and a copy of a keyed answer booklet to the Local Agency. Candidates are not allowed to review the question booklet during this inspection period. Not more than one hour will normally be allowed for answer booklet review, during which time a representative of the personnel or administrative office of the Local Agency shall be present to assure that no changes or marks of any kind are made by the candidate on his answer booklet or the keyed answer booklet. (3) Form Tests Not to be Open for Inspection Standardized or copyrighted tests, Form Tests referred to in Section 5 hereof, and questions not scored by an absolute standard will not be available for keyed copy inspection nor may candidates be allowed to review copies of these tests at any time. -4- Cost A J. Retention of Test Material by the Board The Board shall, if requested by the Local Agency, retain the completed question booklets or answer sheets or booklets for such reasonable period of time as the Local Agency rules may prescribe. k. Local Agency Responsibilities The Local Agency shall perform all parts of the examination process the performance of which has not specifically been requested of and agreed to by the Board and shall assume responsibility for the conformity of the examination process to any applicable laws, rules, or ordinances and for the examination as a whole. 1. Continuous Testing If the Local Agency wishes to administer examinations on a continuous basis for certain mutually agreed upon classes, the Board may, in its discretion, supply the examination booklets, a scoring key and instructions for continuous administration. Administration of examinations on a continuous basis is defined as the retention and use of the examination booklets and instructions one or more times in any month during the term of this agreement. The Local Agency will score such examinations. m. Security of Test Material All test materials supplied by the Board under this agreement shall be and remain the property of the Board, and shall be kept confidential. The Local Agency agrees to be responsible for the security of all test materials supplied to the Agency and agrees to reimburse the Board for a portion or all of the replacement costs, as determined by the Board, for test materials that are lost or whose value for testing purposes, in the opinion of the Board, may have been destroyed while said test materials were subject to the custody of the Local Agency. —5— Cost A Section 3. Special Services Upon the request of the Local Agency, the Board, in its discretion, shall supply any or all of the following special services: a. Advice and assistance on examining procedures and problems. b. Preparation and distribution of examination publicity. c. Distribution, receipt, and appraisal of applications. d. Preparation, administration and scoring of demonstration tests. e. Advice on and conduct of oral interviews. f. Preparation of eligible lists. g. Other technical personnel services. Section 4. Non -Form Examination Services and Charges In consideration of the performance by the Board of the services agreed to be performed by the Board as set forth in Sections 2 and 3 hereof (except for Form Tests provided under Section 2(1)), the Local Agency hereby agrees to reimburse the Board for the latter's cost, as determined by the Board, incurred in performing said services, including salaries, retirement, vacation, sick leave, related operating expenses, and travel expenses (in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Board of Control of the State of California) for employees assigned to perform these services, except as provided in Section 5 hereof. Section 5. Form Test Service and Charges In performing services incident to the preparation, construction and rating of examinations which have been preduplicated as Form Tests, the following provisions shall govern: a. The Local Agency shall supply the Board with a written description of the work performed in the class, including a statement of the minimum and/or desirable qualifications. The Board shall determine whether or not a Form Test is appropriate. -6- Cost A b. I£ a Form Test is considered appropriate by the Board for the purpose, the Board shall, upon the recommendation of the Local Agency, set the examination date and the closing date for filing applications. Immediately after the closing date, the Local Agency will notify the Board of the total number of competitors for each examination. c. The procedures set forth in Subsections e, f, g, j, and k of Section 2 of this contract shall apply to examinations provided for in this Section 5; except that upon mutual agreement the Local Agency may perform the service described under Subsection g of Section 2. d. In consideration of the performance by the Board of the Form Test services as set forth in this Section 5, the Local Agency agrees to reimburse the Board in accordance with the schedule of fees set forth in the following Schedule A or Schedule B whichever is applicable: Number of Booklets Ordered 1 to 10 11 to 100 101 or more Schedule A (Board scored and tabulated)* Schedule B (Scored by Local Agency) $25.00 minimum charge $15.00 minimum charge Minimum charge plus Minimum charge plus 650 900 per booklet over 10 per booklet over 10 $106.00 plus 650 per booklet over 100 $73.50 plus 400 per booklet over 100 (Lower rates available for quantities over 200) # Additional charge of 65¢ per candidate for scoring of typing performance tests and $1.00 per candidate for scoring of stenographer performance tests. e. In consideration of the performance by the Board of the Continuous Testing Services employing Form Tests as set forth in Section 2(1), the Local Agency agrees to reimburse the Board the sum of $50.00 for each Form Test supplied the Local Agency for use on a continuous testing basis. —7— Cost A w Section 6. The Board shall, from time to time, submit invoices covering services rendered and the Local Agency agrees to pay such invoices within 60 days following receipt thereof. The term of this agreement shall be from the date hereof to and including June 30, 1963, but shall be subject to termination by either party upon giving the other party 30 days' written notice of termination. STATE PERSONNEL BOARD BY ecutive Officer CrTy OF BURUNGAME Local Agency By /'.�", Title _g_ Cost A