HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso - CC - 009-1962RESOLUTION NO. c - 52 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAME REQUESTING COUNTY CLERK OF SAN MATEO COUNTY TO RENDER SPECIFIED ELECTION SERVICES PURSUANT TO SECTION 9483 OF THE ELECTIONS CODE (AND TO FURNISH VOTING MACHINES) RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Burlingame as follows: 1. That the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Mateo shall be, and is hereby, requested to permit the County Clerk of said County to render the services hereinafter specified relating to the conduct of the general election to be held within said CITY OF BURLINGAME on TUESDAY, the loth day of April, 1962, for the purpose of submitting the following to the qualified voters of said CITY OF BURLINGAME. 2. That the election services requested by said CITY OF BURLINGAME in connection with the holding and conducting of said election are more particularly set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto, and incorporated herein the same as though fully set forth at length. 3. That this governing body shall., and does hereby, accept the terms and conditions of the performance of said electi< services, (and the furnishing of voting machines); and this governing body further agrees to make the payments therefor, as set forth in Resolution No. 16928 of the Board of Supervisors prescribing the payments for the rendering of specified election services to cities and districts and for the furnishing of voting machines to cities, districts and political subdivisions of said County Clerk, adopted on the 19th day of December, 1961. 4. That this governing body shall, and does hereby agree to comply with the terms and conditions of the instructions for elections prepared by the County Clerk, attached hereto as Exhibit "B". G v ANDRFW C. BYRD } �1 c� -' - .OK 90IT J.IO2 E;f qO YTIO `BHT qo SIDKUOD YTID HHT qO LSOITUdOPHR O3"iAM KA2 q0 xHajo YTKUOo DKIT2HUPaR HKADKLIRUE 2SDIVRS2 KOIToada QHI�tiIoaga REQKER OT YTKUOO gQOo 8%0ITOH.IH 'EHT HO EUe 140ITO;I2 OT TKAUBRUi (MIIHOAM DKITOV HZIKSM OT GHA) emsgnilguH 30 Y110 aril `10 Iiorwoo gdiO aril Qd 'Q9Id0825i :awollo3 ns2 30 y-rWoO erid 3o sgosivgequ8 3o bgsog sill lzAT .t gdnLroo aril limgaq of belesupeg Ycfe'lefi al bns tsd !tans oelaM bei'iioaga gellsnlegsri saoivgse aril gebneg of glnuoo bins 30 :lgelo niridiw bleii ed od Ioldosle tsgerrag edl 3o dorrbnoo aril 0,4 A.nflsleg 4S6QI LiggA io 4sb rifOf aril vAG8aUT no TIADK2IRUH '40 YTIO bise bellitaup sill of 3niwotio2 sill ,3nillimdus 20 eaogguq aril "0" .:nlADKIdRUa qO YTIO bisa 3o egedov YTIO bile Yd befaeupei ee�kvgea n01doete erfd Jziff .S 20 Bntdoubnoo bni? galblod aril ddlw n0i30enaoo ni :3MADKI.IRUH '30 "A" didirfx^ ni Alz02 des grzstuoifgaq egom sgs noidoele bias �ttrfi riguorid ea erase aril nieget belsgoggooni king odsaerf berioedfe { ..Cflgnel is rilgo2 Sea e-Z&OTaff eeob bns .Ilsife Ybod HninKevo3 elild lziff .E noiloe.fe bisa 30 e0n.amjo`Ygeq aril 3o snoilihno0 .bile emged elid dge0oa sirfd bns ;(aea2.dosm �rrtfov io aril bns) ee01vgeB sa rgo3a°rerfd elnamY.sq aril extsm od eee i3ri r5rffgu3 Ybod gnirvis a7oaIvKequ8 30 bgsod aril 30 8SP61 .ow 116idutoe®*irxi rilgo3 noiloele bei3i0ege 3o gnigebnen evil g03 ednemgsq eril Snidigoe Anilov '10 an.Waingu3 aril go'I bns ed0igdeib bns eeid10 od 8e01val bile 'I0 enoieivibdua lsoifiloq bme eloigdeib tasidio od eentrlo" .ldri tzeunie0a:i 'c �sb lFL e!!l no badgobs ,�igerO ylnu0 04 �tia79n Leoij Di is ti.Loulis ts`od 6ii-UV1bW06 dLal:i o.o,+i ..µ !� i anoid0ugdeni sill 3o anollibnoo brrs amgel eril rfliw Ylgmoa od ee23a a ;y es oda•xeri beriosdds ggal0 gfnuoO arid Yd beiegsgq anoifoete gol? . "all .fi li lx� A I, Herbert K. White, City Clerk of the City of Burlingame, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the '"t'-1 day of February, 1962 , by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen: Byrd, Johnson, Lorenz, Martin, Moran Noes: Councilmen: None Absent: Councilmen: None City Clerk 'IN eltrfw .2f 419dtel4 a J3 w flo I u -Z 0 e 0 q -31-1 o a vs ot 8 AJ I B f i J y 1 .1 J 0 y, d 0 --, a -If ob , em j-a11 q v a llorivoOr X110 ejlto anIdeam isluSsa z J+,s balqob-A byre beomboiztrif arlwollo'f e).(fj 'Zd 'Ic yzb f,-'Jr� eAl no bled slov merillonuoO :8617P riemll orimo 0 sOOR flefal I Oalro 0 :JneadA SL9 STRIKE OUT SERVICES NOT REQUIRED .XHIRIT "A" FLFCTION SFRVICFS RFOUFSTEO FROM COUNTY CLFRK: I. Preparation and supplying of four (4) conies of precinct indexes to the affidavits of registration of eligible registered voters by consolidated election precincts as established by the governing body of such city or district in connection with such elec- tion. 2. The addressing and preparation of polling place notices for the eligible regicterP,+ voters of such city or district In connec- tion with such election. 3.R Where required, the inserting in envelopes for mailing sample ballots or other election matter to the eligible registered voters of such city or district in connection with such election. 4. Furnishinq card or paper stock necessary for the prenar- ation of pollinq place notices in connection ith s,rch election. S. The fnrni,hinq of •ntinq machines and c.1ch other elec- tion equipmen' is i, necessary for nr incidental to said electron. PAYMENT TO Rc Manc BY CITY OR nISTRICT- 1. F•rnichino nrecinct indexes at s1.00 ner tho,mand names or portion thereof a r-rrinq thereon, with minimum charge to be $3.00. 7. The nddressinq and orenaratinn of nollinq place notic-c for the-ligible registered voters at S10.45 per thou)sand for each one thousand, •,ith minims" charge to be $10.45. 3. Where required, the inserting in envelopes for mailing election matter to the eligible register-d voters $S.QO per thousand for each one thousand, with miniminn charge to he $5.90. 4. Furnishing card stock for polling place notice, to eligible registered voters $6.75 per thousand laroe card stock, and $4.75 ner thousand smell card stock or paper stock. 5. For ,Prvices required for use of voting machines furnished by County Clerk other than drayage costs or the cost of printing ballot labels therefor.the sum of $7.75 ww" per machine for each voting machine used at said election. 6. Drayage costs and the costs of printing ballot labels in- curred in connection with the use of voting machines furnished by County Clerk for said election shall be arranged and paid for by this governing body by contract with the private person, firm or corporation supplying such service. FXiIBIT "a" GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS — APRIL 10 1962 SUGGESTIONS to the City Clerks in preparing for the use of Voting Machines at this election and pertinent dates necessary for the County Clerk to complete elections services as requested by the City Clerks. 1. Authorisation to perform special services to City to be nude by Resolution of the City Council requesting Board of Supervisors to permit County Clerk to render the specified services to the City relating to the conduct of the election. The City shall reimburse the County in full for the services rendered upon presentation of bill. Section 22DO30 Elections Code (See Exhibit "A" for specified services available) 2. County Clerk to be advised, by letter, of the following= — a — Official Name of Election, Section 22801, 22830, 22831 Elections Code b — Voting Precincts, Section 22804, 1565, 15110 Elections Code e — Polling Place Locations d — Election Officers, Section 2280% 1604, 1605, 1606 Elections Code e — Number of Voting Machines required by Voting Precincts Note: "b" & "d". Voting Precincts as set up by the County are on the basis of net to exceed 600 voters. Section 1565, Elections Code 3. Polling Place Location Requirements for Voting Machines a — No polling place should be located in living quarters due to weight of machines. Use of locations with concrete or solid floors or public buildings should be utilized with a maximum of three steps at entry. b — Locations should have grounded wiring, if possible. c — Polling Place owners to furnish table and chairs wherever possible. 4. INDEXES After the closing date for the registration, Feb, 15, 1962, this office will prepare indexes for use at the election. Completion date for this work will be no later than March 15, 1962, Page 2 5, ADDRESSING OF POLLING PLACE NOTICES To properly complete this work or service it will be necessary to have your list of Polling Places, by precincts, by Feb. 12 1962, so that we may prepare our schedule for use in addressing these notices after closing date for registrations, Feb. 15, 1962. 6. SAMPLE BALLOTS Sections 150834A45085, Elections Code The sample ballots shall be in either full or reduced size and arranged so as to show that part of the voting machine being used and with suitable instructions for voting on the machines, This entails different setting of type than for Absentee Ballots or Voting Machine Ballot Labels. (See Sample Ballot attached) It will be necessary to give printer all pertinent data for the preparation of the sample ballot, with printing time allowed, so that the printed and folded sample ballots be in our office no later than March 6, 1962. The sample ballots, as forwarded to us must be certified correct and the cost of printing same is to be borne by the city, Sample Ballot envelopes to arrive our office no later than March 6, 1962. Cost borne by City. Any other insert material, measures, etc., to be certified as to correctness and to arrive in our office no later than March 6, 1962, Cost borne by City. The dates shown are necessary to comply with Section 10012, Elections Code, requiring mailing to commence not more than 40 days before the day of election and the completed mailing of sample ballots not less than 10 whole days before the election day or March 30, 1962. 7, ABSENTEE OFFICIAL BALLOTS Sections 10013, 228702 22871, 22872, 22873 Elections Code. This ballot is set up in accordance with mentioned code sections. The Ballot is exactly the same type of Official Ballot used at previous elections. There is no resemblance to the sample ballot. The responsibility of making up this ballot and the cost of same is to be borne by the cities. For your information Absentee Ballots must be available for your use on March 12, 1962. Page 3 8. PAECINCr SUPPLIES AND PRINTING OF BALLOT LABELS FOR VOTING MACHINES Sections 15080, 15089 Elections Code 8 A. Precinct supplies should be ordered specifying "for voting machine use". 8 B. The printing of ballot labels is ordinarily included as part of precinct supplies. As nomination filings close Feb. 15, 1962, 12 noon, the data for printer (See Ballot Label Sample) must be in his hands, and printing time allowed, so that the labels can be certified correct by you and delivered to this office no later than March 9, 1962. The cost of, and responsibility for to be borne by the city. By having Ballot Labels in our possession on March 9, 1962, the starting of machine set—up can be made, with the completion date set for April 3, 1962. On April 4, 1962, drayage companies, as selected by the city, can begin picking up and delivering machines to the precincts. Assignment of machines to the precinct is made by this office. Machine assignment listing should be available by April 2, 1962. Cost of drayage to be borne by city, 9. ELECPION OFFICER INSTRUCTION Section 15151, 15152, 15153, 15154 Elections Cods. Election Officer listing, by precinct, must be in our office on or before March 9, 1962. This is latest possible date so that we may arrange dates and hours for instruction in use of voting machines. All classes must be completed by March 30, 1962 and Certificate of .qualification issued to each Election Officer. 10. KEYS TO VOTING MACHINES Sections 14944, 15156, 15157, 15161, 15162, 15257, 15258 Elections Code. The keys for the voting machines will be delivered to the City Clerk in sealed envelopes with all pertinent data as to precinct identification typed thereon. Also attached to envelope will be a receipt for the keys that will be signed by the Inspector, at the time of delivery by City Clerk. This for City Clerk files. Section 15156, 15157, Elections Code. After all work has been completed at the precinct and the machines locked to prevent operation, the keys are to be placed in an envelope, as supplied by the City Clerk, with all items on the envelope filled out and sealed envelope to be returned to the City Clerk. Sections 15257, 15258 Elections Code. We will pick up all keys at your office the day following the election. All envelopes mentioned should be part of the precinct supplies. Page 4 U. ELECTION DAY On Election Day, April 10, 1962, we will have a sufficient number of stand-by voting machine technicians on hand from 6:00 A.M. to 8:30 P.M. to care for a'7 emergencies that may occur. 'telephone Numbers - FM 6-3644 EM 9-0408 8a 9- FM 9- 12. VOTING MACHINE RETURN TO OJR WAREHOUSE On April llth and 12th all voting machines would be earoute back to our warehouse. 13. OFFICIAL CANVASS Sections 15255, 15256, Elections Code. As machines will be in our warehouse the Official Canvass will have to be made there. To accommodate the City Clerk, we will have meu at the warehouse to aid in removing covers, etc., to expedite this work. A schedule as to the day and time for City Clerk to make the Official Canvass would be advisable. After the Official Canvass, all tote -is must be left on the machines for 8 days following the election. Section 15254, Elections Code. EXHIBIT "B" GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS - APRIL 10, 1962 SUGGESTIONS to the City Clerks in preparing for the use of Voting Machines at this election and pertinent dates necessary for the County Clerk to complete elections services as requested by the City Clerks. 1. Authorization to perform special services to City to be made by Resolution of the City Council requesting Board of Supervisors to permit County Clerk to render the specified services to the City relating to the conduct of the election. The City shall reimburse the County in full for the services rendered upon pre- sentation of bill. Section 22003, Elections Code (See Exhibit "A" for specified services available) 2. County Clerk to be advised, by letter, of the following: - a - Official Name of Election, Section 22801, 22830, 22831 Elections Code b - Voting Precincts, Section 22804, 1565, 15110 Elections Code c - Polling Place Locations d - Election Officers, Section 22805, 1604, 1605, 1606 Elections Code e - Number of Voting Machines required by Voting Precincts Note: "b" & "d". Voting Precincts as set up by the County are on the basis of not to exceed 600 voters. Section 1565, Elections Code 3. Polling Place Location Requirements for Voting Machines a - No polling place should be located in living quarters due to weight of machines. Use of locations with concrete or solid floors or public buildings should be utilized with a maximum of three steps at entry. b - Locations should have grounded wiring, if possible. c - Polling Place owners to furnish table and chairs wherever possible. 4. INDEXES After the closing date for the registration, February 15, 1962, this office will prepare indexes for use at the election. Completion date for this work will be no later than March 15, 1962. 5. ADDRESSING OF POLLING PLACE NOTICES To properly complete this work or service it will be necessary to have your list of Polling Places, by precincts, by February 1, 1962, so that we may prepare our schedule for use in addressing these notices after closing date for registrations, February 15, 1962. 12-61 ` Page 2 6. SAMPLE BALLOTS Sections 15083 - 15085, Elections Code The sample ballots shall be in either full or reduced size and arranged so as to show that part of the voting machine being used and with suitable instructions for voting on the machines. This entails different setting of type than for Absentee Ballots or Voting Machine Ballot Labels. (See Sample Ballot attached) It will be necessary to give printer all pertinent data for the preparation of the sample ballot, with printing time allowed, so that the printed and folded sample ballots be in our office no later than March 6, 1962. The sample ballots, as for- warded to us must be certified correct and the cost of printing same is to be borne by the city. Sample Ballot envelopes to arrive our office no later than March 6, 1962. Cost borne by City. Any other insert material, measures, etc., to be certified as to correctness and to arrive in our office no later than March 6, 1962. Cost borne by City. The dates shown are necessary to comply with Section 10012, Elections Code, requiring mailing to commence not more than 40 days before the day of election and the completed mailing of sample ballots not less than 10 whole days before the elec- tion day or March 30, 1962. 7. ABSENTEE OFFICIAL BALLOTS Sections 10013, 22870, 22871, 22872, 22873 Elections Code. This ballot is set up in accordance with mentioned code sections. The Ballot is exactly the same type of Official Ballot used at previous elections. There is no resemblance to the sample ballot. The responsibility of making up this ballot and the cost of same is to be borne by the cities. For your information Absentee Ballots must be available for your use on March 12, 1962. 8. PRECINCT SUPPLIES AND PRINTING OF BALLOT LABELS FOR VOT114G MACHINES Sections 15080, 15009 Elections Code 8 A. Precinct_ supplies should be ordered specifying "for voting machine use". 8 B. The printing of ballot labels is ordinarily included as part of pre- cinct supplies. As nomination filings close February 15, 1962, 12 noon, the data for printer (See Ballot Label Sample) must be in his hands, and printing time allowed, so that the labels can be certified correct by you and delivered to this office no later than March 9, 1962. The cost of, and responsibility for to be borne by the city. 12-61 Page 3 u, PRECINCT SUPPLIES AND PRINTING OF BALLOT LABELS FOR VOTING MACHINES (Cont'd) By having Ballot Labels in our possession on March 9, 1962, the starting of machine set-up can be made, with the completion date set for April 3, 1962. On April 4, 1962, drayage companies, as selected by the city, can begin picking up and delivering machines to the precincts. Assignment of machines to the pre- cinct is made by this office. Machine assignment listing should be available by April 2, 1962. Cost of drayage to be borne by city. 9. ELECTION OFFICER. INSTRUCTION Section 15151, 15152, 15153, 15154 Elections Code. Election Officer listing, by precinct, must be in our office on or before March 9, 1962. This is latest possible date so that we may arrange dates and hours for instruction in use of voting machines. All classes must be completed by March 30, 1962 and Certificate of Qualification issued to each Election Officer. 10. KEYS TO VOTING MACHINES Sections 14944, 15156, 15157, 15161, 15162, 15257, 15258 Elections Code. The keys for the voting machines will be delivered to the City Clerk in sealed envelopes with all pertinent data as to precinct identification typed thereon. Also attached to envelope will be a receipt for the keys that will be signed by the Inspector, at the time of delivery by City Clerk. This for City Clerk files. Section 15156, 15157, Elections Code. After all work has been completed at the precinct and the machines locked to pre- vent operation, the keys are to be placed in an envelope, as supplied by the City Clerk, with all items on the envelope filled out and sealed envelope to be returned to the City Clerk. Sections 15257, 15250 Elections Code. We will pick up all keys at your office the day following the election. All envelopes mentioned should be part of the precinct supplies. I1. ELECTION DAY On Election Day, April 10, 1962, we will have a sufficient number of stand-by voting technicians on hand from 6:00 A.M. to 8:30 P.M. to care for any emergencies that may occur Telephone Numbers - EM 6-3644 EM 9-0408 EM 9- EM 9- 12. VOTING MACHINE RETURN TO OUR WAREHOUSE On April llth and 12th all voting machines would be enroute back to our warehouse. 12-61 Page 4 13. OFFICIAL CANVASS Sections 15255, 15256, Elections Code. As machines will be in our warehouse the Official Canvass will have to be made there. To accommodate the City Clerk, we will have men at the warehouse to aid in removing covers, etc., to expedite this work. A schedule as to the day and time for City Clerk to make the Official Canvass would be advisable. After the Official Canvass, all totals must be left on the machines for 3 days following the election. Section 15254, Elections Code. Election -Registration Department Hall of Justice and Records Redwood City, California 12-61 RESOLUTION NO. 16726 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, COUNTY OF SAN MATEO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. RESOLUTION ADOPT114G VOTING MACHINES FOR USE AT GENERAL AND SPECIAL ELECTIONS THROUGHOUT COUNTY OF SAN MATEO AND AUTHORIZING COUNTY CLERK TO DETERMINE WHEN AND WHERE SUCH VOTING MACHINES SHALL BE PROVIDED THEREFOR RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Mateo, State of Cali- fornia, that WHEREAS, this Board of Supervisors has acquired voting machines on behalf of the County of San Mateo for use at various general and special elections to be held in the County of San Mateo; and WHEREAS, Section 15050 of the Elections Code authorizes the use of such voting machines at any or all elections held in any county, city, or any of their political subdivis- ions for voting, registering and counting votes cast; and WHEREAS, it is necessary and desirable for this Board of Supervisors to provide for the adoption of said voting machines and for the times at which and the manner in which said voting machines shall be provided by the County of San Mateo: NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED AND DETERMINED as follows: 1. That this Board of Supervisors shall, and does hereby, adopt said voting machines acquired by the County of San Mateo for use at any or all elections held in the County of San Mateo, or any city, district or political subdivision thereof, pursuant to the terms and con- ditions hereinafter set forth. 2. That the County Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of this Board of Supervisors be, and he is hereby, authorized to provide for each polling place at any such election one or more of said voting machines pursuant to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. 3. That if, in the opinion of said County Clerk it is impracticable to supply each election district with a voting machine at any such election the County Clerk shall be, and he is hereby, authorized to supply as many of said voting machines as is practicable to supply and said County Clerk shall be, and he is hereby, authorized to determine in what election district or precincts such voting machines shall be supplied. 4. That the County Clerk be, and he is hereby, authorized to supply voting machines to a local school district of the County of San Mateo to provide instruction to students, where such voting machines are available therefor. 5. That the use of voting machines by cities, districts and political subdivis- ions (other than the County of San Mateo) and school districts shall be expressly conditional upon the payment by such cities, districts and political subdivisions of the expenses in- cident to the use of such voting machines as the same may from time to time be established by this Board of Supervisors. . . . . . . . . . . . 2.