HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso - PC - 011-2001 RECORDING REQUESTED BY: DOC 83 200 T_02G427 03l02/2Pag12:03P oo 8 Fee:NC Planning Department e City of Burlingame Recorded in Official Records County of San Mateo WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: Warren Slocum Assessor-Countyy Clerk-Recorder PLANNING DEPARTMENT Recorded By BURLINGAME CITY CITY OF BURLINGAME II 501 PRIMROSE ROAD BURLINGAME,CA 94010 ]E� III I I II I I I I I II I 111i 1�It Resolution No. 11-2001 1250 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY; APN: 026-142-080 TITLE OF DOCUMENT I hereby certify this to be a full, true and correct copy of the document it purports to be, the original of which is on file in my office. Date: 02.06.01 Ng a'afiU0 Vv Margarei Monroe, City Planner RESOLUTION APPROVING MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION, VARIANCES AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS RESOLUTION-11-2001 RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Burlingame that: WHEREAS, a mitigated negative declaration has been proposed and application has been made for variances and conditional use permits for construction of a proposed single-story addition to an existing hotel which exceeds the total site landscaping and compact car parking space requirements in the C-4 zone,and to vary from the landscaping requirements within and outside the shoreline band and front setback landscaping requirements of the Design Guidelines for Bayfront Development at 1250 Bayshore Highway, zoned C-4, APN: 026-142-080• Burlingame Hotel Corp. Ltd., 1050 Ralston Avenue, Belmont, CA 94002, prop owner; WHEREAS, said matters were heard by the Planning Commission of the City of Burlingame on January 12,2001,at which time it reviewed and considered the staff report and all other written materials and testimony presented at said hearing; NOW, THEREFORE, it is RESOLVED and DETERMINED by this Planning Commission that: 1. On the basis of the Initial Study and the documents submitted and reviewed, and comments received and addressed by this commission, it is hereby found that there is no substantial evidence that the project set forth above will have a significant effect on the environment, and mitigated negative declaration, per Mitigated Negative Declaration No. ND 512P, is hereby approved. 2. Said mitigated negative declaration, variances and conditional use permits are approved, subject to the conditions set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. Findings for such mitigated negative declaration, variances, and conditional use permits are as set forth in the minutes and recording of said meeting. 3. It is further directed that a certified copy of this resolution recorded in the official records of the County of San Mateo. 41111111111111ll�II�I ?®sa Qz 12-03P �-r �-�' CH I I,Ann Keighran, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Burlingame,do eertify that the foregoing resolution was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 22"d day of January, 2001 ,by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOJUES, DEAL, OSTERLING, VISTICA AND LUZURIAGA NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: DREILING AND KEIGHRAN 6 SECRETARY � � � VIIIA II IIIIII I1lI�I�II�II�IIII I III��i �II6i00©3 2 03P 0026427 f 0 EXHIBIT"A" Conditions of approval for mitigated negative declaration,variances,and conditional use permits. 1250 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY effective February 5,2001 page-1- 1. that the project shall be built as shown on the plans submitted to the Planning Department and date stamped January 12,2001,Sheets A0.01,A1.01,A2.01,A2.02,A2.03,A3.01,A3.02,Topographic Boundary&Utility Survey,L1.0,and Preliminary Landscape Sections,sheet 2 and 3; 2. that the conditions of the City Engineer's April 21,2000 memo and the Chief Building Official's and Fire Marshal's April 10,2000 memos shall be met; 3. that any changes to the footprint,floor area, setbacks,or height of the building shall require and amendment to this permit; 4. that at the time public access improvements are installed at 1308 Bayshore Highway,this property owner shall be financially responsible for funding one-halfthe cost of fabricating/building and installing a pedestrian bridge across Easton Creek,including adjustments to all existing pathway improvements and elevations on his property;these improvements and the method of installation shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to the construction; 5. that in the event that there is subsidence as the result of an earthquake,the site shall be repaired as approved by the City Engineer; 6. that all site and roof drainage shall be directed to the street frontage; 7. that all new utility connections to serve the site,and which are affected by the development,shall be installed to meet current code standards and local capacities; 8. that the applicant shall comply with Ordinance 1503,the City of Burlingame Storm Water Management and Discharge Control Ordinance; 9. that the required parking areas shall not be used for long-term parking or converted to useable/leasable space as a part of any hotel promotion; 10. that if the hotel and/or restaurant on site proposes to charge for customers or guests to park in the parking lot,an amendment to the conditional use permit shall be required,and the conditional use permit shall include conditions of approval which provide that employees can park for free,and that the rates charged for short-term parking shall be limited and the rate charged geared to penalize those non- hotel/restaurant guests/visitors who would abuse the availability of parking; 11. that the applicant shall provide a complete Irrigation Water Management Conservation Plan together with landscape and irrigation plans at time of permit application; VIIIIIi IIII VIII VIII I VIII SII �!!tllli� 20F200 1 012 000040-7 3P EXHIBIT "A" Conditions of approval for mitigated negative declaration, variances, and conditional use permits. 1250 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY effective February 5, 2001 page -2- 12. that the developer shall,as a part of the demolition work on the site,prepare,have approved by the City and implement a recycling plan for all material to be removed, prior to issuance of a demolition or grading permit; 13. that before any development is allowed, conditional use permits for shoreline band landscaping,front setback landscaping, and landscaping outside the shoreline band shall be applied for and received,• 14. that before any development is allowed, parking variances for the number of compact spaces and a landscaping variance for total site landscaping shall be applied for and received; 15. that the applicant shall obtain necessary permits and meet the standards of the permitting agencies such as the Bay Conservation and Development Commission, Bay Area Air Quality Management District, the California Department of Fish and Game, San Francisco Regional Water Quality Control Board, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, if applicable; 16 that the project design shall conform to all seismic-related requirements of the latest edition of the California Building Code as amended by the City of Burlingame in effect at the time ofproject approval and any additional seismic requirements of the State Architect's office; 17. that seismic-resistant construction shall follow the recommendations of the site-specific geotechnical investigation; 18. that the grading plan shall be prepared by a licensed Civil Engineer and approved by the City Engineer. All applicable requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)permit for the site shall be adhered to in the design and during construction; 19. that all applicable San Mateo County Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program Best Management Practices shall be adhered to in the design and during construction, including stabilizing areas cleared of vegetation, because of construction,prior to the wet season, erosion shall be controlled during and after construction to protect San Francisco Bay waters; 20. that the project structures shall be built on a structural rigid mat foundation, drilled pier, or a structural slab type offoundation. Foundations shall comply with the recommendations ofsite-specific geotechnical investigation; 21. that water and sewer lines shall be constructed from flexible material with flexible connections with the degree offlexibility established by the City Engineer and with his approval and inspection; 22. that all runoff created during construction and future discharge from the site shall be required to meet the applicable San Mateo County Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program Best Management Practices for surface water runoff and storm drain maintenance; EXHIBIT "A" Conditions of approval for mitigated negative declaration, variances, and conditional use permits. 1250 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY effective February 5, 2001 page -3- 23. that all runoff in the parking lot, including runofffrom the landscaped areas, shall be filtered to remove oil and grease prior to discharge by a method approved by the City Engineer and such facilities shall be installed and maintained by the property owner. Filters shall be regularly inspected by the City. Failure to maintain such filters and facilities in working conditions shall cause this conditional use permit to be called upfor review. All costs for the annual or more frequent inspection and enforcement of this condition shall be paid for by this project's property owner; 24. that grading shall be done so that impacts from erosion and runoff into the bay and storm drain would be minimal; 25. that low flow plumbing fixtures shall be installed and City water conservation requirements shall be met at all times; 26 that no building materials or heavy equipment shall be stored on site in areas within 30 feet of Easton Creek or the bay; 27. that backflow,prevention for storm drainage to the bay shall be provided for any new connections; 28. that during grading and construction, the site shall be periodically sprayed with water to control dust as required by the BAAQMD and the City Engineer; 29. that before construction, the applicant shall require contractors to use construction equipment in compliance with the BAAQMD standards; 30. that ifconstruction activities, including tree and shrub removal,grading or other related activities,are scheduled to commence during the months of February, March, July, and August, twenty-one to fourteen days prior to commencement, the applicant shall have a field survey conducted by a qualified biologist to determine if active nests of native birds are present in the construction zone or within 150 feet of the construction zone. If the construction activities commence during the months of April, May, and June, such a survey shall be done forty-five to twenty-one days prior to commencement and continue on a bi-weekly interval. In the event that an active nest is discovered in the areas to be disturbed, or in other habitats within 150 feet of construction boundaries, clearing and construction within may be postponed until the nest is vacated and juveniles have fledged(typically 3-4 weeks for most small passerines), as determined by the biologist, and there is no evidence of second nesting attempts; 31. that if construction activities are conducted outside the breeding season, which would be from September 1 to January 31, no action is necessary. It is not necessary to replace potential nesting habitat of common birds occurring onsite because they are well adapted to nesting in developed areas; 1111111Hill 111111111111111111111111111ill 11i111111111; oRl 15 78e427 EXHIBIT "A" Conditions of approval for mitigated negative declaration, variances, and conditional use permits. 1250 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY effective February 5, 2001 page -4- 32. that construction activities shall be conducted in such a manner as to prevent the discharge of excavated material or any other materials(e.g.,petroleum products, trees and/or shrubs, cement, etc.) associated with construction activities into either Easton Creek or the bay. The applicant shall have the contractor stake off, use orange safetyfencing, or other such visible method to demarcate the creek and the bay to prevent construction equipment, crews and materials from entering these waters. Construction plans shall show the demarcated areas and label them as follows: Environmentally Sensitive Areas-No Entry; 33. that all construction shall be limited to the hours of construction as stated in the City of Burlingame Municipal Code (CS 18.08.035); 34. that notwithstanding the Burlingame Municipal Code requirements, no piles shall be driven before 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, and none shall be driven on Sunday; 35. that the addition shall be built so that the interior noise level in all rooms shall not exceed 45 dBA (CNEL). The applicant shall provide information to the City of Burlingame to document the interior noise levels at the time offinal inspection by the Burlingame Building Department; 36. that an automatic fire sprinkler system shall be required in the addition as well as in the restaurant. A new fire alarm system shall also be required. The automatic sprinkler system and the fire alarm system shall be required to be monitored by an approved central station; 37 that the proposed project shall comply with Ordinance 1477 limiting exterior illumination; 38. thatshould anyprehistoric or historic archaeological relics be discoveredduring construction,allwork shall be halted until the f:ndingcan bef dly investigated and properprotection measures, as determined by a qualified cultural resources consultant acceptable to the City, can be implemented- all removal or restoration work shall be supervised by qualified professionals approved by the City Planner. Project personnel shall not collect cultural resources. Prehistoric resources include chert or obsidian flakes,projectile points, mortars, and pestles; and dark friable soil containing shell and bone dietary debris, heat-affected rock; or human burials. Historic resources include stone or adobe foundations or walls;structures and remains with square nails; and refuse deposits, often in old wells and privies. Any identified cultural resources shall be recorded on forms DPR 422 (archaeological sites) and/or DPR 523 (historic properties) or similar forms; 39. that approval of the Bay Conservation and Development Commission(BCDC)shall be obtained for the proposed public access improvements, parking and parking layout construction within BCDC jurisdiction, and a BCDC permit shall be obtained prior to issuance of a building permit; and 40. that Burlingame and BCDC shall approve public access improvement plans; the developer shall be responsible for the construction and maintenance ofall public access improvements and shall be liable for any damage caused to the public for failure to maintain these facilities to a safe standard. III lilll 11111!1!1 III!I!III !II !1111!I I I III 03/02/2001 o0a �2' ROUTING FORM DATE: April 7, 2000 TO: -C CITY ENGINEER X CHIEF BUILDING OFFICIAL C�FIRE MARSHAL _SR. LANDSCAPE INSPECTOR CITY ATTORNEY FROM: CITY PLANNER/PLANNER SUBJECT: Request for: 1) front setback variance; 2) parking variance; 3) conditional use permits for construction of ground level meeting room, reconfiguration of parking lot and circulation and relandscaping at Ramada Inn at 1250 Old Bayshore Hwy, zoned C-4, APN: 025-142- 080. SCHEDULED PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION MEETING: May 8, 2000 for Study by Planning Commission STAFF REVIEW BY MEETING ON: Monday, April 10, 2000 THANKS, Maureen/Janice/Ruben d C,�J Date of Comments �v ���11�13�i�� �IIII��4II!� II�II�l�I�il�i.� lll!!I C ISI 03102/20C1R1 Pag'ec ; 1 8 6427 ROUTING FORM DATE: April 7, 2000 TO: CITY ENGINEER X CHIEF BUILDING OFFICIAL C�FIRE MARSHAL SR. LANDSCAPE INSPECTOR CITY ATTORNEY FROM: CITY PLANNER/PLANNER SUBJECT: Request for: 1) front setback variance; 2) parking variance; 3) conditional use permits for construction of ground level meeting room, reconfiguration of parking lot and circulation and relandscaping at Ramada Inn at 1250 Old Bayshore Hwy, zoned C-4, APN: 025-142- 080. SCHEDULED PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION MEETING: May 8, 2000 for Study by Planning Commission lIEE!!lEEIlEIEIIIEElElI!!IElE!!I!EllEil!!lEEIE!!E!lIIEI � ' (Tq��0 27 STAFF REVIEW BY MEETING ON: Monday, April 10, 2000 THANKS, Maureen/Janice/Ruben V Date of Comments 1 �C- iW C I rA k ley 9 ALA-Q., Z, LA be At oNitc