HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso - CC - 020-1965fi-SOLUTION 20-65 OF THE CITY COUNCIL AUTHORIZI1143 AIN AN&MMM TO CORRECT Ali ERROR IN THE CONTRACT BETW-6F.N SAID C111-Y OF BURLINGMIS AND THE STATE MPLOY&ES1 RETIRWT SYST&I, WHER_`,AS, the City Council of the City of Burlingame entered into contract ef- fective July 1$ 1942 with the Board of Administration, State Snployees, Retirement System 1"or the purnose of providing retirement coverage for its employees, and WHEREAS, 11.1)e City Council subsequently by Ordinance No. 318 approved an amend- ment to said contract for the pur�)ose of extending the provisions of Section 21380-7 (1959 survivor program) to all members of the State Eq.-)loyees' Retirement System under said coyitr=ct, and WERKAS, the contract amencbiient attached to said ordinance erroneousl;r specifies that the -)rovision of Sections 21380-7 shall be restrictea to "Safety members". and WHEREASt said Retirement Law precludes any possibility of selectively applying Sections 21380-7 to any particular category of membership, and- WHERFAS, Section 20461 of the State Employees' Retirement lk#aw provides that errors in a contract may be corrected through amendments approved by the adoption of suitable resolutions by the contracting parties, NOW c Burlingame rr"E'REFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that said City Council r f the e City of Bur n does hereby authorize the following amendment to said contract: The word 11safety" Vn�ich appears in the second line of contract para. raph 7 (10) as said contract was amended by ordinance !1o. 818 is hereby stricken from said contract which shall henceforth read as follows: "Article 6. Chapter 9. Sections21380-7 (providing for allowances for survivors of members covered under the Program upon death before retirement) shall apply.f, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED) that the presiding o4ficer of said City Council be., and he is hereby authorized, empowered., and directed to execute said amendment for and on behalf of said City Council. Adopted this _L -, �7, - - - L-h day of February, 1965. BOARD OF AaiINISTRATION STATE EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTJW. P16esiding Officer Attest; ll am ilavr, am Payne,xec r e Officer CERTIFICATION OF GOVERNING BODY'S ACTION I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Resolution adopted by the Cit Council Governing Body of the City of Burlingame on February 15 , Name of Public Agency 19 65 , appearing at Page 156 , Volume 13 of the (Minutes) (Official Records) of the Burlin ame Cit ouncil vern ng Body CITY CLERK or Secretary of the Board Ret. Form 949 (Rev. 9/57) 75