HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - BC - 2015.06.04AGENDA BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION June 4,2015@6:30PM BURLINGAME RECREATION CENTER 850 BURLINGAME AVE — Conference Room I. ROLL CALL II. MINUTES III. CORRESPONDENCE IV. FROM THE FLOOR Speakers may address the Commission concerning any matter over which the Commission has jurisdiction or of which it may take cognizance that is not on the agenda. Additional public comments on agenda action items will be heard when the Commission takes up those items. The Ralph M. Brown Act (the State local agency open meeting law) prohibits the Commission from acting on any matter that is not on the agenda. Speakers are asked to fill out a "request to speak" card located on the table by the door and hand it to staff, although provision of name, address or other identifying information is optional. Speakers are limited to three minutes each, although the Commission may adjust the time limit in light of the number of anticipated speakers. V. OLD BUSINESS 1) 2015 Business Landscape Award 2) Tree Planting on Trousdale 3) Recognition of Dale Perkins VI. NEW BUSINESS 1) Appeal at 1101 Vancouver Avenue —Illegal Pruning of City Owned Trees 2) Appeal at 1608 Davis Drive — Arborist Denied Removal of City Owned Magnolia 3) Residential Landscape Award for Drought Tolerant Landscapes 4) July 2, 2015 BBC Meeting - Cancelled VII. REPORTS 1) Staff 2) Chairperson 3) Commissioners VIII. UPCOMING AGENDA ITEMS Next Regular Meeting_ July 2, 2015 NOTICE: Any attendees wishing accommodations for disabilities should contact the Parks & Recreation Dept. at (650) 558-7330 at lease 24 hours before the meeting. A copy of the agenda packet is available for review at the Recreation Center, 850 Burlingame Avenue, during normal office hours. The Agendas and minutes are also available on the City's website: www.burlingame.org. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Burlingame Beautification Commission regarding any items on this agenda will be made available forpublic inspection at 850 Burlingame Avenue during normal business hours. BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION June 4, 2015 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order at 6:30 pm by Chairperson Kirchner. ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson Kirchner, Commissioners McQuaide, Hunt and Hinckle Absent: Commissioner Dittman Staff: Parks & Recreation Director Glomstad, City Arborist/Park Supervisor Disco and Recording Secretary Borba MINUTES Minutes of the May 7, 2015 meeting were amended and approved. CORRESPONDENCE 1. June 27t1i Commissioner Workshop reminder. 2. May 4' joint session with Council outline from Commissioner Kirchner for current and future items for the Commission. PUBLIC COMMENT None OLD BUSINESS 1. 2015 Business Landscape Award The 2015 Business Landscape Award nominee packets were handed out to the Commissioners. The Commissioners will vote at the August meeting. 2. Tree Planting on Trousdale Commissioner McQuaide will put her ideas for planting trees on Trousdale in writing and submit it at the next meeting. 3. Recognition of Dale Perkins Commissioners discussed different ways to recognize Dale Perkins. Commissioners will continue the discussion at the August meeting. NEW BUSINESS 1. Appeal at 1101 Vancouver Avenue — Illegal Pruning of City Owned Trees Arborist Disco read the staff report. Commissioner Hinckle asked if it is possible the trees will regenerate themselves. Arborist Disco stated they would but their structure has been compromised. The new growth is sucker growth and it is more susceptible to limb failure. Commissioner Hunt stated that the City and real estate agents need to inform new residents of the City Tree Ordinances and policies. Public Comment — None Appellant — Lily Mak the resident at 1101 Vancouver Avenue stated they moved to Burlingame two years ago and are sorry; they did not know they could not trim City Trees. She stated the reason they trimmed the trees was because the children from Roosevelt School pulled the branches off. The branches were hanging down and hit the kids in the face when they walked by. She requested the Commission revoke the fine and said they wouldn't touch the trees again. Commissioner Discussion — Commissioner Hunt stated that if the integrity and structure of the trees is compromised then we do need to remove and replant replacement trees. Commissioner Kirchner asked the Appellant the purpose behind cutting the trees so severely. The Appellant stated that they wanted to keep the trees small with no flowers because they get all over. Commissioner Hunt stated that the trees need to be replaced and suggested; the Appellant should pay for the replacement costs but waive the fine. Commissioner Hunt moved to deny the appeal since the City owned street trees were illegally trimmed beyond repair based on Chapter 11.01.035 of the Street Tree Ordinance, and to eliminate the fine of $1,532.00 for the appraised value of the trees but charge $1,008.00 for the removal and replacement of 4-24" box size trees by the City staff. Commissioner Hinckle 2" d the motion and it passed 3-1. 2. Appeal at 1608 Davis Drive — Arborist Denied Removal of City Owned Magnolia Arborist Disco read the staff report. Commissioner Kirchner asked if the Magnolia could be root pruned. Arborist Disco stated yes but delicately. Magnolias are very susceptible to root pruning and there are limitations to root pruning Magnolias. Commissioner McQuaide asked if there were any reports of the sidewalk being a tripping hazard. Arborist Disco said not that he is aware of. Public Comment — None Appellant — Leoni Wohl the resident at 1608 Davis Drive requested respectfully that the tree be removed since the roots are 2 to 4 inches above ground and root pruning is limited. She stated they plan to re -landscape to use less water. She said that the roots make it impossible to landscape around. Appellant Steven Wohl said he has seen people stumble walking by and that he has also stumbled over the lift in the side walk. He said that the roots are more aggressively coming to the surface, have ruined the lawn and are close to the water line and sewer lateral. He stated that they would like to have a tree in their front yard that is more appropriate and that they take good care of their house and take pride in the way it looks. Commissioner Discussion - Commissioner Hunt asked if the drought causes the roots to come to the surface. Arborist Disco stated it can cause the roots to come to the surface. Commissioner McQuaide asked when they do landscaping can they leave more of a circumference around the tree to accommodate the roots. Arborist Disco stated that there is the option to leave more room and some root pruning can also be done. Commissioner Kirchner asked if there have been any problems with the sewer line. Appellant stated there has not been a problem with the sewer line but the roots are close to the walkway, drive way and water meter. Commissioner Hinckle moved to uphold the appeal based on the homeowner's statement that the evasive roots interfere with public safety and the ongoing functionality of the residence, and recommended the City remove the tree and replace it with 2 trees of appropriate size for the planting area. Commissioner Kirchner seconded the motion and it passed 3-1. 3. Residential Landscape Award for Drought Tolerant Landscapes Commissioner Kirchner will put something together and bring it to the August Meeting. 4. July 2, 2015 BBC Meeting — Cancelled Commissioner Hinckle moved to cancel the July 2, 2015 Beautification Meeting. Commissioner Hunt seconded the motion and it passed 4-0. REPORTS 1. Parks Supervisor/City Arborist Watering letters were sent out to residents who have had trees planted in the last year and a half to water young trees 5 gallons twice a month. Included with the letter was the new tri fold brochure. "Trees — "A Big Deal" tri-fold brochure was translated to a 2 page layout and posted on the website. The information is being converted to Spanish, Mandarin and Cantonese and will be posted on the webpage when completed. Commissioner Hunt will provide Gina with the addresses of new residents in Burlingame quarterly and Gina will send out the brochure to them. The Parks crew is watering trees every day. The recordings at the BBC meetings will be deleted after the minutes are approved. The Broadway/101 landscape presentation is available upon request. The Tree Ordinance is anticipated to be reviewed by Council in August. The proposed modification to the Themed Streets Policy is anticipated to go to Council in August. 2. Parks & Recreation Director CAC (Community Advisory Committee) - The CAC is looking for BBC Commissioners to join. Commissioners McQuaide and Kirchner volunteered. 3. Commissioner Kirchner Commissioner Kirchner stated the timeline for Floribunda Caltrans solution will be the end of the year; he will reach out to Jennifer Pfaff for an update. He also reported on complete streets, where Carolan Avenue is being made thinner for the Summer Hill development. He would like to see the landscape plan when it becomes available. 4. Commissioner Hinckle Commissioner Hinckle inquired about ivy growing on trees and whose responsibility it is. Arborist Disco stated it is the responsibility of the homeowner; the Parks office will send out a letter to residents to inform them to remove the ivy if it is a threat to the tree. 5. Commissioner McQuaide Commissioner McQuaide is concerned that we are going to lose a lot of trees because of the drought. 6. Commissioner Hunt None 7. Commissioner Dittman None The next Beautification Commission meeting is August 6, 2015. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:00pm. Respectfully submitted, gina 53o46ac Gina Borba Recording Secretary SLJF2LINGAME STAFF REPORT To: Beautification Commission Date: June 4, 2015 From: Bob Disco, Park Supervisor/City Arborist Subject: Appeal to the Illegal Pruning of the City Owned Pyrus Calleryana Trees at 1101 Vancouver Avenue RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Commission review the information presented in this staff report and the information presented by the appellant and determine one of the following options. 1. Deny the appeal since the City owned street trees were illegally trimmed beyond repair based on Chapter 11.04.035 of the Street Tree Ordinance, and uphold (or adjust) the fine of $2,540.00 for the replacement cost of planting 4 new street trees by City staff. 2. Uphold the appeal since the appellant was unaware that the trees belonged to the City and a permit was needed to trim the trees. BACKGROUND The City Arborist received an email by a resident regarding the possibly illegal pruning of four street trees at 1101 Vancouver Avenue. The inspection by the City Arborist revealed that all four trees were cut back to the main trunk in a manner that: 1. Is in violation of Chapter 11.04.035 of the Municipal Code: "Street Trees". 2. Is done without a Tree Work Plan Permit issued by the Parks Division. 3. Is not compliant to International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) standards for tree pruning. 4. More than 25% of the canopy was removed. The homeowner was notified of the illegal pruning and fined $2,540.00 for the time and material to remove and replace the trees with four new 24" box sized trees. In a letter dated April 30, 2015, the homeowner appealed the decision by the City Arborist claiming: 1. They did not know the trees belonged to the City. 2. They did not know permits were required for trimming. 3. The trees shed pollen and are often destroyed by children walking from Roosevelt School. 1 1101 Vancouver Avenue Appeal June 4, 2015 DISCUSSION Based on the information from the appellant and the City Arborist, the Commission should discuss their findings and determine to uphold the appeal or deny the appeal using one of the recommendations listed above. EXHIBITS A. Chapter 11.04 Street Trees Ordinance B. Letters from City Arborist C. Responses from Resident at 1101 Vancouver D. Pictures of street trees before and after pruning 2 City of Burlingame - Parks & Recreation Dept. 850 Burlingame Ave., Burlingame, CA 94010 `° ���, BUPLIN9f'ME phone: (650) 558-7330 • fax: (650) 696-7216 May 14, 2015 Lily Mak 1101 Vancouver Avenue Burlingame, CA 94010 RE: APPEAL REGARDING THE ILLEAGAL PRUNING OF CITY -OWNED PYRUS CALLERYANA TREES @ 1101 VANCOUVER AVENUE - BURLINGAME The City is in receipt of the letter received May 14, 2015 appealing the illegal trimming of City owned trees at 1101 Vancouver Avenue and the imposed fine of $2540.00. The appeal will be forwarded to the Burlingame Beautification Commission and a hearing will be scheduled for the meeting on Thursday, June 4, 2015. It is suggested that you provide any supporting documentation regarding the appeal for the Burlingame Beautification Commissioners review by May 22, 2015 to the Parks Division office at 850 Burlingame Avenue or by email at gborba@burlingame.org. The Beautification Commission meets at 6:30 PM at the Burlingame Recreation Center, 850 Burlingame Ave., Burlingame,(Conference Room) should you wish to attend and address the Commission regarding this matter. If you have any questions, please contact our office at (650) 558-7330. Sincerely, Bob Disco Parks Supervisor/Arborist Enclosures City of Burlingame - Parks & Recreation Dept. 850 Burlingame Ave., Burlingame, CA 94010 @° BUPL1N9fkME phone: (650) 558-7300 • fax: (650) 696-7216 6 June 8, 2015 Lily Mak 1101 Vancouver Avenue Burlingame, CA 94010 RE: APPEAL REGARDING THE ILLEGAL PRUNING OF CITY OWNED PYRUS CALLERYANA TREES @ 1101 VANCOUVER AVENUE — BURLINGAME At the Burlingame Beautification Commission meeting on June 4, 2015, the Commission voted 3-1, To deny the appeal since the City owned street trees were illegally trimmed beyond repair based on Chapter IL 01.035 of the Street Tree Ordinance, and eliminate the fine of $1532.00 for the appraised value of the trees but charge $1008.00 for the removal and replacement of 4-24 " box size trees by City staff. The determination of the Commission shall become final and conclusive in ten (10) days if no appeal is filed. Destruction, removal or other work on the City trees shall not commence until after the ten (10) day period has passed and a permit has been issued, or, if any appeal is filed, until the decision of the City Council. The charge of $1008.00 for removal and replacement of 4 — 24" box size trees is due in full by July 15, 2015. Please make checks payable to the City of Burlingame and mail to 850 Burlingame Avenue, Burlingame, CA 94010. The City trees will be replaced during the October 2015 Street Tree Planting. You live on a `Theme Block' so the City will be planting 4 -24" box Golden Rain Trees. During the period between the action of the Commission and the end of the ten (10) day appeal period, any person may appeal the Commission determination to the City Council. Such appeal shall be in writing and shall be filed with the City Clerk before 5 pm on the tenth day following the Commissioner's decision. The address of the City Clerk is 501 Primrose Road, Burlingame, CA 94010. The appeal and noticing fee of $255 shall be included with the written appeal (made payable to the City of Burlingame). If you have any questions, please contact our office at (650) 558-7330. Sincerely, Bob Disco Parks Supervisor/City Arborist City of Burlingame - Parks & Recreation Dept. 850 Burlingame Ave., Burlingame, CA 94010 @° BUPL1N9fkME phone: (650) 558-7300 • fax: (650) 696-7216 6 June 8, 2015 Steven and Leonie Wohl 1608 Davis Drive Burlingame, CA 94010 RE: APPEAL TO THE DENIED REMOVAL OF ONE CITY OWNED MAGNOLIA TREE @ 1608 DAVIS DRIVE — BURLINGAME At the Burlingame Beautification Commission meeting on June 4, 2015, the Commission voted 3-1, to uphold the appeal based on the homeowner's statement that the evasive roots interfere with public safety and the ongoing functionality of the residence, and recommend the City remove the tree and replace with 2 trees of appropriate size for the planting area. The determination of the Commission shall become final and conclusive in ten (10) days if no appeal is filed. Destruction, removal or other work on the City tree shall not commence until after the ten (10) day period has passed and a permit has been issued, or, if any appeal is filed, until the decision of the City Council. The Magnolia Tree will be removed and 2 trees planted during the October 2015 Street Tree Planting. During the period between the action of the Commission and the end of the ten (10) day appeal period, any person may appeal the Commission determination to the City Council. Such appeal shall be in writing and shall be filed with the City Clerk before 5 pm on the tenth day following the Commissioner's decision. The address of the City Clerk is 501 Primrose Road, Burlingame, CA 94010. The appeal and noticing fee of $255 shall be included with the written appeal (made payable to the City of Burlingame). If you have any questions, please contact our office at (650) 558-7330. Sincerely, Bob Disco Parks Supervisor/City Arborist City of Burlingame - Parks & Recreation Dept. 850 Burlingame Ave., Burlingame, CA 94010 `° ���, BUPLIN9f'ME phone: (650) 558-7330 • fax: (650) 696-7216 May 15, 2015 Steven & Leonie Wohl 1608 Davis Drive Burlingame, CA 94010 RE: APPEAL REGARDING THE ARORIST'S DENIAL TO REMOVE A CITY OWNED MAGNOLIA TREE @ 1608 DAVIS DRIVE - BURLINGAME The City is in receipt of the letter received May 13, 2015 appealing the Arborist's denial to remove a City owned Magnolia tree at 1608 Davis Drive. The appeal will be forwarded to the Burlingame Beautification Commission and a hearing will be scheduled for the meeting on Thursday, June 4, 2015. It is suggested that you provide any supporting documentation regarding the appeal for the Burlingame Beautification Commissioners review by May 22, 2015 to the Parks Division office at 850 Burlingame Avenue or by email at gborba@burlingame.org. The Beautification Commission meets at 6:30 PM at the Burlingame Recreation Center, 850 Burlingame Ave., Burlingame, (Conference Room) should you wish to attend and address the Commission regarding this matter. If you have any questions, please contact our office at (650) 558-7330. Sincerely, Bob Disco Parks Supervisor/Arborist Enclosures SUF2LINiGAME STAFF REPORT To: Beautification Commission Date: June 4, 2015 From: Bob Disco, Park Supervisor/City Arborist Subject: Appeal to the Removal of one City owned Magnolia Tree at 1608 Davis Drive RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Commission review the information presented in this staff report and the information presented by the appellant and determine one of the following options. 1. Deny the appeal since the tree is healthy and does not meet the requirements in the Street Tree Ordinance or the Criteria for City Street Tree Removal for Sidewalk Damage. 2. Uphold the appeal based on the homeowner's statement that the evasive roots interfere with public safety and the ongoing functionality of the residence, and recommend City remove the tree and replace with an appropriate tree for the planting area. BACKGROUND On May 1, 2015, a service request was issued by the homeowners to inspect the roots from the City owned Magnolia tree at the above address for tripping hazards in the sidewalk. A service request was also issued by the homeowners in January and November 2014 for the same reason, but also included an inspection of the evasive roots in the lawn, and to consider replacement with another type of tree. Parks Division records show the Magnolia was planted in November of 1977. All three inspections by the City Arborist revealed that the tree was healthy and has good form. Roots are visible in the lawn area, they are not excessive and specific roots can be trimmed and removed. Public Works indicated the driveway was replace in the 1990's, two areas of the sidewalk were replace two years ago as part of the sidewalk replacement program, and recently asphalt was placed to temporarily eliminate a tripping hazard. The tree did not meet the criteria for City Street Tree Removal since it is a healthy, sound tree. 1 1608 Davis Drive Appeal June 4, 2015 DISCUSSION Based on the information from the appellant and the City Arborist, the Commission should discuss their findings and determine to uphold the appeal or deny the appeal using one of the recommendations listed above. EXHIBITS A. Letter from homeowner dated May 13, 2015 appealing City Arborist decision and Formal Complaint B. Emails regarding City owned Magnolia tree from homeowners and City of Burlingame C. Work records D. Pictures from homeowner E. Goggle map of 1608 Davis F. Criteria for Street Tree Removal form G. Letter from City Arborist 2