HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 2015.02.05BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION February 5, 2015 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order at 6:30 pm by Chairperson Kirchner. ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson Kirchner, Commissioners Hunt, Dittman, McQuaide and Hinckle Absent: None Staff: Parks & Recreation Director Glomstad, City Arborist/Park Supervisor Disco and Recording Secretary Borba. MINUTES Minutes of the December 4, 2014 meeting were approved. CORRESPONDENCE Compost Give Away — March 14' at the Parks Yard near the grandstands from Sam to 12pm. PUBLIC COMMENT None OLD BUSINESS 1. 2015 Business Landscape Award Commissioner Hunt will prepare a statement for the eNews. ILIIWAV A UI W,L Ii.i 1. Appeal at 1721 Hillside Drive Arborist Disco read the staff report stating staff recommends the Commission deny the appeal, and allow the tree to be removed based on the City Arborist's decision that the tree has poor structure; and that, replacement be required with the planting of three or more 15 gallon size trees in the same general area. He also read the background from the staff report. Commission Discussion — Commissioner McQuaide asked about the spacing of the newly planted trees. Arborist Disco said they should be planted 12-15 feet a parted. Commissioner Kirchner asked if the trees could be street trees? Arborist Disco replied that Our Lady of Angels Church can plant the trees with in the right of way and they will become City Street Trees. Commissioner Dittman stated that the original permit said they wanted to remove because the tree was blocking the light. Arborist Disco only evaluates on the health and structure as criteria for removing the tree. He also recommended planting Crepe Myrtles, they would be beautiful; or a deciduous or evergreen tree, one that would not get to tall and won't block the light. Public Comment — Theresa Webb, Administrator at Our Lady of Angels Church is concerned with the safety of the tree. The tree has two trunks and the juncture can be weak. She reports that the tree hits the stained glass window and they have to trim it back every year. They are will to replace with lower profile trees. Appellant - Cindy Montgomery lives across the street from Our Lady of Angels Church and stated that the tree can be pruned, she and her husband would not want to see any damage come to the window. She feels the tree is being removed because it blocks the light in the window. She said the tree has looked the same for 21 years. She felt the poor structure was a convenient excuse to remove the tree. People park at the church all day long and it is nice to look out at a tree, it is ascetically pleasing if the tree was gone it would be so stark. Commissioner Discussion — Commissioner Kirchner asked the Appellant if three or more trees would be okay? Appellant doesn't want to have the tree removed. Trees planted in front of her house 10 years ago never grew. Commissioner McQuaide asked if more than two trees where planted and trees with color would that be alright. Respondent — Father Michael stated the tree was planted between 1992 and 1994. The tree was planted to close to the building and the leaves come within a couple of feet of the church. People in the parish can plant the replacement trees. Father Michael said he would be fine with planting 3 trees. Commissioner Discussion — Commissioner Hinckle suggested 4 trees be planted and leave the tree there until the other trees grew up a bit and then remove the older willow tree. Arborist Disco suggested possibly a trident maple, fuller broader trees that don't grow higher than the window. Commissioner Dittman asked it the Montgomery's can have a say in what is planted. Commissioner Hinckle move that we deny the appeal and allow the tree to be removed based on the City Arborist decision that the tree has poor structure and that replacement be required with the planting of 4 — 15 gal trees be planted in the same general area. Commissioner Hunt seconded the motion and it was voted down (0-5) motion not passed. Commissioner Dittman move that we deny the appeal, and allow the tree to be removed based on the City Arborist's decision that the tree has poor structure; and that, replacement of 4 — 15 gallon trees be planted in the same general area; and that, the property owners consider input from the Montgomery's regarding placement and species of the trees planted. Commissioner Hunt seconded the motion and all were in favor; none opposed, motion passed (5-0) 2. Appeal at 3035 Trousdale Drive Arborist Disco read the staff report recommending that the Commission reduce the fine and require the homeowner to replace the illegally removed tree with two 24" box size trees of comparable stature in order to maintain the integrity of the urban canopy of the neighborhood. He also read the background from the staff report. Commission Discussion — Commissioner Hunt said City Hall guided him and he may not have gotten the right information. Commissioner Hinckle felt he knew to call that he must have had a sense of what protected size was, Mr. Chu stated he didn't think it was the right size implies he knew what the requirements were. Arborist Disco stated his recommendation is to reduce or revoke the fine and stated his main concern is the tree be replaced. Appellant — Eric Chu asked the commission to revoke the penalty and he will plant 1 or 2 trees in front of his house. Commissioners Discussion — Commissioner Hunt asked why he removed the tree, was it blocking your view? Commissioner Dittman felt the tree was not healthy, Mr. Chu called City Hall it was more than 5 feet back and checked the website for Protected Tree status; he measured and it was under 48" trunk circumference. Commissioner Hinckle stated that from the picture it looks like a healthy tree and we don't know what information he got from the City. Commissioner Kirchner felt it was not a willful destruction of the tree. Commissioner McQuaide moved that the Commission revoke the fine for the removal of the Deodar Cedar tree in the front yard and plant two 24" box size trees as replacement with approval of our City Arborist; one tree to be planted as a City Street Tree and one tree to be planted at the home owner's discretion. Commissioner Dittman seconded the motion, four were in favor and one opposed, motion passed (4-1) 3. Arbor Day The Arbor Day Celebration will be held on March 5t' at 10:30 am at Bayside Park near field #2. Six Redwood trees will be planted. Commissioners Kirchner, Dittman and Hinckle will be attending. REPORTS 1. Parks Supervisor/City Arborist Arborist Disco reported that several residents are having an issue with the "themed block' policy. It will be put on the March agenda to allow the Commission to have an opportunity to review and discuss the relevance of this policy. Revised City Ordinance regarding protected private trees and street trees has been completed and is now being reviewed by the Planning Division. The Beautification Commission comments were all considered and/or included in the ordinance. The City Attorney will be reviewing the final copy, and we will be bringing it to the commission next month to preview. Winter tree planting is scheduled to begin in two weeks, 84 trees will be planted. Commissioners were asked to proof "Trees" brochure. 2. Parks & Recreation Director None 3. Commissioner Kirchner Commissioner Kirchner shared he saw the complete street presentation renovation of Carolan Avenue between Oak Grove and Broadway. A new large apartment complex south of North Park Apartments will be built, on the plans there were a lot of trees. 4. Commissioner Hinckle Commissioner Hinckle asked if there was any update on ECR/Floribunda trees. 5. Commissioner McQuaide Commissioner McQuaide asked to add "Trees on Trousdale" to the April Agenda, she stated the Street is very barren. She would also like to see Real Estate agents disclose the process of removal and City Tree procedures to new residents. 6. Commissioner Hunt None 7. Commissioner Dittman Commissioner Dittman asked if the Commission would be reviewing landscape plans at the old Post Office site. Director Glomstad reported there is no project right now. The next Beautification Commission meeting is March 5, 2015. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:1Opm. Respectfully submitted, JDaJa Gina Borba Recording Secretary