HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso - CC - 052-1968RESOLUTION N0. 52 -68 RESOLUTION APPROVING APPLICATION OF THE PRO- VISIONS OF §23 OF THE UNITED STATES HOUSING ACT OF 1937 AS AMENDED TO THE CITY OF BURLINGAMECOUNTY OF SAN MATEO WHEREAS, under the provisions of §23 of the United States Housing Act of 1937, as amended, the Public Housing Admir tration is authorized to provide financial assistance to local public housing agencies in providing rental paymentsto eligible applicants by paying a portion of their rent as long as they re- main eligible for such assistance and while residing in premises which provide decent, safe and sanitary facilities, and WHEREAS, said §23 provides that the provisions thereof shall not apply to any locality unless the governing body of the locality has by resolution approved the application of such pro- visions to such locality. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Burlingame in the County of San Mateo that the applic tion of the provisions of §23 of the United States Housing Act of 1937, as amended, is hereby approved for said City of Burlingame, provided that in considering agiication of such rental payment assistance distinct preference will be given to applicants who ha, resided in said City for three (3) years prior to applying for such assistance. r I, HERBERT K. WHITE, City Clerk of the City of Burlingame, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 15th day of _ _ July 1968, and adopted thereafter Ey the following vote: AYES: Cou ncilmen:Crosby-Diederichsen-George-Johnson-Ma tin, NOES: Councilmen: None Absent Councilmen: None U"ity C er HOUSiis iP ..:..+ 1•. v ...aiG13L. FOR 2iXT l COpIE' Who havo rCSidQd COri�`.^i�v:: +.-- ....:1' •.:.`.l.v l+u:::- �y for Gi:iS ir�ar prier, Z.G application for ar:G1S S:a.Ga tw �. Bldo.lyy v:.Tl"�b yr CG.: :...r -. tea. - uJ.C.C::-ly ,Pa�zon -hall no'. C :3 •uv:::s ...��.: - .. .w_ v�� �G '•Cd yu.:.:_. and ry COi:ji`i: El:...-..yAGY. ilavd w: ,...lCu' ..«CC u:..: .: 4au•. Yl:,250. 2. Disa.)lod 3. lz 11:Cuiw '.Hies W.•Ouv 1�s as-_—:ov'-Gu'by o 1:o... :i � •'Y,77G �.: year S or 7,2%Gr "V^ f• 1f.rzil1VJ Gl doceasE,a NV i Vvl".:':. ,:.::Ca 1c:. i. `oD of 4zcea"d v.:w:.:.._ [[-,� i'i.: V•Z s D,_ V_ce col=cC VG�C.. liyvia Jl��v-l%J 4'Y1.G MTS CULT? . ".0 orelor of prefel- .nco is as l=..wu riu1G:. ., .T.ai 8a0.i �,CGLv or prl1fc Vr_vuy Gtf v: factors b2117o Cqlical, assistance 2S Gr. a I1r57. w..:a SErVBu 1. F=diiCS W:10 arc aC —aally Vlthol i :Gii'-'.iLl; j dvublod Up, 1:Vi : in tents., Vents., Sa14VSu and NV�lporar'lly Ul l ."rG'uv:.'-,' Ga^ :av u(91.u. 2. . �:."Ue.5 who ara abo^ x. to G8 l:i..:CL`,'J lloA5inr C8USu^ Of notui- ce of displacen.Qnt: or WiGJIi :'—,Om.'.S 11lave boa: affoctGd by za �l_.....�ilral. 1Jfl.0 YEjL' • VlG�1on forYlV.i-;�:iJ:.va:1. of.r.xl�✓ u'S..SaIlCE Or Oii.$Cr CalivaS S'iYl1Gli ti:E 1'CStLL Of vas LG nant2S _au_as notis the P::20:cncc Of a:G V admissibll o ulai Low -Rent i�diNi'mise:.sseh:v.ua..uulUt..:litiq"+.tuwnYf4h�M1.. UIL 4.. ';...�"..W.. w„ a..+.:...<..n.. -..,,......r ...... 3. ruid ics who ' fiokSir.�. i' h• raW..hus T'i'(iG 'rG O 'Dh01.'^ . 5. ramilies who a'=a a�i� �� w v G� :aaiT er G: rah i:cam nt / (oldor lyy veterans an �i. r Y.v ✓v:sS CM', oC7+i FOR iLLx1AL TST4,�;C• • call Or S ' l Ga �'O YO uf:G i:EY:�_ i'.Sv "i." J � ui4\i G�G� ' !�U$hOrlty. vG CGuaplStu 8:: pp.`Cat.v::. Jtii r .s1:_1_ \V.:d i� ovio Studio A 2. The pooplo at t::e G. .G• '.i.,.iG "Gn Conters ca : assist you i . co,:..letirlg ail a ;olioaGn t' p G Jai arC: 1GGa VG4: 9 �J" y :load 322-1:S10 S 1T' , ^TIC Claro:iont 3"-3l,Gl Dale• CTTI b3 issicn St. 992-9414 3. lilithin ; ho 4'Ju. �.^'^.G1lltyf of ^ V .ZJ as Ju _ ••l,V V.l a �rlSY GG ::G �-.-uV --v va.. �,.G1 V.J�Y •'Yj .V.::1i.C4 1J3 --Oc iiOUS-n �::tY.Orlty. .�.j:� l:.�......v S �l.l LLJ � ....e it 'Who HouG 1:.� �al.�uLOr Tl _ _Oy "" as race- Via V� n`�'V 14 UV at Out and eGWp to s cozlvor, the c,-,la:, Gr �-- - J •. ,a "••iJr:i.:: Y1.G:: 6G:'f 1.GNv iS 1'4 jN�.�.T.Lr:ra' i C�i:.1.GJ'! n. �... The YTait-in.a z -..i _ , o pC-1.Gd Vim. _GS 4iith ",i: S:c.Z'. 1�� ;:- v Gl L:4.1rY aV�1�u,a :M� 'W i� availaLility Gi its a..d thcj 2. +L 1s noY possible YG 1.. .ii�i 4 •' mil a c,"= c+ u..a..ci�.enu aDOUL' Low lG :� (-'.iVc:n "avc ale" t-.::ue would 03. ,r HOUSING AUTHORIT" uF T COUNTY OF SAN %IATEO Rental Assistance D,;pax- ,�� =ent 444 PenLa suiar Aver:.re San ' atao, California Telep;yore:., 347-8214 INCOh2+ CP.ti.:CK LIST FOR APPLICATION ALIZA'ABLE DEDUCTION CI],CK LIST 1. Wages, regular, irregular or seasonal. I. 5Z of Gross Earnings as Payroll Deducts. 2. Overtime wages. 2 Pradictible Medical Expenses in erxess 3. Net Income from a business or profession. of 3%'' of aggrega'.e income, 4. dividends, or net income fr�r 3.. Continuing care of children or sick or disabled family members where: Property.terest, Property. (a) Such care is necessary to permit 5. Pensions, annuities, retiroment.or other a family me:Llber to work-- if the Periodic Benefits, earnings exceed the cost of care, (b) Where the £.unify has no member 6. Disability or Dcath Benefits from U.S. capably of performing such care. 7. Unemployment and disability compensation. 4. Maintenance of minor children away from home (as retarded children, 8. Social Security Lenefits. hospitalized, etc.) except for normal and voluntary education. 9. Public or Priva�c Relief Payments in Cash 5. $50 a month for heads of families or in Kind, serving away from home in the Armed 10. Alimony,regular contributiors Forces (See Page 23, Admission Poacies). , or gifts. 6. $85 for Job Corps, etc. See Page 24 11. Servicemen's pay and allowances. of Policies for definitions. 12. G.I. Benefits. 7. Earnings by minors. 13. Foster Child Care Payments. ~ APPLICAI'ITS WITH NET ASSETS IN EXCESS OF $7,500 ($10,000 Elderly) SHALL NOT BE ELIGIBLE FOR THIS PROGFJ-H EXCEPT IN SPECIAL CASES. HOUSING .AUTHORITY W: H E COUNT`! o SAN N'.A'iL-O CALf.=ORMA f OCCUPANCY STANDARDS A. p To avoid overcrowding and prevent waste of space, dwell- ! ings are to be leased in accordance with the occupancy standards set forth below. When it is found that the size , • of the dwelling is no longer s,:itablc for the family, irk accordance with these standards, the family is to be requir- ed to move as soon as a dw i:ing of appropriate size becor:eE available, allowing for conditions and time, The Executive ! occupancy Director may waive these raliiimum and maximum limits t standards when necessary to make temporary use of available vacan-cal units or to house families in urgent need, (Chart below showing nw••nber of people - BR) NlumL-er of Bedrooms Number of persons Minimurn Ma- raum 0 1 2 2 2 5 3 4 7 O 9 6 10 13 B. Occupancy with Respect to Pc+rsons of Opposite Sex. Dwellings are to be assigned so that it will not be necessary for persons of opposite sex, other than husband and wife, to occupy the same bedroom.; exccpt that if necessary at the ;ime opposite of admission, two children of opposite sex under four yearn sex of age m<iy occupy the same bedroom; and if necessary for con- tinued occupancy, two children of opposite sex under six years of age may occupy the same bedroom. At admission, one child under two years of age may be permitted to occupy the parents' bedroom; and if necessary for continued occupancy, a one child under four years of age may be permitted to occupy the parents' bedroom. C. .Dwellings will be assigned so as not to require the use of the livingroom for sleeping purposes, except by permission of the Housing Authority. D. 'Every family member regardless of age is to be counted as a person. An unborn child will not be counted as a person. "� ,• » - :, i�iv=.�d li7 Ti-ikZGlJv i 1 G:� Sv'1:.'.u.:. Ti E .:OilSING �. 3'1'iii:Pt TY ^vim . CGuNaY G SAN 2riATF G Housing Atiti:or ity of tLc- i ou=l Y 01 .'San �frate0 is availing atSelf of a P-o-:arn for RentalAzsi;stance prov; ed by Federal fandG. Your Lome or al,ar't eat ;lust Cjualify as a decent, safe, and sar:itary place to live and, .i acce; :able on dais basis, we will. be in a liositi0a2 t0 accc w :dour �.;7PI; atiOn iOr azsis: :.ce in P your rent. "'our landlord ynust a-r el.: to the sigmin fi of an agree- , --nont acccptizxg payTzeat from us ea", rn 0nth of a s;secified portion of your rent. Cull Our O,MCe, n4ive its your addrP.ss ai2d the narno of your land- lord and if ; oss':ble hiz telcphGne number. We will provide you with full it orr...aion. YOUSlNG AUTHORITY OF rzM' CQ N T" OF SAID iF%ATEG eat ~ i<e :tal Assistance Depart. -44- Peninsular Avenue San Mlatco, California Telephone: 347-8214