HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso - CC - 063-1972RESOLUTION NO. 63 -72 ADOPTING INTERIM OPEN SPACE ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 87-69 entitled "RESOLUTION ADOPTING GENERAL PLAN" adopted October 20, 1969, a General Plan was adopted for the City of Burlingame; and WHEREAS, since the adoption of said General Plan Section 65563 was added to the California Government Code re- quiring every city to prepare and adopt a local open -space plan for the comprehensive and long-range planning preservation and conservation of open -space land within its jurisdiction; and WHEREAS, the General Plan adopted by the City of Burlingame contains no open -space plan; and WHEREAS, Government Code Section 65563, as originally added, provided for the adoption of an open -space plan by June 30, 1972, which provision has been subsequently amended by Chapter 251, Statutes of 1972, to postpone the requirement for adoption of such open -space plan to June 30, 1973, but requires the adoption of an interim open -space plan to be in effect until June 30, 1973; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Burlin- game, after proceedings duly and regularly had as provided by law, did, by its Resolution No. 9-72 entitled, "Resolution to Endorse and Recommend the Interim Open Space Element of the Bur- lingame General Plan" adopted August 28, 1972, approve an Interim Open -Space Plan and order it to be transmitted to this Council for further proceedings as required by law; and i WHEREAS, this Council has held at least one public - 1 - hearing to determine whether it should adopt said Interim Open - Space Plan as an addition to the General Plan, notice of which hearing was given at the time and in the manner required by Government Code Section 65351; and WHEREAS, this Council, after such public hearing, and after due consideration, finds that said Interim Open -Space Plan should be adopted. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAME, that: 1. All notices required to be given and all hearings required to be held by Government Code Sections 65351 and 65355 have been given and held in the form and at the time and in the manner prescribed by law. 2. The proposed Interim Open -Space Plan as approved by the Planning Commission, be, and the same is hereby, adopted as and for an addition to the General Plan of the City of Burlin- game, and as and for said City°s Interim Open -Space Plan to be effective until June 30, 1973, unless sooner modified. 3. The City Clerk be, and he is hereby, ordered to transmit a copy of the Interim Open -Space Plan, together with a certified copy of this resolution, to the Planning Commission of the County of San Mateo, State of California, and a further copy to the Secretary of the Resources Agency of the State of California, as directed by the provisions of Sections 65360 and 65563 of the Government Code. 4. The Interim Open -Space Plan referred to in this resolution is marked Exhibit A, and is attached to, incorporated in, and made a part ofthis resolution as fully as if set forth in the body of this resolution in full. Victor A. mangill, ma or - 2 - I, HERBERT K. WHITE, City Clerk of the City of Burlin- game, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was intro- duced at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 2nd day of October, 1972, and adopted thereafter by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Amstrup-Crosby-Cusick-Mangini-Martin NOES: Councilmen. None Absent Councilmen: None city Clerk , -c In C, Resolution .No_. 63-72 Adopting_.--_ Intexim_open-Space Element_O_f__The General _Plan" _adopted Oq.tnbex.-2.1A72, Ot Sth c d c ; ober_ i41 - 3 - EXHIBIT A INTERIM LOCAL OPEN SPACE PLAN A major objective of the City is to maintain as open space, land in sufficient amounts to serve the recreational needs of the citizens of the City, to aid in reduction of noise and pollution, to improve air quality, and to enhance the scenic quality of the City in order to serve the general health and welfare. "Open space land" is land or water which is essentially unimproved and devoted to open space use. "Open space use" means the use of land for public recreation, enjoyment of scenic beauty or openness, and use for production or conservation of natural resources. Categories of open space within the City and related policies are as follows: Park and Recreation: The Parks and Recreation Commis- sion and Department are charged with administering parks and pro- posing new developments. The six parks in operation within the City limits comprise 32.7 acres. One park --the Bayfront Park with 108.5 ac.--is being developed with one portion already in use. Two additional parks have been proposed. In addition, School recreational areas are available for use (Table 1). Land should be acquired for the watershed park between Skyline Blvd. and Rt. 280 as it becomes available. In addition, the Coyote Point Regional Park, comprising 147 ac. MOL of dry land, is readily accessible to City residents. Tidelands and Waterfront: Section 25.45.10 of the Municipal Code, Intent of Regulations for the T P Zoning District clearly expresses the policy of the City to preserve open space in the tidal plain area, 904 acres MOL in the City. 124 acres of land and lagoon have already been dedicated as open space for recreational use along the waterfront (Table2). EXHIBIT A Page 1 of 4 pages Bike paths: A Bikeways system has been approved for the City. A proposed expansion of this system is the provision of a pedestrian and bike path within a 25' easement bordering San Francisco Bay in accord with the Master Plan of the Bay Con- servation and Development Corporation. Section 25.41.060 of the Municipal Code, Public Access in the Waterfront Commercial Zoning District expresses the Commission policy of providing access in the Bayfront area. The shoreline access easement would comprise 6.5 ac. MOL. Another bike path is possible within the 80 foot wide right-of-way located between California Drive and the Southern Pacific Railroad described below in the category of Utility $ Transportation Easements. This open space area has potential for a linear park from Burlingame depot to the Millbrae City limit. Utility and Transportation Easements: Two major ease- ments, containing 27.1 ac. MOL, are within the City (Table 3). While these easements are not within a zoning district, Sections 25.12.040 and 25.12.042 of the Municipal Code provides that uses may not be changed or initiated on unclassified land without obtaining a special permit from the City, The policy of the Planning Commission is that a major portion of these easements should be maintained as open space. Institutional Open Space: The Planning Commission encourages private and public institutions to provide open space as a buffer zone and to enhance the visual quality of the City. EXHIBIT A Page 2 of 4 pages Table 1: PARKS AND P.ECREATIONAL FACILITIES Existing City Parks Washington Park and Recreation Center ................ RayPark ............................................. CuernavacaPark ...... ................................ Burlingame Village Park ............ ........... :...... Victoria Park ........................................ Laguna Park and Tennis Courts ........................ TOTAL.......................................... Small Children's Play«rounds Alpine Park Trenton Park Paloma Park Old City hall Municipal Parking Lot Proj)oscd Future Parks 18.9 ac. 5.9 " 5.0 " 1.9 " .6 " .4 32.7 ac. Bayfront Park: Developed ............. :............... 12.0 ac. Future Development.... ........... 96.5 _'_ 108.5 ac. Mills Canyon Natural Preserve [Proposed] ............. 28.0 " Watershed, Skyline Blvd. and Route 280 [Proposed].... 26.0 "MOL Recreational Areas on School Proner Washington School. ....... ......................... Burlingame High School............... ............... Pershing School ......... V ............................ McKinley School ...................................... Coolidge School ................................... . Roosevelt School ........ ..... 4 . .. ... ...... LincolnSchool........... ......................... HooverSchool ........................................ FranklinSchool... ................................... Burlingame Intermediate School ....................... TOTAL............................................ Total Park and Recreation Facilities... ................ [Including Proposed Facilities] 1.0 ac. 12.0 " .7 " 2.0 " .7 1.2 " 3.0 " 3.7 " 4.0 " 5.0. " EXHIBIT A 33.3 ac. 228.5 ac. Page 3 of 4 pages 1 w Table 2: Oven Space Along the Burlingame Bavfrorta/ Nestbay Co.San City F, Co. St.of Comm. Other Acreage Total City Mateo San Fran.•Calif. Assoc. Private Total ............................ 6,497 112b/ S20Y 2,398 2,916 531 20 Total:Dry land ; Lagoon ( w/in City Limits...... 128 112 0 0 16 0 0 Total:Dry land £, Lagoon.......... 275 112 147 0 16 0 0 Dry Land ......................... . 223 72 147. 0 4 0 0 Tideland ........................... 904 2 8 684 0 194 16 Water less than 1' depth......... 308 0 4 231• 0 73. 0 Water 1-6, Depth ................: 1,S09 38 345 846 12�/ 264 4 Water more than 6' in depth...... 3,553 0 16 637 2,900 0 0 a) Prepared by W. Spangle £, Assoc, 1967; Revised by Burlingame Planning Department 1972. Study Area \fap.6n file in the Planning Department b) Includes 108.5.ac, for Bayfront Park c) Proposed Lagoon to be excavated in Anza Airport.Park d) Includes Coyote Point County Park Table 3: Utility £, Transportation Easements Owner Description Size City $ County of San Francisco SO'-80' bordering S,P.T.Co. ROW 13.2 Ac. Pacific Gas $ Electric 140' Drainage ; Transmission LineRO117,13.9 Ac. Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27.1 Ac. v