HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso - CC - 007-1973AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT BETWEEN THE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION OF THE PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM • THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAM WI=W, the Public 'Employees' Retirement Law permits the participation of public agencies and their employees in the Public Employees' Retirement System by the execution of a contract, and sets forth the procedure by which said public agencies may elect to subject themselves and their employees to amendments to said law; and WHEREAS, one of the steps required in the procedure to amend this contract is the adoption by the legislative body of the public agency of a resolution giving notice of its intention to approve an amendment to said contract, which resolution shall contain a summary of the changes proposed in said contract; and WHEREAS, the following is a summary of the proposed change: Provides upon the death of a local safety member who has retired for service or disability for the continuation of one-half the retirement allowance to certain survivors. NOW, THEREFORNE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF BUP.LINGAMS gives, and it does hereby give notice of intention to approve an amend- ment to contract between said CITY COUNCIL and the Board of Administra- tion of the Public ;liployees' Retirement System, a copy of said amend- ment being attached hereto, marked "F4dxibit All and by this reference made a part hereof. CITY COUNCIL January 15th, 1973 (Date adopted and approved OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAME 11yi N Title Ret. Form 122 CERTIFICATION OF GOVERNING BODY'S ACTION I hereby certify that the foregoing is a tree and correct copy of a Resolution adopted by the CITY COUNCIL , (Governing Body) of the CITY OF BURLINGAME , (Name of Public Agency) on//s/7 , appearing at Page (Date) Volume / (A of the (Minutes) (Official Records) of the CITY COUNCIL Governing Body) CITY CLERK or Secretary of the Board PERS-ACT-12 (11/71) EXHIBIT A <' Ai'%3`,021i T4� t3L'3i'Ti AC"t i�"'4'PiM`F THE w PUBLIC �y�(��♦♦ Y� :MID `m. UP GAD `�yaZ�'ryryS�'1d RA�TyIOOR SYS Wa g y &NM THE CITY CCUNCIL OF THE s4k, CITY OF BURi.I6iGAW4 , TbO Seed of AdwWstration, public arLsyeesa ietirement Systeashereinaftsr referred is as Deards, and the CITY CLAM= Of tine CITY OF hereinafter referred to so Pttblis AArl M ?wtvi�ng eatsrad irate a owitract under date of July' 6, 19"0 Offestive July 1, 1942, and as olo ded effective February 1s 1954, July 1, 1956, N11.963s march 1s 19640 Apci.1 lr 196% �reh 160 1967, hoyeahaar 1, 19"s and air 1s 1970s and as provided by Choker %6s Statutes of 19711, baieh 'provides For particlpatiaz of Public AM cy in Bald 51"m, Board and Fkablic Agency hereby a►eree ao fallo of A. Paraplow 1 through iO are ha4ft stricken from said contract as eaprsutsd efferatirre jc y is 1942 aad sat Melded ivs February 1, 1954► My is 19560 Apon 1, 1963s March 1s 1.9640 A 10, 1965, i h 160 1967s No I am 10 196Ss +wad Sepbogjvw 10 1970 #tad are hereby replaced by the foll*WUW par&V*Ow DuWbwad 1 through 10 inclusive' 1. Al.1 vw& mad geed herein which are defined in the Public oy- a R*ArgoWA tW oha31 have the meaning as defused thweiP u1011ws otbwgbw speatflosaly plow$". aural retie OWN shall opap AM 60 for aaSM40214novas "Name and age 55 for local safety swa►bers. 2. Public AgstW srie11 participate iL-1 the Public Ea,P7.a70"I Redraw" ystern Prox and otter Jolt' 1, 1942, wwlcnr 'to 6*1AN"ll " bw*lnm. after Pro s soohWs of eaid Systw subject to all pssvisisas of the Public 2"dArMs iiour"WA Lot owept such as apoi ally an *Joe. tier of a ommRft*A*g adeaey cad We twit provided its herein awl to ell awWW WAS to eaid L" bopeafter snaetad ""0 each as by exprwa i1M- vision thereat &PAY oar on the eleeatim of OwAmeting agencies. 3, +erAnoe of rd"* Agvaw in the gb ov w alasses shall below oee sebe of aa3d Ae"x"a w* sash in each eisch class as are e=lu*A tr Uff or this aveomt= a. to al. firgsn (hagein referred to as local safety metabsars), b. local mat (herein referred to as local safety wembers)f c, smVjayeos otbsr that local sated more (herein referred to as miscellannovs, mnhrterei. The fol UVing � sha13 be erammluded ftvwt awwiwrship in said atetirt w" Spotow B,XCuw- PLA�LC"si'W.D Imm Hiiild' Otl tan AMR MAARLH 16, 1967 AIU ARF,, PAIL' OU AN HOWtLY B - IS. E7CCLUi7E POLM CADETS Hli= CC OP4 AMI :W-CH 16, 1967. EXCLuts LIBFEA a DAMS �:l +`�'^,L" Old 0l AFTER mrxH 16, 1967 let. Form 702-1 fft4los of fit compensation to be provi" for a&ih yew of oaaodfisd Prior and current service as a micoollawwas usher wpan rohllreaaatL A oca a<l retirement a4e shall be applied as providod Is :leetlaer SM-23 of said , etireawart lawn. Ile " §. The fraction of final compensation to be provided few each yrliav of credited prior and eurrent service as a loea3 satedty WoOer ob&U be deterr:inedi in acoordance with 6ection 21"2.1 of t4w ROLIrgs" Ux. 6. Contributi.ons fear adocellaneous aid local safety ambers shaU be subject to Sectlem 2D603 and 20602 respectively, of esiad Hatiraaart !Aaw. 7. The following additional provi.sims of the Public playees d P.atirmett ;law which apialy only upon election of a contracting AOWW shall apply to the Tublia larency and its employese a. Section 20552.5 (provAding fear age 50 as the adaiaaeu volmakary retirement age for 1004 sst*W ambers with btaweft ps0 commencing prior to sge 55 subject to actuarial dissaunt). b. Section 21380-7 (proodding for allowances for surtlronrs of mobs" covered eider the program upon death before retirement). c. veotion 21264 (ptavidi S upon death of a local safety member who retired far sesrreiaae or disability for the eerntinuation of one-hal f the aerUr4oeat allawates to certain survivors). 8. Public Agency abs11 sesrtri'bate to SAM Platirwasst 876ift as follows: a. =With respect to arises rseriasaes# flea apmay stua.il contribute the falLsoKimg paromataWss monthly eoUpise a symed as niscella- nom awbore of mid m. (1) 0.59 paswr" UxUl. uune 30, 1"0 on sociount of the, liability for parlor searvios benefits. (2). 7.65 persoot an asoovnt of the liability for current service banao?lire, said percentage being fixed by Section 20750 of the 90%ixwmrt Law. (3) 0.46 pore" on account of the liability for the 1959 "Survivors P"Ww* b. With respect to local ast'stry mashers, the agency shall contribute the following percembsew of woathly salaries earned as local safety members of said S steaat (1) 5.997 pa -cant wAU Owe 300 1974 on account of the liability for prior Davies benefits. (2) 15.521 percent on, sueount of the liability for current service benefits. (3) 0.120 percent on,, account of the liability for the 1955r3urwiwors pr<7Ireas. Rot. Form 702-2 o. A ragoodUe amount per annum, as fixed by Bmrd to OvIa the costs of godaJo4MAl3t+g said 67sten as it aff*** Us 00PUareor of Public A*wW, art A,rieluding the coats of spe" %Uatlaw or of the Wowtigation easy valustim rapirod by law. d. d stale aawt as fiord br MW 9006a PWIb" in One in"All• w a as tyre 00041saa aTiooy to awsr orate at opoew valuations an &Sgpmt of 4IO& Ow at fttUs ASjwWy ad as*U of the poriadi- aai bWft"S"M Md VUJU tion required bar 3M. 9. daatrtt+wytA,�ww a! 1'b LAS A� and its W*U" to "M ire ��aY��YR M��FM� ,yy! y6y1�1 ice► or r ku W "M yUe S� � ad on VAR � t, w i dAW"fiaad IV "M VW10"Mt As's+alYuawa s aw ';�((�. 'iIt1yw,�I,t3�A.�ynj �r.e�quirad br es�W t4eOUVOW t ION Id IU 101d by ftbuo A~$6 %M dM�d�ilMril M WAY'" a�'�" u Wo d sR 00 1 111 1 to MU Oft - It "WO ar 24" am w" an** awwrrA► a[ oiw"a"U" &S "" Ar yNlru dy ' � ah" iM wd+r Aw ONOMrtlwr itM W.Ww� "Oft- S&UM0 rrr � as wawa t 4C ararrwr !w ar�dooks 4d at Aw --- ■ Mrs rub 1� Aw*A $a* its bobwa Wo wbo NWW I* No U w of �r boh dMartsy MMMIIt dwtts, aarttlded rharlaty 4 aka. or arsM. 8. Ms Molt dtwU Mt afta*W is aa" ONNAW04 MA dal l be effective Wlwaw ow *06 this 1A W 4kf "M w MMAMUNNIM 833i3 ddA1 I IL PI" 414 ive Officer tAp Rpy, Ret. Form 702-3 (' he Lair d eurfingamr SAN MATEO COUNTY CITY HALL- 501 PRIMROSE ROAD BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA 94010 TEL: (415) 342-8931 January 26, 1973 Public Employees' Retirement System Section 020 1416 Ninth Street, P.O. Box 1953 Sacramento, California Attention: Kisuk Yang Chief Actuary Gentlemen: Responding to your communication of January 4, 1973, we are enclosing one executed copy of Resolution of Intention and certification of Governing Body's Action in connection with proposed amendment to our contract to provide for one- half continuance benefits for safety members. Yours very truly, HKW/h Herbert K. White STATE OF CALIFORNIA RONALD REAGAN, Governor PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM 1416 NINTH STREET, P.O. BOX 1953 SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 95809 STANLEY B. FOWLER, President ROBERT R. HEADLEY, Vice President ROBERT F. CARLSON W. JAMES DAWSON, D.D.S. JESSE E. GOODWIN BARTLETT T. GRIMES VERNE ORR SAMUEL W. TROZZO NEVILLE W. TURNER, M.D. FRANK M. WOODS Mr. Herbert K. White Director of Finance/City Clerk City of Burlingame City Hall - 501 primrose Road Burlingame, California 94010 Dear Mr: White: January 4, 1973 Reply to Section 020 We are enclosing two copies of Resolution of Intention (Form 122) to amend your agency's contract to provide Section 21264 (one-half continuance benefits) for safety members. Form ACT-12, Certification of Governing Body's Action is also enclosed. As soon as we receive one executed copy of the Resolution of Intention (with at- tached exhibits) and Certification of Governing Body's Action (Form ACT-12), we will forward additional copies of the amendment and the ordinance necessary to complete your governing body's final action. That final action will require an affirmative vote of the majority of your governing body and must be deferred for at least twenty days after adoption of the Resolution of Intention. Effective date of the amendment cannot be earlier than the beginning of a payroll period following the effectivity of the final action of your governing body. Yours truly, Kisuk Yang Chief Actuary MC:er encls. December 29, 1972 Public Employees' Retirement System P. 0. Box 1953 Sacramento, California 95809 Attention: Mr. Kisuk Yang, Actuary Contract Section Gentlemen: The City of Burlingame has granted its Safety Members the one-half continuance provision of the Retirement System to be effective July 1, 1973. We would appreciate having an evaluation made and necessary forms to initiate this program. Yours very truly, THE CITY OF BURLINGAME HERBERT K. WHITE Director of Finance/City Clerk HKW: rd