HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso - CC - 078-1974RESOLUTION NO. 78_7 RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 32-70 AND FIXING AND ESTABLISHING WATER RATES, CHARGES AND RELATED PROCEDURES WHEREAS, the existing water rates were established by i� Resolution No. 32-70, effective June 4, 1970; and WHEREAS, the San Francisco Water Department, which supplies water to the City of Burlingame for all uses and purposes has raised the cost of supplying water to the City; and WHEREAS, operating costs, salaries, materials and supplies necessary to the operation of the City's water distribution system have all increased in cost and price since the effective date of Resolution No. 32-70 and since the establishment of other charges for water services; and WHEREAS, the City Council, after due study and deliberation, has determined that the public convenience and necessity require that the price of water to the consumers supplied through the City's distributing system, both within and without the City's corporate limits, as well as the various other charges related to water service, must be increased: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, AND IT IS HEREBY ORDERED AND DIRECTED, THAT: li 1. The schedule of rates for water consumed within the City effective for all meter readings on and after February 1, 1975, shall be as follows: GALLONS PRICE PER THOUSAND GALLONS 0 - 50,000 $ .56 50, 001 - 500, 000 .50 Over 500, 000 .45 - 1 - MONTHLY MINIMUM CHARGE 5/8" and 3/4" meters 1" meters 1-1/2" meters 2" meters 4" meters 6" meters 8" meters $ 1.50 2.50 4.00 6.00 15.00 25.00 40.00 The schedule of rates for water consumed outside of the City effective for all meter readings on and after February 1, 1975, shall be as follows, provided the monthly service charge is additional to the actual rate and is not a minimum charge. GALLONS PRICE PER THOUSAND GALLONS 0 - 50,000 $ .68 50, 001 - 500, 000 .58 Over 500, 000 .48 MONTHLY SERVICE CHARGE 3/4" meter $ 1.50 1" meter 2.00 1-1/2" meter 3.50 2" meter 6. 00 4" meter 15.00 6" meter 25.00 8" meter 40.00 Payment of all charges for water furnished by the Municipal Water Department of the City must be made forthwith, and, if not paid within 20 days after the date on which billed, the service may be discon- tinned and will not be renewed unless a fee of $5. 00 for renewal service and all outstanding bills are paid. 2. Fire service charge for maintaining water in a fire protection system shall be $. 70 per month per inch of pipe diameter of the service connection, with a $2. 00 per month minimum charge Water delivered at a fire service shall be charged at the regular rates for domestic service, except that there shall be no charge for water used in a fire call emergency. - 2 - 3. When a flow test is requested by a customer, a fee shall first be paid to the City according to the size of service as follows: 5/8" through 1" $20.00 1-1/2" and 2" 30.00 Over 2" 50. 00 minimum h In the event that the meter was recording higher than actual flow,: it ry the City shall refund the testing fee and make adjustments in the billing t , for water consumed during the 2 calendar months preceeding the date of II the request for the test. In the event the meter was recording accurately, the fee shall be retained. On service over 2", an additional fee shall be billed if the cost of testing plus 1556 for overhead should exceed the $50. 00 fee. 4. Temporary water service will be provided at a City fire hydrant, after approval of the location by the City Engineer or his authorized representative, upon a deposit as follows: i 5/8" meter $100.00 3/4" meter 125.00 1" meter 175.00 2" meter 375.00 Service charges shall be at the per gallon rates for domestic service with a minimum charge of $10.00 per month. 5. Water service turn -on requests by tenants shall be accom- panied by a deposit in an amount equal to 2 months' estimated consumption, or a minimum of $15. 00. Estimates shall be made by City personnel based on previous experience at the location of the service or a similar location in the case of a new service. 6. Any work done on the water system of the City shall have prior approval and permit from the City Engineer. A fee of $10. 00 shall be charged for the permit. A deposit of $100. 00 shall accompany the request for a permit. The deposit is refundable in full upon completion of the work to the satisfaction of the City Engineer or Water Department supervisor. - 3 - 7. All domestic water service installations of sizes 3/4" to 2", inclusive, consisting of corporation and curb cocks, service line, meter boxes and meter may be furnished and installed by the City from the water iImain to a point approximately one foot inside the curbline, or to a point within 4 feet of the property being served from a water main in an easement, alley or other right-of-way other than dedicated street, but not exceeding a I� �I total distance from water main connection to the meter box of 60 feet for Ii the following fixed fees: 3/4" service with meter $400. 00 1" service with meter 550.00 1-1/2" service with meter 850.00 2" service with meter 1,000.00 All domestic water service installations of a size larger than 2" or longer than 60 feet may be furnished and installed by the City for the cost of labor and material plus a sum equal to 1576 of the combined cost of labor and material. The sum to be paid for any such installation shall be estimated by the Public Works Department, and such sum shall be deposited with that department before the work of installation commences. In the i event that the estimated cost of making the installation proves to be insuf- ficient to pay for said installation as hereinabove provided, an additional sum sufficient to pay such costs shall be charged. If the amount deposited exceeds the cost of installation as hereinabove provided, the excess shall be refunded. 8. Except as provided in Section 1 hereof, the rates, charges and provisions of this resolution shall be effective January 17, 1975. I/Lf MAYO - 4 - I, HERBERT K. WHITE, City Clerk of the City of Burlingame, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 16 day of December jj 197 4 , and adopted thereafter by the following vote: �I �I 1II AYES: COUNCILMEN: Amstrup-Crosby-Cusick-Harrison- � Mangini p NOES: COUNCILMEN: None I ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None p I I CITY CLERK i OLD RATES FOR COMPARISON 0 Resolution 32-70 - June 4, 1970 Burlingame Gallons Per 1, 000 gallons 0 - 50,000 $ .47 50, 001 - 500, 000 .39. Over 500, 000 35 Minimum monthly charge 5 / 8" meter 3/4' meter 1." meter 1-1/2" meter 2" meter Outside City Gallons 0 - 50,000 50, 001 - 500, 000 Over 500, 000 $1. 50 2. 00 2.50 4.00 6.00 Per 1, 000 gallons $. 5 8 .54 .41 Monthly Service Charge 3/4" meter $1.50 1" meter 2.00 1-1/2" meter 3.50 2" meter 6.00 Ordinance 917 - June 1970 Fixed charge for service connection installation: 3/4" meter $130.00 1" meter 17Q. 00 171/2" meter 300.00 2" meter 45Q.00 Ordinance 407 $2. 50 reconnection fee after turn-off due to non-payment. Currently an Encroachment permit fee of $5. 00 is being charged.