HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso - CC - 085-1975RESOLUTION NO. 85-75 RESOLUTION OF GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAME REQUESTING COUNTY CLERK OF SAN MATEO COUNTY TO RENDER SPECIFIED ELECTION SERVICES PURSUANT TO SECTION 22003 OF THE ELECTIONS CODE AND TO FURNISH VOTING MACHINES. RESOLVED, by the Governing Body of the City of Burlingame as follows: 1. That the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Mateo, shall be, and is hereby, requested to permit the County Clerk of said County to render the services hereinafter specified relating to the conduct of the general election to be held within said City on Tuesday, the 2nd day of March, 1976. 2. That the election services requested by said City in connection with the holding and conducting of said election are more particularly set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto, and incorporated herein the same as though fully set forth at length. q ae�m I I ING S AMSTRUP, MAYOR IF I, Herbert K. white, City Clerk, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council, held on the 1st day of December, 1975, and adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen: Amstrup-Crosby-Cusick-Harrison-"iangini i Noes: Councilmen: iJone Absent Councilmen: fIone HERBERT K. WHITE, CITY CLERK By 4 l Edelyn,,Af. Hill, Deputy City Clerk EXHIBIT "A" GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTI ; MARCH 2, 1976 Hereinafter set forth below are the services that may be rendered by the County Clerk incident to preparation for and conduct of City Elections: A. SERVICES FURNISHED BY COUNTY CLERK: / (1)/mah lidate recincts Set consolidate nrecinc and soV or legal catiop''b.y City City to advise to nu er of cots to be lidated (maximum registratio er con idatior a�ting cs to be.usedper precinc (2) Precinct Indexes: Furnish precinct indexes, by consolidated precinct, to the Affidavits of Registration of eliqible voters (3 copies for precinct supplies, 1 copy for City and 1 copy for Election Office files) (a) Indexes of Registration for Candidates, if so requested by City Clerk. Responsibility of recovering cost is that of the City Clerk. (3) Polling Place Notices/Labels: Prepare and address for mailing to eliqible voters. Includes stock. (4) Ballot Preparation and Printing: (a) Assist City Clerk in preparation of Official Absentee Ballots. (b) Prepare copy for Official Voting Machine Ballot Labels from certified data supplied by City. Submit to printer, check proof. City Clerk to provide certification as to correctness before resubmission to printer for actual printing. (c) Prepare ballot copy for Voting t1achine Sample Ballots from certified data supplied by City. Submit to printer, check proof. City Clerk to provide certification as to correctness before resubmission to printer for actual printing. (d) Assist City Clerk in formatting, set up and general preparation of Candidates' Statement of Qualifications for submission to Printer. Upon checking of proof, City Clerk to provide certification as to correctness before resubmission to printer for actual printing. (e) Assist City Clerk in formatting, set up and general preparation of Argument Pamphlet from certified data submitted by City. Upon checking of proof, City Clerk to provide certification as to correctness before resubmission to printer for actual printing. (f) Arrange for printing of Official Result of Votes Cast Sheets. ALL PRINTING COSTS of Items (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) and (f) are to be paid directly by the City Clerk upon receipt of proper invoice from printers. (5) Sample Ballot Envelopes: To order from supplier desiqnated by City, Sample Ballot Envelopes for use in mailing election matter to elinible registered voters. Envelopes must be satisfactory for use in connection with insertinq machine. Cost of envelopes to be paid directly by City upon receipt of proper invoice from Supplier. (6) (a) Inserting Election Matter to be mailed to eligible registered voters or affix labels, if applicable (b) Delivery to Post Office for mailing (7) Select Polling Peres: inc?uding Performe of a', tever fie?d t!erk meV'Se necessary to e5mplete such sel_ection,,prepare,, ocess an mail poll' 9 p1Cer ent form Lto be s�rPPlied to `City Cler for ape tment Ci overnin. ody n less than 30 days prior to he elect on, and for legal publ ation Page 1 of 3 C� EXHIBIT "A" (8) Select ection cers: I luding subs tote 2ctdon offi,c` ors . Pre are fiorms mail app 'cations, rocess appl' ations up n`return prepare ection off' er appo' ment lis ,Prepare a mail anpo' tmentselecti officers. ty Cler o be sup ied list for `appointne h,y.Cit.y ,overni Body aiat less than 30 ays prior o the electKn, and fo egal publication (9) Voting Machines: Services required to ready Voting Machines for use at the General Municipal Election, including Votinq Machine Technician services on election day. (10) Voting Machine Delivery: .Arrangements for carrier to deliver to polling places and.return to storage voting machines and supplemental election equipment (tables, chairs, etc.) to be made by the City Clerk. The County Clerk to prepare schedules for delivery and return to storage of voting machines and equipment. City to provide insurance coverage --requirements available from Registration -Election Division. City will be respons$ble for repair of equipment or machine damage not covered by insurance. Costs for dravage to be oaid directly by City unnn nrPSPntatinn of nrnnar invniri (11) Voting Machine Instruction Classes: To be conductedfor election officers. Schedule of classes will be furnished City Clerk for mailing to Election Officers. (12) Warehouse Canvass: Services required to unseal the Voting Machines and to take off and record Record of Votes Cast and reseal Voting Machines prior to Official Canvass by City. ,City Clerk will be furnished a Certificate by County Clerk for use in Official Canvass Drocedure. (13) Voting Machine Supplies: To order, provide and prepare key envelopes, manuals, instructions, spoiled ballot certificates, I.D. tags and such other supplies needed in the use of Voting Machines. (14) Precinct SunDlies: (a) Optional Items Provided: Flags, Polling Place Signs, Letter to Inspector, Inspector Check List, Telephone Slips, Supply Sacks (b) To Order for Account of City Clerk such additional precinct suoplies as needed in conduct of elections; i.e., Rosters, Supply Envelopes, Election Officer Digests, etc. (c) Precinct Registers: To prepare, band and package for use at polls. (d) Services required to prepare and•pack precinct supplies. (e) Delivery of precinct supplies. B. INFORMATION REQUIRED OF CITY CLERK: (1) Notice of Election which includes following information: Date of Election, Official Name of Election, Offices to be filled, Hours the Polls will Open and Close. Also after the last filing date for Nomination Papers, the City Clerk to supply a certified list of Candidates by office, and Measures, if any. (2) Consolidated Precincts: City Clerk to advise County Clerk of number of County precincts and/or maximum registration to be included in setting up consolidated precincts. Also the number of voting machines to be assigned per precinct. (3) Request for Indexes of Registration for Candidates. (4) If Write -In Candidate officially files, the County Clerk to be advised officially immediately after the 8th day prior to the election. Pane 2 of 3 EXHIBIT "A" C. SPECIFIED ELECTION ACTIONS TO BE PERFORMED BY CITY CLERK AND EXCLUDED FROM SCHEDULE OF COUNTY CLERK SERVICES: (1) Nomination Papers: Issuance of Nomination Papers, Candidate filing of same, checking of signatur!s, Oath of Office and Statement of Qualifications. (2) Legal Publications: Responsibility of City Clerk and payment to be made by City. (3) All Election Officer and Polling Place Fees to be paid by the City. (This would include any possible custodian fees where schools are used as polling places.) (4) Absentee Voting: Processing of absent voter applications, mailing of absent voter ballots and voting in Clerk's office to be handled by City Clerk. (5) Absentee Canvass is responsibility of and will be made by City Clerk. (6) Semi -Official Canvass is responsibility of and will be made by City Clerk. (7) Official Canvass to be made by the City Governing Body. (8) City will be responsible for compliance with statutory requirements as set forth as the responsibility of the City Clerk in the Political Reform Act of 1974. (9) The conduct of the election remains the responsibility of the City Clerk. Performance of services hereinabove specified. in Section A are at all times considered to be under direction of the City Clerk and the County shall assume no special authority or responsibility in the conduct of the election designated to the City under provisions of the Elections Code, the Federal Voting Rights Act or such other law governing the conduct of such election. TERMS & CONSIDERATION Term: This schedule shall be in effect for the performance of specified services incident to the preparation and holding of the Municipal Election to be held on March 2, 1976. Consideration: In consideration of the performance of the aforementioned services and supplies provided by the County Clerk, the City shall pay to the County Clerk a sum equal to the actual cost of such services. e3of 3