HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PR - 2016.11.17PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION APPROVED Meeting Minutes Regular Meeting on Thursday, November 17, 2016 CALL TO ORDER The duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order by Chair Baum at 7:00 pm at the Burlingame Recreation Center, 850 Burlingame Ave, Burlingame. ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Baum, Dito, Milne, Malekos-Smith, Schissler, and Lewis COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Palacio STAFF PRESENT: Parks & Recreation Director Glomstad, Recreation Supervisor Barry, Recreation Supervisor Acquisti, and Administrative Assistant Helley OTHERS PRESENT: Lawrence Viola, BSC; Donna Chin, Burlingame; Jose Franco, Burlingame; Linda Spurgeon, Burlingame; Irma Riaf, Burlingame; Eric Nuss, BYBA; Don & Barbara Delbon, Burlingame; Lisa Stoltz, Burlingame; Shirley Lee, Burlingame; Ross Webber, Burlingame; Peggy McLaughlin, Hillsborough; W. Evans, BSC MINUTES Commissioner Milne made a motion to approve the October 20, 2016 minutes. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Malekos-Smith and was unanimously approved with Lewis abstaining as she was not in attendance for the October meeting. CORRESPONDENCE An invitation was presented to Commission to attend the Holiday Tree Lighting on December 2, 2016 at 5:00 pm. PUBLIC COMMENTS None OLD BUSINESS 1. BSC Conditional Validation Status — Recreation Supervisor Barry summarized the staff report noting the group has resolved the connection with Star Academy, has been working with Bob Bierman to manage the scheduling issues and while the mission statement hasn't be updated, the BSC has informed their members of the revised direction of the club for the 2017 season. The Commission inquired how staff felt about the changes implemented by the club. Barry stated the scheduling transition has been smooth and feels the club in moving in the right direction. After discussion, which included the ramifications of keeping the status as conditional vs. removing the conditional status, Commission closed discussion. Parks & Recreation Commission APPROVED Minutes November 17, 2016 Motion by Schissler (seconded by Milne): Commission moved to remove the conditional validation status for the Burlingame Soccer Club. MOTION PASSED 5-1-0 (Dito nay, Palacio absent). NEW BUSINESS 1. Youth Advisory Committee — 2016-17 Year Preview - Recreation Coordinator Rath introduced the YAC members and provided background about the group. The members presented a list of activities and events they have already held and will host in the upcoming year. 2. Skyline Dog Park Update — Supervisor Acquisti gave the background and direction from the Dog Park Task Force and Commission to investigate further dog off leash options and/or areas for development within the City of Burlingame. The area identified as a possible site is a city owned parcel on Skyline Blvd. In addition, the Town of Hillsborough met with city staff to discuss the details of the proposed project and the possibility of a partnership. A community meeting took place on October 6, 2016 at which renderings of the proposed site were presented for questions and public opinion. Commission inquired about projected amount of use, easement questions, environmental study needs, hours of the proposed park, and maintenance costs. Chair Baum opened public comments. Linda Spurgeon, lives two houses from the proposed park, voiced concerns of increased property burglaries due to easy access from highway 280. Don Delbon, lives directly across the street, is not in opposition to the park, but urges the Commission to take into consideration increased traffic (speed and volume), parking issues (insufficient) and feces control. Several attendees voiced their support and the community need for an additional dog park in the area. Several attendees voiced concerns about safety issues of the neighbors, fire hazards, lack of feces cleanup and possible detrimental effect on property values due to location of the park. Chair Baum closed public comments. Commission requests staff research the parking needs and the traffic now for the area and bring the information back at a future meeting. 3. Review of Order of Business for Meetings — Glomstad referred to the handout in the agenda packet illustrating the Order of Business for Commission meetings. The handout will help with consistency and flow of meetings. REPORTS / HAND-OUTS 2 Parks & Recreation Commission APPROVED Minutes November 17, 2016 A) Parks & Recreation Department Reports - Director Glomstad noted at the December meeting, Commission will have an opportunity to view conceptual plans for Burlingame Square formerly known as SP Circle. B) Commissioners Reports — None CEREMONIAL ROTATION OF COMMISSIONERS Chair Baum announced he is officially the Chair, as he was Vice Chair, filling in for Chair Baird. He announced Commissioner Dito is now officially the Vice Chair. NEXT MEETING The next meeting of the Parks & Recreation Commission is scheduled to be held on Thursday, December 15, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. at the Burlingame Recreation Center. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm. Respectfully submitted, jol en -9velley Joleen Helley Recording Secretary 3 Parks & Recreation Commission APPROVED Minutes November 17, 2016