HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PR - 2017.01.19PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Approved Meeting Minutes Regular Meeting on Thursday, January 19, 2017 CALL TO ORDER The duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order by Chair Baum at 7:03 pm at the Burlingame Recreation Center, 850 Burlingame Ave, Burlingame. ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Baum, Dito, Malekos-Smith, Lewis, Milne, Schissler and Palacio COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Parks & Recreation Director Glomstad, Supervisor Acquisti, Supervisor Barry, Recreation Coordinator Sanchez, Recreation Coordinator Rath OTHERS PRESENT: Mike Brunicardi, Burlingame (BYBA); Curtis Cook, Burlingame (Coyotes Lacrosse); Eric Nuss, BYBA; Nemanja Colovic, BSC; Lawrence Viola, BSC; Will Evans, Burlingame; Derek Mckee, Verde Designs, Bob Bierman, AYSO MINUTES Commissioner Dito made a motion to approve the December 15, 2016 minutes. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Malekos-Smith and was unanimously approved. 5-0-2. (Milne and Schissler abstained since they were absent for the December meeting.) CORRESPONDENCE None PUBLIC COMMENTS None Chair Baum moved the order of Old Business Item Field Use Policy Revisions to after all New Business Items. NEW BUSINESS Youth Advisory Committee Update — Recreation Coordinator Rath introduced the members of the committee and each presented a short summary of the activities they have participated in and hosted in the past six months of the school year. Parks & Recreation Department Year in Review 2016 — Supervisor Acquisti presented a video of Parks projects and Recreation programming that occurred in 2016. Murray Field Synthetic Turf — Supervisor Barry noted the Ad Hoc Committee from the Commission, Commissioners Palacio, Milne and Dito, worked with staff and Verde Designs on planning for the conversion of Murray Field to synthetic turf. The committee visited numerous local fields that showcased different turf products, infills and layouts. Funding for the project is currently incomplete and the installation date is still to be determined. Additional information about new lining for youth 1 Parks & Recreation Commission Approved Minutes January 19, 2017 soccer and universal lines for lacrosse was discussed and will be brought back to for the February meeting for review. Motion by Palacio (seconded by Dito): Commission moved to approve the Murray Field Synthetic Turf plan for infill and fiber products as presented by staff. MOTION PASSED 7-0. OLD BUSINESS Field Use Policy Revisions — Supervisor Barry stated the ad hoc committee first met in November and established three broad goals before reviewing revisions to the field policy: 1. To serve the community while giving priority to Burlingame based groups that serve the most residents and where the organization's mission is that everyone plays. 2. To maximize the use of limited field space in Burlingame while ensuring that we are conscientious in keeping athletic fields in a safe and playable condition. 3. To focus on organizations that have proven longevity in serving the Burlingame community. In addition, the City is in the process of purchasing field scheduling software and the Committee was mindful of the opportunities that would be presented with the added capabilities of the new software. The committee met with the validated user groups in December and presented a two tier validation system to ensure that non -select validated organizations with a high percentage of residents would have the first opportunity to select their desired practice/game slots in their primary season. Other changes to the policy included modifying the allocations to in -season priority with a predetermined slot system, added a requirement to notify City staff of organizations leadership changes, a failure to comply with the Policy clause and a clarification of residency for Burlingame private schools. After discussion by Commission, including the option of limiting the number of non-residents in Tier 2 organizations, Chair Baum opened public comment. The following members of the public spoke in favor of the revisions: Eric Nuss, BYBA and Mike Brunicardi, BYBA. The following members of the public were concerned about limiting the number of participants in Tier 2 organizations: Lawrence Viola, BSC; Will Evans, BGS/BSC and Dusko Rosic, BSC. Bob Bierman, AYSO, suggested the concept of limiting the number of non-resident participants in a group. Motion by Palacio (seconded by Dito): Commission moved to approve the Policy as amended. MOTION PASSED 5-2 (Lewis & Schissler nay) Motion by Lewis (seconded by Schissler) to Amend Motion: Commission moved to approve the Policy as amended and to limit the non-resident participant maximum to 300 under the Tier 2 validated user organization criteria. MOTION FAILED 2-5 (Baum, Palacio, Dito, Malekos-Smith, & Milne nay) 2 Parks & Recreation Commission Approved Minutes January 19, 2017 Motion by Milne (seconded by Lewis) to Amend Motion: Commission moved to approve the Policy as amended and to limit the non-resident participant maximum to 275 under the Tier 2 validated user organization criteria. MOTION FAILED 2-4-1 (Baum, Palacio, Dito and Malekos-Smith nay, Schissler abstained) REPORTS / HAND-OUTS A) Parks & Recreation Department Reports — Glomstad reported that Paloma Park was vandalized in the past week and the City is working with the Foundation and insurance the planning to replace the structure. Also, the Burlingame Square Conceptual Plan is going before Council at the February 21" meeting. In addition, public interest has been expressed to have a statue honoring its founder, Anson Burlingame at Burlingame Square. Three proposals were received for the Golf Center location and Council has delayed a decision to allow each group to present after having heard concerns at the meeting. B) Commissioners Reports — None NEXT MEETING The next meeting of the Parks & Recreation Commission is scheduled to be held on Thursday, February 16, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. at the Burlingame Recreation Center. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 9:52 pm. Respectfully submitted, J0fe71.9le�ley Joleen Helley Recording Secretary 3 Parks & Recreation Commission Approved Minutes January 19, 2017