HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PR - 2018.09.20CITY O O 9 gvorsar PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION FINAL AMENDED Meeting Minutes Regular Meeting on Thursday, September 20, 2018 1. CALL TO ORDER The duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order by Chair Lewis at 7:03 pm at the Burlingame Recreation Center, 850 Burlingame Ave, Burlingame. 2. ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Lewis, Schissler, Ardito (arrived at 7:20 pm), Malekos-Smith, Palacio, & Milne COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Matthews STAFF PRESENT: Parks & Recreation Director Glomstad, Recreation Supervisor Barry, Parks Supervisor Holtz, Recreation Supervisor Acquisti & Administrative Assistant Helley OTHERS PRESENT: Ellie Fiore, MIG; Leslie Holzman, Burlingame; Stephanie Lee, Burlingame; Markus Autrey, Burlingame High School - Assistant Principal 1 & John Philipopoluos, Burlingame High School Athletic Director 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Milne made a motion to approve the August 16, 2018 minutes. The motion was seconded by Commission Schissler and was approved. 5-0-2 (Matthews absent; Ardito arrived after motion) 4. CORRESPONDENCE None 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS None 6. OLD BUSINESS None 7. NEW BUSINESS a. Community Center Update Dawn Merkes with Group 4 Architecture presented a power point presentation on the Community Center project. Highlighted areas included were the site package, parking, exterior design and the 1 Parks & Recreation Commission FINAL AMENDED Minutes September 20, 2018 updated project budget. The estimated date of construction is January 2020 to December 2021. Next steps are for the project team to ask City Council to provide direction and approval on the project budget and approve of the schematic design package. b. Parks Master Plan Update Ellie Fiore with MIG presented the survey results for the Parks Master Plan. The plan will help set the framework for decision makers in the planning, maintenance, development and/or rehabilitation of Burlingame's parks and recreation facilities. To date, approximately 800 Burlingame residents have contributed input and ideas. Key highlights are: Community members highly value nature and wildlife, running and biking trails and current recreation programs. Improvement priorities include addressing barriers, improving restrooms, park seating and shade and expanding off leash dog areas. Fiore noted the next steps are to supplement current input, research, mapping and analysis to ultimately provide recommendations for the Burlingame Parks Master Plan. c. Proposed Revisions to Field Use Policy Supervisor Barry reported the proposed revisions to the current policy to allow Burlingame High School to be eligible to be considered as a Tier 1 user organization. The proposed revisions are to: Edit #4 in Validated User Organization to include Burlingame High School; and add to the Residency language — "Burlingame High School for the purposes of validation and allocation only". After discussion the following motion was made. Commissioner Palacio made a motion to approve the following changes to the verbiage in the Field Use Policy: Approve all staff recommendations as noted in the staff report with the one addition to the section titled Residency to read: "A resident......Players of the above organizations ... BHS will pay fees as set by City Council". The motion was seconded by Commission Milne and was approved. 6-0-1 (Matthews absent) d. Youth Field User Organization Validation — BYBA Supervisor Barry reported the submittal of BYBA's application to be a Tier 1 validated user group. The group meets the criteria and has included all the required documentation. Commissioner Milne made a motion to approve the validation of BYBA. The motion was seconded by Commission Malekos-Smith and was approved. 6-0-1 (Matthews absent) e. Youth Field User Organization Validation - BHS Supervisor Barry reported the submittal of BHS's application to be a Tier 1 validated user group. The group meets the criteria and has included all the required documentation. Markus Autrey, Assistance Principal 1 from BHS was present for any questions. Commissioner Palacio made a motion to approve the validation of BHS. The motion was seconded by Commission Ardito and was approved. 6-0-1 (Matthews absent) 2 Parks & Recreation Commission FINAL AMENDED Minutes September 20, 2018 8. STAFF AND COMMISSIONER REPORTS a. Parks & Recreation Department Reports Director Glomstad reported on the following updates: The construction at the Burlingame High School pool has been delayed with hopes for completion in early 2019. The Department has hired a new Office Assistant and a new Athletic Director for BIS. The Murray Field Grand Opening is set for Friday, September 28th at 4pm and the Commissioner's training is scheduled for October 20, 2018 in Belmont. The Ray Park project will be going to bid next week. b. Commissioners Reports Commissioner Lewis shared that Commissioner Matthews asked her to share that the Foundation had a successful vending revenue season at the Music in the Park series over the summer and would start the Ray Park brick campaign in the near future. G�010t0 k*9�I:Te1D1►1719YY01OFK None 10. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:40pm. The next meeting of the Parks & Recreation Commission is scheduled to be held on Thursday, October 18, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. at the Burlingame Recreation Center. Respectfully submitted, Joleen Helley Recording Secretary 3 Parks & Recreation Commission FINAL AMENDED Minutes September 20, 2018