HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PR - 2018.05.17CITY O O 9 gvorsar PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION APPROVED Meeting Minutes Regular Meeting on Thursday, May 17, 2018 1. CALL TO ORDER The duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order by Vice -Chair Schissler at 7:07 pm (Lewis arrived at 7:08pm) at the Burlingame Recreation Center, 850 Burlingame Ave, Burlingame. 2. ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Lewis, Malekos-Smith, Baum, Matthews, Schissler & Milne COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Palacio STAFF PRESENT: Parks & Recreation Director Glomstad, Management Analyst Hager, Parks Supervisor Holtz & Recording Secretary Helley OTHERS PRESENT: Veronica Vostinak, The Sphere Institute; Ann & Paul Wallach, Burlingame; Al & Lula Ossipoff, Burlingame; Mark Haberecht, Burlingame; Jenny Keleher; Burlingame; Lisa Stoltz, Burlingame; Shaeda Urbani, Burlingame; Gretchen Kindberg, Burlingame; Ray Marshall, Burlingame & John Calahan, Consultant K�.A99tDIY:11 we) auII►11111Oky Commissioner Baum made a motion to approve the April 19, 2018 minutes. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Matthews and was approved. 5-1-1. (Palacio absent & Schissler abstained) 4. CORRESPONDENCE None 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS Veronika Vostinak, with The Sphere Institute, spoke about the Institute's vision for the State Land parcel located at 410 Airport Blvd. in Burlingame to develop the property into an open space preserve built around interaction with the Bay. The group will also be presenting at the June 4, 2018 City Council meeting. 6. OLD BUSINESS None 7. NEW BUSINESS a. Design Approval for the Ray Park Playground Renovation Project Parks & Recreation Commission APPROVED Minutes May 17, 2018 In the past several budget years, City Council has approved funds for the Capital Improvement Project to replace the Ray Park Playground. Due to the size, complexity and features offered at Ray Park, staff felt it was important to look at the playground design within the context of the overall features of Ray Park. The interest was to maximize the playable space and identify how the playground fit within the overall context of the park. Staff contracted with John Cahalan, Landscape Architect, to develop a Ray Park Master Plan and to serve as a consultant as the committee identified how the playground would fit in the overall context of Ray Park. To commence the Master Plan process, in September 2017 a letter was sent to the neighbors of Ray Park informing them of the Ray Park Master Plan effort and inviting neighbors to serve on the Ray Park Master Plan Committee. Staff received eleven applications and chose three neighbors from the committee. Staff also contacted Burlingame Girls Softball and Lincoln Elementary School to invite a member from each organization to serve on the committee. The Ray Park Committee included the following members: Shari Lewis — Parks & Recreation Commissioner Claire Schissler — Parks & Recreation Commissioner Christina Ahlers — Ray Park neighbor with small children & Landscape Architect Mark Haberecht — Ray Park neighbor with school aged children Lisa Stoltz — Ray Park neighbor and grandmother of small children Gretchen Kindberg — Lincoln PTA member Rich Holtz — Parks Supervisor, Certified Playground Inspector Nicole Rath — Recreation Coordinator John Cahalan — Landscape Architect Karen Hager — Management Analyst, Project Manager The Committee convened on several occasions. The first meeting on November 30, 2017 included reviewing the survey results, discussing the timeline of the project, reviewing the site plan identifying needs to provide input to John Cahalan, Landscape Architect to develop a preliminary bubble diagram. Subsequent meetings included refining the Master Plan based on the survey results and identifying the final selection of the playground equipment. A link to an online Ray Park Master Plan survey was included in the neighborhood letter to encourage broad participation. Additionally the survey was posted on the Parks & Recreation Department homepage, posted on the Parks & Recreation's Facebook page, on Nextdoor and included in the City of Burlingame eNews. There were 182 responses to the survey and the results were used to guide the Committee's decisions. The list below includes the playground elements that were considered high priority based on the community survey as well as feedback from the Ray Park Master Plan: 1. Climbing Structures 2. Multiple slide options including a curly slide 3. Multiple bays of swings including both tot and strap 4. Horizontal bars (monkey bars) 5. Spinning element 2 Parks & Recreation Commission APPROVED Minutes May 17, 2018 The survey indicated that the equipment include a 2-5 year old play area and a 5-12 year old play area with the preferred color scheme being natural and the most popular theme choice being a nature theme. Over 2 1 % of the survey respondents wanted the sand area to be removed because it was unsanitary. The final Committee meeting took place on Wednesday, April 11, 2018. Committee members reviewed the revised design that was rendered based on the feedback from the previous meetings. The Committee approved the design as presented tonight. As part of the Master Plan and based on the survey results, the parking area adjacent to the Balboa entrance at Ray Park was considered difficult to maneuver and unsafe. The comments "more and safer parking" were a key identifier in the survey results. In addition, several survey respondents identified the need for a dog off leash area to be addressed within the context of the Master Plan. To maximize the play space, the playground design will require the removal of five trees including three eucalyptus and two medium sized oak trees. An additional small oak tree would be removed in the add - alternate parking lot redesign as well. Ray Park has over 65 mature trees. New trees will be planted elsewhere in the park, including four new trees in the revised parking lot. The proposed parking would shift the lot 30 feet towards the softball field to accommodate a new safety zone and sidewalk and addresses the safety concerns as well as adds two additional parking stalls. The anticipated timeline has the Ray Playground renovation project starting in fall 2018. If no construction delays occur, it is expected that the project will be completed by early spring 2019. Neighbors and Ray Park user groups will be notified of the project timeline when the contract is issued. City Council has authorized $850,000 for the Ray Park Playground renovation as part of City of Burlingame Capital Improvement Program. The estimated construction costs for the playground portion of the project falls within the budgeted amount. Due to the identified safety concerns with the parking, the parking portion of the plan will be listed as an add alternate for the current project. The other phases of the Ray Park Master plan are not part of the current budget and could be included in future Capital Improvement Plans as monies become available. Motion by Commissioner Milne (seconded by Schissler): Commission moved to approve the Ray Park plan with a change of the nature explorer panel to a gender neutral option and the recommendation that Council approve additional funding to add the additional parking option to increase safety. MOTION PASSED 6-0-1 (Palacio absent) 8. STAFF AND COMMISSIONER REPORTS a. Parks & Recreation Department Reports Director Glomstad reported on the following updates: There are funds in the capital outlay budget for the purchase of a SMART Board for program use, the Parks Division has implemented a maintenance tracking program called CARTEGRAPH and will be purchasing a ball groomer machine and a real mower to replace old equipment. Funds were requested for the following Capital Improvement Projects: park pathway improvements, concrete the dugouts at Ray and Cuernavaca Parks, resurface tennis courts at Ray Park, replace the stairs at Heritage Park, replace the pergola at Pershing Park, fix the gate at J-Lot and fix an erosion problem at Ray on field two by the 3rd base line. Projects will be prioritized and completed as funds are available. Additional funds were requested for maintenance at Mills Canyon, the purchase and installation of exercise equipment stations on the Bay Trail, repair fencing at Bayside park, add double batting cages (softball and baseball) at Bayside Park, remove the playground at Murray and 3 Parks & Recreation Commission APPROVED Minutes May 17, 2018 install grass in that location, maintenance of resilient surfacing at J-lot, Laguna and Cuernavaca Parks, additional recycling containers at all parks and the replacement of old drinking fountains at several parks. b. Commissioners Reports None 9. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS None 10. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:48 pm. The next meeting of the Parks & Recreation Commission is scheduled to be held on Thursday, June 21, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. at the Burlingame Recreation Center. Respectfully submitted, Joleen Helley Recording Secretary 4 Parks & Recreation Commission APPROVED Minutes May 17, 2018