HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1981.01.20 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES AGENDA JANUARY 20th, :'1981 CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: BILLS: Checks : $11, 240. 22 Special Fund: $812. 46 MINUTES OF THE MEETING 'OF' DECEMBER 1'6'th', 198,0 : LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: CORRESPONDENCE : Letter from Jackie Schiedeck UNFINISHED BUSINESS: �- Update on Automated Circulation NEW BUSINESS : Commissioner's Dinner, January 30th, 1981 ADJOURNMENT: Next .meeting scheduled for February 17th, 1981 at o 'clock in the California Room. Jag a BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY MINUTES DECEMBER 16th, 1980 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting of December 16th, 1980, was called to order by Chairman Nagle at 7:30pm. ROLL CALL: Trustees Present: Chairman Nagle, Trustee Fricke, Trustee Parsons & Trustee Weatherbe Trustees Absent: Trustee Hechinger Also Present: Mrs. Kristine Cannon, Representing A.A.U.W. Miss Adrian Cannon John Cascone, Representing a Government Class from Capuchino High School Mrs. Joy Molder, Assistant City Librarian BILLS: Special Fund checks in the amount of $1,973.14 were approved on a motion made by Trustee Weatherbe, seconded by Trustee Parsons. Checks in the amount of $8,882.07 were approved on a motion made by Trustee Parsons, seconded by Trustee Weatherbe and carried. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF NOVEMBER 18th, 1980: Minutes of the meeting of November 18th, 1980 were approved as written and ordered filed. CORRESPONDENCE: Secretary Alice Fricke read a letter from Mr. Jean V. DeJardin complimenting the Library Staff and the Shut-In Program for their fine service. She also read a letter from Mrs. Sexton of the Garden Study Club of the Peninsula praising the book- list prepared by Reference Librarian Barbara Rowe on "The Garden as Art". The Board members expressed appreciation on hearing from people who were pleased with the Library's services. Secretary Fricke then read a letter written by Mrs. Bergsing to Mr. Ron Miller, President of the Burlingame Lions Club. The letter was a "thank you" to the Lions Club for their continuing support. Trustee Weatherbe asked about what the "Visio�-_— J Bus" was that the Lions Club might provide for a day in front of the Library. Mrs. Bergsing explained that it is a fully equipped van that goes from place-to-place and provides free eye tests to anyone who wishes to participate. It is similar to the chest x-ray mobile. Finally, Mrs. Bergsing distributed a memo from the City Attorney to the Trustees on the Brown Act. Discussion followed. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: Chairman Nagle requested further information on the L.S.C.A. Grant that P.L.S. was applying for on the "Planning Process for Public Libraries". Mrs. Bergsing explained that this was a detailed study of the community involving conducting several surveys collecting demographic information, and thoroughly analyzing as many aspects of life in Burlingame as possible in order to set goals and objectivesfor future Library planning. The Process has been developed in lieu of rigid numerical standards previously used by the American Library Association to evaluate adequate library service. Kristine Cannon questioned what kind of library this study was for? Was it to establish or build new libraries, or for those that were in trouble? She wondered if it were possible to go through the entire process and find that the Library was doing everything right? Mrs. Bergsing replied yes, this was possible, but, usually there was always room for improvement. The major purpose of the Process, however, was to help set realistic goals for the next five year period. Discussion followed. Chairman Nagle expressed reservations about the time involved, and the necessity for the Planning Process in Burlingame. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Update on Automated Circulation: Trustee Fricke asked if there were any further developments regarding a consul- tant to research the specifications for a shared Circulation System or San Mateo City's proposed System. Mrs. Bergsing reported that she had spoken, that day, with Jean Davis, the County Librarian, regarding the matter, and it appears that the City of San Mateo may be willing to take a second look at the shared P.L.S. System as well as their own proposed System. Mrs. Bergsing asked the Board to approve $250.00 €ADEm the Special Fund, if necessary, to join with the other P.L.S. libraries to hire a consultant to compare the two proposed Systems. Since there are no written specifications available for the San Mateo City System, it requires someone who understands the computer language of the City's program. Mrs. Bergsing feels that since so much money is involved, and because whatever San Mateo City decides to do will definitely impact on Burlingame, that it seems very wise to get as much information on the two Systems from an objective source. There is a qualified consultant available in San Jose through C.L.A.S.S. (the California Library Authority for Systems and Services) . This particular expert has been in charge of "bringing up" two on-line circulation systems on the East Coast, she explained, and he has considerable practical as well as background knowledge. After considerable discussion, Trustee Fricke moved that the City Librarian be impowered, at her discretion, to contract with C.L.A.S.S. (in conjunction with the other P.L.S. libraries) to hire a consultant to review and compare the two Systems for an amount not to exceed $250.00. Trustee Parsons seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS: Report on the California Library Association Conference in Pasadena: Trustee Fricke reported on her attendance at the C.L.A. Conference in Pasadena. She said she had two roles, one as a "Friend of the Library" and one as a "Commissioner", so it had proved to be very beneficial for her. She reported that one of the Trustees meetings was aimed at "the role of the Trustee", and she had particularly like the point they made about supporting the library staff. She reminded the other Board embers that the American Library Association Conference was going to be held in San Francisco on June 26th through July 4th, 1981, and to try and attend some of the meetings that pertain to their roles as Trustees. Trustee Fricke reported on another meeting she attended, where the principal speaker was a woman from Security National Bank in charge of their Foundation program. She stated that Security Pacific's grant budget in 1979 was 2-1/4 million dollars; in 1980, 2-3/4 million; and in 1981 they were projecting a figure of 3 million dollars for grants. She explained the process of how one goes about applying for such a grant. Alice told a little about her visits to the exhibits at the Conference and commented particularly on two items that she had seen. First, she described a portable Microfiche Reader that a patron could check out and take home and use, rather than spending long hours at the stationary reader in the Library. She explained that it is a very small unit, with a light, that can be comfortably transported to and from the Library. Chairman Nagle requested that Mrs. Bergsing look into the possibilities of purchasing one for the Library. Trustees Parsons requested that in the investigation, to be sure and check on the costs and 4requency of repairs. Trustee Fricke also described another new service available called "The Source". Through a terminal such as the one currently in use in the Cataloging Department, the Library can access such databases as the U.P.I. Wire Service, the stock market reports, the New York Times News Summaries, weather reports, etc. She said she realized that it would be a luxury to have such a service, but she was amazed as to what was available and the almost limitless possibilities. Trip To Roseville To Look At Their Automated Circulation: Librarian Bergsing asked if the Board members wanted her to arrange a trip to Rose- ville to observe their automated circulation system. Several Trustees expressed interest depending on when the trip was scheduled. Mrs. Bergsing stated that she would check further and report back on possible dates. Miscellaneous: Trustee Weatherbe asked about the annual staff Christmas party. Mrs. Bergsing explained that because of the C.L.A. Conference, there had not been time to arrange a party this year, and that the staff was tentatively planning on having a get-together sometime in the Spring. Chairman Nagle asked that the minutes reflect that the Branch circulation statistics were up again. Librarian Bergsing asked if the Board would approve the purchase of a "Model D," I.B.M. reconditioned typewriter for the Circulation office. The typewriter currently in use can no longer be repaired as parts are no longer available. Trustee Fricke made a motion that the Library purchase the typewriter out of the Special Fund for $495.00 plus tax and another $70.00 for a card platen. Trustee Weatherbe seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Mrs. Bergsing stated that she and Mrs. Molder were going to check on mail systems at Peninsula Office Supply on Wednesday. ' She stated that if they can find a suitable system, she may ask the Board for funds to purchase it. She still isn't sure about prices or what options are available, but she will keep them informed. Trustee Nagle commented on the meetings and the large attendance for the month of November in the Community Room. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:40pm with the next meetings scheduled for January 20th, 1981 at 7:30pm in the California Room. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing PB/jg I LIBRARIAN'S REPORT JANUARY 20th, 1981 Automated Circulation: Study continues on San Mateo City 's proposed circulation system and on the County' s P .L. S . 's shared system. Since most of the meetings '__ __ are scheduled to take place later this week, I'll have to report to you on the 20th to bring you completely up to date. At the moment, the San Mateo City Library Board is planning a study session on January 14th to compare the two systems. On January 15th, I understand that the San Mateo City Manager and the City Librarian are meeting with the Consultant from C.L.A. S. S . to hire him to analyze and compare the two systems . If they follow through on this , then it ' s probable that Burlingame and the other P .L.S . libraries will not have to hire the Consultant to do the same study. I should know more after the 15th. On the 16th, all the P.L.S . libraries are getting together again for a final run-through on the specifications for the shared system. We should know more about a proposed time schedule after this meeting. Commissioner ' s Dinner: You should all have received your invitations for the annual Commissioner's Dinner on January 30th, at the Hyatt- House. If you haven't already responded to City Hall, Judy or I can take care of it for you if you want us to. Smoke Detection System: Work continues somewhat sporadically on the Smoke Detection System. We are hoping they will finish up soon so we can clean up the basement storage room. However, the workmen have only been here about twice during the past month. Community Room Foundation Leaks : Nothing new to report. We are waiting for the Contractor to install the conduit for the sump pump. Since we have not had any rain, we have not experienced any problems . Burlingame Historical Society : Martha Rosman from the Society came into see me this past week. She was recently notified that the San Mateo Foundation had reconsidered their request for funds , and it appears that they have decided to approve the grant after all. In the meantime, the San Mateo County Historical BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY LIBRARIAN'S REPORT 1/20/81 PAGE #2 : �.. Society has decided that they will have space and staff to house and care for the Burlingame Historical materials . Therefore, the artifacts and records will be sent to the museum for safekeeping. This seems to happily resolve the Burlingame Historical Society 's needs without impacting on the Library' s limited space. Capital Improvements 19&1-1986 : The Finance Director has sent out the instructions for the Capital Improvements for the Capital Improvement Program for 1981-1986 . I am attaching a copy, and also a copy of the summary sheet the Library submitted last year. The major budget item for the Library for 1981-1982, will be a request for Automated Circulation. We may also need to carry over some of our maintenance funds , and the $25, 000.00 allotted for reorganization of the Public Service Areas . Mid-Year Financial Review: I am enclosing the Finance Director ' s summary of the financial condition of the City of Burlingame at mid-year. Reception for State Librarian: Jane Light, P .L.S . Director, is hosting an informal reception at her home on January 25th for the new State Librarian, Gary Strong. I am attaching a copy of the announcement. You are all cordially invited. Planning Process for Public Libraries : P . L. S. applied for an L. S .C.A. grant to develop a five-year plan for the system, and the individual libraries, by using the American Library Association' s ."Planning Process" . I have a copy of the grant application, but since it is quite lengthy, I have not duplicated it. I think you might want to defer further discussion until we see if the grant is approved. R.L. I .N . We are moving along with plans to automate the Library 's Cataloging operation. We have finally decided on the rearrangment of the Technical Services area, and as soon as we do this we can notify C.L.A. S .S . of the site for the C.R.T. Terminal . We can also proceed with installing the new light fixtures in the Workroom as budgeted. After careful study, it appears that the least expensive and most BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY LIBRARIAN 'S REPORT 1/20/81 . PAGE #3 : efficient method to use R.L. I .N. is to open a shared cataloging account with Daly City. This does not affect our cataloging in any way, but potentially could save Burlingame several thousand dollars per year. It will require an agreement between Burlingame and Daly City, and I have already spoken to Jerry Coleman about what we would need to do. I' ll explain this in more detail if you are interested. Collections : Penni Vogel is completing work on a new service for the business section. The service will consist of a binder and related print materials on the subject ; "How To Start A Business in Burlingame. " The materials will include information from the Chamber of Commerce, State Board of Equalization, San Mateo County, and the Small Business Administration. Also included are sample loan forms and business license forms . This will prove a handy one-stop source for questions relating to opening a business . Personnel : Applications are being accepted until January 16th, for a Library Assistant Ito replace Libby Raftery who resigned effective January 5th. Interviews are also being held for the full-time position of Librarian I. We hope to have both positions filled as close to February lst as possible, and to be in full force by that time. Staff Development : Through the City' s contract with T.M.I . (The Management Institute) , library staff members have enrolled in several staff development classes : Sidney Poland, Speed- Reading; Joan Giampaoli, Time Management ; Helen Ward and Joy Molder, Stress Management; and Marilyn Morrison, Clear Writing. The staff continues to find these short courses valuable and useful in their work. Special Programs : Joy Molder presented a "Cookbook Book Talk" to the North Burlingame Women' s Club on Tuesday, January 13th. Mrs . Molder selects the cookbooks for the Library' s collection, and has presented talks on unique cookbook titles to several community groups . Barbara Forrest 's 6th grade class at Franklin School will participate in a morning-long introduction to reference materials . The class will be led by Joan Leach, with assistance from several reference librarians . The class will be exploring the use of a variety of reference materials , in a BURLINGANE PUBLIC LIBRARY LIBRARIAN 'S REPORT 1/20/81 PAGE #4: structured assignment, including periodical indexes , the card catalog as well as reference materials . s STATISTICS FOR December 1980 CIRCULATION MAIN BRANCH Books: Adult, Non-Fiction 9 , 867 410 Child, Non-Fiction • 1 ,053 190 Adult, Fiction 7 , 559 961 Child, Fiction t 1 , 697 .. 316 TOTAL: 19 . 996 TOTAL: 2 , 877 Periodicals: 1..,486 416 Pamphlets (Incl . Maps & Sm. Press: 459 -0- TOTAL: 1, 945 TOTAL: Moving Pictures: 70- -' Audiorecordings (Inc] . Rec. & Cass.) 1 ,1.44 -0- `N Art Prints: -0- Equipment Loaned: --- Q -0- Slides: _0- -0- TOTAL: - 1 ,206 TOTAL:- -0- TOTAL CIRCULATION: 23 ,327 + 2 , 293 -GRAND TOTAL CIRCULATION: 1971 Circulation' _2.4, 525 1980 Circulation 25$620 4.46 % Inc. Average Daily Circulation, Main; , 1979 835 Main..' 1980` 908 774 % Inc Average Daily Circulation, Branch; 1979- 99 Branch, 1980 - 115 �T6-_% Inc. REFERENCE STATISTICS: Total Reference Questions:: 2 ,091 1 LL Borrowed: 170 GRAND TOTAL OF ILL Lent: 194 . REF. ACTIVITY 2 ,455 ILL Total : 364 REGISTRATIONS: AS OF 11/30/80 ADDITIONS WITHDRAWALS TOTAL REG. PLS PATRONS TO Adults: 10 , 631 220 189 100662 DATE: 7 , 645 �-' Children: 1707 21 22 1 , 706 Increase of 9 Hillsborough: 1 577 141 87 3 , 631 Other Non-Res. Patrons 119 3 -0- 122 TOTAL: 16 ,034 385 298 16 , 121 ACCESSIONS AND WITHDRAWALS: Added Discarded Total_to -Date. AS OF: 11/30/80 VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES Adult,Non-Fic. : 137 , 154- 100 ,799 422 - 200 111 - 69.' 1370465 -- OMM Child, Non-Fic: 17 , 681- 14. 0 6 - 34 - 33 88 - 42 17 , 627 - 14,067 Y.A. , Non-Fic: 3 , 312- .3., 123 2 - 2. -0- - -0- 3 314 - 3., n5 Adult, Fiction: 49 , 212- 41,481 132 - 90. 8 - ;T67 -Child, Fiction: 13,463- 9 , 650 16 - 16 74 37 13 ,407 - 9 , 629 ---` Y.A. , Fiction: 2 , 759- . . 2 ,329 12 8. -0- - -0-1 2 , 771 - 2.,-337 TOTAL: 223 , 58-1- 171458 618. - 349 281 - 152 223,920 - 171, 655 PAMPHLETS ADDED: 117 MAPS ADDED: -0- PAMPHLETS DISCARDED: 81 MAPS DISCARDED:, -0- TOTAL: 18, 377 TOTAL: 1 ,285 RECORDINGS: AS OF: 11/30/80 ADDED DISCARDED AS OF: UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES Disc' s: 4989 / 4411 50 / 50 -0- / -0- 5039 / 4461 Cassettes: 476 / 416 4 / 2 - -0- / -0- _ 480 / 418 TOTAL: 9465 / 4927 54 / 52 -0- / -0- 5519 / 4879 L,.,iSITED WITH THE CITY TREASURER: MAIN: 2 , 196 . 17 ------ BRANCH: 148 . 60 TOTAL: 2 , 344.1�z7--'- MEET)-NG .ROOM FEES COLLECTED & DEPOSITED: $ 180 .00 TOTAL: 2 , 524. 77 TOTAL MEETINGS HELD 12 PEOPLE IN ATTENDANCE 460 L_I_4G.A�`� ---- ._ __..._..�WW. 12 MONTH Y• T-D Y-T-D CUR MO UNEXPENDED CKIE'TIC1N A{,aE?ki?F? �F . ..Y A� -- --ACTUAL __- - ACTUAL VARIANCL BALANCE EN - - -- - -- - --- `' LIBRARY _ v.._. - - _._.__. 150U1p LIBRARY SALARIES 283, 486 141 , 744 134, 07q 22, 133 71665 149007 -750011 LIBRARY EMPLOYE—.E BENE:FI TS 1341 106 67 , obb 67, 053 1 1 , 176 3 67, 053 750013 LIBRARY PARTTIME 111 () 1 'i f?5 506 8 ;7, 672 14 , 96(, 1f�6- f)5, 3u1 15 01 1 tI LIBRARY H R A R Y U F i C E. X F'E td �_---- --- f _— _. _ i 5E , h2�J _� 3 r 31�' 1, 399 220 _ _�1 r 087- T r 225 --- „ 750120 LIBRARY 3PCCIAL` 1)EPTL.: 8, .3:'0' 4 , 164 2164 t1. i"l1 1 ,515 5,b81 iE E3_q 1— A-.....`_ 7N_rcS(� ._ _._ ._. . ..._. _._.. . ._ _. ._ �__---- 3 3rU 8� . it..`. 13.._- .._:. _ 5, 6 4 6 4 4 7 7 6 - ._... j'� 750122 LIBRARY PERIODICALS 1) 17 4 ,908 7, 1��2 215 2, 251 2rE�55 "j 75U1?3 LIBRARY BIN1)1NGS 13, 135 6 ,570 2111 0 6x350 1.2, 921 750124 LIBRARY CATALOGING _---_. _.2.t) r r,-3 2._._ .__ 13, ?_6 b- ._._ 600 21 12, 666 19 r 9.3 2 750125 LIi3RARY RE: CUPDS k. ' CASSE`TTES !a , 1 3:i 2 , OC��1 7.33 - 0 1 # 332 - --3, 410 1 - '7501 :30 LI13RARY SMALL TOOL? & EQUIP 22 114 0 0 1114 225 ..CUi 1U I� A-11-ONS..__ ;1 -.6b - - � t_�.�11_..__. F31_(?.� . _`..__._.__�83; �11�# 1 ,696 750170 LIBRARY UTILT. TIE:S 16 , fi22 8 , 412 7 ,6(11 1 , 422 _---- - ._ .F;.1 .1. . - gi221 750190 LIBRARY MAINT BLDG kr GROUNDS 6 , 367 3 , 1.80 1 , 3?7 408 1 f859 5, 040 2,L.- 5UG'00 l IBYARY E_(IUIPMENT MA INTI:EJANCF F3fi6 432 60 621 3 7 P Bob t 7`. 0201 L113RARY EUkJ1p....MAINT•AUD110 VI" 35(7 17(1_. .. - --- -- -0 _ �-1� i.. ...- 31�-. . 750202 LIBRARY FOUIP MAINT-SEC SY TEM 3:33 168 375 12,. 0 ry,,1.J_ .L1f3RAY PRU ...�..'SPI."C':IAL:. SERVIC.E. ...:::. ... ::�:.r.f?.003':. . 1,tf300._, 3,#600 Q : 1 , 800- .. 0 750240 LIBRARY DUOS & SUBSCRIPTIONS 33`� 168 i40 Ito _..__:._........:.?�.. . .:_ . ._._ _ 19S___--_ 750250 LIBRARY TRAVEL 375 186 158 8 28 217 X502'_5.1 ..�-_r.8_._CONF K MTGS-LIBRARIAN 300 250 300 34 150- {) 750252 LIR CONF _& MTGS--STAF .__.� . - --- - _. 400 ._ ....._... -- 198 i 142 06 2SEi 750260 LIBRARY TRAINING SAFETY 312b 162 207 0 _:. ..:.. ..� _:. ..... ::.... . .:. .. 3h- 0 36 is TOTAL LIBRARY_ 7621371 384 , 186 350, 851 57, 1`56 33313:35 411 , 520 SPECIAL FUND CHECKING ACCOUNT Balance forward from December : $'3'6'.71 December 29th Deposit 433. 00 January 8th Deposit 423. 65 January 18th Deposit 476. 15 January 19th Transfer 1,000. 00 (from savings) January 20th Withdrawals 812.46 Balance forward to February: $1, 557. 05 SAVINGS ACCOUNT Balance forward from December : $6 , 797 . 65 Transfer to checking account: 1,000 00 Deposit (interest earned 12/21) 103. 29 Balance forward to February: $5,900. 94 `Burlingame `Public Library 480 PRIMROSE ROAD BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA 94010 Patricia M. Bcrgsing (415) 344-7107 Librarian EASTON DRIVE PATRON COUNT Monday, December 1st Tuesday, December 2nd r Wednesday, December 3rd 'Thursday, December 4th 12____._.__ Saturday, December 6th 76 Monday, December 8th 12F Tuesday, December 9th 16' Wednesday, December 10th 96 Thursday, December 11th 99 Saturday, December 13th S? Monday, December 15th 126 Tuesday, December 16th 154 Wednesday, December 17th QQ' Thursday, December 18th Yu Saturday, December 20th 90 L Monday, December 22nd 105 Tuesday, December 23rd -7123 Wednesday, December 24th CLOSED Thursday, December 25th CLOSED Saturday, December 27th 160 Monday, December 29th 11 Tuesday, -December 30th 95 Wednesday, December 31st CLOSED # Total 2330 •ivrrtnLx 1(t;YORT c MONTIi11 (�alcc � Outreach Activities r 1• Volunteer Coordinator A. Hours worked 20 Volunteers A. Number of volunteers B. Hours. contributed 3o Shut-in Patrons--Individual Visits A. Number of patrons ,` B. Number of visits made C. Items circulated AaL 4. Shut-in Pa Irons--Institutional Visits Na. of Materials A. y�> visits / Attendance / circulated C. �. 5, Totals (3 & 4) A. Shut-in patrons B• Visits made C. Items circulatedq Comments/activities: �Qck oc)r-c, n C)VC'_r 1 � o c Z . L-vy-\ S -