HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 2015.09.15 URLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BURLINGAME 1 r r ' Board of Trustees Agenda September 15, 2015—5.•30pm �e P 480 Primrose Road—Library Conference Room SUGGESTED ACTION I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. Library Board of Trustee Minutes for August 18,2015 Approval IV. Correspondence and Information Information A. Library Statistics August 2015 V. From The Floor (Public Comments) VI. REPORTS A. City Librarian's Report—McCulley Information/Discussion B. Foundation Report Information/Discussion VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Our Library Our Future—Ribbon Cutting Event Information B. Donor Wall and Plaques Information C. Updating Library Website with Trustee Bios & Photos Information D. ALA Meeting Report & Request To Subscribe To Online Discussion/Approval Services (modest fee) —President Donaldson VIII. NEW BUSINESS A. Kim Day—Teen Happenings Information B. Strategic Planning Discussion C. Collection Development Policy Information/Discussion IX. ANNOUNCEMENTS X. ADJOURNMENT Adjourn Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Library Board of Trustees regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at the Reference Desk of the Burlingame Public Library, 480 Primrose Road, Burlingame, California BURL NOAMI : Library, Board of Trustees Minutes August 18,,2015 'I. Callao Order Debra Donaldson (president) called the meeting to order at 5:30. II. Roll Call Trustees Present: Kerbey Altmann and Lisa Rosenthal by phone, Mike Nagler, Debra Donaldson, Randi Murray Staff Present: Brad McCulley, City Librarian Introductions were made all around and congratulations extended to our new library trustee, Randi Murray.Randi brings a wealth of experience relevant to the library board including time on the Berkeley Library Board and her years working in the publishing industry. She currently sits on the board for the Neuro-Oncology Gordon Murray Caregiver Program at UCSF in honor of her late husband. III. Library Board of Trustee Minutes The June 16, 2015 Board of Trustee minutes were unanimously approved. MIS/C (Rosenthal/Altmann) IV. Correspondence and Information A. Statistics Circulation for June and July were reviewed and it was noted that while activity has improved now that construction has been completed it lags 5% from last year. This is consistent with recent national library statistics showing a trend for decreased circulation over the last decade. It was noted that 2013 appears to be an outlier in our data, on the high side, compared to other recent years. Brad will follow up to see if any explanation for this resides in the method of data collecting etc. B. Study Rooms Patron use of the study rooms increased 40% (339 to 485) from June to July. C, PLS Subject Browsing Method Brad noted that some members of the PLS are now using a subject browsing method for organizing the stacks rather than the Dewey decimal system. It was suggested we visit the Millbrae library to see how this is being done. A "soft change" could be achieved at BPL by adding elevated subject signage over the stacks while maintaining the Dewey system. V. No members of the public attended. VL. Reports i4. City Librarian Adult summer reading, (500 participants!) Fun nights and children's summer reading all had excellent attendance and.were considered very successful. 48o Primrose Road Burlingame California 94010-4083 Phone(650)558-7474'Fax(650)3426295•www.burtingame.org/library The indoor mechanical check-in system needed apart replaced and this was done in a timely fashion by the manufacturer. Signage will be added outside to direct attention to the outdoor mechanical check-in which is up and running. Soft date for installation of Cafe cabinets is Sept. 14. B.-Foundation All donations are now in receipt which completes the campaign for OLOF reflecting an exceptional fundraising effort by the Library Foundation and the continued generosity of our patrons.A data base of donors is being updated and an effort is underway to identify expertise/contract to improve functionality/flexibility of the Foundation Website. Foundation meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of every month in the Lane Room with no meetings in July and December. Randi Murray will attend Sept. 10th for the trustees. The 2016 author luncheon will be May 7th at Green Hills CC. Two authors, Jan Ellison and David Talbot, have agreed to present. Lisa Rosenthal is working with Janice Scattini on this and Randi Murray may have additional contacts in the Bay Area for the third slot. * VII. Unfinished Business A. OLOF as above B. Donor Wall will be installed Sept. 2nd. It only takes a day. Ribbon cutting is Sept. 11. Plaques are already installed inside the library. C. Library Website Update -Trustees agreed to have photos taken at next meeting by Ray DeLara. Deb Donaldson asked trustees to bring a short, one paragraph "bio" to the next meeting. John Piche will upload these materials to the library section of the city website. The City Librarian also invited the trustees to a future staff meeting for purposes of introduction. The date and timing is TBD and will be communicated to trustees. D. Study reservation policies- Brad shared printouts of signs to be posted at study rooms. Deb Donaldson requested electronic version to distribute to trustees. It was suggested that a line be added to direct patrons on where to sign up for study rooms. VIII. New Business ^ A. The trustees discussed the nomination of the next trustee for President. Trustee Nagler was agreeable to hold the position starting in October. Trustee Donaldson would continue as President for the month of September. Trustee Donaldson agreed to take the role of Secretary. The Trustees passed a motion to nominate and appoint Mike Nagler President and Deb Donaldson Secretary of the Library Board of Trustees for the term beginning October 1, 2015 and ending June 30, 2016 M/S/C. B. In the interest of time the ALA meeting report was postponed. C. The trustees were informed about a regular patron who carries his possessions with him to the library. Currently they are left in front of the library in order to minimize making an obstacle inside the library. They are not considered an immediate safety issue so the trustees asked the City Librarian to follow up with local resources for further advice on the situation. D. Brad McCulley also informed the trustees that electrical improvements for the library are occurring in the near term which include installation of closed circuit monitoring. It was agreed that for patron safety cameras also be installed in study rooms. IX. Adjournment A. The meeting was adjourned at 7:10. The next meeting of the Library Board will be Sept. 15, 2015 in the Library Conference Room. Respectfully Submitted K Bra cCulley Ci Librarian L BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY STATISTICS Month: August 2015 *Burlingame Registered Borrowers Burlingame Hillsborough Other Total Adult Patrons 16,112 2,478 0 18,590 Juvenile Patrons 5,848 1,329 0 7,177 Others 170 12 1,587 1,769 22,130 3,819 F 1,587 27,536 Circulation Total Circulation Previous Year Percent Change Main IF55,749 51,489 8.27% Easton 1= 6,666 7,184 1 F -7.21% Total IF62,415 1 58,673 1 F 6.38% E-Content/Total Downloads or Sessions E-Content/Total Downloads or Sessions Overdrive: 1,815 a-books 557 audio a books Safari:139 readable pdf Enki-e-books 11 148 Fli ster Online Magazines 139 (magazine checkouts On-Line Resources Databases 847 BPL Website 8,391 Discover and Go downloadable museum asses 55 reservations Self Check Usage I Total Items Percent of Initial Check Outs Main 28,425 81% Branch 3,158 71% Total =F 31,583 Online RenewalsI Total Items I Percent of Total Renewals Main 15,562 80% Branch 1,609 11 79% Total 17,171 Gate Count JFMonthly Average per day Main 32,675 1,054 Branch 3,962 153 Total 36,637 1,207 Internet Usage Total User Sessions Main Adult 3,688 Main Childrens' 0 Branch 392 Grand Total IF 4,08011 =Totals Added to Collection (Main 8s Branch) 2,243 Page 1 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY STATISTICS Month: August 2015 Total Number Outreach Materials Delivered 13 Community Room Usage` Number of Meetings Attendance City Meetings Program - Env. Council- Union 2 22 Negotiations FL-ibrary Meetings- PLS Info/ 2 15 Great Books 1 17 Washington/Lincoln Staff Retreats 2 52 Beacon College Funding 1 45 Radio Drama- Kathy Foxhoven 1 35 Public Workshop on Social Security for Woman 1 36 Adult Summer Reading - Jane Austin movie Sense & 1 18 Sensibility Env. Program - Movie - Chasing Ice 1 46 Total Meetings and Programs 12 286 Conference Room Book Club 1 15 Library Staff Meetings 4 15 Foundation Meetings 4 25 Neighborhood Network 1 8 Total Events 10 63 Upper Level Meeting Room Statistics Sessions Attendance Staff Meetings 2 5 Public Meetings 2 37 Summer Reading Book Chat/Jane Austin 8s the 1 5 Zombies Total 5 47 Study Room Statistics Study Room A Study Room B Study Room C Study Room D Total Sessions 72 31 71 55 229 Patrons 173 86 163 114 536 Tech Lab Patrons 240 Page 2 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY STATISTICS Month: August 2015 Children's and Young Adult Programs--Main Number Attendance Special Programs for Children Magic Show 1 172 Crafts 2 117 Mandarin Story Time 1 56 Spanish Story Time I F_ 1 14 Legos 1 63 Total 6F 422 Special Programs For Teens Teen Advisory 1 10 PSAT Practice Test 1 33 Total 2 43 Easton Story Times & Special Programs Number Attendance Story Times Preschool Story Times IF— Toddler Story Times Total Class Visits Special Programs Easton Family Fun Night IF Page 3 BPL Main Circulation- Google Sheets#gid=0 Page 1 of 1 BPL Main Circulation a barrymllst@gmail.com . File Edit View Insert Format Data Tools Add-ons Help All changes saved in Drive comments snare 0 / Click the area of the chart you want to edit Advanced edit... Publish chart Save image Delete chart BPL Main Circ by Month 2011 vs 2012 vs.2013 vs.2014 vs 2015 80000 2011 2012 2013 60000 2014 2015 40000 20000 0 January March May July September November February April June August October December Sheetl Chart1 Explore https://u)s.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14A RCh LZAP30QMNrmfti,)JcORgtinR_PMzRvYD6TGY/edit 9/.)2015 Easton Circulation- Google Sheets#gid=0 Page 1 of 1 Easton Circulation ` barrymllsl@gmail.com File Edit View Insert Format Data Tools Add-ons Help All changes saved in Drive Comments snare 4 Click the area of the chart you want to edit Advanced edit... Publish chart Save Image Delete chart Easton Branch Circ by Month 2011 vs.2012 vs.2013 vs.2014 vs.2015 10000 2011 2012 2013 8750 2014 2015 7500 6250 5000 January March May July September November February April June August October December Sheetl Chartl Q Explore https://,)S.google.com/spreadsheets/d/lRpUVhR9EC2i2LbhNdMX_. .)dQ5MSdzIGGkzR3-f2nlFA/edit 9, )015 e-media circulation 3000 2500 ■ Safari a-books 2000 ■ Overdrive a-books 1500 ■ Overdrive audio a-books 1000 ■ Enki a-books 500 ■ Zinio/Flipster 0 ■ TOTAL City Librarian Report to Library Board of Trustees September 15th, 2015 Personnel— Circulation Dept has been hit with a wave of hourly library page resignations so we have hired three new pages and fourth hired soon. We have posted internally for a Library Assistant III Tech/Lab supervisor, as well as for an Adult Services Manager. Also, I must unfortunately relay the bad news that John Piche has tendered his resignation due to family issues and we wish him well. Future recruitments needed for: • Library asst. III (current) • Adult Services Manager (current) • Adult Services Librarian (mid-October) • Tech Services Manager (January) • Circulation Supervisor (January) • Page Supervisor (TBD) • Pages (TBA) News— • Congrats to the Michael Ma(president of Library Foundation) &Family on the birth of their second child, Brandon Ma. • We recently held a very informative security seminar with Dr. Steve Albrecht, retired police officer and author of the book aptly titled "Library Security." What he lacks in "titular" imagination he makes up for with his powers of observation. One weakness he noticed with our library was the number of doors propped open that lead to public areas or to the outside. i 1 1 • We held our first First Friday! all staff meeting 8:30am— 9:45 which we are using �,. to discuss "big ticket" topics (topics that effect all library staff) e.g. strategic plan, security, customer service etc... It was very well received and there was a high degree of participation. In the future, Trustees please feel free to join us for any of these meetings, first Friday of the month 8:30am Programs at the Library- Upcoming Dates: Adult Programs Sit 'n Stitch Drop In -- Every Tuesday 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Great Books -- Ist Tues of the month 10-12 Computer Help Drop-in!! Mondays 3:30-5:30pm and NOW Saturdays as well loam -12pm in Tech/Media Lab Sept 8th Carlos Pavan Guitar Recital 7pm Lane Room Sept 8th, 15th, 29th Start and Grow Smart Workshop 10am UL meeting room (RSVP) Sept 9th Peninsula Recruitment Mixer 6pm Lane room Teen Programs Teen Advisory Board—3rd Friday of the month 3:30-4:30 Lane Room Every Sunday—Girls Who Code 1-4pm Sept 12, 19, 26 App Development Workshop l Oam-Noon Tech Lab Sept 19th New SAT Practice Test 1 lam—3:30 pm Lane Room Family Programs First Sat of month—Mandarin Story Time— 11 AM Second Tues of month—Parent-Child Book Group for Grades 3-5 —6:00 -7:30 PM Every first Thurs of the month Legos @ your Library 4pm Lane Rm Sept 9" Daniel James Brown"Boys in the Boat" author 7pm Childrens room Sept 12" You Can Make It @ Your Library—The Knitted Cord 10:30am age 10+ 1pm— Teen and Adult Lane Room Sept 15th Mock Newberry Book Club grades 4-6 3:30pm UL Meeting Room Sept 19" Spanish Story Time I I am Childrens Room Sept 291h Firefighter's Story Time 10:30am Lane Room Kids' Story Times Just Baby and Me 2 Ages 0 - 18 mo. Every Friday 10:30 AM Preschool Story Times Ages 3 - 5 years old Tuesdays 10:30 AM Toddler Story Times Ages 18 mo - 3 years old Wednesdays 10:30 AM Thursdays 10:30 AM Bedtime Story Time—Easton Ages 2 - 5 years old Wednesdays 7:00 PM Toddler Story Time—Easton Ages 18 mo - 3 years old Thursdays 11:30 AM 3