HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - LB - 2015.01.20 BURLMOAMI : L Library Board of Trustee Minutes January 20, 2015 I. Call to Order President Donaldson called the meeting to order at 5:30PM. II. Roll Call Trustees Present: Betsy Corcoran, Debra Donaldson, Mike Nagler, and Lisa Rosenthal Trustee Absent Kerbey Altmann Staff Present: Pat Harding, City Librarian Sidney Poland, Recorder III. Library Board of Trustee Minutes The November 20, 2014 Board of Trustee minutes were unanimously approved. M/S/C (Rosenthal/Nagler IV. Correspondence and Information Statistics The Trustees reviewed the November and December statistics noting that the decrease in circulation was not unexpected due to the construction. V. A. City Librarian's Report - Highlights 1: Personnel - Vera Warrick , long time cataloger, recently retired. Andrea San Andreas, who completed her MLS at San Jose State University, is the new part time Cataloging Librarian in Technical Services. 2.' PLS- PLS Director Linda Crowe has announced her retirement. Linda has also served as Executive Director of PLP and Califa. Susan,Hildreth, former State Librarian of California from 2004-to 2009, has accepted the position of PLS Director as of March 1,,2015. 3. Problem Patron - In December, staff had to interact with a-patron who was observed viewing pornography. Staff advised him that the Library is a public building and there were children in the area. The patron has taken the position that the First Amendment gives him the right to view, pornography and that he may take this matter to City management. Pat Harding is working with the City Attorney to revise the Library's current Internet Policy. 4. Local History Archives - Sue Reiterman and Simon Ho, an SISU intern; are in the process of reviewing, 'purging and scanning the Library's historical records for the purpose of developing a local history digital archive. John Fiche and Ron Bulatof, a retired archivist and volunteer, are assisting with the project. 48o Primrose Road Burlingame•California 94010-4o83 Phone(650)558-7474•Fax(650)342-6295•www.burlingame.org/library 5. Millennium Project -The renovation project is on schedule. `.. • Lower Level opens January 26th. • Main Level closes January 5t11. Children's Dept., rest rooms and stair case to Upper Level will be open to the public. 0 Children's Dept. will remain open through January and will move to Easton in February. Trustee Donaldson mentioned that some patrons are not familiar with Easton's location and suggested that a map be posted near the Children's Dept. • Reference staff is sharing the Children's desk; Circulation has a desk in the front foyer. Reference will move to the Lower Level when construction:begins in the Children's room. - • Circulation work room is now temporarily located in the new meeting room on the Upper Level. 6. Parking Area Resurfacing- The cost to rebuild the parking area near the ramp and resurface the surrounding area to meet ADA requirements is $34,000. Most of the construction is completed. As soon as the asphalt is cured, the area will be permanently striped. This procedure is scheduled for the week of January 26th. B. Foundation Report • Mary Myerson and Terri Neil have joined the Foundation Board. • Overall bookselling for 2014 totaled $92,000. • Children's Tea raised $3,000. The tea is not considered a fund raiser but rather a friend raiser. • The Board will hold a Strategic Planning session to help set goals for 2015. • Foundation Officers for 2015 are Michael Ma President, Patty Anixter Vice President, Jennifer Ellison Vice President, Meeks Vaughn Treasurer, Noreen West Assistant Treasurer, Audrey Bojack Secretary and Susan May Chair of Bookselling. • Wendy Upchurch :and Leslie Kramer will oversee the on-line auction for the Book and Author Luncheon. VI. Unfinished Business A. Our Library Our Future Fundraising for Our library Our Future has been very successful. The Foundation is close to meeting its goal of$ 1 million. A donor recognition and ribbon cutting event will be held when the project is completed. B. Donor Wall Andrea from Group 4 is scheduled to meet with the Donor Wall committee to finalize the design. Andrea will:also bring samples of the materials that will be used to make up the plaques. Cost of the Donor Wall has not yet been determined. In October of 2014; the Trustees passed a motion to allocate monies from the_Duncan Fund to cover the costs of the Donor Wall upon the receipt of detailed cost and design information. C. Renovation Completion -There is a possibility that if the project continues at its current pace, it could be completed by mid-March except for punch list items. Trustee Corcoran reminded the Trustees that cost overruns could occur. Trustee Corcoran also requested that new materials be purchased for 'An "Open* 'g Day Collection." D. Employee Appreciation Event This event will be held at Sixto's on Sunday, January 25th. All arrangements have been made and currently there is a cotnbined total of 79 staff, Foundation members and Trustees_planning to attend. E. Book & Author Luncheon Lisa Rosenthal will introduce the authors. Trustee Corcoran volunteered to emcee the event in Michael Ma's absence. Photos of the completed renovation will,be displayed. VII. New Business A. Holiday Schedule - Pat reviewed the proposed Library Holiday Schedule with the Trustees and noted that the total number of days closed for 2015-2016 is 22 which is the same number as 2014-2015. The Trustees unanimously passed a motion to approve the Library Schedule for 2015-2016. M/S/C (Corcoran/Nagler) B. Library Accomplishments 2014 Pat briefly reviewed the Library's accomplishments for 2014. Pat will discuss these events in more detail at the staff party on Sunday. Trustee Corcoran commented that she was very impressed with the achievements planned and implemented by the Library staff VIII. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 7:OQPM. The next meeting of the Library Board of Trustees will be held February 17 20'15, in the Library Conference Room at 5:30PM. M/S/C (Donaldson/Nagler) Respectfully Sub ' d, Patricia Hardi g- City Librarian 3 • All Children's programs have been moved to the Children's Department until February. Beginning February 2nd, all children's programs will beheld at Easton until the main level construction is completed. Easton,hours will be changed to 10:00AM-8:OOPM Monday through Thursday and 10:OOAM to 5:OOPM Friday and Saturday. • Parking area near ramp will:have to be resurfaced to meet ADA regulations. B. Foundation Report 1. OLOF`Campaign - The OLOF campaign chair will present a check in the amount of$500,000 to the City Council on December 1, 2014. This check represents half of the one million dollars that the Foundation has committed to raise. 2. OLOF Crowd Funding- Crowd Funding is a way to raise money via the Internet. The OLOF Capital Campaign committee has discussed the possibility of participating in "Giving Tuesday" on December 2nd, which has been designated as a day to give back to a favorite charity or a project. This could be an opportunity to help raise additional funds for,the capital campaign. Fundly . would be the entity to process the donations. An e-mail blast would be sent to all donors on the Foundation mailing list, as well as library staff encouraging ahem to donate to the project and to use their social media accounts to inform friends and family about the project. 3. Book and Author Luncheon-The 3 authors for the Foundation's Book and Author Luncheon have been confirmed. The authors are Lisa See, Ayelet Waldman, and Dan Jurafsky. Lisa Rosenthal will introduce the authors. The Escoffier Society will induct new donors, who have given a total donation of $10,000 or more over the years, into the Society at their annual event to be held before the luncheon. VII. Unfinished Business _ A. Employee Appreciation Event The event will be held Sunday, January 25th at Sixtos from 10:00AM to 12:30PM. Trustee Nagler has made the arrangements. , B.' Donor Wall Pat is waiting for Paul Jamtgaard of Group 4 to send her the revised designs that include the suggestions of committee members as well as a cost estimate of the project. C. Trustee Attendance at Foundation Meeting Lisa Rosenthal will attend the January 15th meeting of the Foundation. VIII. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 7:OOPM. The next meeting of the Library Board of Trustees will be Yield January-20, in the Library Conference Room at 5:30PM. M/S/C (Nagler/Altmann) ---I2es ctfully Sub e Patricia Harding City Librarian 2