HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - LB - 1949.03.09 Burlingame, California March 9, 1949 A regular meeting of the Burlingame Library Board was held on the above date. Present were: Mrs. Johnson, Messers Hall, Reynolds and �- Fichtner. Also present was Mrs. Dombaugh, Assistant Libr arian. A resolution is to be prepared and sent to Mr. Fred Colby thanking him for his long years of service on the Library Board. The Board was reorganized as follows: Mr. Hall, Chairman; Mr, Fichtner, Vice Chairman; Mrs. Dombaugh, Secretary. Mr. Hall, Mrs, Johnson and Krr. Fichtner were authorized to sign the warrants. The minutes of the February meeting were read and approved. Bills to the amount of 4 322%,39 were read and except for Mr. Kelton's bill, were approved. Balance was $3152.99. Mr. Fichtner moved that Mr. Kelton's bill be sent to Mr. Fitch and we be billed by the City and pay them. The Librarian's report was accepted and ordered filed. Mr. Fichtner reported that the light fixtures have arrived. He read a letter from the lighting engineer reccommending Standard White lamps. He said that the fixtures were to be installed by the City and Mrs. Dombaugh was instructed to request the installation. Mr. Hall reported on his meeting with the Civil Service Commission and City Council on February 14th. Present were three Civil Service Commissioners the Mayor, Mr. Love, Mr. Hunt, Mr. White and others. They informed Mr. Hall that Miss 16'elbasky should receive her appointment as Senior Librarian through the City Council; they inquired about Miss Hartung; and said that Mr. Lechich might be kept on his full year in a temporary capacity. Mr. Hunt ' stated that he had investigated the resignation of Mr. Colby by talking to him direct. He found that it had nothing to do with the library of Board but with a grievance against the Civil Service Commission. As a result of the investigation Mr. Hunt announced that he was ready to accept Mr. Colby's resignation. Mr. Hall's report was accepted. It was decided to keep Mr. Lechich as long as he would stay*up to November 15, 1949 Two letters from Miss Smith were read; one to the Board stating that she had been in touch with the State Rettrement Board and knew her stahas$ the Other to the City Council resigning as City Librarian. It was moved, Beconded, and passed that her letter of resignation be forwgrded to the City Council for action. A letter from Miss Thelma Reid, Field Secretary, California State Library, was read stating that Miss Reid would meet with the Board on April 6th. The Board ratified the appointment of Mr. Lechich as temporary Senior Librarian at $250. per month. A motion-.*as passed to ask the City Council �o appoint Miss Mary Jane Welbasky to Senior Library Grade. A motion was passed to ask the-X ity Council to appoint Miss Hartung to Senior Library Grade. Mrs. Dombaugh reported that the light globes and registers had been cleaned. Mrs. Dombaugh is to call the City Engineer's for emergengy repairs. It was moved, econced and c cried th$t the threj p r� tiime Library Assistants be paid 1.25 hr, and that the ages be pa d O Fir. The non-resident fee was discussed and it was the consensus of opinion that, since San Mateo had the same fee and that it would probably restrict rather than extend our service, it was best to keep it at $2.00/year. Mrs. Dombaugh voiced the possibility of Hillsborough, which has no library, contracting with the Burlingame Librgry for service, paying a suitable sum. Mrs. Dombaugh reported that the Bayshore Plumbing Co. had reported the hot water heater very rusted and Mr. Fichtner said he would investigate it before anything more was decided. Mrs. Dombaugh was asked to have Chief Leis of the Fire Department check the furnace for safety. A tritten report from him to be requested. X1.. .`1 9 S-6 , The balance of the book budget was granted Mrs. Dombaugh for the rest of the fiscal year. Mrs. Dombaugh reported that she could find no trace of Board by-laws on file or in the minutes. Mr. Reynolds suggested that Mr. Cheney might know about them. Mrs. Dombaugh was instructed to call Mr. Cheneyron this matter. A motion was made, seconded and carried that the Civil Serviee Commission be requested to hold an examination for City Librarian. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. �...-' Secretary