HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - LB - 1949.04.06 Burlingame, California April 6, 1949 A regular meeting of the Burlingame Library Board was held on the above date. Present were: Mrs. Johnson, Messers Hall, Reynolds and Fichtner. Also present was Mrs. Dombaugh, Assistant Librarian. Mr. - Reynolds stated that he would have to leave to go to another meeting at 8 p.m. Mr. Hall announced that a new member of the Board had been appointed at the last City Council meeting. It is Mr. Raymond Burns. Mr. Burns was unable to be present. The matter of high school students eating lunches around the library was discussed and it was decided that the library should have an outside recepticle for waste paper. Mrs. Dombaugh was instructed to see if the city would provide one. A motion was passed that the Secretary request Mr. B. B. Stern to look at the furnace at the Easton Drive Branch and make suggestions as to its improvement. The proposed 1949`50 library budget was discussed in detail. The Board' s final recommendation was that a budget of $49,275 be sub- mitted to the City Council. This was moved, seconded and carried. The minutes of the March 9, 1949 meeting were read and approved. Bills to the amount of $3331.63 were read and ordered paid. The librarian's monthly report was read and ordered filed. Mrs. Dombaugh' s expenses of $8.00 to the Golden Gate District, C.L.A. meeting were approved. Correspondence to the City Council asking for the appointment of Senior Librarians was read and discussed. Our letter of March 11 asking for the appointment of two Seniors, Mr. White' s reply of March 30 indicating that our request was irregular and our reply of March 31 requesting one Senior were discussed. Miss Mary Jane Welbasky was appointed Senior librarian by the City Council April 4, 1949. Appointment of Miss Hartung will be requested next fiscal year. • Mrs. Dombaugh reported a rewarding meeting of the district C.L.A. Mrs. Dombaugh reported that she had solicited a meeting with Mr. Schultz in order to clarify one or two personnel problems . Mr. Schultz, Mr. Simonds and Mrs. Dombaugh met Saturday, April 2. It was agreed that the library should give the non-professional classifications the same designations as used at .the City Hall as far as possible. It was 'felt that mutual understanding had been increased due to the meeting. Mrs. Dombaugh was given permission to have the Board request the appointment of two Stenographer-Clerks at the present time. Letters were read from Mr. Fitch. The first stated that. installa- tion of the new light fixtures would begin about April 18. The second suggested that we issue a warrant of $27.50 to Weidenthal Gosliner, Inc. for work on blower motor. Mr. Fitch will request that this firm reimburse Mr. Kelton for this sum. Mr. Fitch also suggested that the Librarian should be authorized to engage reliable local contractors for cases of emergency where it is not feasible to- convlact that office for building maintenance. The warrant to Weidenthal Gosliner, Inc. was approved and signed. The matter of discarding books from the library was brought up and it was decided to discuss the matter when other Board members were present. Those members present went on record as being satisfied with the present method. It was decided that an open house and tea should be held at the library Sunday, April 24th and that on that date Mr. Colby should be presented with the resolution. Mrs. Johnson and Mrs . Dombaugh are to make arrangements. Mrs. Dombaugh was instructed to talk to Mr. Watson about in- stalling a gas plate in the staff room in place of the electric plate. Mr. Hall, Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Dombaugh were appointed to draw up by-laws for the Boardis approval. The matter of Miss Welbaskyts vacation was discussed. As she would not, under the civil service regulations, be eligible for a vacation until she had worked at the library for 21 months, it was decided that a letter be written to the Civil Service Commission asking if there is not some way that a vacation with pay could be granted to her. A letter was read from Mrs. Emily Fly resigning from the library due to health. A letter from the American Association of University Women was -� read requesting the use of the assembly room. The request was granted. Mrs. Dombaugh was instructed to write a letter to the Police Chief requesting that a patrolman stop at the Easton D,,,ive Branch occasionally In the evening to see that neighborhood boys are not causing any disturbance. A letter from Fire Inspector Moorby giving minor suggestions in regard to the safety of the furnace was read. Mrs. Dombaugh was given permission to request purchase of an adding machine. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Secretary