HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1949.08.03 Burlingame, California July 6, 1949 A regular meeting of the Burlingame Library Board was held on the above date. Present were: Mrs. Johnson, Messers Hall, Fichtner -and Burns. Also present were Mrs. Dorbaugh, Assistant Librarian and Mr. McLean, newly f� -- appointed City Librarian. Mr. Hall welcomed Mr. McLean to the meeting. Mr. Hall announced that Mayor Love had given him a verbal extension of Mrs. Johnson's appointment to the Library Board to June 30, 1952. Formal notice of the extension will be forthcoming. The minutes of the meeting of June 8 were read and approved. The monthly report was read and ordered filed. Bills to the amount of $2737.50 were read and ordered paid. The budget figures fir 12 months were read. They show an unexpended balance of $2,051.16 and collections deposited of . $3589.70 which total $5640.85 in the library account. of June 18 Mrs. Dombaugh reported on the meeting with the finance committee of the City Council over the library budget. 1Each item was discussed in detail by the committee. It was similar- to the discussion on the evening of June 23, 1949. Mrs. Dombaugh reported that the estimate on microfilming the present - shelf list was $500- 750. She suggested that nothing be lone until after an inventory of books in- the library had been held. It was moved and carried that an inventory be taken and that the library be closed for a week toward the end of August for that- purpose. Any decision as to preparing an insurance record to be deposited outside the library will be made after inventory. A letter from the Board to Mr. Fitch thanking him and Mr. Kay for their work on the li73hting was read. A letter to the Uity Council asking' for the appointment of City Librarian was read. Warrants authorized on June 8 and dated June 16, 1949 were read as follows : Remington Rand $9V3; Burlingame Stationers $88.56; Victor Adding Machine Co. $152.21; Phillips Edwards $99.70. These were approved. en d Mrs. Dombaugh was instructed to draw up.spee i tions on janitor work to each Board member. Mr. Fichtner made suggestions as to inclusions in the specifications. Mr. Fichtner reported that he had talked to qtr. Anderson, head of the Park Department. Mr. Anderson agreed to improve the yaed on the Cabrillo side of the Branch. The Board agreed to give Mr. Anderson permission to erect a small fence at the Main building to prevent people 's walking across the lawn. This will enable him to improve the lawn. A motion was made and carried accepting the Board by-laws as submitted at the last meeting. Mr. burns moved and it was seconded and carried that Mrs. Dombaugh be allowed four days to attend the regional American Library Association convention at Vancouver b.C. and that she be allowed 075. for expenses at the convention. Transportion time and cost is to be provided by Mrs. f r Dombaugh. A letter to the City Council from the Board was read stating that Mrs. Johnson' s term on the Board expires June 30, 1949. A letter to X1r. Fitch was read asking him to order fro hill ps- Edwards five SL-201-96 light fixtures. He was asked his opinion o of using the discarded recreation building furnace for the branch. He will investigate the matter. Mr. Fichtner moved that Lr. Fitch be authorized to start work on both the P=ain and branch furnaced as soon as he wishes. Seconded and carried. He is to connect the hot water heater .as well. It was moved_ that 14r., Forno be asked to fix the screens in the Main library reading rooms. Mrs. Dombaugh was authorized to spend $350. for Books in the month of July. Mrs. Dombaugh read a letter from Mr. -Herbert K. Whites City Clerk which she received on June. 14, 1949. The letter was directed to Meads of Departments and ordered them tb dismiss all temporary and part-time employees by the first of June. Since it was impossible to do this Nrs. Dombaugh read a letter to Nr. White which she had written on June 14, , 1949 following the receipt of the above letter in which she asked for instruction in regard to the three part-time Library Assistants, the pages and the one temporary employee. No answer has been received. These persons are still employed and there has been no question as to their salary. Mrs. Dombaugh reported that she had filled blanks concerning then: at Yr. White 's request. Mrs. Dombaugh reported that in the budget Committee conference it was decided that the one temporary employee, Mr. Lechich should be given notice as of June 30th. She read a letter from the Board to the City Council asking that his term be extended to Nov. 15, 1949 as per the agreement of Feb. 14, 1949 (see minutes of March 9, 1949) At a meeting of the City Council, the Library board and the Civil Ser#ice Commission it was agreed that the Board might ask for a 90 day temporary appointment for Mr. Lechich beginning July 1, 1949. A letter to the Council asking for such an appointment was .read. No answer has been received. Mrs. Dombaugh was asked to prepare a follow-up letter to the Council on this m tter. A letter to the City Council in regard to 194950 budget adjustments , was read. A letter from Delta Mu Delphian Chapter was read thanking the library for the use of the assembly room and enclosing a check for w10. for books. A letter thanking the Chapter was read. The Board accepted the gift. Mrs. Dombaugh was instructed to write the City Council asking that a list for Junior Librarian be established. Mrs. Dombaugh announced that an annual report is in preparation. A letter to the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. asking them to list the library under Buklingame City Offices as well as in the present place. Mrs. Dombaugh reported that the Company had responded that in additional listing would be charged for. It was decided to have the library listed under the City Offices. A letter was Pead from Mrs. Jack Charnow, Chairman and Distric6 4 Anti-Defamation Ldague enclosing bookmarks and requesting that they be donated to the library for distribution. It was decided not to accept the ' gift as establishing a precedent that might not be desirable. A letter from Kary Jane Welbasky asking for a leave of absence from July 18 to aJZ, 1949. This was voted on favorably. A letter from the Board to the Burlingame Chamber of Commerce was read calling tZe attention to the omission of the library from the mimeographed sheet FACTS ABOUT BURLINGAME. Mr. Browning assured Mrs. Dombaugh that the omission would be taken care of in the next issue. Mr. Burns was appointed a committee to investigate the erection of �,. street signs at strategic points giving the location of the Branch and Main libraries. Mr. Hall announced that Mr. DicLean had accepted the City Council 's appointment to the position of City Librarian. He will be on duty on August 1, 1949. Library staff work sheets were distributed to Board members and approved. The ddsirability of more library publicity was discussed. It was moved, seconded and carried that a letter be prepared for Board and Staff signatures to be sent to the University of California Library School and Che California State Library giving a resum6 of krs. Dombaugh'w work at the Burlingame library, her ability and status with the Board and Staff. A motion was made and carried that a letter be sent to the Civil Service Commission requesting a transcript of each of the Commissioner's report on the examination of Mrs. Dombaugh and Mr. McLean for City Librarian be submitted to the 'Library Board. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Secretary REPORT OF LIBRARIAN FOR JUNE, 1949 CIRCULATION EXPENDITURES Main Library June 15, 19.49 Payroll $1024.33 Adult non-fiction 3144 June 300 1949 Payroll 1_ 0090 _ .�! Adult fiction . 5371 July 61 1949 Warrants Juvenile non-fiction 736 1642 Collins Pub. Co. 4.05 Juvenile, fiction 1314 1693 Carol Cox Book Co. 5. 4', Total 10565 1694 Thomas Y. Crowell 12. 7' Periodicals 635 1695 Doubleday & Co. 24.41' Records 225 1696 E.P. Dutton & Co. 3.12 TOTAL 11,245 1697 Farrar, Straus & Co. .75 1698 J.B. Lippincott 5.64 ' Easton Drive Branch 1699 David McKay 9.51 . Adult non-fiction 471 1700 The Macmillan Co. 17.21 . Adult fiction 1323 1701 Julian Messner 1.95 . Juvenile non-fiction 441 1702 New Method 54.10 Juvenile fiction 620 1903 Random House 4.92 Total 2855 1704 Roemer House 93.83 . Periodicalm 2.75 1705 San Francisco mews Co. 108.85 TOTAL 3130 ✓1706. Technical Book Co.. � 1.81 :50 . Total Circulation 14 1707 H.W. Wilson Co. 3 ,375 1708 American Library Association' 5.00, - 1709 City of Burlingame Water Dept. 11.17 Daily average at Main 433 1710 Commercial Building Maint. 30.00 ' Daily average at Branch 121 1711 Gaylord Bvos. , Inc. 12.41 TOTAL 554 1712 Library of Congress 78.29 1713 F661fic Gas & Electric Co. 88.76 New cards issued 1714 Pacific Telephone & Telegraph 21.95 Adult (35 at Branch) 189 1715 Rancelli, Demattei 105.00 . Juvenile (15 at Branch) 32 $2737.50 IN. Re-registrations 55 (704.14) New 166 TOTAL 221 Non-Aesidents (18 new) 25 Cancellations 212 MEMBERSHIP July 6, 1949 12,966 Books accessioned Adult non-fiction 84 Adult fiction 61 Juvenile non-fiction 27 Juvenile fiction 91 TOTAL 263 Books cancelled Adult non-fiction 6 Adult fiction 3 Juvenile non-fiction 2 Juvenile fiction 2 TOTAL IN Deposited with City Hg1l$346.50 -. ,�. CITY OF BURLI NGAME BUDGET EXPENDITURES Sys 1949 LIBRARY MONTH OF This To Date Budget Budget Account Month 1 mos*- . Allow. Balance 0 PERAT I NG 1-4 Salaries 9*147.45 020147.45 11 Supplies & Material 94*70 90.70 12 Printing 39PPMqf 13 Liht, Heat & Power 99.93 99.93 14 Telephone 21095 21.95 16 Building Maintenance .. 4 17 Books, Periodicals 339.22 339,22 18 Binding 17.34 17.34 20 Miscellaneous - • 28 Rentals-Contracts Insurance-Taxes - - Total Operating CAP. OUT LA Y 80 Land Buildings 90 Equipnent Total Cap. Outlay TOTAL DEPARTMENT $2,716.59 2p716,59 A. r k REPORT OF LIBRARIAN FOR JULY 1949 CIRCULATION Warrants (Expenditures ) Main Library Adult non-fiction 2817 15Jy49 Payroll $1024.93 ult fiction 5550 30Jy49 " 987.52 uvenile non-fiction 936 Warrants Juvenile fiction 1595 July 20 Total i d',M"re 1716 Calif. Board of Equalization 5.47- Periodicals .47Periodicals 585 August 3 Records 227 1717 Doubleday & Co. 69.82 TOTAL 112, 70 1718 Encycldpaedia Britannica 2.85 1719 Houghton Mifflin 5.43 Easton Drive Branch 1720 Institute for Research 7.91 Adult non-fiction 1721 J.B. Lippincott 8.09, Adultfiction 1333 1722 Macmillan Co. 11.28 Juveni a non-f iction '45$ 1723 Random House 17.92 Juvenild fiction 692 1724 Roemer House 4.60 Total 2—$,= 1723 San Francisco News Co. 139.55. Periodicals 273 1726 J.A. Sullivan 19.99 TOTAL .3 Z58 1727 'James A. Williams 22. 95 1728 Advance Print Shop 48.31 Total Circulation 14,91$ 1729 City of Burlingame Water Dept.14.O5, 1730 Commercial Bldg. Maintenance 30.00 Daily average at Main 468 1731 Katherine vombaugh 7 .00 Daily average at Branch 128, 1732 Gaylord Bros. , Inc. 43.75 TOTAL W 1733 Library of Congress 12.25 1734 Lo-Well Pencil Co. 22.43• New cards issued 1735 Frank Magel & Sons 3.80 Adult (45 at Branch) 201 1736 Pacific Coast Paper Co. 5.43- Juvenile (16 at Branch) 35 1737 Pacific Gas & Electric Co. 62.22- Re-registrations 66 1738 Pacific Telephone & Telegraph 21.95 New 170 1739 Phillips-Edwards 13.28 TOTAL M 1740 J.J. Broderick, Postmaster 5.00 Non-residents (14 new) 24 1741 Rancelli Demattei 80.00 Cancellations 149 11 65.7$ MEMBERSHIP July 6, 1949 13#055 S Books Accessioned Adult non-fiction 47 Adult fiction 85 Juvenile non-fiction 1 Juvenile fiction 7. TOTAL 1�Sf Books cancelled Adult non-f is tion 4 Adult fiction 3 Deposited with City Hall $260.26