HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1949.09.07 MINUTES IF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES- OF THE BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY HELD AUGUST 3rd, 1949 AT 7:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Trustees Present: Pres. Hall, Sec. Johnson, lissrs. Burns and Fichtner Mr, McLean,,- Librarian Traatees Absent: Mr, Reyn3lds ORGANIZATION The Board officers for the 1949-1950 year were elected, with Mr. Burns making the motion and Mr. Fichtner the second that the Secretary be instructed to file an unani- mous vote for the following: Mr. HALL, President; Mrs. JOHNSON, Vice Bresident; Mr, BURNS, Secretary; and Mr. McLEAN, Deputy Secretary. MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of July 6th were read and approved. OFFICIAL President H&LL issued an official welcome to Librarian COMMENT McLean, wishing him success. In addition, upon motion of Mr. FICHTNER with the second by Mrs. JOHNSON, an official commendation to Mrs. Dombaugh was approved, recognizing her cooperation and dilligence in attending to Library business while she held the position of Acting Librarian for the first seven months of 1949. FINANCIAL The warrants were read and payments totalling $2765.78 were approved upon motion of Mr. FICHTNER with the second by Mr. BURNS. LIBRARIANtS The report for July was read and approved. President REPORT HALL pointed out that an annual report in brief was read to the City Council on August 1st, as well as pointing out that the membership of 13,153 could be in error: the error would be corrected by an accurate count to be made. INSURANCE Prs. HALL reported on the fire insurance policies held by the City. From such, it would appear that the Library has adequate coverage. REQUESTS TO The Librarian was ordered to write the City Council in CITY COUNCIL regards to two matters; namely, 1) appoint a Senior Li- brarian from the current effective Civil Service list; and 2) authorize the Civil Service Commission to form a list of gnni6r Librarians. This was done with Mr. FICH'INER making the motion and Mrs. Johnson the second. STREET SIGN '6`r. BURNS reported that the Mayor, through Mr. Fitch, has promised that a directional sign will be erected on E1 Camino pointing out the location of the Easton Drive Branch. STAFF HOURS With the motion by Mr. BURNS and the second by Mrs. JOHN- SON, a 38*our work reek for the staff was approved. The staff is to understand that no more employees will be added to cover any deficiencies because of this move. 8-3-49 FURNACE Pres. HALL read a letter written by him to Mr. FITCH re a $225 bid for the installation of a furnace in Easton Branch. AUGUST BOOK The Librarian was authorized to expend $500 for books FUND during the month of August. Motion by Mr.BURNS, Mrs. JOHNSON making the second. OFFICE SUPPLIES:The Librarian was authorized to expend $25.00 for office supplies in the month of August. Motion by Mr. FICHTNER, second by Mr. BURNS. PETTY CASH Upon motion of Mrs. JOHNSON with the second by Mr. FICHTNER, CHECKING ACCT. the Librarian was authorised to set up a petty cash checking account with a local bank to the amount of one hundred dol- lars, provided that no banking service charges would be placed against the account. The Librarian is to deliver to the Board a monthly petty cash expense sheet showing such disbursements from the account. MR. FORSYTHE In appreciation for his gift to the Library, the book "THOMAS PAINE" by Joseph Lewis, Mr, JOHN C. FORSYTHE, 1716 Ralston avenue, Burlingame was to be sent a letter of thanks from the Librarian's office. GREAT BOOKS A letter from the Great Books Foundation was read wherein FOUNDATION the sponsorship of the Library was requested. Upon motion of Mr. BURNS with second by Mrs. JOHNSON, full moral spon- sorship by the Library was approved. -- ANSCRIPTS A letter dated Julylkto the Civil Service Commis6ion requesting that copies of the City Librarian examination be sent to the Board was read. The answer was that the Board had no business in viewing such papers, although the examinees could see such at their convenience. BRANCH LAWN The Librarian was ordered to write a letter of appreeia- tion to mr. FRANK ANDERSON, Supt. of the Park Dept. , for the lawn drdesing distributed at the Easton Drive Branch, JANITORIAL The Librarian was ordered to advertise in "THE ADVANCE" SERVICE that bids for janitortfal service would be receL ved through August 31st; copies of the specifications will be on file in the Library. This was passed upon motion of Mr. FICHTNER with the second by Mr. BURNS. CITY SERVICE The Librarian was requested to draft a resolution to be submitted to the City Council asking that the Civil Service rules be amended so that past service to the City carry weight in points whenever a candidate took a Burlingame Civil Service examination. There being no further business to bring before the Board, the meeting was declared adjourned. L Respectfully submitted, FREDERICK F. McLEAN, Deputy Secretary ' w STATISTICS FOR AUGUST 1949 Circulation: 'Iain Library-- - - -- - - -GRRAND TOTAL - - - - - - -12P364 Adult nonfiction 3,23E Adult fiction 5,938 Child nonficti,m 911 Child fiction 1I GO i Periodicals 838 Records 282 Easton Drive Branch Library- -GRAND `r CTAIr- - - - - 3.,€31, Adult 'nonfiction 489 Adult fiction 4597 Child nonfiction 462 Child fiction 11 3,44"1 Periodicals 7 3, MAM TOTAL CIRCUTATIal- - - - - -= Nkwoe Daily average at I&In 476 Da.i7 j average at Branch 141 Combined daily average 717 Registrations Iles cards issued - A&A - -(44--a4 *Meb4 - - - 2S2 Child - -(23 at Branch) - - - - 81 Rs-registrations - - - - - - - - _ 77 TOTAL - ' - - 346 Non-residents-- -(316-nw4 - - - - - - - - - - - 20 Mm :IIP, S'jj TB;MM 1st, 1949— - -- - - -13„268 Accessions and Cancellations: Adult nonfiction - - - - -- - - - - - - 103 Adult fiction- - - - - ,. .• - - - - - - 84 Childnnnfitian - - - - - - - - - - - 16 Child fiction- - - - -- - - - - - - - - TOTAL ACCESSIOIIS- - - - - - - Uo.caneellations for August: fiction 14 adult nonfiction 3 adult No chi" dren's books cancelled in August De ,osited with City Hall: $200.65 13ILLS MR ;MUM 1949 420,21 BOOKS: -Edwin Fillen Company t4.68 3ook-of-the-111,,onth Club,, Inc* 7*67 • Thomas Yo Crowell Corrpany 7.12 - Doubleday & Cornpanyp Inc* 33.19 -1vew Metl=od Book Bindery, Inc* 34#94- - Houghton Mifflin Company 5098 lRandor, douse, Inc* 24*38 - Roemer House of CM ldrent s Books 111.41— San Francisco Vews Company 185.25. .Stanford University kress 5.59 ' A 29*00 i,i'.RIODICLS: Re R* Bowker Co. (1-yeariTULISF,iJiS ;"- "%'sYA_Y) 4900- ARi,','R13 BA.14AAR (3 years) 10.00 7V11`11-i', (3 years) MOO 466*99 137 N DI NG: .Christman Hanufacturing Co. , Inc* 148.56 ' Commercial Bookbindery 28lo83-- -Now .Method Book Bindery, Ino. 8.73-- House of Children's Books 27.85 23.84 3UP_;--LI14'S S'114%IjIONE�i,Y: Camera Shop 23*84 307.43 USS ::GS kRIM14: . Burlingure Advance 14910 ' Burlingare Stationers 29.78 . Advance krint Shop 251.10 -Librarian of Congress 12*45 • "ORS 110000 ARI'­'3j, JALI'43 : - Commorcial Building lWaintenanoe Co. 30000 .Ranaelli, Demattel Co. 80.00 LL 347.92 Y­'1IT,Va1;41hCE: - Gity of Burlingame, rark Dept* 225*00 -0rumford Typewriter Co. 53.09 -Gaylord Bros., Ina. 69.85 80,,25 , City of Burlingame,, later Dept. 21*62, ,Pacific Gas & 7-.1eatrio Co. 58.63 21.95 FL_41-1.CNX: It'noiflo Telephone Telegraph Co. 21.95 (Bills for August 1949, Conto ) X2201.77 3ALARI".39 LIBRARIAVS: August 15th payroll $1084e38 August 31st payroll 1117*39 186900 ;,-.uguat 15th payroll 4 78080 August 31st payroll 107*28 ,14195,44 `TOTAL BILLS 54*82 k- Ily C1,13F. I A3250.26 'I'MAL D139UR3',N,7T7.I !,'OR AUGUST P: TTY CASE FOR iWGU8T 1949 AMOUVT CRUCK i"'16*64 BOOK3: Simon & Schuster 1,49 C Superintendent of Documents 9.15 D Municipal Finance Officers Association 6000 $13.00 kZHIGMALS: .F)Di-,qGN AFfi,,IRS (3-years) $18.00 $13.52 BIVITNO: U. So Noas Fublishing Corporation 1.00 A Frank Magell & 3ons 10.93 19 Remington Rand,, Ino. 1059 2 1,75 031tGE &- PRIMING: Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh 1000 3 I'few York Public Library o75 4 9.91 !;..N IT 41111-i It A N,G E: .1,ollerbath Paper Go* 9.91 5 $54*82 11071I.L kit.MlY CASE EXPI-14DITURNS BILLS FOR JULY 1949 $310039 HOOKS: Doubleday & Co., Inc. 3, 69.82 Enoyolopaedla Britannica Inc, 2.85 Houghton Uifflin Co. 5*43 Institute for Research 7.91 Jo 13. Lippincott Co. 8*09 Macmillan Company 12o28 Random Nouse, Inc* 17.92 Roemer House 4*60 San ft-anolsoo Dews Co. 139*55 J. A. Sullivan 19,99 Jame A. V1111ame 22095 '180.54 LIBRARY SUkriLlES & ,Advance Print Shop 48*31 Gaylord Bros., Inc* 43*75 Library of Congress 12,25 Lo-Nell Peroll Co. 22.43 Frank Magel & Sons 3080 Burlingame Public Library 50000 30000 11RINI7'IFiG <�_ 1-03SAGS: J. Jo Broderick, Postmaster 5000 Burlingame Public Library 25*00 4110.00 JALITCRIS 3AL;,,R1'C'1S: Commercial Building Maintenance Co. 30.00 RanC0111, DOMatt0i 67 Co. 80.00 18.71JUIL11114. k',*1.IV1ELALCN, : i'scifto Coast Paper Co. 5.43 Phillips-Edwards Electrical Corp* 13928 76*27 'i4111ER Eli'�T k". LIGIAt City of Burlingame -Nater Depto 14*05 kaolfle Gas & Electric Co. 62*22 21.95 111 L Elir kaciflo Telep}-.one & Telegraph Co. 21*95 ;:105.47T>,.ISCELLANROUS: I California Board of Equalization 5*47 Katherine Dombaugh 75.00 Burlingame Public Library 25#00 $1850o17 S-,L.'d1YS# LIBRAHIA1i3*, July 15th 043.38 July 30th 906.79 $162.28 SAL:DRI kAGILS: July 15th 81.55 July 30th 80.73 FOR JULY 1948 ' 2865,78