HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1949.12.07 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE ' BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY HELD NOVEMBER 2nd,1949, at 7:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Trustees Present: Mrs. Johnson,.Messrs. Burns,Fichtner,Raymond and Reynolds Trastees Absent: None MINUTES Minutes of the regular meeting of October 5th were read and approved. BILLS Bills to the sum of $4324.48 were ordered paid upon motion of Mrs. Johnson with the second by Mr. Fichtner. LIBRARIAN'S Upon motion of Mr. Raymond with$ie second by Mr. Burns, the librarian's REPORT report was accepted. MILEAGE Transportation at the rate of 8c (eight cents) per mile will be paid by tie Library to those employees who travel on Library business with the under- standing that employees are to be responsible for their own insurance if using th6ir own vehicles. In other words, the Library is paying transpor- tation fees, not hiring a vehicle. This was passed upon motion of Mr. Burns with the second by Mr. Raymond. SUBSCRIPTIONS The librarian was authorized to make long-term subscriptions with the pbb- lishers of periodicals wherever savings could be obtained. TORS-WEEK Prior motions to the contrary, the Board went on record that a .'.-.5-da3r_- work- week would prevail in the, Library. The number of hours will depend upon the discretion of the librarian with a maximum of forty and a minimum of tbIxty--five. The prior motion were rescinded upon motion of Mr. Raymond with the second by Mr. Burns. That a 5-day week would prevail was passed upon motion of Mr. Raymond with the second by Mr. Fichtner. FINES The librarian was instructed to present three fine schedules at the next regular meeting for the consideration of the Board: 1) the present fine schedule 2) a 5c-a-day fine schedule & 3) a 5c-a-day after 3 days overdue. JC FACULTY The faculty of the San Mateo Junior College will be granted resident priv*,]eges whenever applying for a borrower's card. This was upon motion of Mr. RWmndd with the second by Mr. Burns. RECORDS Vertical dividers for the phonograph records at a sum not exceeding : 38.50 was authorized upon motion of Mr. Raymond with the second by Mrs. Johnson. `YORK ROOM Mr. Fichtner was requested to work with the librarian to see about the feasibility of using a portion of the basement directly below the office for a work room. FIRE REPORT A letter from the inspector of the fire department was read. The recommsnda- tions therein are to be given immediate consideration by the librarian. �NVE_NTORY Provided that the City Attorney authorizes same, funds are to be transferred 'n from the classified salary schedule to the unclassified salAry schedule. These will be used to finish the inventory of the library's books. The meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, �c Olerk of the d KENUTES OF TI-M SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SII M OF THE BURLTNGUE PUBLIC LIBRARY IPLD NOV MBER 9th, 1949,at 7:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Trustees Present: bars. Johnson, Messrs. Burns, Fichtner, Raymond Reynolds Trastees Absent: None CITY A letter to the City Attorney was pomposed, propounding these questv6iis: ATTORNEY 1) Does City Council have legal authority to alter the L1h „budget as presented by Library Board? 2) Is City Council approval necessary to.transfer funds within the same category? 3) Is it legal to transfer funds from one-classification to another? If so., what is legal procedure? 4} 'moo establishes salary schedules for Library personnel? i �) 'ho prepares lists of nrosr?ective Library employees? 6) Who accepts such lists? . 7) Mao has appointive power from such lists? Who has discharge poxer? .Answers to these in writing was requested, for future guidance of the Library Board. The Librarian was directed to send copies of the letta r to each City Councilman. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respe tfully submitted., Clerk of the Board a i i k -r"?-"� -1,---' a--f-T' -1-'-� -7, '1 tp- )PY TV TT T 7,77T P LL C ��-N ITJ,� W-�)verftber 12, 1949 .1. Karrelt �ity 1.Itt-3rney 'ity of t{ r9 ira arkv )zarlin6nnie, California Lusteos respectfully submits the i�oard o-P ibrar- ",- r )n3 iihich viers pr opted by the apparent conf lict jll-rmin8 que.sti,)etwmem City -)rdinances .50b end bgti-O. Finayncl,l k. Does the Gity Council have the legal auth-Drity to alter the Ldbx�ry b�zd6elt. as presented by the 1--ibrary Is City Council approval necessary to, transfer 10 Panda within the same cate6ory? :As an exarmle of this., cert,in suis In the salary portion of the ,-.-id et CS-13 are for classified employees; 4f it appear,i that an Lnventory of the Lib pry's b,),iks is necessary, my funds in the -1 3ate6ory be used to ')riy jmtrt-tii-ne 111elp wha belong in the unclassif iled C, is it le6al to transfer funds froir one class if-i calk",ion to another`s tif so,, Ynhat is the legal procedure? As an exn"L le of thiso supooSrl; L--beca-USE: �f a C1=-nL-0 Of Plans] that it seemed tilat Nmds -�vould be left over in the 16o")ks 41,11-17-1 section �)f the bud,,,,-et. (.'ould these be used to pay salsries 1-kS--13'.1) �or TAbrary ';--ho estfC-lishes the salary schedulks emnloyees? Personmel A. !,.`Iho is em,''overe(I to me pare the 11st of prDspective 0 T .Ubrary employees? i3 'i'.ho accJe-,,)ts sKiid list zmentioned at=)ve? After the aeceptaace 'Alai;s the ap�,-:. izntive -,Gower? To 8�) to the o er extrene, w1ha has thei dsehar6e poweP9 h It is respectf,"lly requested that these questions be answered in wrilt-in,,, 'for the &U .Gan co or the 1;oard of -1jibrary Tmistees. 7incerelv Clerk of the Board BILLS KHz,` kA .f 1949 OZ4.14 BOOKS Azerioun Technical Society 10 04 Antialroraft Journal1. COMMIrOlftl 9Wravirg iablishIng Cayo low Thomas ' . rowell Company. Ratherine 1. Dombaugh 0,61 Doubleday ?4 Gowpany,, Ina. 43.30 J. Bo Lippincott Ct> .; ny 1.80 tie Macmillan, C ny 53.8 The . . 1. Marquis Corpan, *4 Now Kathod Book Bi d e,ry$ loo. 22o'77 Pa4if14-1,708tOrn kubliShingo axay 2.05 Ilan American Union 9.16 The Personal Book Shop Ina* 32,000 ROOMOP House of G ildront s Books 57.41 San Fvanalzoo news cor.pany 456#29, t ckpole and Hookv In*. 22*66 aperin end nt of Doeuxtents 8#40 ,wo Tave Library Service W1111ar. Virgo 96#07 } . Go Vromnn# In*. 111,78 Wostern Library Service 11*76 r1licox & Follett oo 9*46 James A* it jo LO linter lag llAr Aworloan Library Association 1050 (Hospital Guide - one year) Coronet ( years) 7000 OrOwell-Qollier FubllshiM Cep try 16*00 0 Fro. ; fit COLLI to L.FAhIo3 Curtis Circulation ' sn 1. 50 J Jill-L) ;gents PublishAtig 000 ?WOO Ira* q 'i aio 111 1Ights for .x.l n (3 yrs. ) 12*00 Now Ropublia ( s.) ll Farentat sg �.ne {two 3-, . oubs r9�p tions) 101.00 srRliin Vis,} 10. San to `iwts l 11#00 Saturday ovio rs 3 14000 Senior krow. 12 yro.1 4.00 E. * ilson GovT. any (Catalog Cards, I yr } 4. The writer i yro.} -00mzeraial Bookbindery ��.65 BILLS (conte ST SUMV8 AN 1A 101ORRYt Gaylord Bros o, Ince "64 hemington Rand Ino e.8 Burling- Jogai tori 105#00 SALARI 3* JAVVIORS* `uneelli,, D.Omattel Coo $105.00 . 1i BUMS Buirlingamt Stationers $ Mel Park Dopto,11, City of rii 925000 C a OrdO i ter Go, � Curtis .i sad Inov, 9 i oif a coast kaper 00# City of iii 7 82 ; noirto Gas and ''leatr o Coo 1034M ` dile Telephone ; ..egrao« 24.W Mary Juno `�FOibus Shermn# Clay Coo 6 1 U.167 *80 TOTAL BILLS 3.19 Potty-cash -'Exporditures 1178#76 November l6th Payroll 1 .66Dovembirt oll $5060*3e jAvWN, LB, 1949 " --CUNT OR 6*f 00 International Textbook Go* 1,58 54 International Cityzna gers`# Assoc 1*00 59 ?gar aan kablications 2#00 60 Mi. Ro 01off 1.6 87 0x53 60 FE,R 10 DI0ALS American Photography tone your) 2,50 64 Consumerts Research (one year) "4.78 68 Geyer c s T app las {tine ear) 30 66 Hobbles (three years 10000 61 Mademoiselle (tura years) 5«00 62 New Republic (two years) ll.00 a boar Yorker (two yours) 11000 58 Senior From (two yours) 4.0 69 ,,gee ,Vlsaia vm (ow your) 2*OU 67 "*ons is Research (one backIssue) .35 v'21 $12*3& 6UIJI.MItS Ar�•'aD 69.h T:T66-8 ' "Y2 Librarian of Congress 0111603 56 Ibxt-etas University 1.35 65 A. Stamps 5*00 V92 027443 NAINTERAN'ON: Barash tz Douglas 5#87 52 Burst®ft-.1ppla o Co. . 2.15 58 Pacific Coast Paper Co 4.06 81 Miscellaneous Xtere 18.35 vl7-26#23*;2 Pacific Telephone Telegraph Go. 3.66 53 90 MIS09LIANECU EX .: : orb . . Ho Hazelton (Decorations) ns Z.90 70 4112#07 T OI flr;'IAIY CASLIEXf yN i�jTUrjvFOR ROVE-13NA 1949 ATIM' C PO 1%,0V IYD 194 Branch A ftlIt nonf lotion 3525 566 At4 t t' cti i602 Child nonf i t 1 oxo 1039 493 UbIld Ration . 1624 624 rt 110632 5*485 687 305 Phonocraph r000rds :£ 120584 3*7-90 GY1.1%ill"D SCIIII, L VOIROM IG I 16,0374 149 4 Dail average at main l aver e t r e 18'7 Opined daily avorage MT tiont Adult Child 1320 11�30z- Adult registrations 150 at ra eh) 217 i1d rest bone (43 at Branch) 125 221 novo 121 re-rogistrations Cancellations 269 Donrosi a tst (14 now,, 1 wr Vi tra i - 24 Added �r ' Adult nonfiotion 174 518 Adult fiction 146 12 rGhild, nonfietion 24 19 Obild flotion 25 4 < x Zee ble H _' 50 150 I k IE Novombe r 9; 194 4484.25 American Academy of Pilitical social Science one year of AMITALS American Home 0.00 year subscription for Bran gh American ka.gazino 14.04 two 6-year subscriptions American btercury 10.04 Z-year subscription -Atlantic, Monthly Company X0.00 two Z-year subscriptions Better Homer and Gardens 5.00 Z-year subaeription for Branch Cameras Mag uzine 16.00 two 2-years subscriptions Child Life 6.00 -;dear subscription Christian Century 5.ni0 1-year subscription Crowell - Collier Publishing' Co, 16.00 3-yeas subscription to COLT-LEFERtS for Main 3-year subscription to .31A TtS H")VxL G;?A9';'11,NIO r6ft Branch Consumers Union 8.50 2-year subscription Dance Magazine 9.25 3 year subscription Etude 14.00 two Z-year subscriptions %. od Housekeeping 15.00 two a-year subscriptions Morrie Garden 10.00 5-year subactiption Hom book 5.04 2-year a ubscolpt on Junior R,Ovi6wers Catalog - bebo l-yeafr subscription Lad es' t Home Journal 5.00 30-month subscription for Branch Life19.50 two 2-yeas subscriptions McCall. Corporation 6.00 Z-year s bser tPion for Branch Mademoiselle 6.04 2« ear subscription for Branch National 000 ra.phle Society 8.50 *00 14year subscriptions American Museum of Natural History 5.00 1-year subscription to NATTTRAT,. HISTORY rican Nature Association 8.00 3-year subscription to NATURE MAGAZINE, We*sweek 10 000 Z -yeas subscription for Brand _ r i k Outdoor Lift z,ftp two 2-year subscription Thi top lay 6.E3£} two 2-year subscriptions Popular ec nice _ 16.0 two Z-year subscriptions Papular Photography 7.00 -yearsubscription Popular Science 6.00 two 2-yearsubscriptions ublic Affairs- n t ltteem Inc. 3.00 I*-Is r 20pamphlets) snbseription-for branch Ha. i.c and -Television Mews 18.0 two -year subscriptions National Reereation Association 7 .50 ybar subscription to REGR.;AT IO '3chool A-its masks ink 40 1-your subscription for branch c iencw %jp s t Inc, 7.00 sub ctiption er.ican Association for the Advancement of Seion6e Inc. .1-year 'ascription -te 'j-DO'l- i tV_)T1TjtjY 7.50 Seventeen Magazine 5.00 2-,Year, subseriptloh Story Parade 7. . ear subscription pti on f€3r Branch S vel .s s a is t s Inc* 8*00 2-year sub7scrintion to STJRVry nset Uagazine5000 } 4-year subscription for brana�� Theatre Arty 9,00 2-year subscription Time 10650 2-year subscription for Branch Conde east Publication Inc. #9,00 two 2-year subscriptlo to two 2-year subscriptions to W)USE & GARDEN Scientific American 12.50 Z'-�Year sub criptSen Ameri@ah Federation of Arts 4.50 subscription Virginia Kirkust Bookshop Service 603.E Ioyear sub cr ip ti on Newsweek 10000 !�­Year subsea,.ptian 'Society for the Advancement of Education Inc, 7,00 i-year subscription to SCU0 L SOCIETY d.. ` { i "3i