HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1950.02.01 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES OF THE BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY �-� HELD JANUARY 4th, 1950, AT 7:30 PM ROLL CALL Trustees Present: President Reynolds, Mrs. Johnson, and Mssrs. Burns & Fichtner Trustees Absent: Mr. Raymond MINUTES Minutes of the regular meeting of December 7th, 1949, were approved as redd. BILLS Bills amounting to 0707.80 were ordered .paid upon motion of Mrs. Johnson with the second by Mr. Burris. MAYOR LOVE MAYOR DAN R. LOVE, Jr., was welcomed by the president follovmlg which these was a discussion o$ aubje&ts of mutual interest. OLD BUSINESS In regards to the installation of fire extinguishers, it was requested of Mr. Fichtner that he discuss the matter further with Fire Chief L>Ks. (equipment) At the same time, Mr. hohtner stated that he would visit the City Engineer, Mr. Fitch, and locate the gas plate and fluorescent fixtures which belong to the Library. NEPff BUSINESS City Librarian McLean asked whether or not the monthly report should be sub- (report) mitted to the City Council. Upon motion of Mr. Fichtner with the second by Mrs. Johnson, McLean was directed to submit such a report. (appointment) Upon motion of Mr. Fichtner with the second by We Burns, McLean was authorized to hire a replacement for Mrs. Meuel (retired for maternity reasons) at -180. ` a month. George Paul Lechich was named as Senior Librarian from the list of those eligible to the position, effective as of January 1st, 1950. (CLA) Unanimous approval was given to the suggestion that the Library Board become members of the TrnsteesU�Section of the California Library Association. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Re ectfull su 'tted, Ca� Clerk of the Board HOMELY fmpORT of BURLINGAN3 PUBLIC L I S R A q for 39W A*mdtted to D 0�' IR i> liv 1950 BILLS FOR JANUARY $449.36 BOOKS: Edwin Allen Co. 7.96 Coast Directory Co. 41.24 Corner Book Shop 7.66 Doubleday & Co., Inc. 48.53 E. P. Patton & Co., Inc. 4.96 J. B. Lippincott Co. 3.46 The Macmillan Co. 14.82 New Method Book Bindery, Ina. 53.91 The R. S. & S. CO. 50.25 Random Douse, Inc. 28.07 Roemer house of Children's Books 8.74 San Francisco News Co. 61.45 E. Tave Library Service 74.12 A. C. Vroman, Inc. 44.27 $102.10 PRitIODICALS2 American Home Magazine Corp. (3-gess subscription) r 5.00 Architeetaval Record (2y-year subscription) 7.50 Better Homes & Gardens (3-gear subscription) 5.00 R. H. Booker Co. (1-year of LIBRARY JOURNAL) 6.00 Design Magazine (2-year subscription) 7.00 Fortune (3-year subscription) 20.00 )f San Francisco Chronicle Agency (1-year subscription) 18.00 San Francisco Dews (1-year subscription) 15.00 U. W. Wilson Co. (1-year subscription ABRIDGED R:'';.ADFRS GUIDE) 9.00 $406.53 BINDING: Cormercial Book Bindery $406.53 BILLS n1l JAN- ARI (Cont. } 84.85 SUPPLIES A14D STATIOT. RY- Advanco Frint Shop 17.46 **Advance Print Shop 50.35 Librarian of Congress 16,74 $319.82 ;API a'AL OUTLAY t Rer-lrkgton Rand Inc. 0,319.82 $210.00 JAVITORtS SALARIESt Rencelli, Uematti & Co. (January and February bills) x'210.00 $126.76 131AIPJ[EVANCE t Frederick P. Butcher 8.28 Gaylord Bros., Inc. 29.4 : Iausser Electrics Co. 16.25 P. E. 0#1air & Co. 72.77 X150.27 A'EI , IIEAT A11D LIGHTt City of Burlingat* 17.95 Pacific Gas and- Electric Co. 1132.32 23.95 T1'V,,FT,'OVEs Pacific li'elephone and �, elegraph Co. 23.95 2P.02 ::I:;'V"'�LLANEOUS ESE SEES- Maker and Taylor Co. 10.52 California Library Association 17.50 33.73 Phonograph Reecaftt Sherman, Clay &- Co. 33.73 $1935.09 TOTAL BlII LS $2334.417 SAL JA ,,Mn $ 81.66 PR d j` CAT-: F.J1!I':t N3 19 TJRR3 W51.22 'i CG AL 7X1-F!-',SRS ;t•'OR jANjJ p Ry FRM CASK XVxMU FOR JANUARr 195 #"CMZ OR # 4.50 BOOM 9 XM J. W10da" # #.50 94 #55,so ODICA"t obnasng (moths Va ription) # &00 95 C ssi Kgost 33-year sab"AptUn and ids) #14.50 90 €urt s cireautien to. (4-year subscription S&TMMX PO 4-year sabseription LAM= RM JsURIAs.) #21.00 so Field and Strom (3-yeas subsoription) # 5.SA se PlIs fsum it of Amwrl4ait (2-7~ sabssrl ion pum O�}9R�d� 1.00 96 National Aufm b w 9!wlioty (d BOR i 4 I) # S.950 as Serb 'liaise Review t.-year subseripties) # 3000 at 9.70 ni Amcsa Broadway Rardwar. go* 1.00 92 Crawford Typeuritear 6s& lie" 93 y at Xonallsation. t .T3 91 Fronk Magol & Sone (Protoctedd) 7.53 87 Other Items .se r33 d v34 483L." TOTAL TIM CASE Spar STATISTICS FOR JANUARY 1950 "''RCULATIOR t MAIN BRANCH Adult nonfiction 4332 625 Adult fiction 5825 1594 Child nonfiction 788 421 Child fiction 1694 661 TOTAL BOOKS 12631 3301 Periodicals 755 336 'r'homograph re c order 3121 --- TOTAL OT'FEM ITEMS 1076 336 TOTAL CIRCULATION3574"? 36.157 GRAI4D TO11AL CIRCULATION 111 150 t49 Daily Average at rain 548 486 Daily Average at Branch 145 121 COMBINED DAILY AVERAGE 693 SCS! ADULT CHILD TOTAL Mergers Ip, January 1, 1950 6975 1396 8371 Adult registrations (37 at branch) 268 Child registrations (20 at branch) 44 196 new, 116 re-registrations 312 Cancellations 342 31 373 Membership February 1, 1950 Z= "140'W $310 Nonresidents: (23 new, 11 re-registrations) 34 ACCESSIONS AND CALCELLATIONS ,, Da:taD DROPPED Adult nonficliion 51 12 Adult fiction 127 27 Child nonfiction 32 18 Child fiction 128 '9' TOTALS '. $ IT+CR!T,'ASE Or BOCK STOCK 234 DEPOSIT ':D `VITI.A CITY TREASURER: $303.93 { T F S PIN UOIUITG�Tcl? 8 yqff If er Su ra I T -"Tf,;ff T4 P- La WT T, 1 j)v T T IT 1: "ASA TOA 7 V -P-T T Cl UkJi44' f I i)u ,TUTV L)OT,'lTGJJ0T3 c s? TivY7