HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1950.06.07 1(.INUT'RS OF THE REGULAR I.,77TING OF THEE, BOARD OF TRUSTEE'S: OF` THE BURLING.'ME PUBLIC LIBRARY HELD MAY 3rd, 1950 AT 7:30 PM Trustees Present: President JOHNSON, Mrs. HA.`RISON, rissrs. FICHTNER & TEAL Trustees Absent: Mr. BURNS The minutes of the regular meeting of April 5th were read and approved. The Librarian's Report as represented by the statistics page of the monthly report was accepted upon motion of Mr. TAL with the second by Yrs. HARRISON. Parking lot It being reported that there was some opposition to having a portion of the Library property devoted to a parking lot for the Library em- ployees, the Board went on record as being opposed to such a plan. The motion was made by Mr. FICHTNER with the second by Mr. TEAL. This was done after the Board members present viewed that portion of the Library's real estate under consideration. Bills to the sum of : 3419.15 were ordered paid upon motion of Mr. FIC='_TNER with the second by Mrs. HARRISON. Fine schedule Consideration of the fine schedule and the non-resident fees was tabled until Eir. BURNS could be present. _ "FORGIVENESS The Librarian reported that "FORGIVENESS `"IEEK", while not a tremendous 'MEEK" success, had been proved worthwhile with about 78 books, long overdue and. just about considered lost having been. returned. The resultant publicity on "FORGIVENESS INFEK4 as a whole did the Library much good. By laws Consideration was given to the by-laws of the Board. with some modifi- cations being made. A first reading of the same was given. Mlovies The Librarian reported, that there had, been an average attendance of 24 for the motion_ picture programs in April. The suggestion_ was made to place a sign at Easton Branch telling of these movies. Budget In order to give proper consideration to the budget for the next fiscal year, as well as to allow Mr. BURNS to be present, &. special meeting was tentatively scheduled for May 22nd. There being no further business to bring before the Board, the meeting was adjourned upon motion of Nr. FICHTNER with the second by Mrs. HARRISOE. Res ectfully submitted, Clerk-of-the-Board MINTUTES OF THE SPECIAL E=ING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEITS OF THE BURLII GAME. PUBLIC LIBRARY HELD MAY 10th, 1950 AT 7:30 P10 Trustees Present; President JOHNSON, Mrs. HARRISON, Mssrs. BURNS, FICEITN R and TEAL Trustees Absent: None A letter to all heads of city departments was read wherein the City Council requested that the budgets for 1950-1951 were to be submitted. by May 15th. That being the case, President JOHAvSON had called the special meeting on this date instead of May 22nd as had been set at the re.zular meeting of May 3rd. After due consideration had been given to the various items of the proposed budget as presented by Librarian McLean, the following schedule was agreed. to; SALARIES. Librarian $4150 Assistant Librarian 3600 2 Senior Librarians 6105 2 Junior Librarians 5355 3 Library Assistants 7200 Library Asst. (pt.-time) 1250 8 Pages @ 90� hourly 3360 X31,029 OPERATIONS: Janitorial services $1360 Supplies 570 Printing 375 Utilities 1500 Telephone 240 Ariaintenance,Bldg.& Ground 1350 Books 7000 Periodicals 450 Phonograph records 300 Binding 2000 Miscellaneous expenses 300 Gaylord Machine & supp. 300 15,745 CAPITAL OUTLAY: Front door signs & repairs:50 2 typing tables (1 Br.) 40 Typewriter, 18" 175 Front step handrail 75 Dictionary stand (Br.) 50 3 book trucks 210 3 handy stools 30 Cost rack (Br.) 35 Magazine rack (Br.) 100 2 bulletin board 20 2 Kardex units 30 Shelving (Br.) 75 t%agazine `binders 100 Lighting fixtures 3000 3,990 Respectfully submitted, $50,755 TNUTES OF TEE SPECIAL IvEETI1G OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTE7S OF THE BURLII<GAX,E PUBLIC LIBRARY HELD T,AY 15th, 1950 AT 7:00 PSI Trustees Present: President JOHNSON, hsrs. HARRISON, Nlssrs. BURNS, FICHT ER and. TEAL Trustees Absent: None A reconsideration of the budget as developed at the meeting of May 10th was the reason for this meeting, with special emphasis on the allotment for ,janitorial services and the n ober of per— sonnel allowed. The revised budget was as follows: SALARIES: Librarian ` 4150 Assistant Librarain 3600 2 Senior Librarikns ($3075, $3030) 6105 2 Junior Librarlins (;2715, ,2640) 5355 3 Library Assistants ($2640, 21_82_'$2280)7200 3 Library Assistants (part-time) 3750 8 Faces cz: 70¢ hourly 3360 $33,520 OPERATIONS: Janitorial services $2000 Supplies 570 Printing 375 Utilities 1500 Telephone 240 P.:aintenance, building & grounds 1350 Books 7000 Periodicals 450 Phonograph records 300 Binding 2000 h'iscellaneous expenses 300 Gaylord Charging Eachine & supplies 300 16,3e5 CAPITAL CUT'­"Y: 3 front door signs & 1 door repair 50 2 typing tables ( 1 Br. ) 40 Type'nriter, 18" carriage 175 Front step handrail 75 Dictionary stand. (Br. ) 50 3 wood. book trucks 210 3 handy stools 30 Coat rack (Br. ) 35 1agazine rack (Br. ) 100 2 bulletin boards, main lobby 20 2 Kard.ex units 30 Shelving (Br. ) 75 Adopted uranimously Magazine bind.ers 100 upon motion of P,.r. Lighting fixtures, Main reading rooms 3000 3 990 F'ICziTPt'+R with the GRAND TO IAL REQUESTED: - - 53, 5 second by Rin. TEAL with the proviso that the CAPITAL OUTLAY Respectfully submitted items will be considered: for possible reallotment at the next regular meeting. r j :E' ✓ AM O } >, , . .r,K ,o' OMAN& nfoo Masi Aw Ai.. � srrV577V 7VUL 4 y. DOWN, QW17 50 1147 QW71 own'', loc ,. _ ..« <. weer, 7.T « 1 Vit,' W a.....,.�. voucher 130.42 BOOKS: Angelus 1ress 1.03 Book-of-the-Manth Club 2,% 134 British Book Centre, Inc . 21% 139 j. B. Lippincott 1160 146 Roever ease 8.06 .. 40 School Ares 1 0 13 , Van Allyn InVitato 4,12 147 3uperintendent of Documento _ .-. _. U. S. fit£ ::era i3 yfix.{, { 5. 21.65 NAINIMANGM !'' .ng a a 4Rar `mss Go. lice 13 h f.._ .l R n d'S�._.�,a bS a t" S.,i o .fes s 2.34 3 ty""No coast paper 004 4.79 Me, Ot ,a itema v&2164,66-68 71,75 1000 TELEPHONE; Pacific r". le hone ., tof.legy4., . z ,j..ACU '31tMl`-``. f 6 s,.v MAL PETTY L.As,}.:a UP__. a,iii T k_4 R E+„€ s i CIRCULATION: Main Branch Adult z1wfiat s n- - - - - s - - 454i WE; /Adult +:-�...Eui.v:. fiction �a �. wa +n ca c? 5219 1483 #� 664 chi 3 d fiction i' ti ,n . 8g < a ^,Fa9 1WAL LOOKS CIRTYWTED 11197i 769 -'.�'1 -�n � ,^t 9 "= r'ry t�}��•3 }+., .?x _�sr, ,w .� .�. qH. ,4„ '�,'(y„t ,,. GRAND TOL est 7.'O i,.>LA v.1"+,;P h'; Daily average rage. for Main apa a tA+ ,rr 478 497 Daily aCar. for Branch .ea - He 53 Combined mb d it w average '�� 71 .� Adalt Child Total. Mare ehi bay .«p 1950 - m - - :fix — 6760 0 46 t U477 W 1}e.�..i.'d r a��)�gg a l s �!{ n $M{''.�ti a:- we - - - — 104 z3 2 777-7-17 „�2 t.:.1 .+1�... {/e'e r '4 h p P jute 1; w7 ivy 5 0 1 - - a@+ 49u-: 7715 "_!�1� ���T L2...7Adult e OF BOOK 31,00A AddW- 022p§ t t Adult k..�.., ».1 Q. a.+ au — — se a,. xro <er zs,.. ax - — a. m — V 5 Child nonfiction—. L 4 2,8