HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1950.08.09 +:INUTES OF THE R::,GULAR Pui,ETINi G OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTE-.S OF THF BURLIi GA1,"E PUBLIC LIBRARY FELD JUPE 7th, 1950 AT 7:30 Pbl Trustees Present: President JOHPSON, Mrs. HARRISON, Mr. BURNS, and. br. TEAL Trustees Absent: Mr. FICFTi'dER LIBRA�?Y ASSISTAINT Six candidates for the position of Library Assistant were inter- viewed' all being on the eligibility list as submitted by the Civil service Commission and accepted by the City Council. These were: airs. Alda. H. JETT; bliss AITN E. ADADjS; Mrs. Wffi. J. BECKE'N- HAU R;Tyrs. 0. A. BJORGAN; Miss JAC iUELYN LaFLE'UR; and Mrs. E. L. OAKS. Following the interviews, there was due consideration given and the first two named were selected. The Librarian was ordered to inform all six of the results, and to tell the two selected that treir term would begin with June 16th. The appoint- ments are contingent upon their passing satisf^_ctorily a p33ysical examination, to paid for by themselves. J`� ITOR STRVICE The two principal partners of Rancelli, Demattei 8: Co. appeared before the Board to explain various conditions regarding their work. The Board requested them to present in writing a supple- mentary option for their original bid, wherein (for a considera- tion) they would furnish various supplies and equipment for the upkeep of the two Library buildings. MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of May 5th; of the special meeting of b?ay 10; and of the special meeting of May 15th were separately read and. approved as read. B1LS Bills to the sum of ; 3,771.71 were ordered paid upon motion of t°ir. BURNS ,with the second by t:r. TEAL. LI_3H:�3IA�'.'S R--TORT The Librarian presented the monthly report as repre9nted by the statistics sheet and gave a brief su.r:rar,r of the June 5th meeting of the East Bay Library Executives held at. the Oakland Public Library. FIYE S li AUL^ Upon motion of irr. TIAL with the second. by Mr. BURNS it was agreed that the non-resident library fee should continue at $2 per year until further information coald be collected; further, that the fees on overdue library materials should be as follows, to take effect on July lst after notifiying the public in every manner: all general collection books 2¢ a day (adult and juvenile) new (7-d.ay) novels 5� a day phonograph record albums 51 a day magazines and pamphlets 2V a day overnight books 25r a day maximums: .; 1.00 on each book or album cost price on magazines and parphlets FLUORESCENT `ihe Librarian reported that the remainder of the fluorescent fix- FIXTURES tured had been installed in the stack area; there remain but ten units.> possible to install, and these are all in the closed stacks. -2- June 7th, 1950 kTOTIO ' PICTURES As the Friday afternoon moving: picture program was an experiment, authorized to continue only through June 16th, Mr. McLean was asked about its popularity and usefulness. He reported that an average of thirty-two persons had seen the eleven shows presented to date. '11hereupon Pair: BURNS made a motion, seconded by Mrs. HARRI30h, that the programs continue as long as the librarian deems them in;orthwhile. BY-L: "tS The by-laws, as arended at their first reading of May 3rd, were ^iven the required second reading. Upon motion of Mr. TEAL, avith the second. by Mr. `BURAIS, the vote was unanimous to adopt them. CONV';IvTTOiY Jhen informed b7: the librarian that the 52nd annual convention of the California Library Association would be held in Sacramento June 21st thru 24th, the Board agreed to allow hir. McLean $42.00 and each staff member (up to four) 96.14 (p2.00 re;^istration fee and 4x4.14 transportation) for a gran-01 total of ; 66.56 permissible. The vote was unanimous upon motion of lr. TEAL with the second by Ivlr. BURINS. TdE"i BUSI14ESS Because of the absence of Mr. FICHTW R action upon a rental collection and the Friends of the Library was tabled. OLD BUSIYESS: The report of the inventory as completed was delivered to the Ii:v'NiORY Board. by the librarian. It shored that the Library's holdings, as of May 31st, amount to 83,293 accessioned volumes. E�L�IBI`' The Library had been invited to participate by having an exhibit at the Peninsula Pacific Industries Forum, in the Fiest Building, June l6th thru 25th. Upon motion of Mr. BURNS, with the second _ by Iilrs. HARRISON,, the invitation was not accepted because of the othe,r activities of the Library. Upon motion of Itiir. TEAL with the second by Mr. BURNS, the vote was unanimous to adjourn. Respectfully submitted, AYcaJIvD A.�URid , ecre�ar;� RAB/f fin B ILL S FOR JULY 1 9 5 0 $440.96 BOOKS: Edwin Allen Co. $8,32 Arco Publishing Co. 10.24 Tave Library Service 69.20 Book-of-the-Month 4.14 British Book Center 1.13 Thomas Y. Crowell 17.53 Doubleday & Co. 67.19 `.. E. P. Dutton & Co. 22.33 David McKay Co. 5.20 The Macmillan Co. 18.19 New Method Book Bindery 13.84 Random House, Inc. 12.05 Roemer House 7.15 S. F. News 59.28 Stanford University Press 6.70 A. C. Vroman 118.47 11.00 PERIODICALS: Antiques $11.00 $105.00 BUILDING REPAIRS: Rancelli, Demattei & Co. $105.00 $179.01 SUPPLIES AND STATIONERY: Burlingame Stationers $17.21 Gaylord Bros, Inc. 161.80 $104.54 WATER, HEAT, AND LIGHT: Burlingame Water Dept. $20.41 Pacific Gas & Electric :Co 84.13 $ 41.40 TELEPHONE: Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. $41.40 881.91 TOTAL BILLS FOR JULY 1310.18 July 15th payroll 1233.58 July 31st payroll 56.05 PETTY CASH EXPENSES $3481.72 TOTAL EXPENDITURES FOR JULY 1950 PETTY CASH EXPENDITURES FOR JULY 1950 Ir ` Amount Check or voucher 16.96 BOOKS Blakiston Co. .94 178 C. S. Hammond & Co. 1.00 176 Harian Publications 1.00 185 Haynes Foundation 1.03 177 National Publicity Council 1.00 180 Public Affairs Committee 3.00 175 Superintendent of Documents 1.25 179 6.39 MISCELLANEOUS State Board of Equalization 6.39 182 3.00 PERIODICALS Debaters digest 3.00 174 1.35 PHINOGRAPH RECORDS Music Box 1.35 v92 16.20 P7STAGE J. J. Broderick 8.65 172 Films 4.85 v89 it .47 v90 it 47 v95 it .29 v96 H. W. Wilson Co. 1.47 183 19.83 SUPPLIES Burlingame Hardware 3.06 v96 Burlingame Stationers .47 v97 Burstein Appleby 1.76 181 it it 2.44 184 Frank Magel & Sons 7.53 186 Sprouse Reitz .62 v91 H. W. Wilson Co. 2.00 173 Wisnom Hardware 2.01 v94 $56.05 TOTAL PETTY CASH EXPENDITURES rti. %1 STATIST IC S FOR JULY 1 9 5 0 CIRCULATION MAIN BRANCH Adult nonfiction- - - - - - - - - 2757 4b3 Adult fiction- - - - - - - - - - 6021 1421 Child nonfiction- - - - - - - - - 1070 711 Child fiction- - - - - - - - 2302 1002 T)TAL BOOKS CIRCULATED 12,150 3,617 Periodicals- - - - - - - - - - - - 618 371 Phonograph records- - - - - - 202 - TOTAL OTHER ITEMS CIRCULATED 820 371 TOTAL CIRCULATION 12,970 3,988 GRAND TOTAL CIRCULATION 16,958 1949 1950 Daily average for Main- 519 Daily average for Branch- - 169 Combined daily average- - - 688 REGISTRATION Adult Child Total Membership, July 1, 1950- - - - 6746 1548 8294 Additions in July- - - - - 163 39 202 6909 1587 8496 Withdrawals in July- - - - 221 27 248 Membership August 1, 1950 6688 1560 8248 ACCESSIONS AND WITHDRAWALS OF BOOK STOCK: Added Dropped Adult nonfiction- - - - - - - - - 58 93 Adult fiction- - - - - - - - - - - - - 66 46 Child nonfiction- - - - - - - - - - - 91 11 Child fiction- - - - - - - - - - - - - 65 25 280 175 NET INCREASE OF BOOK STOCK- - - - - - - -5 DEPOSITED V"iITH CITY TREASURER: $303.75