HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1950.11.08 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BURLINGAME LIBRARY BOARD OCTOBER 4, 1950 Trustees present: President Johnson, Mrs. Harrison, Mr. Burns, Mr. Fichtner Trustees absent: Mr. Teal The minutes of the meeting of September 6, 1950 were approved. BILLS The bills were checked by members of the Board. On motion by Mr. Fichtner, seconded by Mr. Burns and carried, the bills for $2838.88 were ordered paid. The librarian's report was accepted and ordered filed. The monthly financial statement was checked. OLD Mrs. Dombaugh reported that she had written five different BUSINESS city libraries, San Mateo, Redwood City, Alameda, Palo Alto and South San Francisco. All answered except South San Francisco. She gave the questions asked and the answers from each library. A summary of the report is as follows: "Two libraries have regular inventory, two do not. Both libraries which take regular inventory complete the count every three years. Others are irregular. Only one takes partial inventory. All close the library for inventory or count. Time varies, probably in accordance with the amount of help available. Whole staff works in all cases. All inventories use the shelf-list for checking books. All search for missing books over a period of time before withdrawing cards from catalog. All hold cards for some time before discarding." After some discussion, it was decided that Mrs. Dombaugh should draw up a plan for inventory proceed.ure for this library. This is to be presented at the next meeting. All the libraries who answered. the inventory questions also receive books for the Merchant Marine libraries. Mrs. Dombaugh is to write the Merchant Marine and offer our cooperation. Mrs. Dombaugh reported that one book truck and three stools have been purchased from Gaylord Bros. as provided for in the budget. She explained that the Branch already has a revolving dictionary stand and would rather have other equipment than the stand budgeted. Mrs. Johnson reported that Mr. Garvey has finished the work on the Branch furnace. " Mr. Fichtner asked Mrs. Dombaugh to check definitely on whether or not any work has been done on the Main furnace. Mr. Fichtner asked Mrs. Dombaugh to find out where the old fluorescent tubes are, as they should be turned. in for credit. COMMUNI- Mr. Burns read a letter from Mr. McLean reporting the CATIONS return to Miss Eager of certain books. The letter was ordered filed. Mr. Burns read his letter of September 7, 1950 to the Civil Service Commission sending Board's recommendations of qualifications, etc. for City Librarian. He reported that he was sent an announcement of the examination whfd.h was put on the library bulletin board. The announcement was read. Mrs. Harrison explained that the policy of the present Commission is to promote persons in the city employ where possible. NEW Mrs. Dombaugh reported a request of the San Mateo Alumni BUSINESS Association to use the Assembly Room on October 10 and possibly on Oct. 24 and Nov. 7. Permission for the group to use the room when desired was granted. Mrs. Johnson announced that Mrs. Manwell had called her and that she expects to be back at work October 15. She thanked. the Board for its kindness to her. Mrs. Dombaugh explained that Mrs. Coe had told her that Mr. McLean had signed a receipt for $100 for petty cash. In order to clear up the matter the Board should pay to the Treasurer $100. Another petty cash fund could then be set up for the amount decided upon by the Board. Mrs. Johnson has on hand $53.62 and Mrs. Do;ibaugh $1.38. A warrant for $45.00 has been drawn. These sums come to $100.00 and will be turned in to Mrs. Coe. After some discussion it was decided that a petty cash fund would be furnished out of our budget and Mrs. Dombaugh was instructed to draw up a warrant to herself for $25.00. The warrant was drawn and signed. Mr. Flphtner asked. the Board for permission to give Sergant Jack Price discarded library books for his own use. Mrs. Harrison said. that she felt that by giving the books through the Red Cross they could be used by many more people and that it didn't look well for discarded library books to be found in a city employees home. Mr. Fichtner agreed. Mr. Fichtner reported that the cost of lighting the reading rooms had gone up approximately 20% over the sum budgeted for that purpose. However, since the light tubes have been improved, it might be possible to change the plan a little and have the work done for the budgeted amount. He suggested that work be started right away on the children's room as there will be sufficient funds to cover that. He also requested that a meeting of the Board with the lighting engineer and electrician be called to discuss the matter. Mr. Fichtner was authorized to call such a meeting. ADJOURNI.ENT On motion of Mr. Burns, the meeting adjourned.. KTNUTES OF OFFICIAL SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BURLINGAME LIBRARY BOARD hELD -VMUVESDAY OCTOBER 25th 1950 . Board Members Present: Ivirs.Johnson, Mrs.Harrison, IvTr.Teale Mr.Fichtner, h'jr. Burns. Absentees: None Purpose of the Meeting was toappoint a LIBRtRIAN from the eligible list of Candidates (i.e. ,Ivirs .Katherine W. Dombaugh, and Mr.George P. Lechich) as submitted by the Burlingame Civil Service Commission to the Burlingame Library Board. The voting resulted in an unanimous decision in favor of R r. George P. Lechich. As a result of this vote , Idrs . Johnson, as Chairman of the Library Coumission officially declared IVIIr. Lechich Burlingame City Librarian;AMW said appointment of LV1r.Lechich to become effective October 26th, 1950. Meeting was adjourned immediately thereafter. Respectfully submitted: c7P���� Secretary, Burlingame Library Board The Tittl of T-6urImpmr SAN MATEO COUNTY CALIFORNIA dctober 17, 1950 Mrs. Charlotte Johnson 121 Channing Road Burlingame, California Dear Mirs. Johnson: 'le are enclosing copy of eli-ible list for C, .1-0 City Librarian presented to City Council by the Civil Service Co-j-1,21,iission. 'this list was accepted by the Council and referred to your Com-,iission for consideration. Very truly yours THE CITY OF BURLIITqA.-, I-Ierbert K. City Clerk FIKNI/adm enc. of 'M urfin�amr SAN MATEO COUNTY CALIFORNIA October 13, 1950 To the Honorable City Council, City of Burlin. ame,, California. Gentlemen: As a result of recent exemination, we submit the following eligible list: CITY LIBRARIAN: 1. '.:rs. Katherine V1, Dombaugh - 1416 floribunda, Burlingame 2. George P. Lechich - 1249 Mills Street, 11enlo Park Respectfully submitted, CIVIL SERVICE CONEu"_ISSION By Lee Lancaster, Chairman 1.U-i B BILLS FOR OCTOBER 19 50 639.72 BOOKS Calif* State Board of Equalization 10.66 Harper & Brothers 1.84 H. R• Huntting Coo 2.62 Life 7.95 Macmillan Co. 13.73 New Method Book Bindery 98,65 R.S. & S. Co, 60,20 Random House 32,05 Roemer House of Child Books 78.0 . San Francisco News 184,11 Starr Book Coo 28,06 Tave Library Service 39.44 Vroman, A• Co Inc. 17.29 Book-of-the-Month 1.20 Doubleday & Co, 33,97 Virginia Kirkusl Bookshop Service 30,00 15.95 PERIODICALS A merican Geographical Society 1.00 R, R, Bowker Co. 6,00 Paradise of the Pacific 4,00 Grolier Society 4.95 74.30 SUPPLIES AND STATIONERY Gaylord Bros, 30,55 L► Library of Congress 1059 Remington Rand, Inc. 33,64 , Paul Lechich (Petty cash) 8,52 15986 PRINTING A dvance Print Shop 15,86 130,00 JANITORIAL SERVICES Rancelli, Demattei & Co, 130,00 89.52 BUILDING MAINTENANCE Burlingame Hardware 6,64 Garrey Sheet Metal Forks 49.51 Pacific Coast Paper Co, 33.37 60,09 NATER, HEAT s AND LIGHT Burlingame Water Dept. 81,03 Pacific Gas & Electric Company 52.06 41.55 TELEPHONE Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co: 41.55 6.72 MISCELLANEOUS Paul Lechich 6.72 W-073. 1 TOTAL BILLS FOR OCTOBER 1,015.03 October 15th payroll 1,106.99 October 31st payroll it , • TOTAL EXPENDITURES FOR OCTOBER$ 1950 • STATISTICS FOR OCTOBER 1 9 5 0 CIRCULATION MAIN BRANCH Adult nonfiction------------ 3487 675 Adult fiction ---------^-- 5510 1594 Child nonfiction------- --- 958 536 Child fiction ------------ 1846 715 TOTAL BOOKS CIRCULATED 11,801 3,520 Periodicals ----- ----^- 730 368 Phonograph records --------- 183 TOTAL OTHER ITEMS CIRCULATED 913 368 TOTAL CIRCULATION 12,714 3,888 GRAND TOTAL CIRCULATION 16,602 1949 1950 Daily average for Main 475 489 Daily average for Branch 137 150 Combined daily average —`-9 REGISTRATION A DULT CHILD TOTAL Membership, October 1, 1950 ---- ----- 6689 1603 8292 Additions in October ---------- 271 81 352 6965 168 8644 Withdrawals in October ---------- 266 21 287 Membership, November 1, 1950 -------^y- _7074 -'EM -U357 ACCESSIONS AND WITHDRAWALS OF BOOK STOCK Added Dropped Adult" nonfiction ------- 136 5 A dult fiction ^--^^-- 84 1 Child nonfiction ---^--- 70 0 Child fiction -^--•^^ 217 1 0 7 — NET INCREASE OF BOOK STOCK -- 500 DEPOSITED WITH CITY TREASURER $391*34 PETTY CASH EXPENDITURES FOR O C T O B E R 1 9 5 0 Amount Voucher 1,45 BOOKS Pamphlet--Germany today ,65 131 K. Dombaugh 080 125 1,80 PERIODICALS Harpers ,50 128 Forum .50 122 Consumer's Research Bulletin ,30 121 2 Reader's Digest ,50 120 ,69 POSTAGE P, Lechich ,69 125 4,58 SUPPLIES Woolworth Co, ,92 126 A nn A dams 72 127 P. Lechich 1,80 129 Sprouse Reitz ,26 130 Burlingame Stationers ,26 132 L K, Dombaugh ,62 124 •52 TOTAL PETTY CASH EXPENDITURES PETTY CASH BOX 1,38 Balance October 4, 1950 1.38 to City Treasurer October 4, 1950 .00 Petty cash 25900 Warrant to K. Dombaugh for petty cash Oct. 4, 1950 8,52 Vouchers on file November 1, 1950 19,4$ Balance November 1, 1950 8952 Warrant to P. Lechich November 8, 1950 ps,00 Balance November S. 1950 1