HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - LB - 2014.10.21 BURL i NOAME Library Board of Trustee Minutes October 21, 2014 I. Call to Order Trustee Corcoran called the meeting to order at 5:40PM. Il. Roll Call Trustees Present: Kerbey Altmann, Betsy Corcoran, Debra Donaldson, Mike Nagler, and Lisa Rosenthal Staff Present: Pat Harding, City Librarian Sidney Poland, Recorder Guest Elaine Orr- Director, Investments Silicon Valley Community Foundation Public Guest: Marilyn Myerson- Retired Librarian from Maryland who is now a resident of Burlingame. III. Library Board of Trustee Minutes The September 16, 2014 Board of Trustees minutes were unanimously approved. M/S/C (Altmann/Rosenthal IV. Correspondence and Information A. Statistics The Trustees reviewed the September statistics and made some observations and suggestions. • As expected closing the Fiction and Mystery sections contributed to a downturn in circulation. Circulation will most likely show a decrease in November and December when construction begins on the lower and main levels. • The Gate Count graph from July 2013 to September 2014 for the main library indicates a downward trend in patron usage. • Even though circulation in general is down, children's program attendance has increased. Over 1,000 parents and children attended Family Fun Nights. Summer reading club had the largest participants ever with 1,108 readers completing the session. • Books on hold before fees were suspended totaled approximately 300. When hold fees were waived, books on hold totaled approximately 400. • Upon completion of construction, behind the scene tours should be offered to the public. • Conduct patron survey after renovation. Decide purpose of survey before implementation. V. From The Floor (Public Comments) Marilyn Myerson expressed her delight that hold fees were discontinued. She found that in visiting other libraries in the country , hold fees were not charged. 48o Primrose Road Burlingame-California 940io-4083 Phone(650)558-7474•Fax(650)342-6295•www.burlingame.org/library VI. Reports A. City Librarian's Report - Highlights 1. Information • Klara Kim, the new 25 hour children's librarian, started her new assignment on October 7th. • The City Librarian and-members of the Reference and Children's staff will attend the California Library Association annual meeting from November 7th to November 9th. Maryam Refari, our staff artist, will be accepting a PR award on Friday for her design of the Homework Help coupon. • Technical Services staff is in the process of re-cataloging music CDs from the ANSCR classification system to a more user friendly classification. B. Foundation Report The OLOF campaign chair will present a check in the amount of$500,000 to the City Council on December 1, 2014. This check represents half of the one million dollars that the Foundation has committed to raise. VII. Unfinished Business A. Elaine Orr- Director of Investments Silicon Valley Community Foundation - The Duncan Fund Ms. Orr provided the Trustees with an overview of the governance and investment philosophy of the endowment pool. She addressed the performance of the endowment pool, and specific questions raised related to Burlingame Public Library's financial statement. • The Rodger and Jean Hunt Duncan Fund was original established in 1985 with the Peninsula Community Foundation. In July of 2006 the Peninsula Community Foundation and the Silicon Community Foundation merged to become the Silicon Valley Community Foundation. • The Duncans donated to the Endowment Fund to benefit the ' Burlingame Library. The funds have been categorized as "rainy day" fund resources and disbursements have not been taken annually. • The Endowment Fund has a 5% yearly payout. All participants in the pool, including the Burlingame Public Library, experience the same payout and portfolio performance. The principal is to remain irr the endowment pool, hence the "restricted balance" amount appears on the statements. • In the event that markets severely decline, and Burlingame Public Library's endowment balances fall below its high water mark, the annual payout would be reduced on a scaled basis from the original 5% payout level. L 2 B. Construction Update 1. Upper Level • Mystery and Fiction collections will be opened to the public October 23rd. • The new meeting room is in the process of having the electrical and data equipment installed. The room cannot be completed until the store front door is installed Which is scheduled for the end of November. The Foundation Book Sale group will occupy the space until their new book storage area is complete. • The Conference Room will be painted and re-carpeted by October 24fh. 2. Lower Level • Lower Level was closed to public aid staff on October 14th. Currently carpeting is being removed. • Lane Room will be closed November 2, 3, and 4 for,re-carpeting and washing of the wall paper. New chairs will arrive the middle of November. After this work is completed, the room will be available for programs and meeting. 3. Parking Lot The parking lot that runs from Bellevue along the side of the ramp needs to be upgraded to meet new ADA regulations. C. Our Library Our Future Trustee Corcoran commented that cost overruns'should be expected in any construction project and encouraged the Trustees to take this opportunity to acknowledge the hard work of the Foundation members and give them a vote of confidence by covering cost overruns. The Trustee unanimously approved the motion of Trustee Rosenthal to allocate $100,000 from the Duncan Fund in support of the campaign and the great job the members are doing in their fund raising efforts. M/S/C (Rosenthal/Donaldson). D. Annual Employee Event Trustee Nagler has met with Francesca of Sixtos to make arrangements for this event. " • Event will be held January 25th at Sixtos from 10:00am-1:OOpm. • Menu will be the same as last year • Maryam will create the invitation; Invitations will be sent out December 1St. • Sidney will send out "Save the Date" e-mail. VIII. New Business A. Donor Wall Paul Jamtgaard of Group 4 met with members of the Capital Campaign Committee and some of the Trustees to review the designs. The wood plaque wall design had the most favorable comments but the cost Was a concern. Pat requested that Paul refine the wood design and find a way to reduce the cost. .. 3 B. Cost of Donor Wall The Trustees felt that the Donor Wall should not be financed with Capital Campaign Funds and agreed to allocate funds to underwrite the cost but expressed concern about the initial cost estimate. Therefore, the Trustees passed the motion of Trustee Rosenthal that they are ready to allocate additional funds from the Duncan Fund for the Donor Wall upon receiving more detailed information regarding cost of the project and the design plan. M/S/C (Rosenthal/Nagler) IX. Announcements Trustee Nagler suggested that the Trustees take turns attending the Foundation Meetings if not every time at least two or three times a year. This will be an agenda item for the November meeting. X. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 7:OOPM. The next meeting of the Library Board of Trustees will be held November 18, 2014, in the Library Conference Room at 5:30PM. M/S/C (Donaldson/Nagler) Res ectfully Submitted, Patricia Harding City Librarian - 4