HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - LB - 1950.06.07 I,INUTE'S OF' TIE R:,GULAR YEETIIG OF Z'H, BOARD OF TRUSTE''sS OF THE BURLIhGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY HELD JUNE 7th, 1950 AT 7:30 PMI Trustees Present: President JORPSON, Mrs. HARRISON, Mr. BURNS, and. 4r. TEAL Trustees Absent: Mr. FIC'r_T'DIER LIBRAFY ASSISTAI,T Six candidates for the position of Librarg Assistant were inter- viewed 9.11 being on the eligibility list as submitted by the Civil service Commission and accepted by the City Council. These were: Mrs. Alda. H. JETT; Miss ANN E. ADAi,S; Mrs. WM. J. BECKEN- HAUFR;f;rs. 0. A. BJORGAN; Miss JACwUELYN LaFLEUR; and firs. E. L. OAKS. Following the interviews, there was due consideration given and the first two named were selected. The Librarian was ordered to inform all six of the results, and to tell the two selected that th:�ir term :xlould begin with Jure 16th. The appoiht- ments are contingent upon their passing satisfactorily a physical examination, to paid for by themselves. JAT'. I`!OR SERVICE The two principal partners of Rancell.i, Demattei &: Co. appeared before the Board to explain various conditions regarding their work. The Board requested them to present in writing a supple- mentary option for their original bid, wherein (for a considera- tion) they would furnish various supplies and equipment for the upkeep of the two Library buildings. t;IIeUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of May 5th; of the special meeting of May 10; and of the special meeting of May 15th were separately read and approved as read. BILLS Bills to the sum of $3,771.71 were ordered paid upon motion of Mr. BURNS with the second by Ir:r. TEAL. LIBR - IAN.'S Ri ORT The Librarian presented the monthly report as repre nted by the statistics sheet and gave a brief s=.,mary of the June 5th meeting of the East Bay Library Executives held et. the Oakland Public Library. FIT"E SCH UULF Upon motion of Mr. TT.AL with the secon-d by Mr. BURNS it was agreed that the non-resident library fee should continue at $2 per year until further information could be collected; further, that the fees on overdue library materials should be as follows, to take effect on July 1st after notifiying the public in every manner: all eeneral collection. books 2¢ a day (ad.ult and juvenile) new (7-day) novels 5� a day phonograph record albums 5V, a day magazines and pamphlet: 2¢ a day overnight books 25¢ a day maximums: :x,'1.00 on each book or album cost price on magazines and. pur^phlets FLUORESCENT Ihe Librarian reported that the remainder of the fluorescent fix- FIXTURES turgid had been installed in the stack area; there remain but ten units,- possible to install, and these are all in the closed stacks. -2- Jure 7th, 1950 MOTIOY PICTURES As the Friday afternoon moving picture program was an experiment, authorized to continue only through June 16th, Mr. TvicLean was asked about its popularity and usefulness. He reported that an average of thirty-taco persons had seen the eleven shows presented to date. `slhereupon Tiir; BURNS made a mption, seconded by Tars. HARRI30h, that the programs continue as long as the librarian deems them worthwhile. BY-Lt `rS The by-laws, as amended at their first reading of May 3rd, were --iven the required second. reading. Upon motion of lair. TEAL, with the second. by Mr. BURKS, the vote was unanimous to adopt them. CONVEPi`lION 'lhen informed by the librarian that the 52nd annual convention of the California Library Association would be held in Sacramento June 21st thru 24th, the Board agreed to allow Tylr. Tv clean $42.00 and each staff member (up to four) 8'6.14 (p2.00 registration fee and iA.14 transportation) for a grand. total of 566.56 permllssible. The vote was unanimous upon: motion of Tor. TEAL with the second by Lir. BURNS. NE71 BUSINESS Because of the absence of bir. FICHT117R action upon a rental collection and the Friends of the Library, was tabled. COLD BIISIEESS: The report of the inventory as completed was delivered to the IAvJ14TORY Board. by the librarian. It showed that the Library's holdings, as of May 31st, amount to 83,293 accessioned volumes. EXHI!:ITT The Library had been invited to participate by having an exhibit at the Peninsula Pacific Industries Forum in the Fiest Building, Tune loth thru' 25th Upon motion of blfr. BURNS, with the second by 1lrs. HARRISON, the invitation was not accepted because of the other activities of the Library. Upon motion of 'Mr. TEAL with the second by Mir." BURNS, the vote was unanimous to adjourn. Respectfully submitted, Secretary RAB/f fn