HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - LB - 1950.09.06 MINUT_?S OF THE R-T'j L.4R r?;SII?rI OF THE BOARD Or TR!✓�STB"S OF THE B'URLINGAII, PU_9=C LIBRARY HELD S_?TE 1 P, 6A 1950 at 7:30 P.P,1. Trustees present; President Johnson, Mrs. Harrison, PIG. Burns, Par. Fichtner Trustees absent: Pair. Teal Also present: Councilman Byrd The minutes of the meeting of August 9, 1950 were approved. BILLS irs. Dombaugh reported that Janitorial Services budr•eted at ;;2000.00 are in a. separate category nunfoared 11i7-28, not in Building and Grounds I:1aintenance, as formerly. The bills for the month of August wore checked and signed. On motion of Pair. Fichtner and seconded by Pyr. Burns the Board voted to approve the bills. The Petty Cash vouchers were checked by IIr. Fichtner and "Tr. Burns. P?rs. Johnson reported that after cashing 11r. McLean's check and closing the checking account she had :;78.62 for Petty Cash. ;125.00 has been given to Idrs. Dombaugh for that account. RLi OI'TS The libra.riant s report was accepted. The Board instructed Mrs. Dombaugh to tell Miss 1,7elbasky, Children►s Librarian, that her successful efforts in carrying, out the summer reading program for children were much appreciated. The monthly financial statement was checked. OLD BUST °7SS -,irs. Dombau;-,'h reported that Hr. EcLcan has paid the Stanford Press bill as the books were his personal purchase. P,irs. Johnson reported that the checking account was closed. She asked for confirmation of three items of Board business which had been carried on by telephone between m: etings, namely: !Irs. Dombaugh was given permission to buycertain budgeted items of furniture; 'ss. Bertha Manviell was given a leave of absence for one or two months; Mr. PIcLean was granted pay to cover his vacation. After Fairs. Manwellfs letter was read, 11r. Burns moved that these items be given Board sanction. Mrs. Harrison seconded the motion. The motion carried. !r'xs. Dombaugh reported that the City En-ineerts office has re- paired the stopped-up drain pipe. After some discussion, the Board instructed Mrs. Dombaugh to investigate a.i'!d report 6'i'-__at Ot1l 11'11)1 `I' to of book stock. C0RF, I:etters regarding the appointment of a new City Librarian were read PO DH1`TCH from the following: Mrs E sly --ly, Ex. Sheridan-Bickers, P,Iiss I,Iabel (,illis-State Librarian, Burlingame Business and Professional '. omen's Club, P:?r. ':iillis Chapman, PrIr. Morris T. Nawgard, Pairs. :athleen B. Larsen. A letter was read from Mr. Arthur L. De Volder applying for the position of City Librarian. Mrs. Johnson said that she had answered all the above letters and gave her answers as each was read. Pairs. Johnson also reported two telephone calls, one from Mss Laura Sheedy, one from Pars. Evelyn Stone. A letter from Mr. Burns to Izir. Schulz, Chairman of the Burlingame Civil Service Commission requesting the establishment of a list for City Librarian was read. A reply was read from Mr. Page 2 Lancaster, the present chairman of the Commission, asking the Board for an outline of qualifications, tasks, etc. for the position. A letter from the American Merchant urine Library association was read asking that the library be a depository for books for that library. They would be called for. T,Ir. Burns moved that the matter be turned over to the library staff to decide. Mrs. Harrison seconded the motion. TIr. Bichtner opposed such a collection because the Merchant Marine was not a part of the armed services and should we be called upon to collect for the latter, complications mi7ht arise. He approved of giving it out old books. ','Ir. Burns withdrew his motion after further discussion. Mrs. Harrison withdrew her second. P'+Irs. Dombaugh is to acknowledge the letter and find out what other libraries are doing in this matter. A letter was read from Mrs. Gladys T%1. Bailey of Burlingame for part- time or substitute work. ',,Irs. Dombaugh is to acknowledge the letter and pat it on file. Mrs. Dombaugh mentioned that she had received a call from another applicant, Mrs. Skrabak. Councilman Byrd a_rmounced that he had to leave and that he had learned a great deal from attending the meeting. He requested a copy of the minutes of the neeting. `T,;'1 BUSIHESS sirs. Dombaugh reported that a Burlingame elementary school teacher who dived out of town had -requested a card in the library. She asked the Board whether or not such teachers should pay the non-resident dues. It was decided that teachers of accredited schools in Burlingame should not pay. Similar decisions should be made by the librarian. I-rs. Johnson reported that the University of California Alumni Association of San Mateo County had met at the library on August 31, 1950 at 4:30 P<..H. Permission had been granted by telephone. Mrs. Harrison moved that the action be ratified. The motion was seconded by Mr. Burns and carried. TTrs. Dombaugh announced that the U Camino Camera Club has a salon exhibit for display at the library on October 7-14. It was moved by Mrs. Harrison and seconded by I1r. Hichtner that the exhibit be allowed. The motion carried. The matter of finding some means of waste disposal other tl-:an burning in the incinerator was discussed. Mrs. Dornbau,gh was instructed to ask the Park Department whether or not they can dispose of it for us. A request from M ss Welbasky, Childrents Librarian, was made for a record player to help with the story hours, and for shelving in the children's room. She is to investigate inexpensive record players and can spend up to .,15.00. Mr. Fichtner will check the shelving request. NIrs. Dombaugh reported on Library Bureau prices for the furniture items budgeted. When prices have come in from Gaylord Bros. the furniture is to be bought to the best advantage. These are namely: hat rack, book truck, stools, dictionary stand, 11.1r. �ichtner reported that both Main and Branch furnaces required additional work. The Main furnace needs a control on the basement outlet and the Branch an outlet in the workroom. Mr. Burns moved and I1rs. Harrison seconded a motion to give him permiss- ion to have the work done. The motion carried. 11r. Fichtner asked Pairs. Johnson to call Mr. Garvey, who installed the Branch furnace, and get his estimate of the cost of the work there. ADJOTRYIMENT on motion by Mr. Fichtner the meeting adjourned. CldiL