HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 2012.04.17 URLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY I BURLII`IGAME Board of Trustees Agenda April 17, 2012—5.•30pm 480 Primrose Road—Library Conference Room SUGGESTED ACTION I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. Library Board of Trustee Minutes for March 20, 2012 Approval IV. CORRESPONDENCE AND INFORMATION Information A. Library Statistics for March 2012 B. Letter from Borel Bank re:Willert Trust Fund C. Trustee Funds as of March 31,2012 V. From The Floor (Public Comments) VI. REPORTS A. City Librarian's Report—Harding Information/Discussion B. Foundation Report VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Budget Update Information/Discussion B. Final Goals to Council Information VIII. NEW BUSINESS A. City Staff Report Re: Library Trustee Board Position Information IX. ANNOUNCEMENTS Information X. ADJOURNMENT Adjourn Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Library Board of Trustees regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at the Reference Desk of the Burlingame Public Library, 480 Primrose Road, Burlingame, California BURL "i NOAME Library Board of Trustees Minutes March 20, 2012 I. Call to Order President Towle called the meeting to order at 5:30pm. II. Roll Call Trustees Present: Betsy Corcoran, Deborah Griffith, Katie McCormack, Sandy Towle Trustee Absent: Lisa Rosenthal Staff Present Pat Harding, City Librarian Sidney Poland, Recorder III. Library Board of Trustees February 21, 2012 Minutes The February 21, 2012 minutes were approved as written. M/S/C (McCormack/Corcoran) �-- IV. Correspondence and Information A. Library Circulation Statistics - Easton Branch/Main 1. Easton: Both Easton and Main statistics increased over February 2011; Easton by 20.57% and Main by 7.12%. 2. Easton Gate Count - Patty Flynn prepared a two week gate count March 1st through March 15th. The gate count is the highest Monday through Thursday but, excluding one Saturday, count is over 100 on all days. V. Reports A.- City Librarian's Report 9 Community Programs in March Thirty Six students from the Mrs. McMorrow's fifth grade class at Our Lady of Angels attended Kathy von Mayrhauser's monthly book talk. Dr. Seuss's Birthday Party program on March 3rd had over ' 00 parents and children in attendance.- Amy Pelman, along with the Burlingame High Librarian, held a book talk session during lunch; 30 students attended. Amy will also begin a book club at San Mateo County Youth Center 4 Thursday nights in March. Reference staff is providing job programs, docent lectures and,a travel series beginning with Tom Stienstra. 480 Primrose Road Burlingame•California 94010-408.3 Phone(650)558-7474•Fax(650)342-6295'www.burlingame.org/library B. Foundation Report The April Book Sale will be held April 19th through April 22nd. Peter'bicker has designed a new street banner which will be hung over Broadway. Invitations to the Book and Author Luncheon are scheduled for mailing Monday March 26th VI. Unfinished Business A. Millennium Project Capital Campaign Meeting- On May 1st, the Foundation Executiva,Board will meet to discuss procedures for the Millennium Capital Campaign. B. CALTAC Workshop Pat Harding, City Librarian, Trustees Towle, Rosenthal and Griffith attended the CALTAC Workshop in Walnut Creek. Assemblywoman Nancy Skinner was the keynote speaker. Loss of funding from the state's-budget this year and possibly next year was a subject of deep concern to the attendees. Trustee Towle noted that it was an opportunity to become aware of what avenues other libraries are using to promote their libraries and raise funds to support programs and activities. VII. New Business A. Budget Sessions The'City will hold the Goals Session April 21st at the Burlingame Recreation Center beginning at 9:00am. The final budget session will be held May 16th in the Lane Room at 6:00pm. B. Legislative Day �-- The City Librarian discussed the sample letter included in the board packet .that the Trustees could use as a guide urging their legislators to reject Governor Brown's plan to eliminate funding to public libraries. Legislative day will be held April 13th at 9:30am at Jerry Hill's office and would present an opportunity to express concerns regarding library funding. C. Internet Archive Trustee Towle suggested that the Library promote the Internet Archive site within the Library by educating patrons about the digital operations of the organization. Pat Harding noted that patrons can.access books digitized by Internet Archive through the catalogue because we are a participating library. D. Library Goals for Fiscal Year 2012-2013 Pat Harding presented her draft goals for the fiscal year 2012-2013 to the Trustees for review and suggestions. The Trustees comments will be incorporated into the revised and final document. VIII. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 7:00pm. The next meeting of.the Library Trustees Will be held April 17, 2012 at 5:30pm. Respectfully Sub 'tted, - Patricia Harding �-' City Librarian Library Board of Trustee Minutes March 20,2012 2 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY STATISTICS Month: March Year: 2012 Burlingame Registered Burlingame Hillsb h Other Total Borrowers Adult Patrons F19,7081 3,252 0 22,960 Juvenile Patrons F 6,207 11 0 7,856 Others I F 21511 2,621 Total Registered 26,130 4,9x9Z,39$ 33,437 Borrt�wers: Circulation Total Cir�n 1 7 F - revious Year Percent Chang e Main 56,250 55,686 1.01% Branch IF7,26411 7,1241F— ,124 1.97% Total 63,514 62,810 1.12% Self Check Usage Total Items Percent of Initial Check Outs Main 31,666 79% Branch 3,389 63% Total 35,055 Online Renewals Total''Iter Percent of Total Renewals Main 12,936 77% Branch 1,468 77% Total 14,404 Gate Count Mouthip Average per day Main 35,634 1,149 Branch 4,40611 163 Total Internet Usage TOW US"Sessions Main Adult 8,551 Main Childrens' 136 Branch 622 Grand Total 9309 E-Content/Tc tal Downloads or Sessions E-t~ tent Tectal'vownloads or sessions Overdrive: a-books 428; audiobooks 91 Safari: readable pdf- 165 Freegal Music 71 # of users 66: # of songs downloaded: 374 Databases: IF 1,699 BPL Website: 15,053 Total Items Added to Collection(Main Branch} 1,841 Total Number Outreach Materials Delivered 23 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY STATISTICS Month: March Year: 2012 Community Room Usage Number of Mee F Attendance Public Meetings 6 300 Library Meetings 2 41 Library Adult Programs (speaker and docent programs) 3 135 City Meetings 5 110 Library Educational Programs 1 45 Total631 Conference Room Book Club Adult 1 15 City Meetings 2 18 Library Staff Meeting 6 30 Foundation Meetings 711 45 Trustee Meeting 1 7 Public Meeting (Girl Scouts) 1 10 Total 18 125 Study Room Users- 27 Patrons 6S Children's and Young Adult Programs--Main Number Attendance Story Times Preschool 4 279 Toddler 9 682 Baby Story Times 1 66 Total Story Times 14 1,027 Class Visits Preschool 0 0 Elementary Class Visits to Libra O 0 Elementary Class Visits at the Schools O 0 Teen Class Visits 1 35 Total Class Visits 1 35 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY STATISTICS Month: March Year: 2012 Special Programs - Main Book Buddies 2 64 Dr. Seuss's Birthday Celebration 1 216 IF- Three Cheers for the Irish- Marylee Sunseri 1 142 SAT Prep 1 20 SAT Prep follow Up Workshop 1 2g Hunger Games Raffle 1 42 San Mateo Juvenile Hall Book Club 4 40 Total Sessions 11 552 Easton.Story Times as Special Pry '. lumber Attendance Story Times Preschool 4 224 Toddler 5 375 Total 9 599 Class Visits OLA 1 37 Easton Circulation Page 1 of 6 barrymllsl@gmail.com Easton Circulation Share File Edit View Insert Format Data Tools Help Last edit was made 3 hours ago by barrymlls1 Chart Copy chart Edit chart... Publish chart Save image Delete chart Easton Branch Circ by Month 2010 vs 2011 vs. 2012 8,000 02009 ua E 2010 6,000 2011 02012 4,000 2,000 0 January March May July September November February April June August October December Sheetl Chart1 https�/ aocs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=OAs89CLDbgu9HdGs.,�3BzOGdBWTJRNmOtaTFHal8wdXc&authkey=CPy45b... 4/2012 BPL Main Circulation Page 1 of 6 barrymIIs1@gmaiI corn BPL Main Circulation Share File Edit View Insert Format Data Tools Help Last edit was made 3 hours ago by barrymlls1 Chart Copy chart Edit chart... Publish chart Save image Delete chart BPL Main Circ by Month 2010 vs. 2011 vs. 2012 60,000 02009 02010 45,000 14, 2011 t 02012 30,000 15,000 0 January March May July September November February April June August October December Sheet1 Chart1 https//docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=OAs89CLDbgu9HdH� .,NOdZMnIlUUhpTm9IV3VWemhlYmc&authkey=CO_H... ` .,x/2012 cqe March 29,2012 Burlingame Public Library 480 Primrose Road Burlingame, CA 94010 Re: Account:4054-Willert Trust Dear Sir or Madam: Effective April 30, 2012,the money market sweep funds used in the above referenced trust will change. No action is required on your part. The bank will select from quality money market funds available from Federated Investors an appropriate fund for the trust account. Investment Risks Mutual funds,including the money market sweep fund to be held in this trust, are not deposits or obligations of,or guaranteed by the Bank,or an affiliate,and are not insured or guaranteed by the US Government,the FDIC,the Federal Reserve Board or any other government agency. These investments are subject to risk,including the possible loss of principal amount invested. If you would like a prospectus to be mailed to you,please give us a call. If you need more information,please feel free to call your account officer or any member of our Investment Management&Trust team. Sincerely, Nancy E.Johnson, CFA Executive Vice President \.• Borel Private Bank&Trust Company A Division of Boston Private Bank&Trust Company 160 Bovet Road, San Mateo, CA 94402 Phone 650.378.3632 • Fax 650.378.3719 • njohnson@borel.com BPB-L5N City Librarian Report April 12, 2012 Programs—Success story from our Job's Program. Ron Visconte of Phase2Careers has put on a number of jobs programs here at BPI. Their focus is "creating career opportunities for the over 40 worker." He emailed Brad McCulley with a great success story from one of our programs which featured employers in various fields with job offerings. Mike Manoske of GoGrid gave a talk at BPL in January and he interviewed two attendees. He offered one of them a job and the other was a finalist. One of the attendees found out about the program as a result of the sign outside the library and just walked in! DROP—IN COMPUTER LAB Mondays,3.00 PM-510 PM New program—Drop-in Computer Lab. Need assistance with a computer problem or help with downloading an ebook to your device? Beginning April 2nd, Drop-in Computer Help is available every Monday from 3-S PM in the Lane Community Room. Volunteer computer docents will be on hand to answer your questions and laptops will be available for use. No sign-up necessary, but space is limited. Go Green @ BPL. The library is kicking off a recycling& composting g program in the next couple of weeks. We have purchased new bins and will have PR throughout the building to promote the program. RFID Update. The security gates have been turned on and are working effectively. PLA and ALA. I attended the Public Library Association Conference in Philadelphia in March. In addition to a number of great speakers and workshops, I looked at a number of different library products and services including Automated Materials Handling Systems at the exhibits. Barry Mills will be attending the American Library Association Conference in Anaheim in June. Budget Dates. City Council Goals Setting Session will be on Saturday, April 21 from 9 AM— Noon at the Parks and Recreation Center. The City Budget Session will be on Wednesday, May 16 at 6 PM in the Lane Room. Programs at the Library- Upcoming Dates: For Children Just Baby & Me Story Time May 4,June 1-10:30 AM Lane Community Room 1 April 14 National Library Week Puppet Show Bunny Boot Camp featuring Puppet Art Theater— 11 AM May 3 Trenton Lee Stewart author of The Mysterious Benedict Society. Special author event during TV Turn-off week. 7:00 PM May 22 Stone Family Luncheon with author Caroliva Herron by invitation only. Carolivia Herron who wrote Nappy Hair and Always an Olivia will also visit and speak at South Hillsborough School in the morning. Story Time Schedule 2012 Spring Story Time Session April 17 -May31 STORY TIME BREAK MARCH 30 -APRIL 16 Main Library Story Times Easton Branch Story Times Preschool Story Times Bedtime Story Time Ages 3-5 years Ages 2-5years Tuesdays 10:30 AM Wednesdays 7:00 PM Toddler Story Times Toddler Story Time Ages 18 mo. -3years Ages 18 mo. -3years Wednesdays 10:30 AM Thursdays 11:30 AM Thursdays 10:30 AM Just Baby and Me Just Baby and Me Ages 0 - 18 mo. A monthly "ram for infants and First Friday of the Month, 10:30 AM their parents or caregivers_ For Children and Teens March 21—May 9 Book Buddies— BPL Books Buddies is our reading enrichment program that pairs teen volunteers with elementary age readers. Book Buddies meet once a week for 45 minutes to read together and do literacy activities on Wednesdays from 4:30- 5:15 PM in the Lane Community Room. For Adults April 17 e-Book Workshop—learn how to download a-books and e-audiobooks from the library's Overdrive collection. 6:30—8:30 PM 2 April 19-22 Foundation's Spring Book Sale. Thursday, 4—7 PM, Friday 4—7 PM, Saturday, 10 AM —4 PM, Sunday, 1-4 PM April 26 Mock Employment Interviews: Presented by Phase2Careers gives people an opportunity to practice a critical career skill—job Interviewing. 10:00 AM — 1:00 PM May 8 Traveling in Asia May 10 Are you Linked In?—Learn how to create an account and get started with this popular professional networking tool. 2:00—4:00 PM May 10 Autumn Gem: A documentary on Modern China's First Femist—screening and Q &A discussion with filmmakers. 7:00 PM May 16 a-Book Workshop. 1:00—3:00 PM May 21 The Golden Gate Bridge and the Extraordinary City it Enhances. Slide show and lecture presented by Museum Docent Kay Payne. 7:00 PM May 22 Aviator &Author Ace Abbott speaking about his book, The Rogue Aviator: In the Back Alleys of Aviation. 7:00 PM May 23 Going Green without Going Broke—Terry Nagel. 6:30—8:30 PM May 24 Beginning email. New to email or just frustrated by it? Learn about signing up for an email account, crafting messages, managing contacts, sending attachments and more! 2:00—4:00 PM 3 Library Goals for Fiscal Year 2012 - 2013 1. Complete the Millennium Project design by December 2012. 2. Implement the first phase of the Millennium Project to move staff work spaces and upper level stacks by June 2013. 3. Secure funding for the initial phase of the Millennium Project and complete plan for a capital campaign for the project by October 2012. 4. Expand the library's a-book collection and conduct training for library patrons by September 2012. 5. Implement a server/thin client solution to deliver increased speed and decreased cost for Internet service to the public computers in the Electronic Gallery by October 2012. 6. Investigate with Peninsula Library System (PLS) and Peninsula Library Automated Network (PLAN) a new Integrated Library System (ILS) for material's management by December 2012. 7. Work with the Human Resources Department to fill all staff vacancies by October 2012. CITY 0 BUw INGAME STAFF REPORT w� 00 AGENDA OAT JUNE 6.0 ITEM# .9b MTG. DATE April 16,2012 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBMITTED DATE: April 9, 2012 BY FROM: Ana Silva APPROV Tel.No.: 558-7204 By ima ///0-4 4 SUBJECT: CONSIDER APPOINTMENTS TO LIBRARY BOARD F TRUSTEES RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that Council call for applications to fill impending vacancy (1)on the Library Board. The recommended due date is May 18, 2012. This will allow enough time for interviews and an orientation for the new board member. BACKGROUND: Our current commissioner appointment procedure calls for any commissioner desiring reappointment to `- apply in the same manner as all other candidates. The current board members will be invited to reapply if they wish to serve again. In addition, all past applicants on the two-year waitlist will be informed of the vacancies. The following Board Member's term will expire as detailed below: Commissioner Term Expiration Terms Served Elizabeth Corcoran June 30, 2012 1