HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - LB - 1953.09.16 Minutes of the meeting of the - BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD September 16, 1953 Trustees present: President--Mrs. Johnson, fair. Fichtner, Air. Cargill, Mrs. Damm. MINUTES The minutes of the previous meeting of August 13, 1953, were read and approved. BILLS On motion by bars. Damm, seconded by Mr. Cargill, the bills in the amount of $1,138.25 were ordered paid. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT The Librarian's report was accepted and the financial state- ment was approved. OLD BUSINESS The perennial subject of the walk extending from the front of the library through the present mud hole was thoroughly discussed. The Librarian has received estimates on a three- foot walk for approximately $60. It was decided that he should further investigate a two-foot walk, both brick and concrete, and obtain bids for the same. He should ,also make an investigation of changing the sprinkling system. It seems from these discussions that the cost would be more than allowed in the budget, but through the saving of $16.70 on the Branch shelving supports and a possible saving in the children's catalogue, it mi,4it be possible to construct the two-foot brick walk or at least the two-foot cement walk. After this information has been gathered, the Librarian will contact Mrs, Johnson; and whatever plan she determines is the best the Board wishes to put into action at once. Report of the Civil Service Commission. A letter was received from the Civil Service Commission stating that Firs. Josephine Levering passed her examination for Senior Librarian. On a motion by fir. Fichtner, seconded by Mr. Cargill, Mrs. Levering was appointed Senior Librarian, as of September 16, 1953. CO'11,51U NI CATIONS A letter was received from the Parlimentarians thanking us for the use of the Board Room during the past and requesting that they continue to be allowed to use it. A letter was received from the Roger Williams School thanking us for our gift of discarded books. 2 NEN BUSIRES.S The moving of the main desk was left to the discretion of the Librarian. As the floor directly in front of the desk is worn and that behind it is worn through to the concrete, it is thought best to move the desk itself forward about a foot. In this connection it was brought out that over 1,000 books are missing from our shelves so far in our inventory, which when completed will probably show 1,2000 or more missing. It was thought that some devise should be worked out for the restriction of the flow of traffic in such a fashion that out going patrons would pass the right side of the desk and perhaps be requested to open their books for examination. By moving the desk forward , It would Allow sufficient room for a typewriter desk for the registration assistant, who Mould not only supervise the registration but 'would watch for the surreptitious removal of books from the library. The Librarian was instructed to ask at his meeting of the library executives, on September 19, what measures any other libraries our size may have taken to combat this loss. Flag. It was determined that the Library would probably need a new flag each year, end the Librarian was instructed to purchase a suitable flag at his earliest convenience. Replacing of Fluorescent Tubes. Due to the fact that the funds alloted for the safety ladder were deleted from the recent budget and due to the unwillingness of any city employee to use unsafe methods in replacing the fluorescent tubes in the reading rooms, 11 fixtures are now not functioning . The Librarian was instructed to contact Payor Simonds as soon as possible to see if something can not be done, as the problem is becoming very serious. AWOURNMENT It was moved by Mr. Cargill, seconded by Pr. Fichtner, that the meeting be adjourned. Res tfully submitted, G. P. Lechich Clerk of the Board