HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1954.02.17 Minutes of the meeting of the BURLINGAbM PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD .January 20, 1954 Trustees present: President Mrs. Johnson, Mr. Burns, Mr. Fichtner, Mr. Cargill, Mrs. Damm. hIIYU l'ES The minutes of the previous meeting of December 16, 1953, were read and approved. BILLS On a motion by Mr, Fichtner, seconded by Mr. Burns, the bills in the amount of X1,760.91 were ordered paid. LIBRARIANIS REPORT The Librarian's report was accepted and the financial statement was approved. OLD BUSINESS Bill of RRIghts. A letter has been submitted to the American Legion in regard to the mounting of the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence. Vie have not as yet received any reply. NEVI BUSINESS Flowers for Desk. It was moved by Mrs. Damm, seconded by Mr. rns, 't at a suitable flower arrangement might be placed in the library, accompanied by a courtesy card, by any of the florists who wish to do so. Leave of Absence for Piss Welbask . It was moved by Mr. Fichtner, seconded by Mr. Cargill, that Miss Welbasky be granted an 8-day leave of absence to attend, at her own expense, the American Library Association Convention in Minneapolis in June. ADJOURNME1IT Business being completed, the meeting was adjourned. Xtsubmitted, 1j IM - ` G. P. Lechich Clerk of the Board E BURLINGA10 PUBLIC LIBRARY Librarian's Report on Activities in the Library January 20, 1954 - February 17, 1954 Radio Program. The librarian has been appointed to the advisory committee of the California Library Executives Association and the radio program is .going on the air at 10 A.M. Sunday, February 21. The librarian attended several meetings in connection with this and the California Library Week. Circulation. January The circulation for the month of Rzb=z was slightly more than 110/o better than the previous year. On Satufday, February 13th, the Main library had a circulation of 1001 which is the largest circulation within the knowledge of the present librarian. The total circulation, including the Branch, was 1226. If this in- crease continues, we will have to have more page and clerical help, Exhibit. The leprechaun exhibit now on display in the library is most excellent and is being anjoyed by the staff, as well as the public. The attached mimeographed sheet describing the exhibit is self- explanatory. Flowers. The flower displays given the library - courtesy of Pearce Florist - have been well received, by public and staff alike. Inventory. The inventory is finished, but there has not been sufficient time available in which to prepare a formal report. BRANCH Inst-a lation ofndrain. The drain at the back of the Branch has been installed and a concrete pan laid on the Gest side. On inspection during the recent storms, including that of February 17th, no seepage showed at the back and only a very slight one on the Vest. However, the unused door at the rear on the West side should be sealed off in order to prevent driving rain from seeping through and dampening the sills. The large vent on the West side should be covered with a louvre of some sort in order to prevent rain from blowing in under the building. However, the situ ation is much better than at any previous time. [" �"�� 6.+ � �}+^�..•'; *yam,r<�7 ' ..' yn., t.Y. . - Windows. i The transom windows on the West side have had the paint scraped a .- from them and frosted, which will allow us to save considerable on the lights. Vestibule. The front vestibule has been repainted after having been marked by vandals. JUVENILE DEPARTMENT ory ours. Story hour attendance at both Branch and Main libraries continues to increase each week. Brownie and Girl Scout Troops visit the Dain library with regularity. 21 Brownies were entertained with stories and a puppet show February 2, 1954. A troop of Girl Scouts came in to view the leprechaun exhibit on February 10, 1954. A bowl of guppies kept at the Branch library causes much dis- cussion among young and old alike whenever new additions are noticed. Miss Welbasky attended an all-day monthly meeting at the San Francisco Public Library on February 11th. This meeting was devoted to reviews of new children's books. An interesting speaker in the afternoon was Mrs. Ruth Toozem author and lecturer on children's books. She gave many interesting side- lights on editors of children's books in the publishing field. S ;a `>ay „4 b Xjyv. fi INK ¢ ,F (Times EhoU) mnb I,egre t ,exhibit S On.display at "�; "" baud w�11 bTy�arema�n a-wliol+e month, ` f3ibraxian. is the 4►icLme examining et Jefxey,=o€; 422"Be fleoae and 11tis. �kEk, aerr creator of tlie„exhibit. EJ _ �� ..�c -G�ove cu�pfress �o�h�s mac�e rmore cea�s for e1b�t' :. s �.���'��'prec�i. s args�`d"to��to•�e occasion � e� y c�caa�ed or ver � Y � o���ye cam wee Vie: aciotrorl "`THE rOLDEiY 'i'i-iUi�S13 LEPRECH�'S" Invite You To Pay Tiler: A Visit. at THE BURLINGANO PUBLIC LIBRARY U-ntil ;::arch ": 1954 T-IINY FOU" VIS II'. The Lenrecaa ans , t:.ose ivhi:.:s i ca 1 elves of Irish fol'"-lore , 'aave iavac_7ed 3_arlinga:.ie and ta::en up residence ltil Larc?a Eta - maybe longer - is the 1',abiic Li-Jrary. The fa _,oas little -�i;ries vere recently i-asta.11ed by t Heir creator , L:rs .. EZlalia St-_ar t Sta. ffer of t«e 'L-'o- erey Pe_i-as.Tla -- a 56-- Tear-- old sczl stress i� 2o as :_iodeled ;:ore t .a.:i 50C of tie little creat---res , ranging in height fro: tt,ro to five i:�ciies. HAVE GOLDEN TI1U�BB. They differ from their imaginary Irish counter-- arts only in that they possess golden t1rambs & a sprinkling of -old d,zst on their feet, as befits Leprechatuns born in the Golden State . Mrs.. Stauffer , a friendly matron-Scotc! -Irish by ancestry,-, started buildiag, .ter tib people after an illness hospitalized her for six years & nut an end to her life-size sculpturing. " I had been looking for leprechauns all nrf life -- bait taey fo. nd rie Ra'cll AN ORIGINAL. The heads of der lithe elves are forried 'with C`ay, without_ golds, no tvo being alike., They are then fired,. oil- ainted,. & fitted to bodies :.,ade of tra.trli ag wire , yarns, & felt. WIDE V. R IE Ti Or 011L.ILICTE. S PORTRAYED. The f i Lur i ne s inc3,zc?e a whole syl:a7hQ7y orchestea, complete with �.`kul -Long instruments ; peasant dancers ; choral sin;eret; & Stich recognizable Kotaer Goose favorites as _ "Little Miss lk.:ffet" & "The Spider that sat down beside her" ; & "Hickory--Di c'.Cory flock" "The Mouse ( the size of half a grain of rice ) that Ran Up the Clock." C' Tae Children Love Identifying Such o ii Friends { NOT CO:LLrtCIALIZED . Ijrc .. Stauffer has :_c--or sold oue of ager creations nor does she ' 4, ' T nm c�a>.�r -�e for :Rex eh��iuits . Istead she shows the I over t,le cO._.try in order to bring joy to Lsands who,, re;artless of years, are "y o:zng i ��c,:T t _ - = tT tt,- S T7� _.��.YtiiL%:. ?s,+1,��.I (:�;L.t�.D ti r�IRYL�i v'D 'Vi s1tOTS t � „ c:escr??aed the ' T_Iia tly illu...i a,ted -11cove xe fixe el,;-os a.re on d is_-lay as a 1'f airyaa,nd" ��---. - CO.Z & S. F, FLOR YOu.-LSELF CITY OF BURLING&ME BUD GET EXPENDITURE D-80 LIBRARY Month of F ebruarz1954 ACCOUNT This To Date Budget Budget Month Mos. Allow. Balance S-1 Salaries 3,179,34 260355,04 $39,488.00 13,132,96 M-,11 Supplies 81.14 686,44 950.00 263.56 M-12 Printing 33.96 426.82 550.00 123,18 M-13 Light-Heat-Power 134.57 1,231.27 2,200.00 968.73 M-14 Telephone 31,34 236.93 360.00 123,07 M-16 Bldg.-Grnds.Maint. 223.04 2,305.18 1,600.00 294.82 M-17 Books and Maps 758,76 6,483.55 9,500.00 3,016.45 M-17A Periodicals .43 391.55 700.00 308,45 M-17B Binding 160050 10529,21 2,200.00 670.79 M-28 Contract 167.90 1,343.20 2,200. 00 856.80 M-19 Convention Exp. 24.35 80.40 125.00 44.60 M-19A Auto Allowance 13.90 46,54 125.00 78,46 C-90 Capital Expend. 610.28 696.00 85.72 Total before salaries 1,629,89 TAF .3 $60,694.00 6,834063 41809.23 40,726,41 190967.59 STATISTICS FOR JANUARY 1 9 5 4 f� CIRCULATION MAIN BRANCH Adult nonfiction ------------- 4950 1209 Adult fiction ---------------- 5136 1961 Child nonfiction ------------- 1399 715 Child fiction ---------------- 1871 1129 TOTAL BOOKS CIRCULATED 13,356 5,014 Periodicals ------------------ 967 591 Phonograph records ----------- 104 TOTAL OTHER. ITEMS CIRG-jLATED 1,071 591 TOTAL CIRC=.4LATION. 14,9427 5x605 GRAND TOTAL CIRCULATION 20,032 1953 1954 Daily average for Main Daily average for Branch 176 224 Combined daily average 6$Z5 735 REGISTRATION ADULT CHILD TOTAL ` Membership January 1, 1954 ----- 7222 2290 9512 Additions in January ------- 218 58 276 7440 23 9788 Withdrawals in January ----- 218 44 262 Membership February 1, 1954 ---- 7222 2304 9526 ACCESSIONS A' D WITHDRAWALS OF BOOK STOCK Ala ED LOST AND PAID CANCELLED TOTAL Adult nonfiction--- 1 3 2 51., Adult fiction ----- 102 2 1 25,131 4 s& Child nonfiction -- 130 1 1 8,106 Child fiction ----- 36 1 4 7 382 (13 gifts included in above addition).. Net increase of book stock - 393 NCO Pamphlets added- 130 Discarded- 80 DEPOSITP'D WITH CITY TR EASURER 551.92 Main $429.77 Branch 122,15