HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1954.06.16 Minutes of the meeting of the BURLINGAPrTy PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD May 19, 1954 Trustees present: President Mrs. Johnson, Pair. Burns, Mr. Cargill, Mrs. Damm. MINUTES The minutes of the previous meeting of April 21, 1954, were read and approved. BILLS On a motion by Mrs. Damm, seconded by Mr. Cargill, the bills in the smount of X1,988.93 were ordered paid. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT The Librarian's report was accepted and the financial statement was approved. OLD BUSINESS The tentative budget was discussed; and on a motion by Mrs. Damtl, seconded by Mr. Cargill, it was agreed to submit the budget of 866,417 to the finance committee. It was also suggested that the Librarian meet with the council member on the library committee 'and discuss some of the items. NEW BUSINESS Mrs. Jett was granted a leave of absence, the time of which was left up to the librarian The documents which viere framed and presented to the library by the American Legion were viewed, and a letter from the secretaryof the Board.will be sent to the Legion expressing the thanks of the Library Board. ADJOURNMENT Business being completed, the meeting was adjourned. Re t 1 submitted, G. F. Lechich Clerk of the Board CITY OF BURLINTGAME BTJDG: T 1c. 54 - 1.955 D-80 LIBRARY lfY S-1 SALi,S11.IES Librarian ,,:6,228.00 Assistant Librarian 4,908.00 °r. La-brarian (2) G',330.00 Jr. Librarian 4,042. 00 Library 1':ssistants (2) 71376.00 Library J'..ss,_stants (part tirle )3; 500.00 Library Aides 5,472.00 Pages 1500.00 `„44,916.00 14-11 Supplies ;: 900.00 M-12 Printing and postage 600.00 I2-13 .Light, heat and power 21000.00 P: -14 Telephone 360.00 M-16 Building-Grounds i'taint . 10500.00 TSI-17 Books an.,. maps 9,500.00 M-17A Periodicals 700.00 11-17B Binding 20200.00 M-19 Convention expense 125.00 M-1GA Auto allowance - 115.00 M-28 Contract (Janitor) 2,200.00 20,200.00 CAPITAL LXP_.:� TD CTZ7R �S C-90 Shelvin- 2000- 00 Book case 625.00 Fluor.liht. (branch) Q45.00 11070.00 Total :,,661186.00 L STATISTICS FOR MA Y 1 9 5 4 �. CIRCU ILTIJ14 MAIN BRANCH Adult nonfiction ---------------- 4733 947 Child nonfiction ---------------- 1171 622 Adult fiction-, ------------------- 5480 1724 Child fiction ------------------- 1965 1258 TOTAL BOOKS CIRCULATED 13,349 4,551 Periodicals --------------------- 808 547 Phonograph records -------------- 108 TOTAL OTTER ITEMS CIRCULiTEB 916 547 TOTAL CIRCULATION 14,265 5,098 GRAND TOTAL CIRCULATION i9,363 1953 1954 Baily average for Main ---------- 492 543 Baily average for Branch ------------- 194 204 6 Combined daily average ---------- 86 -=71 REGISTRATION AEULT CHILD TOTAL ienbership May 1, 1954 ---------- 7178 2308 9496 Additions in May ----------- 166 49 215 -77747 -7377 �"bI Withdrawals in May --------- 146 39 135 Membership June 1, 1954 --------- —71US 73 �5 6� ACCESSIONS AND Q THBRAWALS OF BOOK STOCK AMR Lost and paid Cancelled TOTAL Adult nonfiction -= 3 0 3 572l;5744 Child nonfiction -- 40 1 13 82 433-��� Adult fiction ----- 147 0 13 Child fiction ----- 70 1 7 7,697 , (15 gifts included in above addition) Net increase of book stock -- 412 Pamphlets added -- 88 Famphletsl - r_' -- 67 Maps addea - 1 DEPOSITED WITH CITY TREAPURER Q30.86 Iain ;414.42 Branch 116.44 CITY OF BURLINGAME BUDGET.w EXPENDITURE D-80 LIBRARY Month of June 1954 ACCOUNT This To Date Budget Budget Month -Mos. Allow. Balance 3-1 Salaries 30310.77 39,445.32 $39,488.00 42.68 M-11 Supplies 505 875*64. : :_ 950.00 74.36 M-12 Printing 40,84 704.31 550.00 154.31- M-13 Light-Heat-Power 155,28 10908,59 22200.00 291,41 M-14 Telephone 28.02 351.25 360.00 8,75 M-16 Bldg.-Grnds.Main.t. 20.60 1,428.23 1,600.00 171.77 `.- M-17 Books and Maps 480,76 9,976.57 9,500.00 476,57- M-17A Periodicals 209.20 700.00 700.00 - M-17B Binding 162.61 2,271.58 21t200.00 71.58- M-28 Contract 179.65 21153.65 2,200.00 46.35 M-19 Convention Exp. 88s®9 186=44- 125.00 t1w44- 114.42 10.58 M-19A Auto Allowance 29.02 6yvas 125,00 syr6b 89.37 35.63 C-90 Capital Expend. 19.16 629.44 696.00 66,56 Total before salaries 1,323.19TOT21AE203,05 ,2064�0Q 2.95 4,633.96 60,648.37 45.63