HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1954.07.21 Minutes of the meeting of the }3URLINGA1,2F PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD Tune 16, 1954 Trustees present: President Mrs. Johnson, Mr. Burns, Aar. Cargill, Mrs. Damm, Mr. Fichtner. MINUTES The minutes of the previous meeting of May 19, 1954, were read and approved. BILLS On a motion by Mrs. Damm, seconded by Mr. Cargill, the bills in the amount of 41,323.19 were ordered paid. LIBRARIAN IS :REPORT The Librariants report was accepted and the financial statement was approved, OLD BUSINESS Budd e_t_. Each item of the proposed budget was closely sc Tnized, and the explanation of each changed item, as stated on the sheet accompanying the budget, was enlarged upon. It was moved by Mr. Burns, seconded by Mr. Fichtner, that an addendum be added to the budget already submitted specifying that the amount of $41,997, representing salaries, remain basic, and if this amount is subjected to subsequent increases, which may,be granted to the city employees, that said amount be increased accordingly and that said increase is not to be absorbed in the requested X41,997. NEW BUSINESS New Branch Librar7. ,There was considerable discussion of the possibility of the establishment of another branch library in the Mills Estate addition. The librarian was advised to collect information and ideas to be submitted at the next board meeting. ADJOURNMENT On a motion by Mr. Burns, seconded by Mr. Cargill, the meeting was adjourned. submitted, G. le'hiyeh Clem of the Board LIBRARIAI?IS REPORT June 16 -- July 21, 1954 LIBRARY MEETINGS: The +Lbra;Y��an attended the meeting of the Library Executives committee the sponsership and continuation of the Bartletts radio progra for the fall* It has been tentatively decided that t?--e pro ram should be continued and will co back on KCBS in Octo- ber, TENTATIVE _'B'RA,.X_H1 PLAINTS: The Librarian also consulted with Dir. Larry Clark, City Librarian of San -_Franeisco, in regard to the construction of a new branch in the '.,.ills develo-oment. It was thought best t1-at infor- mation be at hand on possible costs and design if the question is Dresented, VACATIONS: 1%1iss Marrack, Reference Librarian, has completed her vacation and at present 'Mrs . Levering, cataloger, is traveling. 'Mrs. Jett, Library Assistant is on a three months le ave. !,-,ll her worm (book orders, everdues, etc. ) is being carried on very satisfactorily by Joan- Odell who has viDrked in various capacities for three years . -Miss Adams, Library Assistant ("'Divil Service) will resign on August 15 to become a School Librarian at San Lorenzo . lie hope to replace her with a Library Aide--examination to be given in September. The facsimile cozy of Shakespeare first folio edition-- a gift of Alice Hager--is on display. This is to coincide with the T V program sponsered by 14ills College on Channel 9. C4 P HECKI'111-�G OF BOOK STOCKS: The University of California Library School sub- mitted a list of 1269 * books that should be in a good library. 'Ne . U -1 0 found that we had 1186 of those listed and of the remaining 83, we hadcax-4.s' in the desiderata file for purchase when available. Fifty-eight have already been ordered. CIRC(JL" TION: The expectant summer slump in circulation has not taken place this year. As can be seen from the Junereport the com- bined daily average circulation is approximatly 11.3 O/o above the 1953 circulation. This month the circulation average , so far, is 560 at the Dlain per day compared to 529 for June of this year and X05 for July of last year People are reading more. ACTIVITIES IN THE CHILDDREMIS DEP,'.RT-14112,11T 0-F THE BURLINGIVIvIE P-JIBLIC LIBRARY JUNE 16 - JULY 21, 1954 The Summer Reading Club has taken up the children's librarians' time at the 'Main Library and Easton Drive Branch since school vacation has started. 132 members have registered so far at tie 'Main Library and about the same number at the Easton Drive Branch. The therie this year is Totem roles, For the first two books read and reported on, the member received a Dole to keep on the Indian Villa,-,,e Table during the Summer. Each week after that, as two books are read and reported on,, a "totem" figure is added to the pole. This is the fifth week of the club, and most of the boys and -iris are up to vLere they belong. None of them want to be the log-, man on the totem pole. If the member goes on vacation., he may tale extra books to read and report on them. after he returns. The club will run until the start of school. These reading clubs are a lot of extra work for everyone concerned in the children' s department, but are worth it in the rewarding smiles on the children' s faces and t1lxe encoura�!,ino- remarks from parents, as well as the fact that not half as man-7 books would be read during, the Summer if it were not for the Clubs, r STATISTICS FOR JUNE 1 9 5 4 CIRCULATION MAIN BRANCH adult nonfiction ---------------- 3838 960 Child nonfiction ---------------- 1270 850 Adult fiction ------------------- 6045 2105 Child fiction ------------------- 2324 1960 TOTAL BOOK:- CIRCULATED 13,477 5,875 Periodicals --------------------- 705 617 Phonograph records-------------- 103 TOTAL OTT-ER ITF1,vIS CIR1•uLj TED 808 617 TOTAL CIRCULATION 14,285 6,492 GRAND TOTAL CIRCULATION 20,777 1953 1954 Daily average for Main -------- 480 529 gaily avera7e for Branch-------------- 220 250 Combined daily average ---------- 700 REGISTRATION AI ULT CHILD TOTAL Membership June 1, 1954 --------- 7198 2318 9516 Additions in June ------ 233 94 327 7431 2412 9843 Withdrawals in June -------- 205 74 279 Membership July 1, 1954 -------- 72293=3 76971 ACCESSIO?:S AND WITHDRAWALS OF B00_� STOCK ADDED LOST AN!: PAID; CANCELLED TOTAL Adult nonfiction --181 0 0 57,7Z Child nonfiction 21 1 2 8, 451 Adult fiction ---- 133 1 767e�;�5�b,Ohl2 Child fi^tion ---- 39 1 7 . 79728 (35 gifts included in above addition) Net increase of book stock -- 355 Pamphlets added -- 115 DEPOSITED :'a TH CITE' TRE'ASUREoR X646.18 iviai n j?'512.61 Branch 133,57 CITY OF BURLINCATAE BUD GET EXPENDITURE D-80 LIBRARY Month of July 19 ACCOUNT This To Date Budget Budget Month Mos. Allow. Balance S-1 Salaries 3,199.79 139,488.0 M-11 Supplies 109.21 950. t M-12 Printing 114.96 550. 0 M-13 Light-Heat-Power 173.66 ,200 00 M-14 Telephone 19.96 ' 36 .00 M-16 Bldg.-Grnds.Maint. 1,60 . 00 �`�-- M-17 Books and Maps 696.0 9, 0.00 9 M-17A Periodicals 385.18 Q.00 M--17B Binding 273.81 2, 00. 00 M-28 Contract 167.90 2 '20(,00 M-19 Convention Exp. 125 00 M-19A Auto Allowance 3.20 125 0 C�-90 Capital Expend. 696: Total before salaries 1,944.36 TOTAL 60,694.0 `dotal 5,144.15