HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1954.09.15 Minutes of .the reetin of the - BATT LIT AHIE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD July 21, 1954 Trustees present: President Mrs. Johnson, ter. Burns, I'ir. Cargill, Mrs. Damr:, i"Sr. Fichtner. I1,11TC'T"S The minutes of the previous meeting of Juno 16, 1954, were read and approved. BILLS On a motion by Mr. Burns, seconded by +Ir. Cargill, the bills in the amount of -X1,944.36 were ordered paid. L'_"BRARIH i IS REPORT The Librarians report was accented and the financial statement was approved. OLD BUSINESS Budget. The budget situation was briefly discussed. Branch Library. firs. Johnson appointed 'Mr. Burns and Trir Fic:trier. to form a committoe with the Librarian to review plans and collect information about a possible branch library in the Mills Estate. The Librarian is to visit some of the new and smaller branch libraries in this area. Civil Service Examinations for junior librarian and library aide have been setup for some time in Septem- ber. Nk`a SIPTE^S In cor„sonting on the Librarian's report, it was moved by 11r. Burns, seconded by 14r. Cargill, that the news- papers be informed of our exceedingly high rating on the University of California Library Sehoolts selected list of good books that should be in the public lib- rary. The Librarian was complimented on the fact that out of the 1,269 books listed, we have 1,187, and of the 82 we do not have, 58 are on order as replacements for lost books. The remaining 24 books listed, being out of print, are in our disederata file for purchase when available. The Librarian was also told to report to the papers the unusual increase in the circulation for the month of July. AiP:iU BUSINESS CONTIMUED Lights in Children's Room. At the suggestion of the ibrarian, in order to save approximately X125 per year, it was a,,-reed that an electrical contractor be contacted in regard to than;ink; the lights in the childrenfs room so that it would not be necessary to have all the lights on one side of the room on at the same tine and only a single fixture in the corner. Election of Officers. It was moved by Mr. Burns, seconded by Pair. Cargill, that the officers for the past year be retained--hirs. Johnson, chairman; Pair. Cargill, secretary. Resp ctfully submitted, C. P. Lechich Clerk of the Board LIBRARIAN IS REPORT August 18, 1954 -- September 15, 1954 GIFTS: The library received a very extensive gift of books, old and new from Mrs. Fairfax. There are probably about a thousand �. volumes, many of which are duplicates to our own. collection. However, in the event that we establish another branch, they will be invaluable. At present we can use many of the books as replacement copies for our worn copies. Adequate publicity as to the extent of the gift will be made as soon as the material is sorted and listed. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION: There being only one application for the Junior library position, the Civil Service Commission has set the date ,forward until such time as other applications are received. The librarian will place advertisements in the various magazines and hope for the best. CIRCULATION: The circulation continued to increase over the previous year. The increase is about 8 per cent. EVENTS IN JQ VENI LE DEPARTMENT: Sep ember 3, 1954 marked the end of the Totem Pole Reading Club. The Burlingame Lions Club sponsored a party at the Burlingame Recreation Center for those boys and girls who completed the required reading for the summer. Approximately 160 received certificates from among the several hundred who joined at the beginning of the sumner. The completed totem pies made a colorful addition to the other Reading Club awards received by most of the members in previous summers. Publicity was good. A picture was included in the San Mateo Times edition of the Fiesta paper in August, as well the San Mateo Times and the Burlingame Advance September 4, 1954 after the party at the Recreation Center, and in the Peninsula Edition of the Sunday, September 12, 1954 San Francisco Examiner. The Main Library and Easton Drive Branch Library had about the same number of people reading all summer. Parents seem to like the idea of keeping children reading all summer, and the children themselves are already asking what the club will have as a theme next summer. STATISTICS FOR AUGUST 1954 CIRCULATION MAIN BRANCH. Adult nonfiction ------------------- 3965 934 Child nonfiction ------------------- 1149 626 Adult fiction ---------------------- 6500 2317 Child fiction ------------ ------ 2544 2081 TOTAL BOOK CIRCULATED 14,158 5,958 Periodicals ------------------------ 658 711 Phonograph records ----------------- 127 TOTAL OT PR ITEMS CIRCULATED 785 711 TOTAL CI RCULATION 14,943 6,669 GRAND TOTAL CIRCULATION 21,612 1953 1954 Daily average for Main ------------ 502 - Daily average for Branch --------------- 237 257 Combined daily average ----------- QTS- $ " REGISTRATION ADULT CHILD TOTAL Membership Aug. 1, 1954 -------- 7185 2350 9535 Additions in Aug. ----^--- 197 52 249 73= �8� Withdrawals, in Aug. ------ 202 56 258 Membership Sept. 1, 1954 ------- 7190 7M ACCESSIONS AND WITHDRAWALS OF BOOK STOCK ADDED LOST AND PAID CANCELLED TOTAL Adult nonfiction —I6� 4 1 52..UnV— Child nonfiction 10 1 0 8,465 Adult fiction 155 2 6 26,249 Child fiction 9 2 1 717331 75,37(20 gifts included in above addition) Net increase of book stock -- 318 Pamphlets added -- 188 Maps added -------- 7 Pamphlets discarded 8 DEPOSIRED WITH CITY TREASURER 4531.69 Main X408.12 \., Branch 123.57 CITY OF BURLIKGAi:,E BUDGET EXFENDITURE L-E;U LIBR ,.RY Month Of -gantAznbAr 195 OX" AOC:,UP�l' This ']`:; Late Budget Budget i,,onth Allcw. Balance S-1 Salaries 3,268.18 9,823.30 444, 916.00 35,092.70 Tvl-11 Supt?lies 73.08 213.29 900.00 686.71 M-12 Printing 100.75 251.02 600.00 348..98 M-13 Light, Y1eat and 125.67 416.27 2,U0U•UU 1,583.73 power �. i1i-14 Telephc,ne 21.93 70 .14 360.00 289.86 1V,-16 Bldg.-Grnd.s. 19,39 48.33 1,5UU.OU 1, 451.67 1taint. 87-17 Bcoks and maps 691.23 10890.16 9, 500.00 70609.84 17A Periodicals 1.90 407.22 700.00 292.78 �� PYA-17B Binding 27.71 353.02 2,200. 00 -1 S ;A^ 8 P1:-19 Cenventir_n expense 125.00 125.00 19A Aute allowance 8.66 11.86 115. u0 103.14 1\'1-28 Contract 167.90 503.70 2,200. 00 10696.30 C-90 Capital Expend. 21,U'7'U.y0 3.12 224.47 845.53 Total before salaries 1,261.34 T� ,389.48 66, 186.vu 61,796.52 Total after-,salaries 41529.52 14,212.78 51,973.22 BURLILGAIvE PUBLIC LIBRARY Librarian' s Report on Activities in the Library July 21, 1954 - August 17, 1954 Circulation The circulation continues to gain slightly over last year, being 11.1 per cent more this July than last. This is an average of 88 books a day more than in the previous year. Rewiring The city electrician pulled an extra wire, into the switch board from the childrents room, thus allowing the 15 fluorescent tubes on the front, right side of the room to be turned on only in the evening, which should result in considerable saving over the year. The librarian replaced two burned.-out switches in the back fixtures; but the bal3asts, which are no longer working due to lack of venti- lation in the fixtures, which causes their overheating, were not replaced. This will have to be done at some future date. �-- Plumbing -eroblems The ball-cock valves which were replaced last year proved defective in that the seats became pitted. The one in the men' s lavatory was replaced at an expenditure of 418, but this seems to be excessive as it could have been repaired. Consequently, the librarian repaired, the other ball cock himself in an operation that took a half hour and cost Cpl, thus saving the library a considerable amount. Shelving The drawer-type shelving which we had on consignment from the Ames Co. was removed and the regular shelving replaced. Unfortunately the estimate made for replacement of the shelves, which were originally in this area and which were at the Branch last year, was wrong. Apparently, instead of an expenditure of $200 for shelving, the Ames Co. meant 200 shelves. We have, therefore, had to order 36 more sh' shelves than are provided. for in the budget for capital expendi- tures; and we have had to steal every shelf we possibly could from both the branch and the main libraries, resulting in very poor shelving conditions. In order to expand our shelving to this great an extent, we will need a total of 236 shelves. Branch Flans The librarian consulted with Nir. Clark, city librarian of the San Francisco Public Library, about the present branch plans for San Francisco. Pir. Lechich was taken to the new Marina branch; and he hopes that at some future date other members of the Board may visit not only the Marina branch but other branch libraries in San Fran- cisco and elsewhere. San Francisco at present is working on plans for a small branch, which appears to be very adequate for all purposes, such as branch libraries deem necessary. The experience of the last several years has resulted in their architect gaining a very excellent background in the problems of library buildings, and has also resulted in the construction of library furniture at prices very advantageous when compared with the furniture of the regular library supply houses. Certainly it would be to our advantage to use the help and informa- tion which the San Francisco Library has so generously offered to give us. Vacations Josephine Levering returned recently from her vacation. At present Esther Patterson and Ruth Boyce are on vacation. CITY GF BURLINGAA E BUDGET 4XY ENDITURR l-W LIBR,.�- tY l,,.,cnth. of AU ust 1954 ACC�,Ull�'T This Tc. Late Budget Budget i,,onth A11cvv. Balance S-1 Salaries 3,355.33 61555.12 X44, 916.00 38t360,88 lvi-11 Supi�lies 31.00 140.21 900.00 759.79 M-12 Printing 35.31 150.27 600.00 449.73 Iv!-13 Light, .heat and 116.94 290.60 2, 000-G0 1,709.40 pcarer M-14 Telephone 28.25 48.21 360.00 311.79 IV,-16 Bldg.-Grnd.s. 2894 2894 11500- 00 1, 471.06 Maint. 1.°.-17 Bcoks and. maps 502.45 11198.93 9, 500.00 8, 301.07 i�,:-1711 Periodicals X0.14 405.32 700.00 294.68 I;-17B Binding 51.50 325.31 2.42Q0. 06 1,87 4.69 N:-19 Ccnventicn expense 125. 00 125.00 Iv,-19k Autc allowance 3.20 115. 00 111.80 28 Contract 167.90 335.80 2,200 UU 1,864.20 C-90 Capital Expend. 201.35 201.35 1,07u.u0 868.65 Total before salarie�183'73 3,128.14 63,057.86 TuTAL ;;x;66, 186.uu Total after salaries 04539.06 9,683.26 562502.74 STATISTICS FOR JULY 1 9 5 4 CIRCULATIDN MAIN BRANCH '�- Adult nonfiction ---------------- 3934 826 Child nonfiction ---------------- 1416 990 Adult fiction ------------------- 62b2 2064 Child fiction ------------------- 2730 2209 T:)TAL BOOK CIRCULATED 142312 4089 Periodicals --------------------- 740 555 Phonograph records -------------- 178 TOTAL ?TIER ITEMS CIRCULATED 918 355 TOTAL CIRCULATION 15,260 62644 GRAND TOTAL CIRCULATION 212874 1953 1954 Daily average for Main --------- 505 569 Daily average for Branch ------------ 201 225 Combined daily average --------- 736 824 REGISTRATION ADULT CHILD TOTAL Membership July 1, 1954 -------- 7226 2338 9564 Additions in July --------- 161 64 245 7407 2402 9809 Withdrawals in July ------- 222 52 274 Membership Aub;. 1, 1954 -------- 7185 2650 9535 ACCESSIONS AND WITHDRAWALS OF BOOK STOCK ADDED LOST AND PAID CANCELLED TOTAL -- Adult nonfiction 49 � —0 1 522775 Child nonfiction 6 1 0 80456 Adult fiction 63 0 3 262102 , Child fiction 0 1 2 7,725 (20 gifts included in above addition) 952056 Net increase of book stock -- 110 Pamphlets added -- 91 Maps added -------- 16 Posters added ----- 3 Pamphlets discarded 26 DEPOSITED KITH CITY TREASURER $479.46 Main $387.76 Branch 91.70