HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1954.11.16 ,Minutes of the meeting of the B:.G:LIN .Az1.r PUBLIC LIB .1 Y BOARD October 20,' 1954 Trustees presents President Firs. Johnson, Pir. iiichtner, Mr. Cargill, Mrs. D riun Pairi;UTBS The minutes of the previous meeting of September 15 were read and approved, BILLS On a motion by Mr. Fichtner, seconded by Pz_s. Damm, the bills in the amount of 4x1803.54 were ordered paid. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT The librarian's report was read and accepted and the financial statement approved. OLD DJSINESS Branch. Pira richtner reported that sir. Byrd had made some investirration concerning a lot near Millbrae. He will report further next month. Examination. The librarian reported that he had re- ceived an application from a very promising graduate librarian who has had extensive experience in Branch and Army library work. She will accept a temporary appointment as a Branch librarian until such time as a Civil Service examination should be given. The Board looked over the qualifications of the applicant and approved the librarian'saction. Telephone. Itwas left to the librarian to negotiate with tis elephone' Company about a booth at the side of the buildin-. Shelving. After discussing the shelving situation, it was aec ded that, if by some means the -exhibit case can be reduced in cost, the additional money could be spent for shelving and possibly that due to ourstringent shelving condition that part of the cost of the case should be spent for shelving. LJ 1ff3PdICAT I01S Tiro short letters of thanks were received for materials sent to various institutions. NEW BUSINESS Possible contractional relationship with surrounding communities. r t present we receive about 4'1256-0.00 from non-res �nt fees. The City of Hillsborou h has no library facilities other than those of the elementary school since their withdrawal from the County Library system. The children of this area, many of whom go to Burlingame Iiig4 School use our reference material, whether or not they hold non-resident cards. This, along with expressed dissatisfaction in their library situation, resulted in a discussion over the possibility of a contract with the City of Hillsborough for total service for their community for a fee approximating that which they formerly contributed to the County Library. Further studies will be made along these lines and the problem discussed with the library committee of the City Council to get their reactions to the question. Hi!7ai noise level in reading room. The Board discussed Me T act- e are certain groups of students who tend to become noisy in the reading room, especially when the area is filled to capacity. It was suggested that the librarian purchase some printed signs asking for quiet in the reading room. There will be further study .Wade of the problem. 3'ublicity. The Board expressed their desire to have the librarian contact the publishers of the Advance and the San ,iateo Times and try to arrange for more publicity in the form of articles about books and current events and other items of interest to the public concerning the library. ADJOUIUK-.111 N,T It was moved by M . Fichtner, seconded by Yrirs. 1%amm that the meeting be adjourned. Pesp etfully submitted, G. B. Lechich Clerk of the Board Librarian's Report October 21, 1954 - November 16, 1954 ri The circulation continues to increase- this months being 7.4 0/0 better than 1953 and 17.60/o more than 1952. Other items in this report will be found in the OLD BUSINESS section of this months minutes. NEKSNOTES FROM JUVENILE DEPARTMENT OF BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY, October 20 - November 16, 1954. On October 26, the second grade class of Mrs. Perkes, Lincoln School, Burlingame, visited the children's room of the Burlingame Public Library. They were instructed on how to find books for their age and how to receive a library card. The school bus took them back to the North Burlingame schook via the Easton D ive Branch Library, which is the library most of those children use. November 2 a group of 14 Brownie Scouts from the second grade at St, Catherine's School visited the Burlingame Public Library. They were told how Girl Scouts can help the library, and how to find books and get a library card, Leaders of groups like this appreciate being able to bring them to the Public Library. November 14-20, 1954 is National Children's Book Week. The children's room of the Burlingame Public Library has many new Fall books for the young reader available, too, Publicity in the newspapers has been good, with a picture of a class visiting the Library in the San Mateo Tiles newspaper of November 10, 1954. The first and second grades of the Pershing School with Miss Fleming, teacher, visited the Library on November 16 in celebration of Book Week. An interesting exhibit of children's art work is hanging in the children's room, of the Main Library. The work is done by the students of Jacquelline White, and they range in age from 7 to 12, L STATISTICS FOR OCTOBER 1 9 5 4 CIRCULATION MAIN BRANCH Adult nonfiction --------------- 4806 933 Child nonfiction ----------craw.- 1153 628 Adult fiction --------.--------- 5157 1713 Child fiction ------------------ 1867 1232 TOTAL BOOKS CIRCULATED 12,983 4,506 Periodicals -------------------- 921 698 Phonograph records ------------- 11.8 TOTAL OTHER ITEMS CIRCULATED 1,039 698 TOTAL CIRCULATION 14,022 5,204 GRAND TOTAL CIRCULATION 19,226 1953 1954 Daily average for Main ------- -M Daily average for Branch ----- 195 200 Combined daily average ------- W REGISTRATION ADULT CHILD TOTAL Membership October 1, 1954 --- 7222 2343 9565 Additions in October ---- 249 81 330 7471 -'220 9995 Withdrawals in October--- 258 100 358 Membership November 1, 1954 7213 —2m 9537 ACCESSIONS AND WITHDRAWALS OF BOOK STOCK ADDED LOST AND PAID CANCELLED TOTAL Adult nonfiction 337 2 4 53,453 Child nonfiction 102 0 2 8,609 Adult fiction 156 3 1 26,541 Child fiction 161 1 2 7 919 96.,527 (20 gifts included in above addition) Net increase of book stock --741 Pamphlets added -- 137 Pamphlets discarded - 29 Maps- 2 Poster - 1 DEPOSITED WITH CITY TREASURER -- $531.09 Main -- 4404.93 Branch 126,16 CITY OF BURLIEGAEE BUDGET 7"'XIFT]EDITURTI, L-W LIB!,L-,.ftY Cf Novgmbe:.0 1954 11c C"U!""11 This 11,(. Late Budget Budget xjionth Allots. Balance S-1 Salaries 3,425.46 16o810.72 ;W44, 916.00 28,105.28 !vi-11 Supplies 44.83 332.80 900.00 567#20 iii-12 Printing 33.14 �355.84 600.UO 244.16 M-13 Light, heat and '115.47 656.19 2,000-0u 1..343.81 p,,:,,r,4 e r Hi-14 Telephene 26,22 12504 36U.60 234.26 N-16 Bldg. -Grnds* 71.81 1jp5u0.()u 1v428.19 Y-1.7 Bcoks and maps 1_.803.25 41782.46 PI) 500.00 4,717.54 L-17A Periodicals 59,25 469.47 700.00 230.53 1-, -17B Binding 511,66 868.88 2.9200. 0k-- 1s331.12 Pi.-19 Ccnverti,-,n expense 117.00 125. 00 8.00 Iv,-19r, Autc, allowance 3,20 26.26 115. GO 88.74 n-28 Contract 167.90 869.50 2121-10. 00 1..360.50 C-90 Capital Expend. 205,74 517.73 l, u7j.u0 552.27 Total before salaries 2,970.66 9..163.68 12,106.32 TuTAL '66,, 186.uu Total after salaries 62396.12 25,974.40 40,211.60