HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1955.02.16 Minutes of the meeting of the BURLINGA t,.E, PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD January 19, 1955 Trustees present: Pr3sident lairs. Johnson, Mr. Cargill, Mrs. Damm Trustees absent: Mr. Fichtner, .;fir. Burns. A message was received stating that Trustee Fichtner would not be able to attend due to illness. The minutes of the previous meeting of December 15, 1954 were read and approved. BILLS On a motion by Mrs. Dmiim, seconded by Mr. Cargill, the bills in the amount of X1,643.39 were ordered paid. LIBRARIAN'S RE20RT The librariants report was accepted and the financial state- went approved and placed on file. OLD BUSINESS Shelving. The librarian stated he had received two bidst- one or, emi_a ton Rand for 4244.15 and the other from Ames for X192.50 This showed a difference of $51,65 and the bid was given to Ames Company. Directional signs. It was decided that two signs on Burlingame venue' rea Ing zTrlingame Public Library" with an arrow would be sufficient. It was also decided that the City Engineer should find out if we can have a sign on the highway. lew Branch. After a brief discussion of the possible new Branc he librarian was asked to contact Andrew Byrd, Committeeman, and yet a written statement concerning his findings. ADJOURNMENT Having no other business it was moved by firs. Darnm, seconded by fair. Cargill, that the meeting be adjourned. Respectfully submitted, G. P. Lechich Clerk of the Board -)r `-' Jai-:uavy 19 - 'cUrr�.€r;; lu, 1055 i, eetingm, The Librarian and the Pgsistant Librarian attended the Library Executives of Nlorthern Cclifornia MeetinU in Oakland : at the Lakeside ranch ©f the Oakland Public Librr•.ry, State Library heads explained the various services of the State Lbr,..ry. Later Dr. Conmy, Oakland City Librarian, gave a party at his home, which was followed by a dinner. The Librarian attended tr:.,e most recent organizational fleeting of the rriends of the Sr=n Francisco Library and becar^e a charter r,:ember of that organization. Friends of the Libnery. r,irs. Arirsby has been contacted and is enthusiastic a;,out he idea of an organization, but is at present einfined t3 her hor. e iv i th the flu. Examination. An examinatian for the position of Library Aide has been set for February 26, 1955 at 9 A.11,1, at the Illijh School. Sunday .Furs. There is a steady incroase in the use of Myo library on Sunday. V;hereas when title first oT)oned on Sunday one staff memIlor and a page could handle the business, there have ;coon titres of late when threo people rjr)uld hardly suf-'ieo. Newsnotes fron the Children's nenartr•ent. Liss l�elbasky was invited to Vie :'.T:A. r:oeting at -6s� in�ton School, :: ebrtiary 8, 1915 at which . the past pros.idents and honorary. life- menl)ers were `honored. !'iss -�el'� asky received' a life membership from that P.T.A. ;roup in 1352. A '8roup `o-" .ir`0wnie "'touts and t]•,.eir leader :visited the !.:,:.stun ' Drive 13raheh Li';•rpry '-1 cbr!oary 110 1955. i: s '.�elbasky sp ke to a group of mothers at the knurling^r.;� ethod st, Church Fcbriva»y IC, 1955. Sire talked on no,.,; ;gooks of interest to Barents of, chi.ldren in --rades 1--5. T:.ire Irene "r:ithp librarian of tre Lurlin.ar^e Ful::lic Library for 20 '-,-odrs until January, 1949, visited the libr .ry tebr��ary 10 and 11. ,T,ose rr'lo t,:-)rked under her wore ivory glad to see her `�- And ast ' her valued oninion on many s".9jeets. Circulation. The combined circulation increase is 7.1 0/0 over the same month in 1954. CITY OF BURLIEGAYE BUDGET .71LIXFENDITURE i,,:crnth c � f February 1955 .�,.�-.-- -- This T'(: bate Budget Budget ,donth Alle,ta. Balance 3-1 Salaries 30501.13 27,772.13 X44, 916.00 17,143.87 M-11 Supkilies 39.30 410.34 900.00 489.66 i�rl-12 Printing 142.73 680.86 600.00 -80.86 Xl-13 Light, heat and 48.67 1934.32 2, 000.00 965.68 pcver �.. 1h-14 Telephone 26.10 199.16 360.00 160.84 iv,-16 Bldg. -Grnd.s. 1100 191.25 11500.00 1,308.75 Paint. Y-17 Bcoks and maps 730.82 6,890.84 9, 500.00 2,609.16 -17'1 Periodicals 2,95 596.23 700.00 103.77 I, -17B Bir.d_ing 137.56 10707.05 2,200. 06 492.95 19 Ccnverti%'n expense 117.00 125. GO 8.00 iv.-19A Aute allowance 9.59 65.81 115, GG 49.19 it's-28 Contract 167.90, 10343.20 2, 200, 00 856.80 C-90 Capital Expend. 198.28 719.10 1, 070.00 350.90 Total before salaries 1,504.90 130955.16 7,314.84 TuTAL Y)66, 186.uO Total after salaries 5,006.03 410727.29 24,458.71 S to tis tic s for January 1955 CIRC""L& 1011 i:�AITd . .-RANCII Adult nonfiction --------------------- 4899 1096 Child nonfiction --------------------- 1318 580 Adult fiction ------------------------- 5258 2145 Child fiction ------------------------ 1941 1302 TOTAL 13"Y91S CIRCTiIATED 13,416 5,123 Periodicals -------------------------- 993 672 PhonoLTaph records ------------------- 165 TJTAL OTII:ER ITEL'S C-IRCT!Li�TED 1,158 672 T:�TAL CI XITLATION 14,574 50795 GP,i.I?) T)TAL CL tC.lLATI.)N 200369 1954 1955 Daily averaLe for Iain Daily average for ,:ranch 2" 232 Conbined daily avera"e `�Y' 5 ",rT`.'y'IIl►iIOI'I ADULT C'iILD T.)TAL ��.,. `-' L'emborship January 1; 1955 ----------- 720G 2355 9621 Additions in January ------------ 231 58 269 57 D510 t':ithdravals in Jn mary ---------- 217 29 246 1.'embersh ip -February 1, 1955 ---------= Yn i(•,s ..r Testi ..�. .T.. 7 . AT)IDLI,• Ir9`3� A'_ n PAID Cit:?C TJ,!�.n T )TAL Adult nonfiction =----- 215 1 49 53,303 IIS nonfiction --------- 10 0 1 729 Child nonfiction ------ 11 0 2 Adult fictian ----_---- 195 2 3 2486;;6 IIS fiction ------------ 9 8 2 2,92288 Child fiction --------- 22 0 28 2OL39 (60 gifts included in above addition) Net increase of T:oo'_- stock 397 22 records added 26 records cancelled Pam,�hlets added 152 Pamphlets, discarded 22 T rrr.r r,. ntt t , ; D �. :.,.rTl CIT c.t.__.A _.:.R -- ti,,771.G4 ' Lain -- .; 590.47 Branch - 131.17