HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1955.04.20 Minutes of the meeting of the BURLINGAIE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD March 16, 1955 Trustees: President tars. Johnson, Mr. Burns, 11r. Fichtner, Mr. Cargill, Mrs. Damm Trustees present: All members were present. MINUTES The minutes of the previous meeting of February 16, 1955 were read and approved. BILLS On a motion by Mr. Fichtner, seconded by Mr. Cargill, the bills in the amount of X1,529.28 were ordered paid. LIBRARIAN I S REPORT The librarian's report was accepted and the financial statement approved and placed on file. OLD BUS1�r;SS Signs. The Assistant City Engineer has promised to report on e cost of two signs for Burlingame Ave, by MArc�i 18th. Hedzee removal. It was decided that no further action will be taken on the fence until such time as Mrs. Butcher submits a letter to the Library Board. YEW BUSINESS Non-resident fees. After some discussion it was determined thaE the average ax-payer of Burlingame contributes approximately 47.50 to the support of the library. It was then moved by Mr. Fichtner, seconded by Mrs. Damm, that the non-resident borrowers pay approximately the same fee as the average resident tax-payer. It was decided that this fee should be x"7.50, this amount to become effective as of March 21, 1955 for all further applicants for non-resident cards. Budgets There was a preliminary survey of capital expenditures for the budget. Personnel. The Librarian stated that the Library Assistant, Ala` as Jett, has expressed her desire to retire and that the type of replacement for this position was being studied. Use of lecture room. After discussing the problem of allowing the use of the leeture'room for private class instruction, it was decided that unless such classes are gratis or sponsored by public educational institutions, such use of the room should be denied, ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Mr. Fichtner, seconded by Mr. Cargill, that the meeting be adjourned. R'0 t lly submitted, G. echich Clerk of the Board - LZ��4__:.C �.. L l:arch 10 - l r)ril s0, lV55 _:ooti n„;s a.tto dod. Tho Librarian and tl:e Library l:ssi stint attended the moctin of the Library '...xocutivcs of "ontral C�.1•_=�'ons�ia r 1i_Ci,. -uas hold at Nose on 'arch 17th. T`:,.-cre 1'7c1.s a dii scussion of fie p_iC-Yfti,.tor confcrol cc of the 1-121 and of the PrO-jrOss of the st,!Cy of salary scalos. A very int erestir J s_�ea2�Qr, s. ar eget i aa�Cel at ��ceser�t on tie ��ta `f of tho �:ai? Jose itibl•i c L'.brary, avo a talk. on the libraries of ti_o "-old Coaot of ”frica which vins illustrated with f-Urz strf.ns. 111-ore was a. d i sei ssion of non-resident fool at wh,.eh noint the Librarian stated that Lurlinaame had recently raised their fee to ,.'7.50. Those present requested inform- ation as to the reactian of the Public. The Librarian attended the annual r.cctinZ of the Yoser^ite District of the California Librrry Pssocia,-ion at Fresno. While there he intervioued a prospective anplicant for the position of Junior L,0rarian. :,r--resident Sees. :here has been no reaction aGainst the fee raise. We feel there are as many a nlicants as visual. Because of the fact t,at t1,is anjunt is ,hat a householder nays, it r. i(_�;ht )e tirise to issue one du•.,licate card to those roT°aestin,� sarre for use b.J an additional member of the fay-ily- in rost cases a child. Por e :ar:ple- t--,e d--°-licate card could be rarized with. a "D" and a record rept in the Re6istration cook and )n-resident rile s3-owin6 where 2 cards are made. In t!-is ,ray a check could be made as to the nuWber of cards which are actually issued. ohiftin,; b_)oks. Ti,e bound ma-azines in the readim roam. of dates preceding 1340 have been r eroved and placed on tale ton sY.elves in the basement stacks. The renaining bound r.:a�azines were can- solidated on the :"est side of the building, leaving space on the 3:,,rth end for exnansion of the Iii_ h School section. Circulation. The daily average circulation decreased an roxirnately 1/2 of 1 0/o for t'^_e first tirr_e in nany months. This is due to a loss of about 6 1/2 o/o at t' e iranch. The main library shovrs a gain of about 2 o/o. lJowsnotes of the Juvenile ')epartrent. A -)u-net sl o-:r was -old during; Story Itour on Larch 25th.. I. iss ,.olbaslcy worked the �,u )x)ets. The children a^_�reciate the $�. ))vx very such, but it is sa hard on the perf ormor t s voice that it can )nlf Oc None once-in-awhile. During; tre geek schools wero close,' t:t .ajter,, patronage in the Children to, _, ny Inqui pies were made as to creat t1ho theme 'was to be i'.)r the Suri__er :ieadin� Club w )ich starts in June. the In pian there is n1ways popular, so it will be uaed main this year. Indian sips and symbols of colored ,)aper are already bein; cut out in ore,paration for t'-,-e eor(:in" Sumner. Attendance at Story hour on `i'uesdays at tl_-e ."l-Iston Drive ,branch Library c..)ntinues t,:) hold up. ;',rs. Laura Gentry conducts the stories there. 1..iss '..elbasl-y attended tY-.e Library xecutives reeting at San Jose on l:.arch 17, 1955 with T,;r. Lechich. Jne of the most challenrin� sub iects to be disc,q ssed iras "-:3ok Censorship by rs. Eortha l elluri, Contra Costa County Librarian. She outlined the problem as it happened in Lar in County and. San r runt isco, and dent on to tell how it is soreadint; to Contra C'osta by a Drell-or-anized group of people. The probler was also discussed on the nationally televised pro, -ram nee It T_:ow, April 19, 1955. L CITY OF BURLDI,GAIVE BUDGET F;XF'ENUITURE L-W LIBRARY !+,cnth of A-pril"'t 955 ACC�-,UMC This Tt:. Date Budget Budget kaonth A110111. Balance S-1 Salaries $3838.44 35 248.01 444, 916.00 90667.99 1vi-11 Supplies 171.34 638.64 900.00 261.36 i1r_12 printing 72.24 776.15 600-UO -176.15 _ M-13 Light, heat and 173.18 1557.71 21000.00 442.29 power 360.00 106.31 pi-14 Telephone 27.20 253.69 lVj-16 Bldg.-Grnds. 81. 3 302.48 12500.00 1197.52 Plaint. g 500.00 7'71.90 Y-17 Books and. maps 1167.62 8728.10 , 17A Periodicals 27.10 623.53 700.00 76.47 m-17B Binding 132.22 1906.52 2,200. 00 293.48 111-19 Ccnventicn expense 117.00 125. 00 8.00 1, -19A Autc: allowance 29.e-4 97.89 115. 00 17.11 j�1-28 Contract 167090 1813.10 2,200. 00 386.90 7 0-90 Capital Expend. 19.10 1,U7U.UO 350.90 Total before salaries 2,049.47 TuTJZ'533.91 y{,66, 186.vU 3736.09 I..I.Ir1 ACult non-fiction -------------------- 5C42 1162 Child non-fiction ------------------ 1529 761 Adult fiction ----------------------- 5034 2149 Child fiction ----------------------- 2022 1443 T JT:J, - ;O'KS CIRC T,A`I'i'D 14,027 5,515 Periodicals ------------------------- 859 565 'honoc;ranh records ------------------ 103 T -2 JT1: . FIT-,' S i, L:tc .L liz.1T,D 962 5E 5 --. — T )T IL CI C7LATI:)P1 150769 6,0bo I.RA'-7) r, ,i' A-L C 1 C .TLE''.'i'I")N 21,869 1954 1` 55 Daily avernve for I-nin `5.55 X64 Dail; avera c for ranch 239 225 Cov.bincd daily avcra,�e `7�� 7L73 ....L�Td AT)i:Itr Ch"TI,D 111' )SIAL :"err borslip Larch 1, 1955 7293 2,113 9706 !additions in i.:^_reh 260 62 x;22 755S —24:75' UO ithdrarmis in i..^'reh 255 C7 X22 ,_erl:ershin r;,,=_ail 1, 195: 8 406 'J70 I:D 1,0";T 1 ti" ID C j�' C::.. ":T) T A L Adult non-Siction -------- 207 v la 4 5:),4C1 TIS non-fiction ----------- 2 0 0 735 Child non-fiction --------- 73 1 1 130909 Adult fiction ------------ 161 0 15 24,824 IS Fiction --------------- 0 0 0 2,292 Child fiction ------------ 80 2 5 8 313 Vis,5:1 (65 gifts includod in aT:)ove addition) l;et increase of ' ool•. stock - 9.d ' 30 records added 59 narmphlets acded 142 " discarded 7 mps added . ITU Ci Y Ti '.,rim JRLR ?.:ain -- `C4 32.74 Lranch - 146.65