HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1955.06.15 'inutes of the meeting of the BURLIP111GAI'IE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD I,Iay 11, 1955 Trustees: Mrs. Harrison, Mr. Cargill, Hr. Burns, Mrs. Damm, Mr. Fichtner Trustees present: All members present. Councilmen present: Mrs. Tohnson and Library Committeewoman Mrs. Thayer. The nornal order of business was waived and the Clerk of the Board called the meeting to order and stated that nominations were in order for Chairman. It was moved by Ivir. C2rgill and seconded by MIr. Fichtner that Mr. Burns be nominated. Mr. Burns declined to serve. Mr. Eurns nominated Mrs. Harrison, and this was seconded by Mr. Fichtner. ieirs. Harrison was unanimously elected. PTT�,._-TES The minutes of the previous meeting, April 20, 1955 were read and approved. BILLS On a motion by 1,X. Burns and seconded by Mr. Cargill, the bills in the amount of x¢2,380.12 were ordered paid. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT The librarian's report was accepted and approved and the financial statement was accepted and approved. OLD BUSINESS - The budget was pergged item by item. Salaries. `The appointment of an additional Junior Librarian in place of a itirary Assistant was approved by a motion rade by VIr. Burns and seconded by 111r. Cargill. The addition of j5OO to the Library Aide, part-time was discussed in regards to Miss Smith. The increase of ,�dOO in the page's item was discussed. Operations. The addition of three charging machines was reviewed and Me increase of w300 in supplies and the X150 in the contract item was shown to be the cost of this item. All other operation items were approved as estimated. Capital expenditure. The parkin; item in the capital expenditure was removed. On a motion by Mr. Fichtner and seconded by "mar. Burns, the budget was approved for submission to the City Council, with the exception of the parking item. Branch Library. Mrs. Johnson stated that lar. Weisenberg was holding a 1o__t__fo r 7Te approval of the Library Board. The Board had previously agreed to view the lot and then submit its recommendations to the City Council. COMKU IdICATI ON S A letter from iIrs. Laura Gentry was read requesting a two week leave of absence. On a motion by Mr. Fichtner and seconded by Mir. Cargill, it was granted. Due to the lateness of the hour no new business was discussed. Minutes of the rieeting of the BURLINGA ,IE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD Iiay 11, 1955 Page 2 During the evening Councilman Thayer asked many enlightening questions and brought out many well thou-Slit out points. Previous to adjourm-ent Mrs. Johnson stated that she had been a member of the Library Board for seven years and that she had ';neatly enjoyed her work and would continue her interest in the library. The Board also expressed their appreciation of her efforts. ADJ0MNI E,,,T The meeting was adjourned on a motion by 11r. Fichtner and seconded by Mr. Cargill. i� lam."., Librarian's iie--)ort L-- T..ay G-June 13, 1955 CE CJiAI.PIJLi Tho circulation increased 5 over the ::onth of riay, 1035,1 i e brarlan and the Assistant Librarian attended the ?�eotinu of the Library xccutivos of Central Caly forma. in "an 0, Francisco. The subjects discussod wore: the Groiap Radio pro.;raz:, Censorship$ State lo­,`.slat i4on ayfects libraries, survey of Junior Librarian nosl.tions. Tide Librarian attcn(fed the -°^cot:i.n.-, of t e j'o in wu1n Librarian Group at ",'an iJ a.too. reports Vlore r:=aclo of projects un6ortray and oloction of officers for the coy:-In year. Ilowsnotes of Gliildren' s .sept. The fifth ,;rade class of Airs. Covin-ton.,n-ton, -.icy:inloy ;':choral, visited the Lil�rary = ay 2'7, 1955. �Iio third rade of i,.rs. J>olltirig, =ic i nlcy School, visited the library June 100 1955. Doth classes vore told a story, shownr�o°:r print children's books, and instmet..-,d on i�_ovl to join tlt.e Tepee &armer Roar in,r; Club. elbask attended tho Association of uhildrer_' s Librarian3 of _.orthorn California : ectin- •ay 1^, 1955 at the Lan :ran.cisco iublic Library, and rovi ec:.od fmir books, at: tk-o bogh- goXigxr soasaop.I Visits have beon n1a.do to all the .elea_entary schools , '.n uurlin-) ne, both Public and Parochial by dsS olbaAky, with infoimiation about the Tepee W,-,.ler I,ea.din L,i�c 'ar ian t s 1 a,Je 3. 011sr ctcc of the ...aston ,rive .,ranch L-' r of tcrlloor, ,lay 12th, yrs . - 02•?er Urou alt her third �. r.a.c c; class j:rorl i oosevolt ",chool to =:aston Drive —ranch Library for �.ristyact� on in usin._; the library. A Uriof tall: and der-onstrat-i on 01 hoz- to use tho card catnlo was -iven by the liranch Librami an, i.rs. Laura Qnntry. The ch luron acro shotiin how to locate Uool�s on tho s?.clvos fron infor-Aation contained on catalog cards. The ":cc�oy cleci.—al systers was revievied for thons as was the arran o=_:pont of books in the Juveni to section and tho Lions' Pen. 'the `.tory -dour 11old each `.hzesday afternoon by 'Irs. :entry contz-t:tes to (tray a lark !Mr.--Uor of ch ilCxon. CITY OF BURLINGAME BUDGET EXPENDITURE D-80 LIBRARY Month of May 1955 ACCOUNT This To Date Budget Budget Month Allowance Balance S-1 Salaries 3629.47 38877.48 440916.00 6038.52 M-11 Supplies 71.02 709.66 900.00 190.34 M-12 Printing 172.22 936.21 600.00 -348.37 M-13 Light,Heat Power 151.28 1708.99 2000.00 291.01 M-14 Telephone 3.23 256.92 360.00 103.08 M-16 B1dg.Grounds Maint. 914.42 1216.90 1500,00 283.10 M-17 Books & Maps342.63 9070.73 9500.00 429.27 M-17A Periodicals 2.50 626.03 700.00 73.97 M-17B Binding 128.43 2034.95 2200.00 165.05 M-19 Convention Expense 4.00 121.00 125.00 4,00 M-19A Auto Allow. 11.54 109,43 115.00 5.57 M-28 Contract 167.90 1981.00 2200.00 219,00 C-90 Capital Ex. 410.00 1130.05 1070.00 60.05 Total before salaries 2380.12 21,269.73 660186.00 1355.97 Total after Salaries 6009.59 58,191.51 7,394.49 Y 1955 :'.ill t nous ct'1 on ----------------- 5058 1166 -------------- rr 11,17, 6r.8 5177 1 31- Lon t�on —r—r rr.r rrwr wr 1771' 15 2 �. 1;0,153 5] "� cr oc!fl-e Is ----------------------- 007 664 ''Laono-,ra'a :,ccorus -----w-rr_------ 135 I. !T-'--,S n. _.. 062 6G4 1T ;T _TIO,; 1,1p095 6�1GN L1i.. Jn f7 7 J L i J.)+LTI OI N0,257 195 • 1055 av--ra ;e for `ai n 3 . 574 f o Branch 1104 7,V 2,V 789 In n GJIIILI TOTAL 947 "40mborsh-11p 1.1ay 10, 1955 ----------- 211 --------- 7,2v9 2,136 0 `-' 2.dd:- ;n s.,a tions i.-Lay ------------- 173 38 211 � 1 ,0 08 ?n :.Ian ------- 131r 54 185 June, 1, 1055 ( �yc� .ALLS 0- .0 .411. u101i lded Lost and pai d Cancolloc1 iota I non-fiction--- 5 53,E i_oP1-f Coon----------- :; ID m 739 �n-I d no i, ot-Ici - -- 33 1 1 69972 1,7 ct-Ion --------------113 1 9 2,50018 1 fiction -- _--__-_r_w _ 0 2 0 2,29€ :pct fict-Ion - ------ 32 0 0 £3 �!3�0. 89,311 (75 sifts incii.juec! in above addition) i;et _a_ne_:ease of boob, stock --- 399 Z .;1'O�.li i Iz'sI "I`Y !.lain--- .523.35 Lranch 152.72