HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1955.07.13 Minutes of the meeting of the bURLINGAy E P hLIC LIBRARY BOARD June 15, 1555 Trustees: Mrs. Harrison, Mr. Cargill, Mrs. Darmn,Mr. Burns, Mr. F'ichtner Trustees present: tars. Harrison, Bar. Cargill, Lrs. Damm. Trustees absent: wir. Fichtner called and asked to be excused. Ir. Burns was absent. MINUTES The minutes of the previous meeting ware approved as written. biLLS On a motion by 1dr. Cargill arid seconded by ;yrs. Damm, the bills in the amount of $1,355.10 were ordered paid. LIbRARIANf REPORT The librarian's report was accepted and approved and the finan- cial statement was accepted and placed on file. OLD BUSINESS No information on the budget has as yet been received, so no action was taken. Branch LibLLKZI quo further action was taken on the branch library. ADJOURNii ENT On a motion by tears. Damm and seconded by 1dr. Cargill, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted George Paul Lecnich Clerk of the Board i T'IDEdIrlif AS I.I. POIL inz 130 1955 r '.h �irc�alut i.on at the Trance docroased from June 1956 an avora-e of 13 books per day or -5.2 The 1--la-In inc_-cascd an avora e of 5 per day or + .9d. Tho total circulation +doc_cased an average of ,B per -day or fart of tl-_.s decrease at the ranch may be attributed to the lack of popular now, fietiof1 so t to thic ranch dur-in� the or_th of June, ;or 'cl-c f .rst t*.;mo our J�Ibrary has over 100,000 v0111::_08 formally incornos�a.ted -i Tnto the libr.mvy. ost os i�k:_e 'ine_case th .s , o._th can be att oils t-o6 to the aC.d'.=.tlon of boobs alroaLly -in the lil rary, but not added to the m elf 1_J_st. ': e Lave aF y n-:Ioro s to be addod, but as our stack space is l::_ ted, v e ust bo -.oro select vo in the future. T'no 1-- ,T now r .ay be classed --.n that c roup of 1--braries tial--ch rci�b�o x, t `:0''},,of those in tl-,.c state have n, above 100,000 volu:--:0,8.9 n mr cly, .'.0 1: Lrar-os. attcrson has tcm-urod her res ,-nation of 'oct ive July 71. I-lie t, .y roti re after havin_� v;o r»cd for the library nearly ten years anaC? _.�)Lls' ;"Ontl23• kle first UO"an L7oi'_:?.I�- pari.-t?..mo for the libvary ora , l0�'`> and co_:�rlenced to wor?r two hours a Cay until Jan.2,19,1,1. -t c t: e sl ?0 transse:rro(: to the 1 ranCk1 ut1t 1 leu ust 15,1J45. io:'t to tal:,e a teach i n.- Job. She returned to the library w. U, 1I�f 6 anc., cont''=. -Lod to vorl, for the library as a Library IWcu } �t a-_,�tl.l the preactit. The library and its patrons_ v-i'll really -; so t1lo rlcacant sr.-L le than has e;olco: ed everyone over the years. L tc : �c�rary a ay'o!t1t e t has 10ccf. n cue as a Junior Librarian :i ,.,:o foi�ncrly tl?e l�cc�.? s:�t:h_on l'ib�. �.� an a ° dt_`_vcr ty of O -lahor�a. It`ortmotcly, his an.-oo-intm icnt v:as bei ; 0j?0t t 1;k10 t'. `L of i1 • i'a.ttei'sonIs rotirc.--ent an(f, he has Ib c, ,in a.'01c to s t(a��t at once in ord r to 'a ll'iar�.zc h�.s self v.-ith the o "i.ro-alat:!_on librarian. At:'Oi1`; h ..s duties 17'?ll be the cl.t of obsolcto anC worn r-_ater: al -Im tli.e stacl:s as C1011 as co; c c�cw :nc0 CLIt__0s, unt-±1 suck, tire as a :)c-i­ ano_,.t appo�.r_t_ t i 3 )--.:n --.cic of tho_o to the staff l'as a J1,1111 0s' librarian, or a jib_r -y 1=do or A ssis to :.t, de;0ernc-in,; upon the q al . i cation of the Das:�.noss has bcon very active over since school vacation startod. "'hc 2opco �IAIr.Tior I eac ±n; Club has talon Rn over all the activities ow" the childronts roof: of the -Iain Library. Over 150 r ombors are 4-ow onvollea and r.-portin. on their boobs each treok. Youn or zmenbors ,y7 fan;:_n-ly arc wi jo_m. n the club a2. d "corn very "?rov�n up ai:�o7 t E_t. `. , e - :, a3ton .­_',.vo ..:rak�ch L .;.:rary is also busy hug-r4?nr stories and r 7�1%t".r:� s3.­r1S ©i-: s�,cl �an �pQOs toff:' over 1i0 K-0r2bers. J-.3-f,Y 13, 1955 c, roulat�.on at the 3ranch decroased from June 19541: an avora,-,e of 1u books per Day or -5.2 j,' u The 1.ai n `,nc_ cased on avcrane of 5 per Cay or + .92 /" The total c4 roulation dee--casoC. an avera e of 8 per day or -.I - Part .I P rt of tl_:.s c'_ecroase at the Jranch may be attributed to the lacy os pori,,Ilar ncv, fietior so t to the -ranch ChIrin.-, the -oilth of June. first t-r.1e our library has ovor 100,000 vola=::cs forYlally neorpo.�a;:cd into tl-,e libr2'y. !.'-'oqt o.-'L" tl c ?31 . 0 'case tI} _s ' O th can be attl°ibut,, F_' totion of boobs a:lroacy in thy: li5rary, but not ad(2od to the shelf l _st. .;� ljave =1a .y >:?o �o ;! 'ts to be added, but as our stack space is 1: 3 tee, t:e ust be r oro soloctivo in the i ituro. The library now _-ay be cl;a.sscd 5i.n that r,roup of 1ib'raries 1A-ii-ch t :0'��,o :l ose in tk,_c state hav-in above 100,000 Volu_:•�es, r_ar:.cly, '-1)6 l"'brarwos. _r ijattorson has tcnt:orod her rc;s? ;nati_on a�'L"cc'c ivo July 51. t- ._Ll rctfre aftor havil",; tT:or?�cd for the library ncr ly ton years al-IJ .._out- : !onths. mho First bean rroz�.: _n part-time for the library o�.; g 8, 19�^ > and cors-lensed to cloy l: tv!o hours a clay until Jan.?,194d. i _cl� t:f e she transyerroc to the 1:_'�rar_cI1 until !�u ust 15,1945. lvc -ithu". 101t to tat:e a teaehin ; Job. :she returned to the library ;ov. v, 1`ML6 and, solid ued to =:-or?: for the library as a Library l',ssistuilt us-Itil the present. The library and its patrons will really ius the pleasaf>t sr.� le that has �•rcle�ed everyone over the years. P torinorary al���o�+.nt °e t has > s a Junior Librarian of r. arl?on L. cl�lif' 'e, forTior ` t:+on librr-r an at �c �i� .versify of J.�lalio3:la. b tet° intmo t vas bein t,l ccn"'=dero�. at tllc t:' L of rs . i' j 1 ent ai_u he has beep_ able to start of once iii o' ` Le 11... Uclf with -'V-ho �c r.v:Lt cs of e 5xculati on libr lutes wll be the ti7oodl n- oL.t of obsolete ane:: curl .ic stacl:s as well as cr'c °sizes g=ut {_es," until _•::lana t anpo4.r_t,, o--t lye '�ecn _-ado oitl'lor to the 1^_bra�'iarl, or a �'-:isle or 1'�ssista__'.t, deL �e gt�al .fi cation of the J-V .i.71E ._ ;YI2. is:..ness has been very active over since school vacation started. The To-poo �iz_- .:ler L'eadin; Club has tat}cn ;SII over all the activities os lio cl�__.1c?renss roori o� the -.in Library. Ovor 150 =:floz:_qbcrs are i_.ov., cnvolled aml r : oort-"n­- on their boo':s each vecli. Youn cr monbors o-�, tl _:.:I }o a .ly arc the c1Ub a:. d 'colin-, very ,rown up al.�out r,l c .:a;ytor� r 1.vo ranch L , . rary is also busy hc�.rin­, stories and ..._,. -0-a'l.t:±.;'�,^ s:1..-71s on .+s d-' an `20pees ±or over 1�?0 .' E3?1bCi'8. CITY OF BURLINGAME 13UDGET EXPENDITURE D-80 LIBRARY MONTH OF June 1955 ACCOUNT This To date Budget Budget Month Allow, Bal* S-1 Salaries 3528,33 420405.81- 44,916,00 2510,19 M-11 Supplies 16,04 725.70 900.00 174,30 M-12 Printing . 12,99 961.36 600,00 -361.36 M-13 Light,heat & power 164.47 1873.46- 2000.00 126.54 M-14 Telephone 29,32 286,24 360,00 73.76 M-16 Bldg. Grounds Maint. 103.51 1320.41 1500,00 179,59 �M-17 Books & maps 695.10 9765,83- 9500.00 -265.83 M-17A Periodicals 73.95 699.98- 700.00 ,02 M-17B Binding 83.69 2118.64 2200.00 81,36 M-19 Convention 3.20 124.20 125.00 180 M-19A Auto Allow, 5,53 114.96 115.00 ,04 M-28 Contract 167.90 2148.90 2200,00 51910 C-90 Capital Expend. 1130905 1070,0060.05 Total before salaries 1355,70 21269,73 66186.00 .27 Total after salaries 4884,03 63675.54 66186.00 2510.46 CITY OF BURLIEGAEE BUDGET . �s�'EINDITUFE Estimated balance at the end of June 1955. i;-L0 LIBRJ,..RY hicnth cf _ ACO:_,Uiy` This Tc. Late Budget Budget v,onth Allcw. Balance June Board S-1 Salaries 44, 916.00 3=5000.00 vi-11 Supf.,lies 28.18 9()0.00 150.00 iv-'12 Printing 0=00 600•00 -336.21 14i-13 Light, heat and 150.00 2) 0V0.0U 141.01 pc�r'jer 14 Telephone 70.50 360.(JO 32.00 1%-16 Bldg.-Grnd.s. 170.00 1,500.00 100.00 P;aint. 9) 500.00 ,... - y-17 Backs and. maps 572.12 -142;85-; ,-17A Periodicals 73.97 700.00 00.00 D,-17B Binding 100.05 21200. 00 55.00 Ti:-19 Ccnventic:n expense 4,00 125. 00 0140'' 19c_ Autc allowance 5.57 115000 0.00 218 Contract 167.90 2'2"0' 00 51.10 C-90 Capital Expend. 00.00 1,07j.U0 -60.05 TOTAL ';66, 186.W 00.00 -, HA1 1,C:.t ?t no -.L'_c on ------------- L. 18 950 'i-L. 110- -_'�lct-±o� l�,ln 595 ----------------- J6�.0 X211 t_1lG i' :ct on ---------------- 2'270 2010 �� J3AL tJcr3oc'lcals ------------------ 735 622 ,raph ----------- 2yn - 50 70,37 195- 1955 vl'-I ly avora;c o2� -ranch 250 237 779 771 _ J A f . T0T3YL Junc 1, 1055 76G2 2196 100158 I1C� =tlo is .rz June. 197 1F:0 326 �tZlenar;alsn ixe 143 156 299 c,.ibcrP, .r)s July 10 1955 , . o r�a. o s �, Paid Uancellcd Total .']ullt n0li -i':!ct i.on 116 $ 1 - 5,13'..015 ZZ"' non- 'Iction 20 0 0 759 .-ii no -fict Ion 20 0 0 90001 IiC'_1l'G IJ.c��0v� 6t 2 1 25,077 a2 D'-±ction 20 1 0 2,325 CZE-11c 1 .ct il,o1 32 2 1 &,4--59 crioC call ! 2 - - _ _ 138 (20 ::"7 i'ts .;ncluCod in above add.'!t-on) Pa--,phlots ad(lod 102 yet incrcaso oC book stock 1327 21, L'`JI7 _ ---- 587,00 W0.55 Lranch-- 126,05