HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1955.12.21 >in:_tes of the meetirZ of the 13-0HLT Cs iHUE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD November 16, 1955 Trustees present: !ars. Harrison, lair. Crosby, Mr. Burns Trustees absent: ,r. (Jar-ill, Mrs. Cohendet were excused.. Councilwoman Psis. Oscar Thayer was also present. r `.she r:inutes of the previous meeting October 19, 1955 were read and approved. DILLE, On a motion made by Mr. Crosby and seconded by Er. Burns the bills in the ar:ount of 5;2,191,12 were ordered paid. LIDRARIANI IS R PORT The librarian's report was accepted and the financial statement was approved and placed on file. OLDJ SS The librarian's reuort was further discussed. Additional remarks on the various „ieetincm attended at the California. Library Association Convention were made by the librarian. Mr. Crosby also commented on the convention. Mrs. -Harrison asked for additional information on the activities of the Friends of the Library Group. The librarian stated that he believed that his personal contact with Trustee Mrs. Mores of the San Francisco Public Library would be very valuable as she could be'very helpful in the formation of a Friends :.roup for this library. The extension of the stacks was an item in the librarian's report. This was further expanded upon by the librarian who stated also that further information would be forthcoming; at the next rieeting. Airs. Thayer stated that the city had no honey at this time for such a project. Mrs. Harrison stated that although the situation was critical, nevertheless, the information being, gathered at this time is purely exploratory. Mrs. Thayer reported on Mr. Kirnnelts statements concerning; a possible ift from the Trousdale Co�!pany. She said that at the planning committee meeting; the statement was made that there was no provision in the budget so that there was no fund for financing a new Branch Library at this tiroe A letter was received fron Geor. e S. Reppas containing- a donation of ten dollars for the library. Tine library will send an appropriate note of thanks. A letter was received from Stanford University thankin, the library for the rift of certain duplicates. ADi0 R1 ,'T On a motion made by Mr. Burns and seconded by Mr. Crosby the meeting was adjourned. ^e efly submitted, A. 1 . echich Clerk of the Board L1 1142ilip-14"' i l d,ORT Docombor �l, 1955 =Iue'circulation has 1-baintained a small increase over last year at this time. Me IMrar an attended two mootings in ro3ard to the problem of diseardin periodicals. P i 1:ISS OV T11 , LII',UIRY. Ts. 7,_-s y Eas eon contacted and plans are pro essing for the eventual forr:?atlon of a *,roup of 1"rionds of the Library. The Lions havo finished the constr€.iction of additional shelvin for the Lion's Len at the Branch library. They arc r)lant in,; on rofinishin the roon in early January. .07 .y T IiU l 1 1_� XJ ., ;ILS 1 11A- Ti. ..l Several classes visited tho library actor Pook Clook to see tho now Ball juvenile boobs and to receive their library cauls. Tlio second .,lade from Lincoln School, teacher, !.Irs. Porlms, and the second mr ade asl,iin-;ton uchool, teacher i;rs. I!c,,p1mirn,, visited ijov. 21 tmC 22 respectively. the library is indebted to lirs. Ruth Jottelhe:►rra for an e; kbit of Sti°ieuish straw an,- ,,els and Ghristnas figures in the two Mass display cases in the lobby. Tho children's art c7a ss of :lrs. J!�cqueline `.:hito has provided a colorful display of Lair sta~1s pictures in the children's room. CITY OF iil:;l . :ILMUE S D-80 V-s- 'iI 02' I':ocoribor, 1955 This �o i3u et ;ot _.onth i ota Allow anco Lalance 5-1 oalaries 3562.71 21*668,97 x7,9.30.00 26vg.61.03 E-11 :UpDlii os 30.11 367.00 900.00 533000 I.-12 Printin�_, 295.30 300.2 £300.00 431.76 heat 249.74 lolil.06 12,000000 95£3.9,1 I -1� Telephone 38.37 157.31 360.00 202.69 1051.63 1500.00 dM,32 1s-17 Books 9116.00 5000.93 10901,00 5130.07 !:-17A iicr.-Iodicals 3,: .75 1103.50 1100.00 - 3.56 :.1-17?; I-Alidd nc 173.27 690.55 2200.00 1509. -5 ::-19 OonVo tion x'.00 77.05 125.00 17.95 T i-l0A Auto Allow. 13.,10 55.70 125,00 G9.22 i-2.0 Iucs to Z3b.Assn. 60.00 60.00 i -^3 Oont-ra ct 170.00 1017.x0 .`-.'200.00 1182.60 C;-90 C;ngital -,Y. 136.00 176.00 Total beforc salaries 1970.13 110795.56 229x97.00 100701.44 Total a.:ter salaries 5532.54 33,464. 53 78,427.00 36,962.47 i STaTiSi1CL) rOx .TUU .:X 1955 CIRCULATION Adult non-fiction ---------- 5342 1160 Child non-fiction ---------- 1127 623 Adult Fiction ---------- 5550 2211 Child Fiction ---------- 1302 TOTAL BOOK CIRCULAIIUN 13,864 $ Periolicals -------------- 774 604 Ph6nograph recor.Is --------- -9 _ TOTAL OTH R iTSAS CIRCULAIW 865. 5?00 6U4 T-�)TAL CIRCULA110A 14,729 GRAANI) 1'MiL CiRC:Uli.,k1101u Q4,i-:3 1955 Daily average for _iain 535 589 D-iii.y av m�rgga for Lranch 232 2 (o 817 y 825 ]',',G I S T Ri�'i I0i48 AdjIt Child Z;;tal _:'embersiUp Nov. 1, 1955 760y 2171 10,200 A3.litions in iiov3mber 223 101 324 "Vi.t-'�drawals in Jovember 244 61 305 lembersnip Dec. 1, 1955 7788 2511 ACCESSIO14S A.4D ,,.!I iDHA.''ALS OF zOUK STOCK Added Lost & ;:aid CSI elled Tota 2;?.z ORO Adult non-fiction j:✓;, 8kao 9 2 15 56,8 Child non-fiction qJ -1 76 1 1 9-P 4069,Z HS non-fiction q'y(p 4 446 " 0 Adult fiction Z,� �/D�' 98 3 5 , HS fiction .Z8 5 3 Child fiction ��7 , 171 J Pamphlets addad ---48 Net increase in book stock --49Q393 D 4,'?0S1I,:DiIH CM �r?'.�k:,UH::K $714.08 :ia in --4578.23 Branch-- 135.85